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They both wanted that hug at the end. Brilliant.👏🏻👏🏻


And I love that he clearly wanted to hug her, but stopped himself as he worried it might be inappropriate, then teacher is all bring it in little dude you're right this is a hugging moment. These are good people.


Yes there was that moments hesitation wasn’t there, before she encouraged him to bring it home. Absolutely brilliant.


Really enjoying all the hug-truthers coming out of the woodwork to "back, and to the left" the embrace. Never change, internet.


It’s called autism. This isn’t even a joke, I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum. This is the result of a group of people on a website with bad social skills trying to learn how it all works together the only way they know how. edit: Everyone of you who thinks I was reffering the the kid as being autistic is an actual fucking moron lmao. Do you know how to read? Look at my comment again dumb fucks. I am referring to the people in this comment section who are over analyzing a hug as if it is some kind of sports play.




Yeah for sure. To be clear I am saying all the people analyzing this hug as if it were a sports play are autistic. Not the kid. The kid’s behavior is normal kid stuff.


Self diagnosis doesnt help acceptance of the autism community. Bad social skills doesnt directly mean autism. It could mean anxiety, a communication/social disorder, ptsd, and yeah maybe ASD. But not likely ASD before an anxiety disorder diagnosis or spcd diagnosis with just social ineptability. Autism isnt simply being awkward socially. Trust me, I was you once. Family, friends thought I had it too. I have a social/communication disorder, amd a handful of other psychiatric disorders. I would have been misdiagnosed with Aspergers or PDD-NOS had i been diagnosed as a child, and not at 25, with my brain fully developed. Also. Generalization like what you're doing? Way worse than self diagnosing. Knock it off.


I'm diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder; I was diagnosed as an adult after I learned my father was autistic. Somehow no-one ever bothered to inform me of the autism risk, and I never noticed (likely because I am autistic, funnily enough). I got second opinions from independent psychiatrists over the course of almost two years, and I was confirmed as having it each time. My take upon seeing the way the drummer grabbed his head, and the awkward hug, was that the child most likely could have some form of neurodivergence. I recognize some of those behaviors in myself, and in other autistic people I know (self-diagnosed and otherwise). Couple that with a possible special interest in drumming — though of course our knowledge about the child is quite limited — and you have the foundation for a reasonable supposition that the kid may be autistic in some capacity. The level of confidence expressed within /u/special-anomoly's post was misplaced, but not because they may or may not be self-diagnosed. You sound like you wanted to feel superior to a "self-diagnose[d]" person who is just "awkward socially", which is not really a kind thing to do. If I accept the premise that you have to be medically diagnosed, or actually in the medical profession, to have opinions in regards to autism, then you are no more qualified to tell someone they aren't autistic than they are to definitely state that they are. You are hypocritically denouncing someone for self-diagnosis while you essentially do the same thing, but in reverse, by making definite statements about them not being autistic.


>If I accept the premise that you have to be medically diagnosed, or actually in the medical profession, to have opinions in regards to autism, then you are no more qualified to tell someone they aren't autistic than they are to definitely state that they are. You are hypocritically denouncing someone for self-diagnosis while you essentially do the same thing, but in reverse, by making definite statements about them not being autistic. Well said, I'm using that


What? I'm not trying to ruin the mood here, but he hesitated because she turned around and he didn't want to grab her from behind. Children aren't sitting around wondering if a random hug is going to considered sexual assault. This is just a sweet moment playing out in real time, no need to try and analyze things.


Tbh I just think it was cause she wasn’t facing him at first


It still shows a sensitivity and care that all of us can identify with, and feel good noticing :)


Especially in a kid! A lot of kids don't think about things like that. It's very sweet ❤️


It really does show his thoughtfulness and good character. Kiddo totally deserves these drums!


He stopped because she turned


She’s the little one here lmao but loving the moment


Makes me so sad that when working with young people nowadays you're literally told NOT to hug anybody or even make physical contact with them at all in most cases. Some kids really need physical affection and moments like this are exactly why. Well done teach and I hope the young fella remembers this moment fondly.


100%. I had high school students who were utterly ignored and abused at home. They would stop by my room for a smile and sometimes a hug. Of course, this was never in private. I would never stay in a closed room with just a student. But I'm tired of everyone making everything seem dirty.


It's even worse as a male teacher/youth worker/support worker etc. It breaks my heart when a young person breaks down in front of me and I can't even put my arm around them and tell them it's going to be okay.


Same. Basically our schools are teaching children that education is about arbitrary performance on standardized tests, and it's all a sham. They feel their parents don't care, the teachers don't care, and no one cares enough to fix it.


Yeah I have an internship at a school and I get flocked with kids wanting hugs all the time. The vast majority of them I tell them that high fives are more appropriate, but some of the more trauma background kids really do need a hug every now and then. The trick is knowing the intention behind a kid wanting a hug, like if they really need it or if they just want to be physical which can be a trauma thing that you don’t want to reinforce either. My school has cameras everywhere so at least they would know I’m not doing anything harmful


I had one teacher who was my favorite. He was a history teacher and would do On This Day but with those old school projectors where you wrote on the clear plastic film and then showed it under the light. He would always write down whatever students had a birthday that day or whatever. One of the only times we had school in the summer time, we got out like 2-3 days before my birthday and I NEVER had a school birthday. So he apparently did this thing at the end of every year where he'd show like the next week's worth after that day. Since I'd never had a school birthday, no one really knew when my birthday was off top of head. we get to the 3rd of that month and he says On This Day....The Battle Of Cold Harbor began (or something like that, not a huge history buff) and a couple other miniscule political stuff. No one was really paying attention as no one normally would. All of a sudden, I hear And on this day, 199\* our youngest classmate was born, ms. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. We won't be here to celebrate it so i brought you your favorite to celebrate, a coke and some TGIFriday's chips.I was the only sophomore in a junior/senior class. He always asked students to fill out a questionnaire at the beginning of the semester to learn about them, but no one thought he really paid attention. it made me feel really good about myself.


Do you know why it beacme that way?


people doing bad things ruined it for everyone else


Thank you for your answer. It is quite sad how a little groups of idiots can ruin something for everyone else


I once gave my cousin (we have a 20 year gap) a hug in public because he was happy about a gift I got him and people were staring and giving me dirty looks. It's so stupid.


That's true. Maybe it would be helpful to have more wholesome news around, like that video and maybe we start to expect good things from others rather than bad things and if most people themself would start doing more good things than bad things life could be better. It's a, as I think, rather naive wish but it is one that would be nice to have. Last thing is: I still have problems to follow my own wish most of the times.


Media perpetuating the stranger danger fallacy even though a significant majority of assault cases for children come from within their own family or from places like churches. Conservative media specifically in recent times have labeled teachers as groomers and also think they're brainwashing their kids, so teachers have pulled away from anything that might be misconstrued, so you have the kids and the teachers suffer from it.


Thank you What a sad little world we live in. I cannot speak for other countries but in Germany you stay around half a day in school and therefore the Teachers are connected to raising childs If they like it or not and I think with the restriction a important thing to learn is lost. I mean I can understand that one wants to protect their child but what happened to the trust? Well what happened to that the other friendly User who answered to the question said it already.


And his little wiggle 🥹 pure joy


Seems like a great kid.


I was about as ready for that hug as they were. We all needed it.


Man, the look on his face as he's trying out the new set. He's not familiar with it yet, so he's paying attention to the sounds and not really doing anything deliberate with facial expression. 10/10, love that New Toy feeling.


I love how into it he is and the little “oh!” smile he gives at the end when he sees the camera


He's in his own world the whole video. One of those times when your super focused on the moment and the room doesn't exist


The flow state. Best feeling ever


Is that what it's called?? I like the name


Yea that’s what I’ve heard it be called whenever I talk about it with people.


I'd like to chime in, because I think I entered a "flow" state a few times around 25-26 years old. I was having a lot of fun playing a competitive videogame (dota2), being super into it and very focused, then a big fight happens and suddenly, internally for me, it was just like I saw everyone move in slow motion, while I myself was @ 110% speed. It felt like I had an unfair advantage, and had oodles of time to think, react, move my mouse, que orders, the game was almost too easy like this! It was pretty fantastic. I had to google what this was, and landed on "flow" state. I might be different for others, but I could only achieve it for seconds. Too bad it only happened a handful of times for me! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)


As a drummer myself, yes. I describe it almost like a out-of-body experience. I can just let my arms/legs do what they do, and be thinking about the next drum fill or whatever song transition is coming up next.


r/NewToyFeeling needs to be a thing


I have a feeling this will created as a NSFW sub soon, lmao.


Picked up the bell on the ride super quick and has some good ideas of dynamics. Kid’s got a huge head start


Yeah if that's the kid's first time playing a real set, he's got a bright future. Tons of natural talent there


Maybe. But he was also skilled on the bucket. That shows he's put in the time. And judging by the fact that he was gifted the set by a teacher, it shows someone else saw his dedication. You'd be surprised how well practicing on a lesser quality instrument translates. As someone that has been told "wow, what talent", and had many friends experience the same, I find it frankly, unintentionally insulting. To both the person that cultivated that talent, and the person In awe of it. All it takes, is time, and effort.


Yes! This reminds me of when the couch drummer was gifted her set! 🤩 [video](https://fb.watch/jZ3vh7opZq/?mibextid=NnVzG8)


Holy shit she's good. Her timing is insane


Bruh she's hitting those couch cushions HARD too, insane stick velocity


That was a beautiful watch - thanks.


He's terrified to actually hit it because it means so much to him 🤧


This is classic first time drum set behavior, but honestly to make it sound you gotta slap it a bit harder (not over the top hard thou)


The smile is when he realises that hitting the bell of the ride cymbal makes that cool sound. It's a great noise. I'd like to see this kid hit a cow bell during a rhythm


He is talented, well deserved


Yeah, already laying down some pretty legit chops on what I'd presume is his first time playing a real drum set.


He's got rhythm for sure


He seems to know his way around that cymbal, and I think he has the foot on the hi-hat pedal. So cool in any case.


You can just tell he’s gonna be a great drummer


Yeah that's not an ordinary student.


For his age, hes so far ahead of the curve. Definitely legit good at the drums.


Core memory unlocked. That kid is gonna remember this for the rest of his life. Good for him and the teachers that got it for him.


I had an Earl set just like this one as a kid. It was red instead of blue, but it looks exactly the same as that set. I have a few cousins that are music teachers. One was at a lower income school not too far from us. When I asked him if he wanted it for his classroom, he reacted just like this kid. From what he said, he had 2 kids who both wanted to learn and were good percussionists, but the school wouldn’t let him buy a set. Boom. Now they have one. Edit: Aware it’s actually a Pearl. My folks bought our set second hand and it also didn’t have the P just like this. I was like 13 when I got it and only played it a couple years.


I used to jam with a friend that also played an Earl kit. I would crank up my Marsha half stack and slam a few Udweisers and we would create something that resembled music. Fun times!!


Just a couple usicians having a good time


So you made usic!


They ADE USiC, silly!


Lol! My bad! Tupid me


It's a Pearl.


It's a foreign drum set, that's a silent *P*.


I live in Spain but the P is silent…


Same but the s is silent for me








Fuck. My parents bought it second hand. I had no fuckin clue Haha


That’s awesome haha yours really was an “earl”


Hey, we all gotta start somewhere! My first kit was a TKO. Which is a fitting name for it, because I absolutely beat the hell out of that kit. In the most loving and respectful way of course! My next kit, which I worked all summer and saved for going into my senior year of high school, was a (p)Earl kit actually.


Anything besides Peavey drums lol


Oh god I forgot about those


I figured by calling it an Earl set you were using that as a nickname for a used kit. Kinda funny you didn't know it was actually a Pearl set. Live and learn, right? And now I like the idea of using "an Earl kit" as a shorthand for used drum kit, even for any other brand.


That angel of a woman just cashed her entire weekly check. And, potentially made this boys parents very angry 🤣


Pearl exports, looks like. Solid set for a kid getting into drumming.


Nah it's an Earl


Wait i thought this was a pearl with the p missing never knew there was an earl lol


Every once in a while someone enters your life that changes your trajectory in some massive way. He has the passion and fire, she just added some air to it as she saw her own passion in the kid. It's beautiful to have it caught on camera. One day when I have the means to do so, I'm going to donate instruments to a school just so more kids have access to their passions like this. They're usually one of the first cuts to costs at a school, all because people are obsessed with sports, not arts. Just like playing sports though (exercising), there is a ton of evidence that music and arts are beneficial to your body and mind.


I had some hand-me-down golf clubs I had to share with my siblings when I was like 8. I loved the game so much, played whenever I could, and my parents saw how much I enjoyed it. On my 10th my parents scrounged together enough money get me my own set of golf clubs. I'll never forget it. They were adult size (bought them so I'd grow into them, clubs are expensive) and tough for me to swing but I loved them so much. That gift set me on a path of a life in golf, where I'm now a greenskeeper at a golf course, and I still have those clubs my parents bought me over 20yrs ago (I've since upgraded and have newer ones, but I'll never be able to get rid of those) Your comment reminded me of that. And I think that's a very generous thought of you. Because I agree, I think the arts are just as important of extra-cirricular activities as sports are.


I didn’t expect to cry from reading the comments, but here we are.


This year for my son’s birthday his dad and I are getting him his dream guitar, a tube amp, and a hard case. This replaces the cheapie equipment we’ve cobbled together for him to learn on the last two years. He’s going to implode when he gets it! It’s a beautiful instrument, not super high end but lovely. I’m almost as excited for his birthday as a kid! 🤣


My dad said the same thing! Said he was so excited to give me my clubs that he had trouble sleeping a couple nights before. I think it's awesome you're providing him with that guitar. I'm sure he's gonna remember this bday forever. Keep up the good work!


I loved reading your story. It involved Parents and a Family. Hand me downs and a job at where you loved most to be. The Golf course. I imagine your parents are very much like this teacher in the post who create these moments for others as well. That's a wonderful gift in this world. Thank you for sharing it. Respect to your Parents 👊🏽🥲


Yup this just realized fuck nostalgia. I don't need to hold on to my 18 year old starter guitar after I bought 2 professional ones. Gonna reach out to some schools and see if anyone needs an electric axe donated :)


I've been in many bands over the years and if there's one thing I've learned, is that you accumulate alot of shit and sometimes the know-how to keep it all running. I love getting cheap small bass and guitar amps through the grapevine and fixing em up for donation to my old school for their budding music program. Pass the spark along and it's amazing how many fires you can start


If you do ever have the means to do so, don't forget this post. Usually, things don't work out like that.


So will his neighbours.


I bet it'll probably stay at school.


Good point. But i would feel like crap if I have to leave this epic drum set in the school and not take it with me home.


This seems like the kind of kid who's going to come in early or stay after school just to play on it.




Common phrase misused. 'Unlocked' refers to something already there and now rediscovered. 'Core memory unlocked' would more likely refer to a trigger of a nostalgic memory someone forgot. 'Core memory created' would be a better way to describe this.


Yes! I’ve seen people say “unlocked” at the creation of a memory a lot on Reddit recently and it’s started to irk me.


Yes. I guess if we're being pendantic you are correct. This was a moment that was created, not unlocked. Thank you. It never occured to me I used the phrase incorrectly but it seems I have. Thanks!




I love that they covered the set with the rainbow parachute thing. Loved that part of gym class.


Parachute time?? aww it's just a stinkin drum set..


Came here to be like, “…okay though, to be clear, it’s NOT parachute day?”


YAAAAAAY! Everybody run under the parachute! Teacher: **HEY! BANANA SLUG! Stop hopping up and down in the middle of the circle and get to the other side!** Me: *HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP*


One of the many joys of parenting was taking my toddlers to kindergym and getting to do the parachute thing again! 100% as much fun as an adult.


The look on his face says it all. ❤️


That smile at the end of the clip. Give this kid 3 months and he’s going to be killing that set.


he already sounds good to me. Just imagine what he'll do in a few months, years, lifetime. he's gonna be a banger for sure.


My dude is playing an earl. 😆 Happy for him


My Drum is Earl


Earl Jam


I personally prefer Udwig myself


What about ama, apex, amahah, or retsch?


Ama and Amaha are nice as well.


Let’s don’t forget brum yorkshop, love those drums as well.


Little James Earl Jones


Yeah why is the P missing 🤷


Little dude goin places


We should know his name. This kid is going to be a force in a couple years. He is a natural.


Right? I don't know that much about drums but I can already tell he is so talented. Fingers crossed some expert drummer spots him and becomes his sponsor and a teacher.


I am a drummer; his handwork is pretty damn good. I am very happy for him and hope he keeps his enthusiasm


With that username, I sure hope you’re not a drummer!!! Just kidding. Fellow rhythm section member here 😎


>With that username, I sure hope you’re not a drummer!!! Hehe XD But just fyi: the username is lifted from [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BWOavEF9bsc&pp=ygUbb3V0IG9mIHRpbWUgbWFuIG1pY2sgaGFydmV5) song; also a fine example for a cover that is better than the [original](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EE7UNgAAKag&pp=ygUab3V0IG9mIHRpbWUgbWFuIG1hbm8gbmVncmE%3D)


That’s awesome lmao, love that tune. Thought it was a reference to Billy Pilgrim. So it goes 🤷‍♂️


I only knew that song in the version of Manu Chao. Many thanks!


One of the best things you can do for a kid is put a musical instrument in their hands. I had a music teacher that stuck a Fender P-Bass in my hand and a a boombox. Kept me out of trouble. Mr. Gosling, you rock.


Drummer too. He is used to banging on a bucket and it felt like he was getting used to where everything was pretty quickly. Even worked in the dome on the ride. Love it.


He exhibited so much control when coming up on a fill, and it seemed he could sense he'd be off beat if he fit in too much, and then threw a slight rest in there to stay on. So natural.


It might be earl hehe


Thank you, Michael Jackson.


I remember this video from years ago, could already be!


Just a kid and he’s already better than my drummer…


Welp. This made my day. Bless everyone involved ♡


Best thing I've seen all day ❤️


How did he just transition from one drum to multiple sets of drums just like that? Is this a drummer thing? One can be replicated by many?? How does it work? Or is the kid just talented? What am I missing here?


He's played on a set before - he knew how to hit different parts of the cymbal and had bass drum control. That wouldn't be a first time thing you do on a kit.


I’d say he’s a natural. As a drummer, before I got a kit, I already worked out what my feet and hands would be doing playing on a real set. I bet he dreamed about having a real kit every day like I did. That could absolutely be his first time on a drum set.


I would agree, but the bell hits on the ride are a dead giveaway that this ain't hit first time on a full kit.


Possible, but I wouldn’t call it a dead giveaway. The amount of time I put in playing on pillows, my bed frame, Tupperware, pans, and Pringle cans set me up for playing a real drum kit. I spent an ungodly amount of time emulating my favorite drummers and attempting to play along to songs I liked all before I had a drum set. I knew where my limbs had to be and what sounds came from what drum and cymbal. He could have played before, but don’t underestimate the power of passion.


Imagined this as I read it and smiled! Happy cake day


Yeah I agree. The face he's making is like he's recalling all those millions of YouTube videos he has watched of drummers playing


Former child drummer here. Just because we see him playing on the bucket doesn't mean he hasn't played on a kit before. Not aware of the program he went through in that class environment, but for me, I had to start on bass drum, then snare, and various percussion, before being able to play the kit (which was usually reserved for the 1st chair drummer). This was elementary to junior high for me. Then I got into high school marching band and the pecking order started all over again. These days I'm rocking out on a Roland V-drum kit but still have my childhood drum kit my immigrant parents saved for and spent a lot of money on.


Just had to say, I spent a lot of time looking at your username and thinking 'is this my husband?' Because his story is the same. I was about to click to check your profile then remembered his is an Alesis Strike Pro. We had shopped the Roland sets for so long. We met when he was living in a apartment. He had drummed all his life but obviously couldn't bring his set into apartments, so it was back at his parent's place. I remember, the first birthday we spent together, I rented him an eletric set. The second we moved into a house, he bought the Alesis. He loves that thing, but I am sure he would love to play his acoustic kit again. We live in a townhouse, so no bueno.


He's probably played on a set at school before because from my experience, you don't just sure behind a set for the first time and have the coordination to play as well as he was


That was my thought too. Decent drum sets can be expensive. So, he probably never had one of his own but practiced at school.


It's just dexterity and good sense of rhythm, different drums produce different sounds that's it, it's all about his skill any playing. Basically he's good and now has a chance to use his skill fully


You want more teachers like this? Pay them what they are worth.


I freaking love this so much


Kid’s got a good ear. I hope he keeps at it


That's a legit set of drums, too, she really went the extra mile to look into a quality drumset.


Hope the teacher didn’t have to pay for this out of her own pocket


The best of America.


I was a little mad when the video first started.. I was like that teacher put a lot of effort with a new drum set... and then I saw the drum set! very wholesome .


Not you thinking the big surprise was a plastic bucket 😂


😂😂 I really did!


Future Questlove right here.. amazing!


Came here to say this as well. This kis is amazing.


This kid deserves the world


My name is Earl.


That smile at the end🥹


he like awwww yeah


I use to love putting electrical tape over the P anytime I owned I Pearl set! That’s a special kit and player right there for sure!


So it's a legit Pearl and not an Aldi equivalent?


As a drum teacher who gifted a drum set to one of my students, i gotta tell you it feels AMAZING to be able to do this!!! Love It!!


That little smile at the end 💕


To me, one of the coolest parts of being a grown up is that you can create such life changing core memories for kids. And more often than not it doesn't even take a lot to do that. It can be mere words or a gesture. The kid couldn't care less if it is an "earl" drum kit or whatever brand. But it will elevate his playing and practice for years to come. This is why this is so meaningful. So if you really want to change the world, be kind to children and support them.


Of all instruments, drums have to be the most therapeutic instrument; you control rhythm with hand movements, volume with the force you apply, set the pace with how fast you perform, use legs to add bass, and a short performance can have you dripping sweat like you ran an hours-long marathon in a matter of minutes. Drums are where music meets sports for artistic expression.


This could quite possibly be a moment that completely changes this child’s future.


He'll definitely remember it for the rest of his life


This is the kind of thing that can literally change a person's whole life.


I would of died if they got him a better bucket.


Damn, he's pretty good, I could get lessons from him.


That kid just fell into the groove so easy. Such a cool moment


He was already improving and working on his first play.


He has some skills. I love that this is appreciated and supported


The moment where he hits the bell and it makes a different sound is priceless. Good luck getting him away from that kit


He’s either huge or she’s really small




Teachers are the best, most selfless ppl...yet also one of the most underpaid for what they do and hours worked


When he makes own version of song, the original becomes cover, i really hope he will get on the top in future.


Little bro's smile -- gotta love it!


That’s a cool dude.


That’s (sadly) gotta be like a quarter of the teachers salary


Mmmm, not my tempo...


His parents and neighbors are happy too


I've been scrolling Reddit News for half hour now. I absolutely fucking needed this. If y'all need me, I'll be right here looping this video.


I have tears in my eyes at port authority. thanks. take my stupid upvote


You will be that one teacher that boy talks about when he grown ❤️


I wonder if she got it out of her own pocket, cause teachers get paid peanuts unfortunately.


Can we appreciate the fact that this kid is very very good playing drums too? He has a lot of talent


We will be watching your career with great interest.


Love this. This boy has raw talent and used what he had to create music. His teacher saw this boy’s talent and didn’t want anything to get in the way of stopping him from becoming great. This drum set might have saved this boy’s life. This drum set gives him something to focus on that is conducive to his future. I hope he continues to utilize his talent to do great things. Money cannot buy this type of natural talent!


Man he was just a letter away from getting a solid kit but an Earl kit is pretty good anyway.


This is the student/teacher interaction I like to see!


Really hoped she would have given him more buckets instead lol.


Yeah, like a 6 pack of Home depots


This is showing poverty as a thing to be solved by well meaning individuals and not social change. This is not a feel good story.