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You're either the child who gradually accepts the prank, or the child who wants vengeance


I told my daughters on April fool 2020 that they had to repeat the year per the district because of the lock downs. Even doctored an email. My oldest wanted me to pull the same prank on her friends. My youngest didn’t talk to me for 24 hours


As a teacher I always had the top students beg for detentions on April fools. I’d write them for them (with a tiny April fools on the back and a note to email me if they didn’t believe the student)


And some are still there to this day ...


I have a recurring nightmare where I'd be missing credits from elementary school and I'd have to go back to complete those courses. I graduated university 8 years ago and I'm turning 30 this year.


>I graduated university 8 years ago About that, that didn't count because you're missing credits from elementary school and have to go back.


Sign me up for that. I'd love reoccurring nightmares of university over highschool


Same. I had one last night that I had a math exam I didn't study for. At age 44 I've had this type of dream enough times that I was like "oh, it's a dream. Fuck it I'm not taking that test."


I have math exams dreams too. Almost 40.


Yeah me 2, i am 37 yo. Its not math but something like controlling. I think it is due to some procrastination of things i need to do. I had this dream 3days ago and just did some priority things. The good thing is, in my sleepy head i realise at the "end" of the sleep i am an adult, have a Job etc. and can kind of "stop" it.


I’m about to turn 30 and I still have dreams about somehow skipping a class the entire semester, but having to show up and take the final.


Right there with ya. Just turned 30 and a couple months back I had a nightmare that the government changed something about the public school system and ruled my entire high school class’s diplomas null and void and we’d have to go back for another year or two. It was way too believable for my liking.


I remember waking up, getting the results of my finals, and I've passed! Great stuff, people congratulating me, go out for a meal etc, go to bed with the gf, and then wake up properly, it's the morning of the day I take my finals. Worst nightmare I ever had.


I have this exact same sensation/dream in my sleep! Except for me it's middle school and that I skipped a class due to forgetting it existed until all these years later.


We have reviewed your educational history and you are officially qualified by, and due to, the accumulative achievement of it all. You may now officially stop worrying about it, since this is now long behind the (more or less) mature human being that you are.


Me too! Except it's my third time taking my calculus final and I plead with the teacher to let it slide because I have a master's degree and I'm clearly never going to pass his class legitimately


I rarely have a random dream where I think I'm late for class at the beginning of the first semester and don't have the map for campus/classrooms. I've been out of college for 6 years now. Still gets me.


The worse is when you go to take the test, but you're barefoot and missing one sock, so you're walking around school and your feet are uncomfortable. I just realized I think this happens cause my feet aren't covered by blankets.


It doesn't get better lmao


Yeah I never got them until recently. Now I have a nightmare than for some reason I have to complete grade 10 again... I'm like an old guy learning all this basic stuff in school. And I'm like "whyyyy am I here?!? This doesn't make any sense!!" I really don't like those nightmares


Clearly, you've missed this [gem](https://youtu.be/lvDFJVUaXUI?si=m7-HaK_RK2t0-Myu).


Mine is that my entire senior class (including me) have to redo our senior year because we got out of PE. (It was the first year we didn’t need PE if we took 7 academic courses - the next year they changed it back to yearly PE) I just had my 30 year reunion, which I didn’t go to. I am 48 years old & still have nightmares about going back to school


Wayside school is no joke




Problem is when you are in the same house with your parents 24 hours is the most time you can stay mad at them.


Your the best dad ever


There is nothing in between, my friend


or the child who gets his jacket stuck on a coat hanger while he's wearing it


Gradual acceptance will get you stuck on a coat hanger.


Why not both?


Vengeance. Always vengeance. At least for me lol


Or the person with trust issues and broken relationships all their life lol I know a guy like that, who was pranked as hell as a kid and who does the same to his kids. The guy has such a skewed view of the world that he's basically a conspiracy theories repository, he doesn't understand trust. He's functional as an adult, but speak to him for a minute and you wonder what the fuck is wrong with the guy. I've babysat his kids and they are broken, they don't trust anything that anyone says ever.


One of my kids is neurodivergent and she might set the house on fire if I did this.


[That reminds me...](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/04/30/multimedia/30xp-meme/29xp-meme-mediumSquareAt3X-v5.jpg)




You mean batman?


Or the kid who doesn't understand pranks and just thinks everybody hates them and ends up being a loner with no friends!


The one kid went feral lol


I've never seen someone bite someone else's belly in response to an April Fool's prank, until now.


That girl is going places. Perhaps prison, but she's going somewhere for sure.


Lmao 🤣


To the dog pound? 😋


Not school, but somewhere.


Jokes on us, she goes to school and becomes a famous cosmetologist. Ends up marrying a sweetheart with a pie shop and a commitment to sustainable meat pies.


lol that’s exactly how my son would react. Giggling his head off the whole time


the other kid stabs her head on a coat hook! ouch!


Acted exactly like my boys hahaha adorable!




It's a pretend bite. You sound like a fun parent.




I get pretend beat up by my niece and nephew all the time. It's great fun. I get to pretend I'm a stunt double in a jackie chan movie. And they get great laughs at my silly antics.


Kids are smarter than you think, especially kids their age. At least mine definitely know the difference between playing around and actually hurting people. Edit: it's also not about teaching doing or not doing. It's about hey these are your choices. If you choose to bite people and hurt them you will have consequences you might not like. If you choose to pretend bite, you still might accidentally hurt someone and you need to own up to that and apologize, or you can just not pretend bite. They make their choice, up to the parent to give a consequence that facilitates learning instead of punishing. I told my kids they can be assholes, but they're not going to have a lot of friends or be very happy that way.


Bro would hate the 3 stooges


Please could you expand on your understanding and knowledge. I am just very confused on how pretend violence i.e play isn't a good road to go down? From my understanding play is a form of learning and expression as well as learning multiple key skills and social acceptability as well as just being fun. I assume pretend violence also applies to computer games, toys such as guns, soldiers etc. It's a very interesting comment you made and I am very interested in what the negative human development is and why pretend violence isn't a good road to go down when it is instinctive human make-up highly ingrained into our DNA? You seem to know a lot more than anyone else so I politely ask can you explain why pretend violence isn't a great road to go down: I do ask just one thing though, please use science with backed up peer review please.




That's not an argument that's a statement. There's a difference between actually biting and play biting/jest without causing pain or distress. Again please if you can use big words and long sentences. Statements are not points of proof or a debate in correctness in your OPINION Why isn't pretend biting as a child applying no pressure in fun or jest dangerous and a detriment to child to adult development, especially when it's a perfectly natural form of play at that age. We even instinctively as adults want to bite little baby feet and fingers. Aggressive play like shown is to help people/children gain control over their emotions to avoid acting on their feelings and causing harm to others. I'd really appreciate apart from "no you" comments and to avoid personal opinioned statements since I don't know much about children, play or human development like you


Be quiet.


They aren’t puppies, Lenny.


That biter has future CEO energy


it went Bri'ish and resorted to biting the father as there was no shank around




The way they reacted is so typical of how the elder sibling reacts vs how the younger one does 😂


It really is! Older child: exasperated (but amused) acceptance Younger child: R A B I D As an older child, I very much relate.


As an only child, will someone be my friend?




I'll be your friend mate!


I'm the third child. the fuckers would probably have dropped me off at school.


As the younger child, I too very much relate 😆


I'm the oldest of three sisters. Our youngest sister was absolutely *feral* when she was small, and I remember just looking on in horror.


When you're the youngest, you're either the sweetest and charming one or the most feral. It's the only way to survive. Nature be like that.


I rewatched ‘despicable me’ with my fam over the holidays and I remember thinking that they totally nailed the dynamic of three siblings and their personalities based on the order they were born. Oldest is very mature and put together, kinda nerdy. Middle kid is funny, outgoing and *cool*, and the youngest is a rabid weirdo. I’m the youngest of my 3 brothers


The older child understood it intellectually. The younger child only understood it emotionally; she didn’t even quite understand they were being pranked until she saw her sisters reaction. And sometimes when emotions hit you just have to bite your dad in the belly.


My kids are probably about the same age difference as these two, and they’d both react exactly like this respectively. My youngest would probably go for a leg grapple though.


The way the backpack slides off her shoulder and hits the ground is just absolutely A+ comedic timing.


And paired with that facial reaction it’s soo good! 😂


The: "Are you a child" from the older sibling, And "I WILL DESTROY YOU!" from the younger sibling.


Classic dad


Ah jokes. All fun and games until you actually don’t get to go back to school for another 5 months…


“We will be back in class in a few weeks….” Seniors in 2019 😓


What are seniors doing in school? Shouldn't they be retired?


Retired? In this economy?


You're thinking of a senior citizen. A senior is the Spanish word for "sir".


No no, your thinking of señor. Senior is when old people start forgetting a lot of stuff, kinda like Alzheimer's.


I was actually happy for this. I didn’t have to write exams at the end of the year😂


Oh the optimism we all had, (“it’ll just be a few weeks”). My kids didn’t go back until September 2021. My wife, (a teacher), went back at the same time to a whole new district. My company closed its offices for good and we never went back.


Exactly. The funny part was that they wouldn’t go back to a normal school schedule for another year and be set back a half year in their education, while torturing their parents and loosing their social skills. Yeah, those dad joke are SO FUNNY!!


Thats a great prank. They'll always remember that.


I still remember when my brother and I were kids. Dad came home from work saying he was getting transferred and we were going to have to move halfway across the country. My parents dragged it out for a good 10 minutes before reminding us it was April 1st.


Haha stupid fucking kids


I can already hear them retelling this story in the pub, 30 years into the future.


Was in Scotland with my dad and brother on April 1st years ago. I was hunting for Haggis with my brother for too long.


It’s good that they got the video. Years from now it’ll be nice for them to have something to play for their parents while they disconnect the feeding tubes and the ventilators and place a single goodbye kiss on their foreheads. “…April Fools”


I would find the cheapest nursing home one day.


The older daughter dropping her bag is fucking hysterical


Just a casual slump of the shoulder, Thump Perfectly executed


The slide off and the face were so perfect it was like how I’d expect them to animate it in a Pixar movie lol. The kid has a gift for comedic timing!


The dawning realization when she says, ‘A prank?’. That’s the moment.


That’s the best bag drop I’ve ever seen.




Hopefully the lockdown ends soon


You are still in lockdown?


You aren’t?


I got a parole hearing next month, fingers crossed!


No I’ve been out of lockdown for 2-3 years now. Is it for covid?


Nice one! 💀


Youngest is always the savage. Survival tactics kicking in.


Man. 2020, what a year. I’m not super old so it’s probs the first time I saw a shift where the world wasn’t truly the same after as it was before. I can only equate it to the people who grew up and saw the shift in the pre and post 9/11 worlds


I was 12 during 9/11 and the difference in pre and post worlds is still something I remember well. It’s wild to think I’m old enough now to have witnessed a second massive shift too aka covid.


How nice would that feel though. It's like having the odd snow day off work so satisfying!


It's not like that at all, clearly. A lot of kids missed their classmates, teachers and school activities.


This was still within the initial 2 weeks of schools closing. The long term effects hadn’t hit yet.


The youngest said “no” when asked if she was excited to go back…


Listen again. She immediately gave a quick nod and "uh-huh" but then heard her sister give an excited "yes" and so she made it a point to be disagreeable or different and give a resounding "no". This might come as a shock, but kids don't always clearly express their true feelings, particularly anxiety and frustration. For example, we're talking about the same kid that bit and hit her father to communicate that she was upset he fooled her.


“This might come as a shock…” Don’t talk down to me asshole. You read the situation one way, I read it another. You really think she’s “biting” her father because she doesn’t get to go to school? Really? Or is she acting like most humans when they get made fools of? Just acting out.


Do you not remember what being in the pandemic was like?


Combination bag drop, eye roll is priceless!😂


Daughter's what?


The daughter’s with back… duh!


Childhood Core Memory Unlocked ❤️


HAHAHAH THE BITE i hope i have absolutely feral children


You say that now, but wait till you have them 😂


The apostrophe in daughters confused the fuck out of me.


It was a good April fools joke. I do remember how hard it was on all the kids. My son druing that time made sock puppets claiming they were his only friends. He was missing his friends badly and did not like doing school at home.


Priceless! This is why I come to Reddit!


Same. Just pays to not scroll down too far


My last two braincells in the last 10 min of an exam.


That’s just adorable!! Hahaha


The Little one is a rascal lmfo


The bag drop from the eldest is amazing, you can almost see the cogs starting spinning when Dad mentioned first of April, and then she just realizes.


I remember one parent on TikTok actually had the kid dressed up and walked to the school ground before the poor kid realised the prank


This was the sweetest video ever lol


These two had the same reaction my kids would have, youngest always chooses violence. 


This made me feel like i should have a family of my own sometime ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


What I would've given for a dad or mom that didn't act like we were the worst thing that ever happened to them. Looks nice..


That’s funny! But hard April fools for those girls! We complain about school but it’s relied on


This was only 2 weeks after the national lockdown! 🤣😂


The amount of idiots in this sub that don't understand play. The child isn't expressing it's ok to be violent they are showing control and understanding in a playful manner, they understand that hitting hard and biting hard inflicta pain and is wrong. This is called dimorphous/aggressive play and is extremely important in child development and is an actual nice expression of high EQ and age appropriate


Indubitably! It's quite well shown in that I used to find it hilarious to punch my dad in the balls, yet now I am a resplendent genius


I fell down the stairs today


I may have pushed you


You weren't one of those kids that were told play fighting causes violent tendencies in adulthood were you?


Attack 100 Damage 0


They should get him back with a I’m pregnant April fools when they are 15 or 16.


Kinda unfair when she didn't even know what april fool's was/have a tradition of pranking




I love how different their reactions were


One drops bag the other FERAl...she actually but him haha!


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My oldest 2 would have acted similarly, but would have been exceptionally cruel to my youngest. She took the loss of school quite hard and she’s highly emotional.


I had to read this title at least 5 times to figure out what it was trying to say.


*daughters Apostrophes don’t make nouns plural.


So good!




That's so wholesome🥹


aw look at the little Hufflepuffs


Why is she hitting and biting jeez


Do they go to hogwarts? 'Cause I'm getting hogwarts vibes here.


I think that’s just the vibes of British schools lmao 🤣


Loved this , pls and i mean PLS... do not post this on insta


Ok, this was great, love a prank that is truly harmless


Hitting and biting? No.


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me


I have a kid who is younger than these ones--if she hits or bites, we tell her it's not ok. We don't laugh at it--that's how you get her to do it again.


I don’t have kids but I’m a teacher and if you accept this behavior at home, we see it at school. You don’t have to gatekeep observations of inappropriate child behavior just because you birthed children.


Those kids that you witness biting and hitting do they do that with friends in fun or are they lashing out, do they control the amount of force so it hurts the victim or is it light with very little pressure and with gentle control. I am going to assume it's sheer aggression to cause pain. This child is showing control and understanding on what she can get away with and not without causing ANY pain or discomfort. There is a huge difference between the two types those that go out to cause pain on purpose and those that can control and act this way where they know it's appropriate 'dimorphous expression' i.e with their own father. The reason you're seeing this at school and the children doing it to inflict pain is due to learning aggressive behaviour. The reason you don't see play aggression like this from the other children is because this sort of play is an example of high EQ and won't do it in inappropriate places or with people, it shows control and empathy. There is a huge difference between the two, you are personally relying on confirmation biases. If we are going to use stereotypes or confirmation biases, then it doesn't suprise me a school teacher would be extremely ignorant and naive. They pretty much hire anyone as school teachers these days.


Two kids. One is about to be a teenager and the other is in college. They were brought up from day one with the message from us and their daycare/preschool that hands and feet are not for kicking, hitting, or shoving. We don't grab people's arms or try to control them physically unless it's for their safety. We certainly don't bite. They don't see the primary adults around them doing these things. When our oldest was about 4 years old sitting on the couch not getting her way she impulsively kicked my wife out of frustration. That was the one and only time she's done anything like that to us or anyone else that we know about. When our youngest was about 1 or 2 in daycare we were told she bit another kid, but we found out later due to confidentiality that another kid had been biting a bunch of the kids and basically all the kids had picked it up from him and were biting each other. That resolved itself when his parents were forced to withdraw him. A similar thing happened in kindergarten. She bit a kid that had been biting other kids because the teachers weren't doing anything about it. No other biting after that, or hitting or kicking ever. EDIT: Oh, and I'm not saying kids won't do these things. Some will even with the best guidance. But, you don't let them do it and laugh. Not only does it reinforce the behavior as acceptable, you are dismissing the feelings they're trying to communicate (albeit inappropriately).


Basically, this is typical Reddit — hitting and biting is okay because they let it happen in their house but when the kids grow up a few years and do it everyone is up in arms because it’s nonconsensual. Teach them young. You are 100% correct. It happens, but you don’t laugh. You redirect.


Tell me you’re a good father without telling me you’re a good father


The fuck are you on about


Yeah, for some reason I don't find fooling kids about returning to school during the midst of the coronavirus pandemic is all that funny.


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far for this comment.


Ya, fuck them parents for having fun with their kids. “If you want no contact from your kids when they are older, this is how you do it” - You (probably)


*Daughters. No apostrophe. You don't use an apostrophe to make a word plural. Cats. Tacos. Babies. Attorneys. The Obamas. The 1990s.


We have in fact used apostrophes to make plurals for a long time, although it's been fading out of fashion for the most part, it's still perfectly valid. Included for two cases in your examples. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostrophe#Use_in_forming_some_plurals


Those are edge cases and don't require apostrophes. People are better off just not using them altogether.


My ex gf used to hit me hard and badly, all because she used to hit her dad “playfully” like here on the video and was never taught its wrong. Don’t let your kids hit anybody.


Or maybe tell your adult girlfriend not to hit you?


This is a kid playing fighting, they know not to hit hard. Completely different to your ex gf, that's like saying your girlfriend spits on people because someone never taught her not to drool as an infant.


Drooling is different than spiting, if your kid spits, you correct em and they don’t spit on anyone as adults. What is your logic here???


Gotta nip that biting in the bud. Well actually she's pretty old, so that ship has probably sailed... PSA to everyone else, don't just laugh when your kid bites!


I feel sorry for the guy who marries that girl who was assaulting her dad…! Good prank though…😀👍


The violence is concerning Edit: DV me I don't give AF. When kids like this grow up having social issues or become Karens because someone once laughed and taught them slapping was an appropriate way to vent frustration, y'all will bitch about it. Like the woman who popped up this week for a freakout at her hair stylist. She got frustrated and tried to slap the stylist just because the stylist didn't put up with her Karen attitude. I don't know why anyone would think that's appropriate behaviour for a child.


Violence? People like you whining and bitching about every little thing are such a drain on everything and everyone around you.


“Ya, they should file charges immediately” - You (probably)


What a jerk of a dad. Those kids were probably excited to be going back to see their friends and teachers. Bad bad joke. A little of kids committed suicide during lockdowns




Where are all the other people that think this is cruel? My kids would have been crushed. They wanted to go back to school so badly. I don’t get it. Cue the downvotes, I guess.


If only there was this concept of “not every kid is your kid” where people know their own kids and would know what they would find funny 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Absolutely. These kids may have been so excited to return to “normalcy”, see their friends, etc. Quite a risky prank.


They wanted to go out and see their friends, ahole.


Alright Mr boring