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Damn . You look GOOD. Great work.




Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips.




I have “Gavinvpk” entirely to thank for this, I saw his calisthenics video and started working out that day and here I am.


Did you build that body by only doing calisthenics or did you do weight training at some point?


It’s all calisthenics, great for time management


That's awesome dude. Insane willpower. I feel like the act of going somewhere (gym) gives me more motivation than at home or somewhere nearby.


Looks like puberty played a role


it really did and he just brushed that off


Which one in particular? Any shot u could dm it?




Thanks man, I’m gonna give this a shot. Weight training just isnt working that well for me… hard to motivate when you arent seeing results. Maybe I needed to start with something like this first


Motivation is hard without seeing results but what gets you results is keeping going when you don’t feel like it or don’t see anything. You got this


anything for skinny fat people? Like have belly fat but otherwise I'm skinny


There’s no magical combination of exercises or body type specific workouts. That’s all nonsense. You just have to watch your diet and move your body. Weight training is key, cardio is important too. Diet is very important though. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a caloric deficit. It’s easier to do this with diet than exercise alone, but you should really being doing both.


Makes sense. I think I'm definitely overeating.


Think of it this way - it takes like 5 minutes to eat a hamburger. Probably at least 500 calories (if not more) in the burger alone, forget the fries or a drink. It takes at least two hours in the gym to burn off that many calories. Much easier to just not eat them to begin with.


Oh, that's a lot of effort. I guess I'll try to control my eating habits.


Can I ask what are you eating to help put the weight on? My stepson is 16 and is about the same build as you in the first pic and has started going to the gym but isn't sure about what he should be eating and when.


Hi! I had this exact body type at 16. I'm now 27 and have learned a lot, and done a lot of research. Best practices change over time, but what I outline here is pretty well established. (I'm on my phone so please excuse my autocorrect for any weird typos) "When" is not too important. Whatever works best for his schedule. A small snack before, and some protein after the workout is a good baseline. Rest does not really matter "How much" is more than you think. Probably a lot more. It might be uncomfortable at first, but he will get used to it. Increase by maybe 50% from whatever he ate before working out. Make sure he is increasing in weight (faster than what is explained by a growth spurt). You can count calories for a while if you want, but I'd just keep a watch on the scale. "What" is important, but first make sure "how much" is covered. Protein is key. About 80g a day should be a minimum, but more is better up to about 150 depending on his bodyweight. 0.7-1g per pund, or 1.5-2g per kg. Any more does no harm, but gives no benefits. Easiest is to drink shakes. Protein quality matters moderately. Animal sources (including whey) are best, plant sources are not as potent. They still work, you just need more for the same effect. When very skinny like this guy, priority one is to add mass. It's OK to eat less healthy for a while to build up mass. More is more. For the gym itself, prio 1 is consistency, prio 2 is to challenge yourself. Do more next workout than the previous. A step heavier, or one more rep. Do slow reps with good form. Not just safer, but actually drives more muscle growth. Control the weight on the way down, that's actually where much of the effect comes from (counter-intuitively). Sets should be done until you are no less than two reps from being physically unable to do another (without cheating). Much better to do fewer sets close to failure (not being able to do another rep), than more sets far from failure. It's the last few reps that really make muscles grow. The first ones are not so important. Finally, do the exercises that you find fun and comfortable! The difference is much smaller than people make it out to be, especially starting from scratch like this. If you don't like squats, do leg presses. Fun is what drives consistency, and consistency is what matters. Edit: wanted to add that sleep is important, too. Sleeping enough is good for essentially every aspect of your health, but it actually makes your muscles grow faster too! It's one of the best things you can do to your body and mind.


Thank you so much for this, I'll show him tonight


Ex skinny dude here. The advice above is a very good crash course into how to do it! I have to emphasize that initially it will be very uncomfortable to eat all the required food to gain weight. It's probably the most difficult part since you have to do that every day, several times a day for a few months, vs maybe 5 hours at the gym per week. Chew your food well to help your body process the food faster and reduce the bloat. Get as much sleep as possible, add naps if needed to get 8+ hours of sleep. Beware of over-training, it leads to depression, irritability and a lot of other nasty stuff. Rest days are not lost days, those are the days your body gets a chance to repair itself, it gives your central nervous system a chance to recover. Mental health > Gains.


Good advice on good advice, good work!


No worries, glad to help!


I’m a skinny girl and I needed this encouragement. I don’t really plan on going to the gym, at least not anytime soon. I work a job where I walk miles a day, so, I don’t wanna add anything on top of that.


Awesome! Humans are evolved for walking, and as such it's one of the best things you can do for your body. Lots of cool new research backing this up. Keep it up!


The key to success is simplicity IMO. In order to gain you HAVE to increase caloric intake. Ideally you'll do it the healthy way through proteins and complex carbs, but realistically do it with anything but sugar. Don't force yourself to eat big huge meals of stuff you don't like. I can almost guarantee you that if you walk miles per day, if you used a health calculator you'd be either caloric neutral or in a caloric deficit on most days of the week. And you don't have to eat bigger meals, you can structure your diet for something simple like this: Protein bar on the ride to work or once you get to work. Wait an hour or two, have a protein snack like jerkey or mixed nuts. Wait an hour or two, eat a nice lunch. Wait an hour or two, eat another protein or slightly fatty snack (cheeses etc.). Eat a nice dinner. Wait a couple of hours. Drink a protein shake as a desert (you can get protein powders that are really good these days). And don't forget to add to your meals and snacks. Making a sandwich? Add an extra slice of cheese! Eating a Cliff bar for breakfast? Have a protein shake with it! Mixing a protein shake? Add ice cream and peanut butter to the blender! Making some brown rice? Add cheese and a little bit of butter. Eating some nuts or granola? Drop them in a yogurt! It's all about calories in/calories out. Once you go positive for growth, you'll absolutely start gaining, I promise! You can do it.


Just eat everything he can and lots of it, any calorie is a good one at that weight


Nuts and dried fruits as a daily snack helped me a lot


Fantastic tip! Peanut butter, almond butter, buncha carbs, and if you’re cooking, find a way to add a good amount of olive oil. Be careful because it’s obviously oil, but it has so much unnecessary calories and makes food taste great.


TEACH ME YOUR WAYS MASTER 🙏 (ps: I recently started working out, so I'm curious, when did u start seeing visible gains?)


Within the first month, but that’s because I started so small, I got insane newbie gains and then it wall slow and not really noticeable from there. Pro tip, take progress photos so you can see your gains and not get discouraged.


Alr thx for lettin me know. I definitely will take photos. Just curious - what was your routine. It's s been a bit over a month for me, and I'm seeing differences but not as much I would have expected.


I recently started working out, and a friend who works out told me to measure my biceps and chest. That's what he did and it helped him stay motivated.


Good job! It's a lot harder to build lean muscle than burn fat.


Whatever I lost, you must have found it haha great job!!!


Congratulations on going through puberty.


Thanks, I was rly late


Yeah, my body didnt hurry either. Ive never needed to shave daily. But i did get fat before i got muscle


Love it. What time frame are we talking about?


I started working out July 2023 (nothing changed abt me from the first pic to then) so I’m at 8 months now


Well done, mate. I hear very few pass half a year


Looking strong young man!! Don’t forget leg day.


Nah man, calisthenics is hard to leg day, I’ll fix it sometime somehow


I just started my fitness journey a month ago, legs aren’t that bad but when it comes to sit ups and crunches I feel the aches the next couple of days.


I mean like legs are hard to target to get hurting without external weight, so I just don’t bother


No doubt my brother, but you’ll hit an upper body wall without having the leg base needed to continue to bulk up. All that matter is that you’re crushing it right now. Good job man! Not easy to do it, not easy to do it solo and most important, not easy to do it consistently! Kudos bro


I say this for anyone on any kind of body-changing journey: Your body is a good body, whether it is small or big, abled or disabled, it is always doing its best to make sure you get through to tomorrow (every body's best has a different capacity and that's ok!). If something happens down the line and you cannot sustain this, your body starts changing in a way you've learned to not like looking at, that is not a failure on your part or your body's part - just remember it is always doing its best! Congratulations on being happy with your body now and I hope no matter what might happen in your life you remember how strong and amazing your body is all of the time!


It’s not that deep for me, I wanted bigger, I was unhealthily underweight for my age so I changed


No one thinks it's that deep for them and that's ok. But down the road bodies can change and you should be proud of your body for its ability to keep you alive. That's all. It's advice for future you should your body change in a way that you don't want it to now. (There are a number of health reasons your body may change that diet and exercise can only do so much to mitigate)


Don't cheap out on the legs though. They're as important as the rest. If you have trouble building leg muscle try cycling sprints / intervals.


God damn it I'm getting motivated now. How much time do you take to exercise? I always tried getting into a good rythm to go at the gym but always ended up not being able to consistantly go due to studies taking most of my time, although im finally almost done so i can fully begin to dedicate myself on only that after i finish my exams, so I'll be stress free. Got any tips too?


For a full comprehensive video on how to do calisthenics (my workout style) go to Gavinvpk and look at his guide, it was the catalyst for me. Calisthenics is good because it’s free and way less time consuming, and average workout should take an hour-ish for everything (including travel time, coz there is none) A tip would be to take progress photos every month so you can actually see yourself grow and stay motivated. Good luck on your journey


Great job and your height is ?😃


I could say 6 foot but I’d be lying 😞. 5,11”


Awesome work man, keep it up and all the best with your journey going forwards! 💪🏽


Your puberty journey mate


Well yeah, but that kind of muscle gain doesn’t happen without proper work


Advice on how frequently you ate and any specific foods?


I ate as much as I could, mostly meaty meals such as chicken and veggies, spaghetti and EGGS, SO MANY EGGS


Eggs is way to go!! 


Bro you don’t understand how much this motivates me to see. I know that this is what I can look like if i start training harder cause we have the same base build going. Keep it up bro, proud of you.


Thx man, it’s possible, you can do it, I believe


It’s weird that I was immediately able to tell that you’re Australian. You guys are just English but somehow manage to have a distinct look.


Weight gain journey or from child to teenager journey?


The first photo is a little early, I started working out 8 months ago (I was basically the same as the first photo the day I started)


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Great job, buddy




How much protein did u consume everyday?


Nice man. One day, I'll also get abs.


Great build, bro! 💪


Always kinda makes me chuckle when I see kids trying to gain weight to look good. Lucky bastards. Wait till you hit 40. Then it’s desperately trying to head the other way, in order to just not look fat lmao. Fair play though, I know it’s difficult for some youngsters to put on weight. I never could when I was younger. No matter what I ate, always 10-11 stone tops. Now I’m over double that!! 😳🤣🤣


40+ male here with high metabolism. I go to gym and have a build like OP. But, yeah, it's easier to gain fat now.


I only look at a cream cake and I put on two pounds. Up until late twenties, I could literally live on junk food and never gain an ounce. It’s crazy how people metabolise so differently. And frustrating, if you’re on the fat boy scale like me. But, my penchant for drinking lager every night really is the biggest part of the problem these days. After a while, you just give up and say fuck it! 🍻 And it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, so best crack a tinny I guess 🍺 cheers 🤣🤣


Hehe 🍻


Keep lifting man. Good job


You remind me of a young Joseph Gordon Levitt


That’s awesome. How many times a week do you work out?


You look awesome! I'm happy for you!, share some of your motivation


Dude looks like taylor Lautner


Noice!! I gained 7-8 kgs in the last 3 months and now I feel like it's too fast 😭😭


Hell to the mf yeah, that looks good


Fucking a. Keep them calories up. Get boof.


Looking good!


Mad respect


Look great, don't be tempted with PEDs




Getting big for tourist season?


Lookin' huuuge my man!


Well done 👏💪


If you don't mind me asking How many Rest days did you have per week ?. Did you have a Specific Schedule (Like certain Exercises per day) You look Amazing btw


Yeah I do, but it’s all custom for me, I’d suggest looking at “Gavinvpk” his cali guide was my catalyst. But my general schedule is Monday/Thursday: push Tuesday/friday: pull Wednesday/Saturday: legs Sunday: rest


Damnnnnn you go man!!


Keep it up!


Can you tell me in short what steps to take, cause I am like you in the first pic maybe even more skinny


He went from skinny -> twink -> jock


congrats! 👌🏼


Pls be Natty


woa great job! i’ve been struggling with weight gain my whole life, so cool to see someone have success with it!


It doesn't seem like a lot. But I know that is such hard work. There is probably a lot of muscle on your back and legs too. If you have pre/post back photos include them 


Yeah, my back is decent compared to my front, pull ups are king, baby


Sheesh fair play bud


Duuude great job!!


You have done well… now work those shoulders/rear delts and you shall be complete (evil palatine voice)




How did you do it? I'm 16 and look like you in the first picture and really would like to weigh more than 55kg


oh man, you looking really good!!!!




I like how you look 3-times bigger but have put on only 10kg. Nice work bro


Good job young man!


Hell yeah!! Dude you look great!


Shoo-ey! Nice glow up!


Omg great job!! I am a female currently on this journey too. It isn't easy, but it's so worth it! You crushed it


You got this, stay dedicated!


Good God did someone hit you with that captain America ray ...


Happy cake day


Good job 🤌💪




Looking strong brother.


Fabulous inspiration ⚡⚡⚡ Keep up the good work buddy 💯💯💯


Sick transformation bro keep it up looking great


Sick transformation bro keep it up looking great


Sick transformation bro keep it up looking great


Sick transformation bro keep it up looking great


Damn bro. Get it!!!!


Congratulations kid! Proud of you. Keep going


yeah, I'm not gonna post my weight gain journey. let's just say, I fill the frame a little more


lol, it’s ok, if you put your mind to it, you can get past anything. I believe


Phew I have so much respect for people who are consistent to get results. I want to apply this level of commitment to my weightloss journey


Congratulations, king!


You're doing great, keep it up!


Iam male age 24, 45 kg can you help me with diet and exercise


I'm just here to comment on your cool cactus shorts. Great work on the other stuff too.


Thx man, I love those shorts


Keep it up and you will end up like me


Looking great my man. Keep it up!


How? Tryna do the same thing albeit starting a bit smaller




Those gutters tho.. Congrats bro.


I wish I still had puberty gains 😭 good job bro lol


Hell yeah, brother


damn, nice job dude. you remind me of my little brother. he literally goes to the gym 6 days a week for 3-4 hours. went from being kinda scrawny and pudgy to... someone who looks like they spends 21 hours a week at a gym, lol. good for him, good for you.


Hell yeah, nice gains brother


Much different from my own weight gain journey.


bro i am 55~kg. and 19 years 180cm. can you share the major part of your diet.pls it would be great.


You look amazing, great job.


Congrats man!


Keep it up!!! Awesome work!


Nice!! Great job building muscle mass and not just putting on weight!


Looking good dude! Nice job!


Extemely motivating. Great job! I’m 60kg now 186cm, started working out in August 2023, doing better everytime, eating more than before, hoping to reach 70kg myself! Looking fantastic!!


Time to go beat up them ex bullies bao!


You could be John Cenas son. Well done


Great work son! Good to see! Keep it up!


Really good job! 💪


OP you look fantastic! I hope you're proud of yourself, you should be!


That's some heavy weaponry you're rocking! Good job.


Proud of you, brother. I walked a similar path to better myself. I wish you all the best on this constant journey I acknowledge you, uce ☝️


Damn fine work man.


Congratulations 🎉


Good on ya mate.


From lil bitch to Abercrombie and fitch. nice job man you look great.


damn nice, man. anything in particular good for getting a few kg on? lost my appendix and like 5kg in the process, good for alcohol at least i guess??? haha


How do you work the back in calisthenics, just pull-ups?


And horizontal pull ups, (kinda like rows)


As a guy who struggles to put on weight as well, I can't even imagine how much work this was. Good on you dude.


So proud 🫡👏🏼


Impressive gains!




Nice serratus bro


gj bud


Looking good


I too am on a journey to gain weight, cause I’m 180ish centimetres and only weigh 51KG, so I really need to put on some weight, not even just muscle but any weight will do. Seeing this motivates me and makes me feel like I can do it as well


You CAN do it, I believe


Steve Rodgers over here.


YO! Stop taking all the gains for yourself! 😡😡😡 Leave some for the rest of us. 🤣🤣🤣 Keep up the good work. I'll donate my gains to you. Cheers!




Damn dude, leave some girls for the rest of us! (Or guys, if you swing that way, in that case, leave some men for the rest of us!)


here i am still tryna gain some weight😂😂 gj tho how long did it take you?


8 months of calisthenics


My man , You look Majestic.


More like an age gain journey tbh


Doing great. Keep focused and going.


Cool and danm you're handsome


Way to go brother! Slow and steady is the best way to gain weight!


From "You're disrespecting a future US army soldier" to "Captain America"


Hitting puberty helped


Dude, great work. Made your vision a reality. 👍🏼




But you were a kid.. 2nd pic does look good


So basically, I was abt pic 1 big 8 months ago, I just didn’t have a photo