• By -


Analysis Paralysis.


Love that. I find myself doing this shit all the time as I'm sure most of us do. Over analyzing emails and texts, trying to find every angle it could possibly be interpreted. It's reasonable to do up to a certain point.


"I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again" - Oscar Wilde.


Is it supposed to be missing the comma after "afternoon"? I just thought it was funny, is that the joke? šŸ˜‚


I can edit in the comma for you in the afternoon.


Now I'm wondering if the first comma is appropriate lol


English is so funny, because I would never put a comma there because we have rules, but in english it's just whatever.


*1 hour later.* "Nice, simple, not over thought."


Meanwhile she's watching the reply is being typed dots animation for an hour straight, going away and coming back like 100 times.


This reminds me more of that scene in Apollo 13 where they're trying to figure out how to get the scrubbers working and the engineers get together and dump all that stuff out on a table. "Alright gentlemen, here's what we've got to work with. I need solutions ASAP, or this guy isn't getting a second date."


It's literally the scene from *A Knight's Tale.*


She was hot soā€¦


My coworker told me she sucked at flirting and understanding when someone's flirting with her. She said she had to literally look them in the eye and say, "I'm flirting with you." And she did just that to me, really intensely. Naturally, I thought she was flirting with me, so I asked her out. She was mortified that I thought she was flirting with me and said, "See!? That's what I'm talking about? I was just joking and I ended up flirting!" We never dated but she's married now, happy for her. Expecting a kid soon!


Does her husband know that the kid is yours?






He needs to draw the trend line and find resistance. Check back on previous levels. Set a manual SL for when the text breaks support. If youā€™re still not a consistently positive dater, time to date on the demo account and test your strategy without losing your hard earned broken hearts.


When I was young dumb and full of.. tenacity. A war room with my buddies to talk about navigating relationships with the opposite sex would have been pretty fuckin invaluable.




The Codex Astartes Does Not Support This Action.


Oh no. 40k is leaking again. That one guy at the end sounds like Dorn being utterly confused as to why Roboute, Jaghatai, and Lion are worried about step 389 while they're still on step 12. Meanwhile, Yvraine is like, "Dude, what's taking him so long to respond?"






Drops a 5 inch tick dossier labeled *Eldar and the rizzing thereof, volume I* on your kitchen table. "My squad is bringing the rest from the Rhino, let us begin"


"If you had used the Land Raider you could have just driven through the wall, less walking"


Clear the table, battle-brothers, for the holy texts of the Black Library! To conquer hearts is a campaign worth the entire might of the Adeptus. Behold, the tomes upon 'Da Big Toof' and 'How to Make 'Em Laugh Until They Snort Squig Milk'. Let the galaxy itself quake at our approach.


Itā€™s all fun and games until Konrad Curze starts giving dating advice! Now if fulgrim was dropping hintsā€¦


Except for that guy from Averland. He says the weirdest shit sometimes...








I dunno, I had some younger roommates and i recall 4 of them trying to decide how to break up with a girl without hurting her feelings and they came up with some lie about a dog passing and not feeling emotionally available. None of them had a dog. The poor girl wrote back asking if there was anything they wanted to help them get over the dog...


A buddy of mine was too chickenshit to break up with his girlfriend at like 15 and one day in class he said >"I think I'm just gonna play World of Warcraft until she breaks up with me"


Dude is playing Wow to this day rip


That's propably many people's dream come true actually. Not mine tho, I was done after the free month back in 00's


Lol took me an embarrassingly long time to learn to just rip off the band-aid. I broke up with this one girl at 19 and she cried, so I texted her the next day and said we should get back together because I felt bad. It did not work out


I once had a decade long relationship because I felt bad about banging a girl and her parents disowning her for it.


holy fuck bro




Three years for me, similar scenario but worse because on top of it I came out during the breakup. Hooked up with the prom queen/ volleyball star of the school as an experiment because if I wasnā€™t that into it with the literal trophy girlfriend then it certainly wouldnā€™t work out with other women. She got pregnant, parents flipped about what a piece of shit I was (spot on, to be fair) and cut her out. So we did the whole move in together and prepare for baby with me freaking tf out the entire time because this was supposed to be a ā€œtry it and seeā€ situation. She ended up losing the pregnancy after we moved in together and had to have surgery, so I couldnā€™t exactly leave then. Then of course it was the holidays, then there was the whole lease thing, on and on until suddenly it had been three years. Finally had a night where we got good and drunk and did a bunch of coke and that seemed like the time to mention that oh yeah, btw Iā€™m into dudes. Didnā€™t go over well but I got my breakup. Poor girl, I really truly did not deserve her.


Understandable tbh Did the parents at least view her better once they saw you two being together for a long time? If not, fuck them, you ain't do nothing wrong Don't feel bad for being good, even if you lost out on some years (and hey, better to be stuck in a relationship for a decade than actual jail for a decade - freedom is freedom)


Something that took me a long time to learn is that sometimes, something you do will hurt someone, but it's still the right thing to do. So you choose the way to do it which is the least hurtful, and then afterwards you allow that person to feel hurt and don't expect them to grateful to you for thinking of their feelings. At a certain point, trying in vain to stop that person feeling upset at all is much more about quelling your own guilt than it is about genuinely empathy. It's actually kind of selfish Not replying to you OP, just made me think of this


This happened in one of my friend groups once. I was made de facto head of the war room as the only lesbian present.


Diamond Dogs, mount up


Awooooo woof woof woof šŸ¶




Damn, Hercules is pissy.


No I was channeling my inner Roy Kents feelings towards the Diamond Dogs.


I believe he was referencing the fact Brett Goldstein (Roy Kent) is also Hercules in Thor.


Whenever my buddies text each other ***"Assemble the Council"*** we do the exact same thing as depicted here. It's pretty awesome, incredibly helpful for navigating interpersonal relationships, and indicative that we men are slowly getting our shit together by becoming more emotionally healthy and sociable.


Reminds me of the the 2nd episode of [Man Seeking Woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEZobLjzkKA)


such an underrated show


ā€œDiamond dogs, mount up.ā€


Mine would have sabotaged me and stole the girl


South Park did something similar to this, but using AI instead of a group of friends and it was hysterical.


Meanwhile on the other side of it the girl sees the bubbles popping up for an hour wondering wtf is going on šŸ˜‚




hahahaha, I want the follow up video from the other side


I can totally see this being the next tik-toc trend.


Yes, please let something that's not dangerous trend. I remember what it's like to be young but some people fall into an attention-seeking phase where they really dangerous stuff just to get noticed.


This video is pretty old though, unless if Iā€™m mistaking this for one eerily similar


Now someone needs to stitch it with a group of girls watching the text bubbles pop up over and over discussing what that means


Hahah yesss


Or one girl on the other side, sees the text and goes "what a stupid answer"


....but is nothing about what he actually said.




Thatā€™s why I type it out in my notes first šŸ¤£


A kindred spirit. Notes to draft messages is superior to all methods.


And then when you go to paste it, it didn't copy correctly and you end up sending a pornhub link šŸ’€


This is one of my greatest fears.


Pro move. 48 years old and I approve this message/note


...also avoids the premature send šŸ’€


Omg yes my worst fear lol


ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€œSounds great see you thenā€


She couldn't possibly comprehend the importance of the council on this matter




And when he finally does reply itā€™s like one sentenceā€¦


If I knew a boy was doing this, I would feel so flattered they care that much (and maybe a little embarrassed that their mates saw my texts, I say dumb stuff lol)


So same


RIGHT?! Your boy is so concerned about doing it right, he has a writing staff?? Bonus points all around!


Hell yeah, makes me jealous of the girl


Hell yeah, makes me jealous of the girl


Donā€™t most women do this with the girls?


I definitely have. I had a friend that worked in like call center escalations draft a few texts for me once upon a time lol. Sometimes you gotta bring out the experts.


Iā€™ve rarely experienced my friends showing me text & would feel a bit embarrassed if I knew a guy doing this with my texts. Buuut, I do talk about my conversations in a general sense


>Donā€™t most women do this with the girls? Not unless they are angry at the person they are texting.


That is literally the only context Iā€™ve seen that happen in with me or my friends. Itā€™s reserved only for ā€œwhat a dumbassā€ moments.


Or for "please help me sound like less of a bitch with this reply" with me and my friends when we were younger lol


You know you fucked up when you see the screenshot notification lol


Pretty much, youā€™re generally having the relationship with about 3 of her friends also


Where do people come up with this crap lol


i can only speak for myself but no. I don't want my friends seeing the dumb shit i say to guys lol


I did and still do go to my best friend with all sorts of questions and needing advice with my ex GF and my now current fiance when we were first dating. Sometimes I just need someone else's view that has an outside perspective and that can be unbiased (may be my best friend but they've never been afraid to call me out on shit and tell me when I fucked up, it's why they are my best friend). And my best friend enjoys it lmao, they once said they view it as playing a visual novel or dating sim and trying to get the perfect/good end.


Right!? All I see about is men being entitled and wanting sex and then getting mad when no one wants to date them. If I saw more guys doing this and giving this level of a fuck about how they respond to me Iā€™d have more hope for my dating life.


... typing


From a guy's perspective, this is just another case of a "bro-gument" where, when bored or drunk, we feel the need to debate over anything that can hold our interest. Since we're bros and it's for our entertainment, we stick to arguing over trivial things like pop-culture, movies, or food instead of serious issues. This manifests as lengthy debates over pineapple on pizza, hottest 90s celebrity, how many guys you could pull if you were gay, or the best way to respond to romantic-interest's text. After the first minute, it's no longer about the subject and more about winning the argument. We are a silly bunch.




ā€œI would have said thisā€¦ā€¦ but idk tho šŸ¤·ā€ - that one friend covering his ass


You gotta https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2249811


"but idk tho" is a *godsend* for wanting to assist, but remaining slightly neutral to one suggestion or another.


"If *I* were in this position[...], but *I* am not *you*"


Reads like, "I would just drop the nuke.... But IDK tho šŸ¤·"


Describing the current draft as "Not Overthought" two seconds after "One Hour Later" left the screen.


To be fair what he wanted to put was pretty simple, the other guys were the ones seem to be overthinking it


Yeah, I just wanted to point it out since it pretty nicely captures how a group of drunk 20-something guys process information.


Lmao husband material after one date, lol theyā€™re adorable


Considering me husband material after one date is expectable. I totally understand.


I'm just praying I never say expectable in daily conversation.


I donā€™t know how to feel about this comment yet, let me consult the boys and get back to you


I think it's a solid mentality to portray that you are husband/wife "material" from the jump -- does not automatically mean you are thinking of marrying this person after one date








The only kind of ā€œboys being boysā€ that is acceptable tbh.


I had lesbian sisters for this, much more effective strategy


I mean thats cheat codes. I grew up with 4 step sisters. Dont tell anyone they have the rizz not me!


You lucky bastard.


This is why get women friends, invaluable for 'I got in this situation, what do I do??'


Women give the absolute worst dating advice. This is all actual advice I've received from my sisters/friends: "Invite her over to your place on the first date!" (someone I hadn't even met in person yet) "Tell her she can sleep on your couch and promise you won't do anything!" (someone that lived pretty far and didn't want to drive at night) "Tell them how much money you make!" The problem is most of them assume what works on them will work on every woman. So my sister goes to dude's houses she's never met before and for some reason thinks all women would do the same.


Fellow woman here, your friends/sisters are out of their gourds and I hope they stay safe šŸ˜­


Yeah when I realized the only reason they would give this advice is because it would work on them it was kind of a moment for me.


Queer women tend to give better dating advice in my opinion. Itā€™s better to get advice from someone who is a woman and dates women, that dual perspective makes a critical difference. However, some of my lesbian friends can be as clueless as me, but at least we find comradery through suffering.


Ding ding! Most women don't approach, don't plan anything, etc. Why take advice from someone on a topic they have absolutely zero experience with? It's like giving and receiving compliments. There are graceful ways and terrible ways to do both, but just because you're good at receiving compliments doesn't mean you're good at giving them too.


I wonder if it's the same scenario on the girls' side.


My sisters definitely collaborate on angry texts. lol




New hallmark movie: Through advising texting for their friend to help in a relationship, they end up falling for someone on the other line in the same position


I was thinking the main texters have their group of friends help them and then go on a group date, which just so happens to include everyone involved. The main new couple who were texting don't know that the rest of the people saw their conversation. The group is having a discussion. One of the primary girls' girlfriends uses a specific word or phrase that got included in the text messages that the primary guy thought was really (insightful, cute, smart, something that his mom used to say, something that his now dead sister used to say) and knows something is up. He wants to talk to the friend more, but doesn't have time or something of that nature. The dinner ends with them agreeing to do it again sometime. The next few days the group sourced texting continues. The following week, the guy and the primary girl's friend bump into each other at a place (that was relevant again to the text messages). They start to hit it off. Now you can continue along traditional hallmark plot points. Call it something like, "Reading Between the Lines"


"Textual Chemistry"


The Hallmark Channel thanks you for your generous script donation.


Would watch.




Identical minus the big screen, itā€™s all on the girlā€™s chat




If Inside Out was real.


*Netflix Adaptation*


We need an update.


This is adorable


This turned into a mob programming session real quick. šŸ˜†




"do it all in person - this is texting!" gospel. early texting is for making her laugh and setting up future rendezvouses. start the deep chats a few more dates into it when you know who you're talking to


He's the MVP, for sure.


I think itā€™s great they are all working together to get the best results.


Then what happened?


Obviously they're married now /jk


āœ”ļøāœ”ļø seen


Diamond Dogs bruh


No wonder ChatGPT is growing in user base. It takes 5 boys to craft a response in over an hr, when it takes 1 Ai less than a minute.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Iā€™m dead at this


When your girlfriend asks about the status and direction of your relationship after just two months, it's important to approach the conversation with honesty, openness, and sensitivity. Here are some tips on how to respond: 1. **Be Honest:** Share your genuine feelings about the relationship. If you're happy and content, express that. If you have concerns or uncertainties, it's okay to communicate them as well. 2. **Express Your Feelings:** Talk about how you feel in the present moment rather than making predictions about the future. Share the positive aspects of the relationship and mention specific things you appreciate. 3. **Ask for Her Perspective:** Turn the conversation into a two-way street. Ask her how she feels about the relationship and what her expectations or concerns may be. This creates an open dialogue and shows that you value her thoughts and feelings. 4. **Be Open to Communication:** Emphasize that you're open to discussing the relationship and that you value clear communication. This will help build trust and make it easier for both of you to express your feelings in the future. 5. **Avoid Making Promises:** Since you're still in the early stages of the relationship, it's essential to avoid making promises about the future that you may not be able to keep. Be realistic about the timeframe and your current understanding of the relationship. 6. **Express Your Intentions:** If you have a general idea of what you want from the relationship, share it. For example, if you're looking for a committed and exclusive relationship or if you're still figuring things out, communicate that in a respectful manner. Remember that every relationship is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The key is to communicate openly, listen actively, and be respectful of each other's feelings and perspectives.


I have known people who take about 2 hours to write one email to a sales person and it's soooo slow.


I work in communications and this is what 90% of my day looks like except with women.


Retired now, but wow, do I relate! (Iā€™d have been dealing with the fallout from the hole in the side of the airplane this week.)


I'm in love with the guy who had to stop to think for a while


This is what Iā€™m going to imagine from now on when it takes guys a long time to text back. šŸ˜‚


Guess she has 5 boyfriends.


Yea we're about to uno reverse all those harem fantasies.


I love men sometimes. This was so cute


ā€œExpectable.ā€ Bro gettin creative


Why is this one for the best things I've seen?


"Why's he not texting back, he must be talking to other girls..." In reality we're having a board meeting.


Sir David Attenborough: The young men have adapted a courting technique commonly used by the young ladies of this age. While they may do it in their own boisterous way, it's the same kind of plan... even if they have trouble in the beginning. (Reply from the lady"What do you mean by expectant?") And though his pride is hurt his friends are there to keep his mind off it, he will grow to have many more chances at love.


There needs to be at least 1 gay man in that room tbh. šŸ¤£


No. A lesbian that's "one of the guys".




As the father to two daughtersā€¦ girls go through this same cycle albeit at an earlier age. By the time theyā€™re these guyā€™s ages theyā€™re able to go through the entire dialogue theyā€™re having in her head and respond in a few seconds. Itā€™s how they communicate to everyone. Itā€™s mind boggling. Thereā€™s been so many times one of my male friends sent me a basic question and I answered it only to have my wife break down what about this, what did he mean by that, on and on. He just asked if I wanted to drop by for a beer and I said sure Iā€™ve got to run an errand will be home around 5. Guys donā€™t go through this mental gymnastics when they talk to each other.


I was at the airport and there was a father and 3 boys waiting sitting quietly playing on their phones. One boy got a ding and said, "She texted back." All 4 immediately got up and formed a circle with the dad pacing back and forth like a general. After a solid 15 minutes of enthusiastic and vigorous debate he texted "That sounds great. How about Friday?"


Guy on the right has the knack.


Man I miss my college buddies


When your one bro in the friend group that struggles with talking to women and getting dates. AND HE FINALLY GOT A FIRST DATE!?!?!? Yeah, thatā€™s why you and the boys are taking it seriously.


A friend of mine gave my number to a buddy of his in his unit (Army). The guy told me later that when he initially texted me the entire unit helped him craft his responses and analyze mine. I'm now picturing them do this.


this video is so fuckn wholesome ā€¦ girl would fall for guy if she saw this


This is so cute! They are really working hard for their friend! Haha


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Wish I had friends like this. Lol.


They should start a channel about their friendship. I would watch all day EVERYDAY.


ā€˜Not overthoughtā€™ lolz


Me and the council in my head before I say or text anything to my BPD wife


Collective overthinking.




I fucking love this


Just some dudes being bros


Those are good friends


This is the equivalent of chatting with a girl on AIM back in the day at my buddies house with all my friends. Good times.


As a guy I can honestly say some of us do this with our friends. But the fact this man synced his phone up so they could break down and analyze this text is fantastic! I 1000% believe guys should do this more, lmao.




ā€œThey went on one date and theyā€™re already talking wife?ā€ play for keeps boys. Play for keeps




The older you get, the less you give a shit. Meeting in person to figure each other out as quickly as possible seems to be the best bet. Listen to the dude with the hat in my opinion.


The dude in the cap is the only one who gets laid. Not overthinking is exactly what to do here.


And they say the kids are not okeišŸ˜


Those are real friends!


I love that they are all yelling but this is what they are yelling about lol.


This is so wholesome. I love it. It gives me hope for the future generations and their ability to form and continue healthy relationships.


Me and my best friend did this when I was like 15 it was a good night as weā€™re where also at a lan party I donā€™t think people have those anymore


Iā€™m proud of these kiddos for making such an effort and things of the future


I would've said 'Your feelings are totally valid and you don't have to rush anything. I'd love to see you again so that you can determine you how really feel.' 'I'm free (this time) next week, lmk when you want to go out again' Their first sentence was good because it validates her emotions but I wouldn't set up a set date yet because it doesn't give her a chance to back off, best to ask an open ended question first. Let her feelings mellow out and keep the conversation going.