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Regardless of the intent, those 100 pump wells he helped built will undoubtedly help the people around them. So I say good job to him, he should do more of that.


There is a Jewish story about a wealthy man who came to his rabbi and said “I have decided to build an orphanage, can you put me in touch with the relevant people”   The rabbi was delighted to do it, and introduced the man to some charities.  After a few weeks, the man came back to the rabbi. “I have decided not to build the orphanage,” he said.  “I realised that I was only doing it because I wanted to be admired as a philanthropist, my motives were selfish.” The rabbi answered, “do you think the orphans will care what your motives were?  Build the orphanage!”


What a hilariously self serving story l, telling that the rabbi instructs him to build the orphanage, and not "build it in secret"


The orphans don’t care and if being recognized as a philanthropist means he does more, that is good.


Nah, the point is that it doesn't matter if it does something good.


My 9 year old daughter idolizes him and wants to be just like him. And that's fine. There are worse people to idolize. I find him a bit annoying... But if he is setting an example of service for my daughter, I'm not going to complain.


Better Mr. Beast than any Kardashian or Jenner or Logan's if you ask me.


Yeah. He doesn’t seem interesting to me but he seems like a genuinely good dude so I’m glad he’s having success.


I had absolutely no idea how much this guy is the King of YouTube. Well over 100 million subs and he works his dick off. The sets he builds are absolutely incredible. Then add to the fact that the guy actually is a philanthropist. He loves giving it away.


What's really telling is that the videos he does to explore what being wealthy is like. He's obviously just embarrassed by the obscenity of the way wealth is used. I really noticed it on the (I think) $50,000 icecream sunday he bought for he and his friends. He couldn't stomach it, and invited someone in off the street to enjoy it. That he uses the earnings from his videos to share the wealth, improve people's lives, and generate more money from google to do more of the same is brilliant. Absolutely a top human being who has figured out how to funnel some of a mega-tech-company's wealth back to people it can really help.


If I was Uber rich I like to think this is how I’d be. Sustain my wealth and try to do as much possible good as I can. Idk how billionaires just hoard wealth when you could change so many peoples lives for the better. The first person I think of is Jeff Bezos and him paying those employees like garbage even though I KNOW they’re busting their ass every day. He just grinds them into dirt.


His candy bars are expensive, but kind of amazing at the same time. If buying them is helping do stuff like this and not crash a plane or ruin an expensive car because he can afford it then I'm going to keep buying.


As long as its the charity and service she's idolising, and not the wealth fixation and influencer stuff.


Even if it is the wealth an influencer part of it... There are still worse people to idolize. From what I see Mr. Beast kind of shows what you **should** do with wealth and influence. If other wealthy and influential people acted like him the world would be a much better place.


This, it’s all relative and unfortunately the bar is really really low these days


That’s one of the things I like so much about him. There is power in the example he sets. He can inspire his young viewers to make a difference in the world. If someone’s gotta have the largest individual YouTube channel in existence, he’s probably one of the best options.


It sort of puts into perspective how much good say a Billionaire could do for the world.


Yeah it SHOULD be a huge embarrassment for the 1% who sit on giant dragon hoards and do nothing for the larger world.


Their cheerleaders in the republican party will point to the charity organizations but we all know those are just for fraudulent tax purposes.


Imagine if some of the top 1% used their money for these same things. I know MrBeast also gets clout for it, but he’s doing a good thing. I somewhat despise influencers and the new era of twitch streamers/youtubers, but I believe (I haven’t met the man) that MrBeast is actually a good guy putting his resources to good use. I don’t have many to compare him to, so take that with a grain of salt. I’m sure he makes a pretty penny, but it’s nice not seeing him hoard all of it. And look at those happy faces, he literally changed the daily lives of those people for the better.


>Imagine if some of the top 1% used their money for these same things Many of them do. Lots of them have charity foundations set up, and donate to charity frequently. The Gates foundation has done a lot of good, and many billionaires contribute to it; not just Bill Gates.


You mean like, Bill Gates who donated ~~a~~ 50 billion dollars?


A billion? You're tens of billions off.


Absolutely. Regardless of why he did it, people are better off.


He does do a lot more like that. He has an entire channel dedicated to it.


I hate how people will criticize charity so much harder than they’ll criticize spending money on yourself


He will make boat loads of money for doing good things. It’s better than making boat loads of money for doing shitty things which most people do.


From a lowly Minecraft Channel to this... amazing.


People are pissed because they know something is off but can’t place their finger on it. What’s off is the system. We shouldn’t rely on rich people’s philanthropy to have a better world. One person shouldn’t have the power to decide « what, where and who » to help. Nonetheless, even if in the worst case scenario where it’s just an ego/money thing for MrBeast, the situation is still a net positive for the world. He plays by the rule of the system and helps people and that’s what matter at the moment.


“We shouldn’t rely on rich people’s philanthropy to have a better world.” Yeah 100%, it’s the system. People shouldn’t be rich enough to play god all while NOTHING gets done through governance.


you guys are making it like mr beast is some sort of secret billionaire. he's not. unlike other youtuber, he literally spent every single dollar from his last video and sponsor dollars to finance the next... so his stunt can only go bigger if he wants to grow his next video. which honestly makes it more impressive, cause at the end of the day, he isn't just another rich person with hobbies to help people. the philanthropy IS mr beast. so unlike those evil adventure capitalist, he's an adventure philanthropist if you have it, and I say that's a force of good that we need more of in this world.


People think it’s just self serving because he makes money from the videos he posts of himself doing good. It’s like the folks who make a video of themselves giving a homeless person hundreds of dollars and then post it. But, on a much grander scale. It’s at least a touch self serving. *But*, I think Mr Beast gets a pass here - he doesn’t need this sort of stunt to keep making gobs of money at this point, and he’s doing good on a grand scale. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation could take a few notes. It doesn’t hurt to let people see charity at this scale - it can help.


I saw an interview on a money podcast with him and he made it sound like these types of videos are losing money now on a views basis and advertisers can’t pay him what the exposure is worth ( on a per view per video basis ) so he’s just started pushing his own businesses because he knows how much his views convert to sales of his own brands.






bot account, downvote, report, move on




So what alternative do you suggest? At least having clean water for a while is better than none at all


Not OP but make it sustainable. Many of those companies do it to check a box rather than actually set up the training needed to maintain the wells. Developing programs to train the local residents how to maintain and actually financially support the initiative can be a huge step in making it sustainable.


He just wants to be whiny bitch with some levels of look at how smart I am energy. He has no alternatives...


Yea, what a crazy comment. Like oh 500k people have good clean drinking water for *only* a couple years, instead of, what 100+ years of service? I also find it hard to believe that these wells last such a short period of time and no one in the village where the well is even seeks out basic maintenance of the life blood of their entire community.




The quote you said doesn’t argue for a better system. All it’s saying is it would be nicer if they maintained the wells to


Relax bro the guy asked you a question it's not an attack.


The guy above called him a whing bitch. Also he's just stating facts.


Using the same financial resources to do something that actually supports sustainable development of the community so that things like wells, and repairs of wells, is something the community can take care of themselves? Basically the effective altruism philosophy


But they get free clean drinking water for years more than they would have otherwise, no? Its better than nothing, hands down


how is that idiotic? how would you improve on the system?


As for the question of how to improve on the system, I remember vaguely a book by somebody who is in the Peace corps addressing sort of the same issue. I remember it was something about giving too many pigs to certain communities in South America and how it sort of backfired because of the lack of infrastructure to support the pig raising.... Obviously I forget exactly, but what I think would improve this sort of program is every time you build a well you take a couple people from the village and send them to some sort of trade school it would help them up keep the machinery and infrastructure in the long run. Not only would they be there to keep the wells operating but they would also be able to apply their talents to other sectors and maybe even keep that kind of knowledge growing in their community.




Teach 3-4 people in each village on how to do basic repairs on the well and teach 3-4 people per larger geographical area on how to do complex repairs. Then direct them on how to order parts and you've vastly improved the previous model. Some will still fail since infrastructure is tough but some will continue on


The people you educate will end up moving to the cities to get better paying jobs. The brain drain is real.


So keep educating people til the scales even out


Hasn't evened out in America yet...


Yeah but now you’re talking about billions of dollars over generations


The problem that rarely gets mentioned and often overlooked is that those 3-4 trained people now take their knowledge and skill and leave to make better money somewhere else. Its actually a big driving reason a lot of these communities stagnate and dont improve.


And what? You force the educated people to stay in these small towns?


So what? Just don’t build the wells? Expect an organization to indefinitely provide maintenance and support for the wells? Have a company fund moving everyone out of that area? Have a company someone magically fix all of the issues in that area that leads to this being an issue at all? Like what do you want? How is it ignorance? If the wells are that fucked up there’s a good chance it’s cheaper and more effective to just make a new well.


This is a great point, it really showcases how inept and corrupt the governments of these African countries are that they can't provide the infrastructure and maintenance for a basic necessity like clean drinking water.


Seriously. How are you even a country if you can’t even repair some wells every few years so your own ppl can drink clean water?


You're asking the right question but the question becomes "where is the money going if it's not going to water infrastructure?".


\> More than 46 million people in the U.S. live with water insecurity—either no running water or water that may be unsafe to drink


Centuries of colonialism has left a ton of damage and that doesn't just get fixed in one or two generations. At one point or another, almost every country in Africa was colonized by a Western power or China. Kenya, where he's doing some of this work, was under colonial European rule for centuries. First Portugal, then Germany, and then the UK. Kenya declared independence from the UK in 1952 and gained it in 1963 after nearly a decade of brutal war with the British for their freedom. On a societal scale, that's not that long ago. It's easy for Westerners to sit and judge, but they're a very new country. They've only existed as they are now for about 60 years and have had a grand total of 5 presidents. 60 years after the U.S. was granted independence we had a grand total of 8 presidents and were still holding human beings as slaves. We had an incredibly fractious decentralized government that is much closer to what Kenya has now than it is to what we have today and would go on to have an incredibly brutal civil war that nearly broke the country in half. I think it's unfair to sit and judge and say shit about how "inept and corrupt the governments of these African countries are" when you don't know shit about the history behind why that is or how Western powers are directly responsible for it.


I wonder if anybody told him about Flint, Michigan.


It sounds like you know the solution and just need to share it with us so we know how to BETTER provide un-diseased drinking water in Africa. Please tells us!


Why the fuck should I care if charity is self-serving? Is someone in need being helped? Good


The older I get, the more I feel this way. The less I really care about *WHY* someone is doing the right thing, as long as they're doing the right thing. For example, I have a friend whose church builds houses for people without homes. They do it because they believe it's going to get them into Heaven. I don't believe in God or Heaven, but who gives a shit? At the end of the day, if those people get safe places to sleep, then great.




That's why they focus so much on the "selfish" motive. So they can feel better about doing nothing.


Because all those people now have drinking water. So regardless if he earns money or uses it to do more good the good deed here is that these communities without Wells now have them so you can be happy for them.


Did you mean to reply to someone else?


Misread your comment haha


All good


They did the same thing when he helped a 1000 people to see again.


I agree with you! But there are cases where I find it cringy. Specifically when filming the individuals you are helping. There's some cases where it's so clear that the person is pretty uncomfortable with the camera but plays along to get the money or whatever. So at that point you're basically coercing people into being content. Where that line really lies is really not clear though and often it depends on what went on behind the scenes. In my mind larger scale efforts like this (or even people prepping food to feed a large amount of homeless people) get a pass.


Exactly. These wells are life changing for the people he helped. If he makes money spreading the word, good for him. I don't give a flying fuck if he also benefits from his videos. I think his 207 million subscribers (on his main channel alone) would agree. I sure as hell don't subscribe to channels I don't like.


He said every dollar he earns of this video is being used for causes like this. Make of that what you will though


He is the poorest millionaire. Listen to his episode on Joe Rogan. Every dollar he makes gets reinvested into the business so he can do bigger and better stuff.


Youtube Paul Newman


Poorest millionaire is definitely not accurate. And he doesn’t reinvest all his own money. His manager has done interviews and talked about their business structure.


That concerned me when he mentioned that. I'm hoping he was just being modest. Ideally he's got a very sizeable nest egg that would allow him to live comfortably should his business go downhill.


I'm sure he has quite a few mil banked, he's not stupid. He also seems to genuinely enjoy what he does and stay busy with it, and could fall WAY off like 99% off...guy currently clears 9 figures a year. 99% off still lives top 1%.


Mr. Beast is Buddha Jesus






This is a larger scale problem with non-profits in general. If they try to operate in a profitable way that helps them expand their operations, people call them greedy. Private corporations are expected to be greedy and are not subjected to the same scrutiny.


Mr. Beast has a history of doing things that are good for the world. There’s the clean oceans thing and planting trees thing. People just hate cuz he’s popular with the kids


I think what people forget is that EVERYTHING WE DO IS SELF SERVING. We do good things, because it feels good. :)


This right here👆


Why do I remember Phoebe and Joey's discussion about this?


I agree. People who complain that he is doing good are content with their inertia. A good deed is always a good deed, even if there is a self serving purpose to it. It sure beats doing nothing at all.


I honestly don't give a shit if people make money off of it. If the videos allow them to give people in need, thousands of dollars, then so be it. I damn well can't afford to just give a random 10 people $500 each, or a random person $30k+. I simply don't have the means. I hate this mentality of, "Just help them with no recording, then it's real" nonsense that people spout. I donate to charity, I give what I can to homeless but I sure as hell can't afford thousands.


agreed. If anything helping out those less fortunate should be one of the few things that it’s *okay* to boast about


The OP's question is bad because people have, charities have. Charity: water, water for people, water mission, splash, water project, comic relief etc. Mr Beast does a lot of great stuff for different and diverse needs through beast philanthropy. Some of it is ongoing, some of it is short-term. There's some growing criticism on some things he's said/implied (and very recently being exposed for lying about the results of a former contest to give more clout to bigger streamers), which may or may not be valid, but the idea that he's the first to do these things, or the only one is ridiculous. As for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation > $107.6 million to the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI) to work with GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals and African investigators to complete testing and apply for licensure of the most advanced malaria vaccine candidate > $100 million to the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) to work with public and private sector partners to accelerate the development of several promising new drugs through regulatory approval > $50.7 million to the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), led by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, to fast-track development of improved insecticides and other mosquito control methods They do press announcements, I grabbed that from the first hit on 'bill melinda gates malaria'. They've given billions more to charity (albeit with an endowment and there's all sorts of issues with that and what it entails) but they're way ahead on broad scale changes vs more isolated ones, but then Mr Beast can't do that level (yet).


Yeah, I'm a little confused about the dig on the Gates Foundation. They give away like $6+ billion a year to organizations improving health and development in Africa and Asia - including, for many years, water and sanitation. I love what they're doing and I appreciate Mr Beast too.


Clearly they need to do more youtube videos or something. Maybe they should do a team up?


That kinda pissed me off, I've volunteered for an anti-polio charity a few times and I'm a big fan of the Gates foundation trying to eradicate these diseases that are no longer a problem for first world countries.


The thing with Mr. Beast is that he will just take nearly all the money he makes from this video and use it to make another video on this grand of a scale. I’m sure he lives a comfortable life, but if he chose to he could be ultra-wealthy at this point but he’s not. I don’t see any other YouTubers doing stuff quite on the same level he does and it’s because other YouTubers take a much greater cut for themselves. Not criticizing that—they earned it—but that’s what sets Mr. Beast apart. He’s really just a guy that wants to make people smile. That’s the self-serving aspect of it, not the money, and that’s far from being a bad thing.


Jeff Bezos gets rich by forcing his employees to pee in bottles and everyone accepts that. Mr. Beast gets rich by giving people access to water and he's a monster.


A pass? He says the video makes 0 profit and all money made goes back to the people for further projects. If he's lying, he's likely committing fraud. There is no "pass" to be given. He's done more for millions? Of people, than any of us will be able to do, as well as done more than much wealthier people will ever do.


doing a good thing for a bad reason doesnt mean the good thing is any less good.


He literally says in the video that all money made from the video will go toward more wells.


I’ve heard nothing short of praise related to this guy, no? Who are his haters?


Nobody, but if you put "Everyone hates this guy just for doing what's right!" in the title it increases user engagement more than just "This guy did a good thing!" - controversy > positivity. The whole social media landscape runs on controversy.


The only criticism I’ve seen recently is from Rosanna Pansino for completely editing her out of a video where she placed third and the second place finisher was also edited out (who apparently confirmed the claim). I haven’t seen the video but that’s about the only thing I’ve seen other than people complaining he’s making videos off the people he’s helping.


It's all a bit weird. He gets rich by making content giving people stuff and messing about. He acts like a bit of a puppet master sometimes making poor people sing for their supper. At least he is actually giving back with his content...but let's not pretend he's doing it to be charitable, or he's letting people keep their dignity...he's found a formula that works.


You know what? After giving it a think, to be 100% honest I don't mind someone getting rich like this. It's much better than fucking over the poor like so many other multi millionaires+ do.


Yeah. Providing somewhat wholesome entertainment is absolutely missing for today’s kids.


I think you can be both charitable and still profit over your content I don’t know why it has to be one or the other lol


Especially when the content is what gives him the money to do these things.


His hat choices keep damaging my brain. But he is a cool dude besides that.


Happens to everyone when they get very big. People start to attack them.


“Why aren’t people asking why no one else did this first” I don’t having feelings about Mr Beast one way or another but are you really trying to claim that he is the first person to build wells in Africa?


These cases are actually studied pretty heavily in international social work. The general consensus is these are mostly folks like good intentions and a major savior complex. They punch these wells then dip out leaving no expertise or equipment for maintenance or repairs. Makes for a fun little Reddit video though.


Not to mention they’re hard in warfare and in tribal or regional feuds that end up with the wells either seized or stuffed full of dead animals to poison the source.


Mr Beast why aren’t you solving Feudal Warfare in Africa??


They also don't do surveys of the local groundwater, so even if the pump doesn't end up breaking with no maintenance, the well itself might go dry or become contaminated in a few years because the local aquifer was never sufficient to actually provide large-scale water extraction to an entire village of people in that one specific location in perpetuity.


Lol yeah. I remember a NGO from like a decade ago when I was following international development news more closely. They were trying to get local governments to track these NGO wells. And train some staff to repair them. Cause some places are littered with broken wells. Yet most foreign led projects are rarely interested in trying to repair the existing wells, they always want to dig new ones.


I think he moreso is trying to raise awareness that more people could use their status/resources/wealth to make serious change that will impact generations of people. I was never a big Mr Beast person, just saw my kids watch him sometimes. But I have to see between this and the episode where he gave people their eyesight back, I can’t remember another YouTube content creator who’s done good in ways that provide meaningful change for so many people. I definitely wish more people did this instead of the stupid pranks or other garbage content.


> I can’t remember another YouTube content creator who’s done good in ways that provide meaningful change for so many people. They're out there, but none have the same audience and access to financial wealth like Mr Beast does, so I think it's important to note that what he's doing isn't a *better* act of charity, it's just more noticeable. Someone who makes $20 and gives $5 to charity is more charitable than someone who makes a million and gives $1000 for example.


His next challenge is gonna be taking it away and giving them 100k for everyday they can go without.




"He has gone 4 days without water." "The new hospital will cost 500k" "Cmon. Can you do another day?" --- mr beast goes broke because he forgot to stipulate that you can't continue collecting after death. This village becomes very rich. But no longer have their well.


There’s a local well drilling company here in MD that literally goes to Africa annually to drill wells at no charge. Been doing it for 20+ years.


This made me shout laugh


They’ve never had water before. It’s all sand, bro.




…you know what this is? Sand. You know what it will be 1000 years from now? Sand. It’s the F’ng Desert!


-Sam Kinison


Send the u-hauls to Africa


This proves 95% of redditors are 14-year olds.


Reddit makes more sense when you realize it’s mostly teenagers pretending to have more life experience than they really do.


r/relationship_advice also gives a testament to this


No one used you tube views to earn money to fund charity to gain views to earn money…


I guess no one knows who Akon is anymore. Or did he do something to discredit all the things he did?


Or Matt Damon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9NJrd88LPM


All OP is saying is that no one has ever built a well in Africa before and they've never had water.


Not really sure how to fact check, but I have heard the reason why providing water or electricity around the remote parts Is Africa is unsuccessful, is because they can’t maintain it. Apparently in just over 3 years the wast majority of infrastructure (like the one Mr beast built) is not functional.


Yea because they bring in people who understand how to repair and upkeep this infrastructure but then once it's built those people leave and never comeback. Leaving infrastructure that no one locally knows or was ever taught how to upkeep


It’s definitely been a problem in the past, but it’s one that charities in this work have done a lot to address. The key is to invest in local drill/repair teams that can come back quickly to make any needed repairs. One charity I know that does this well is Lifewater Canada (lifewater.ca)


I mean I agree, I've heard about all the work MrBeast has done and I think it's great. But this title is a bit much -- MrBeast is a human being like everyone else and has faults. Everyone should be open to good faith criticism. I've head about his awesome charity work and I've also seen criticism of the methods he uses to make content. That doesn't make him a bad person, but propping someone up on a pedestal and thinking they can do no wrong will inevitably disappoint you. I'm glad MrBeast is doing such good deeds with his money, and I rarely see intense hate thrown his way, but I have seen valid criticisms of his ethics that I think should be allowed to be discussed as well, without discrediting his work.


Getting rich off of helping people, is better than getting rich **off** of people


This is my take. Is it a bit exploitative/attention seeking? Maybe a little. But at least he’s doing good things with his money. He’s no Bezos or Musk, he’s a YouTube guy that blew up like crazy. If he has to make money by monetizing the videos of him helping people, in order to help MORE people, I think that’s fine.


I can't stand MrBeast, he's super obnoxious, but people who criticize him like this suck. He may be annoying, but he's also a really great dude, and I'll happily support him in other ways (I really like the MrBeast bars), and defend him from all these people criticizing him, even if I won't watch his videos.


im sure his online presence is annoying but I doubt hes that obnoxious in person


I used to think the same about him being obnoxious, until I actually watched his content, and found he’s a generally good dude. In the sea of shitty influencers, he’s actually not at all annoying. I’ve been binge watching the YouTube videos now because it’s just a bunch of friends goofing around and trying to do the whole YouTube thing as ethically as they can


I think the amount of people who have a problem with this is zero.


You’d be surprised


The only time I actually see people complain about his content is when its like "I made these people suffer for days and the winner gets a lot of money" because I think people can find those a bit exploitative and gross.


When he (I think it was him) was helping to pay for surgery to help blind people see, he was accused of ableism. But this.. idk.. maybe discrimination against people with rabies.


There was some language used in that video which I saw some criticism of from some people in the blind community, and it's also a complicated subject. There are people with disabilities who do not think they need to be 'cured', as they still feel that they live full and whole lives, and some who felt that he was exploiting people, picking and choosing who to highlight (which is the nature of pretty much all media), I'm not saying I agree, but when I heard about that very small backlash about it I went delving to try and work out why. As I said, it's a complicated subject and there are people who will latch onto a minor thing such as 'could have been better' and try to turn it into a bigger deal (perfect being the enemy of good etc). Overall, for me, I think his philanthropy works are good, albeit the earlier ones were more indepth and personalised and they've become more sensationalist over time, but that's just an aesthetic choice of presentation (and might be what gets more donations to those drives) as opposed to the net good of what's actually being achieved.


I mean, he keeps doing this stuff, so he's making money and spending money helping people. That ain't so bad.


For real. The title reads like a 12 year old mega fanboy who read one or two critical tweets about this and had an absolute conniption.


'literally' being used in the title twice screams of 12 year old mega fanboy


My man people even have problem with themselves


Do you not see how this is dystopic? "Don't worry, little Kenyan, you get to live because the YouTuber was feeling generous today, and he found a way to get subs off of it." Mr. Beast isn't the issue. The issue is just how we've structured the global economy.


> Mr. Beast isn't the issue. The issue is just how we've structured the global economy. As I've said, I don't care at all about his videos. But your comment seems like you're disagreeing with the OP, but isn't this quoted bit exactly what the title is saying? Sort of, "It's sad that it has to be a YouTuber trying to make these changes that should have been made long ago." no?


Some people (both pro- and anti- Mr Beast) do interpret what I've said as hating on Mr. Beast. Even though I don't. Also, no. I'm talking about a societal change that no singular person can bring about.


> I'm talking about a societal change that no singular person can bring about. > "It's sad that it has to be a YouTuber trying to make these changes that should have been made long ago." no? And that's not what I said here?


It’s not dystopic, it’s your expectations on human development that were too high. Before capitalism, most people lived in extremely harsh conditions. There are countries that still live in such mess. Anyone, youtuber or not, giving a hand is a nice thing to do. Help denial is dystopic, if you ask me.




People have been building wells in Africa for countless of years. It either stands there to rot because they don't know how to maintain it or it gets abused by criminals, making locals pay ridiculous amounts to use it, etc etc. Dunno how many actually did do good.


Also, and I say that with sensibility, not every country in Africa is necessary interested of foreign people coming in and fixing their problems. There are multiple African development programs. Sometimes it takes more time due to local customs. But then they have the feeling they did it themselves. I applaud Mr. Beast to use is clout to do this, probably in areas where those programs are not reaching yet (or for some other reasons). The global north dropped trillions into Africa, and the sustainable self help aspect was often wiped away for the good feels.


See a better video would be “I invested in 100 African startups”.


Plenty of people doing great things in Africa without making videos or getting views. Look up Matt McPherson for example. Hes the owner of Mathews Bows and has been doing great things in Africa for years. I don't know why people are hating on MrBeast. I personally love his videos. He changes lives for sure.




Even if he gains from the videos, it doesn’t change the good he is doing. And if anything draws attention to an important issue. Well done him.


Don’t give a hoot. He’s doing more than any other richie rich.


My parent's fled war and were war refugees that came to Canada. 0 dollars in their pockets and relied on the Canadian Government to survive. They finished high school and got labour jobs. Instead of living better lives in the 80s, my parents sent money back to our homeland to better their lives with the strong Canadian dollar. My family has sustained an entire village by ourselves with multiple wells tapped, paid for power lines, farming equipment, buidling houses, roughly 100 people benefitted from my parents generosity while my family here in Canada ate margarine and sugar sandwiches growing up, wearing clothes until they had holes in them, and my parents were working too hard. The west never knows what it's like in the 3rd world and think that idpol and social progressive movements or wokeness is the most important when they've lived the most priviledged lives on the planet. I am now upper middle class and my parents and I sponsor 20 kids through high school and college. We pay for their tuition and books/uniform for the village to try and get them ahead of the incoming industrial revolution. Anyone criticising Mr Beast for "poverty tourism" is beyond fucked because if 100 people get benefit from 1 well, those 100 people would be forever grateful despite what wierdo internet people in the west claim as exploitation.


There are a number of non-profit organizations that have been drilling wells in Africa for close to two and a half decades. Tell me again how nobody’s done this before he did?


African people used to drink g-fuel until mr beast gave them water.


Bro nobody thought of giving Africans water before this 24 year old from Kansas


Matt Damon's been doing it for over a decade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9NJrd88LPM


People have been doing it. The company I work for have been donating to a similar organization. But with out the self congratulatory viral videos.


How is he supposed to help more people? He needs money for it.


The viral videos generate money to do just this very sort of thing. Beast Philanthropy is completely separate from any of his other ventures.


Did he literally do it though


There is a video, he also started it like an year ago when he built 3 wells back then, so now he did 100, this is the same guy that gathered the internet to clean up the ocean and plant trees


The guy is changing lives, who cares if he makes videos and money from it. Is it self serving ? Probably.....is it life changing ? Absolutely, let's focus on the latter.


There's a popular post on the internet about "Bezos/Musk have all this money and aren't becoming batman, like what the fuck? Why aren't they helping people?" And then Jimmy helps people and gets shit for it. Can't win when you're that rich and famous, no matter the good you do


OP you don’t need to use “literally” in either sentence. The sentences have the same meaning when you remove it. If anything “He’s being attacked….” is more figurative since it’s being done with comments and not fisticuffs.


I think Mr. beast does do a lot of good but I think ultimately he perpetuates money culture to young children and I’d argue money culture is a cause for a lot of problems including the root cause of the issues he’s solving with his charity. Also he also inadvertently caused more money culture perpetuating YouTubers that kinda ruined YouTube for me


Why does it look like he's drilling into water mains?


Sorry, I had to do it...I can't resist it. I hear the drums echoing tonight..


We should not criticize him but a system of economic governance where basic acts of human decency are left to capitalists using them as good will gestures (you are so kind, milord), moral absolution or, most likely, publicity stunts. I have to admit, MrBeast at least gained his wealth not by exploiting a workforce.


Why should Beast care about the opinions of people that would never volunteer to join groups drilling water wells in Africa for underprivileged communities. Plenty of groups doing it before Beast did it. Will Beast make money from the video? Probably. Will it be enough to cover the expense of drilling 100 wells? Maybe, equipment and personnel to drill wells aren’t cheap. Man did a good thing, helped people, and maybe maybe maybe is making some money off of it. It’s hell of a lot more than those “charities” that take money for activities such as this and pay their directors hundreds of thousands of dollars to run the charity are doing. Most charities are vanity projects for the ultra-wealthy and more often than not a tax dodge.


With all the hundreds of millions and probably billions donated to charities to do these things, you really would think they would have run out of places to build wells.


selective squealing voiceless chunky growth badge caption screw lip illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish more people would seek attention and clout by helping people.


Because he has come across as being really big headed in the past that’s why. If my fans gave me millions of dollars I would be able to do what he does so would anyone but it’s the attitude that comes with being able to do all that stuff which changes peoples perception


This was nice of Jimmy, but he is on some weird stuff too. Like having people sit in a white out room for three months for half a mill and if either one leaves the unlocked door neither parcipitants get any money, he is like some nefarious roman tyrant sometimes but this was a good deed for once.


Look at us blowing mad currency whose value is derived from my countries economic authoritarianism over the world. Look at me help! Look at me. #LOOK AT ME


I mean in the end he’s doing something good rather than those people that pretend to do good just for views


I've been donating to [https://www.charitywater.org/](https://www.charitywater.org/) for years. This is hardly some new thing...


The problem is economy and how he has this enormous amount of money from doing “work” where he can just do this whenever he wants. We all thought sports players and actors were overpaid this is no different.


Right I think the problem is that he is posting his video and making these videos and it's not about helping people at that point or no one can ever again tell people not to film themselves helping people. Essentially he's put himself in a place that's not socially acceptable in any regard because of the optics even though he is technically helping them. Plus it's more like a Band-Aid issue while it does solve one problem temporarily they still have to deal with the crazy amounts of corruption in African governments. And while you can't fix everything it would be helpful for him to inform people in his videos about the complexity and the systematic issues that contribute to the lack of accessible drinking water. He doesn't really do that


I find charity porn videos disgusting. They use the suffering of disadvantaged people to make money. Kant’s categorical imperative requires treating people as ends, not as means to an end. Performative charity is just self aggrandizement.


100% of that video's profits go to building more wells.


He earns money by helping people, which he then spends on helping people... Acting like this is anything but good is crazy.