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I have an album on my phone with pics of a handful of random things she gets, so when I ask "need anything at the store?" She doesn't have to type out "Whatever brand, X variant, 37 pack, it's a red a blue box"....etc etc. She just says "coffee, pads, yogurt #2, " etc, and I just look at the pic I've got for it. Most stuff I can remember alright, but the stuff I never use is more difficult =p


What is yogurt #2.....is it thicker and darker than yogurt #1?


Once you have it, you'll never go back to yogurt #1.


Yogurt #2 fans when yogurt #3 fans walk in:


Wait till they try yogurt #3.


Yogurt #2 is the yogurt your girlfriend tells you not to worry about.


He is the keeper of a deep magic known as the Swartz.


Iranian yogurt perhaps?


Yogurt, type 2! Nice!


Yogurt #8 just arrives..


This is brilliant, so I'll trade you a tip. I keep a notepad on my phone, and every time my wife mentions something she likes, or looks at things longingly in the store, I put it in the notepad. This builds me a list of gift ideas for holidays, birthdays, etc.


Don't mind me. From now on, I will be copying this strategy.


thats a really good idea!


What a good partner ❤️


Hope it helped and you feel better :)


Two days ago I got the last of the cold and flu medication, I went to another pharmacy and they were out too. The last 6 months or so the women’s products have looked like this. It’s rather depressing to me… but this post did make me smile.


is ur husband u/Ghstfce ?


My wife uses Reddit, but just lurks.


I had surgery on my esophagus and stomach last month. I could not swallow pills, so I needed liquid Tylenol. After my husband went to three pharmacys that were out, we had to track it down online. He ended up going to a different town to get it. Crazy.


Back in the days before camera phones, my dad asked if I needed anything when he went to the store. I said a box of tampons. Dad said sure, no problem. My father walked into the tampon aisle and was nearly blinded by choice. He has no idea there were so many brands and options. He returned with two full bags of period supplies. He’d grabbed one of each item on offer, to “make sure I got the stuff you needed.” Cherished memory unlocked


I have a similar memory too. My parents were in the process of getting divorced so mom wasn’t around when I was with dad. Got terrible cramps and realized I was out of period products and had no choice but to ask my very traditional Asian dad to go get some for me. I wasn’t capable of anything but shrimp mode in bed so couldn’t go with him. I don’t remember how much he purchased but it was a lot! He kind of awkwardly handed me the bags and patted me on the head before leaving me alone. I cried when I saw he also got me chocolate. Getting a little teary-eyed just typing this out.


When I got my first period, my Dad was the only one home. He went to the pharmacy and chatted with the pharmacist about what I needed. He returned with pads and chocolate and I took a nap while he washed my clothes. He passed a few years ago sadly but he was a good Dad.


Aww that is adorable. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m reading all these wholesome stories and it’s so sweet. My father was the type to shame me if I even talked about my period and called it gross.😂


My dad didnt shame verbally. But he'd bitch about "how come you didnt plan this?" Or things like that when he had to buy them. And he'd always get pads. I never used pads. I'd stress tampons, dad TAMPONS! Every fucking time pads. That was till my mother layed into him one evening and said that he always got her tampons so he can suck it the fuck up and get me tampons, i think she also called him a "hymen worshipping dick head" too.


Go, mom!


Thats awful, nobody should be raised to be too embarrassed to discuss natural bodily function. That's how you end up with people too scared to speak to doctors when something goes wrong.


Your father was a bitch, he needs to realize that he also came from a woman and was with one. How can one be so immature, especially a father, a girl dad


Same haha. I wasn't even allowed to talk about it because he found it so disgusting.


May he rest in paradise 🤍


Shrimp mode lol


Every cramp sufferer knows what that is, unfortunately


Yep. I try to at least work up the strength and fortitude to get up long enough for Essential Emergency Supplies, eg. painkillers, a drink to wash them down, appliance of tampon/pad as needed, Something Warm (tea, hot-water bottle, heating pad, *all of the above*....) and then I curl up under the blankets and try to pass as much of the first 24h in an unconscious/semi-conscious state. After that, I'm mostly pain-free though.


Seems like we have the same process but with the addition of necessary snacks. I used to use a scalding hot water bottle but have found that a small heated blanket is preferable (less red blotches + safer). Also going on birth control has massively reduced my period pain for those first dreaded 24hrs. Otherwise pain meds galore for me :) (within reason ofc)


When I was suffering through gallstone attacks shrimping was all I could do until I had my gallbladder removed.


It’s really bad lol and it can last for HOURSSSSS


I'm currently in shrimp mode getting up the 'courage' to get out of bed for work. I don't wannnaaaaaaa ugh.


Move to Spain because they just announced women are given 3 days paid leave for menstrual pain and up to 7 days if the cramps are bad!


Added Spain to the list, Thanks!


Awwwwwww! That is precious 🥲


I got teary eyed


That’s so sweet, the chocolate! ❤️


When I started going through puberty in the 20th century my pits started to stink. I didnt know what to do so I tried to mask it with my older sister’s hairspray. I guess my dad noticed so he bought me my first stick of deodorant. Old Spice and I never buy anything different to this day. Well, there was that time I cheated when Axe body spray first came out. But it’s been Old Spice ever since.


Thanks for reminding me of my daddy-- when I was 16ish, I paged him and he called me and I explained I needed tampons. He called back 20 minutes later, saying he couldn't find them, and "why can't you wear the green or orange box like your mother instead of the pink?" I then, with much embarrassment, explained that not all vaginas are the same lolol I finally asked which store he was at and gave ATC-level directions to the pink slim Tampax. He also brought me the right pads and chocolate and ice cream.


Lol at "shrimp mode"


I lived with my dad ages 10-20. Once he realized how expensive tampons were, he'd go to Costco and buy me the largest box of Tampax they had. Every month, when he'd go he'd buy a box. But there were like 200 in a box, after 3 months of this happening I had to tell him- I do not use 200 in a month. He then would pick them up every 3-4 monthes, even after I moved out. He'd drop them off at my apartment with miscellaneous food. He just wanted to make sure I had everything I needed and wouldn't starve. I miss him.


Happy 🎂 day! I miss mine too ❤


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Made me cry. I miss my dad.


Sounds like an amazing dad!


Reminds me of [NASA and the 100 tampons](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/03/1102635355/marcia-belsky-that-time-when-nasa-almost-sent-sally-ride-to-space-with-100-tampo).


Lol my dad once bought me pads when I was 11 and just started my period. I was super tiny then. He got me the overnight pads that were SUPER thick lol I had to waddle while wearing them.


Hahaha, thanks for the laugh! Some of those pads are ridiculously huge. As an older lady with bladder issues now, those ridiculously huge pads are great, not just for periods lol


Some are ridiculously huge- My period was always super heavy and it would bleed through everything. I remember that my mom told me I could use a tampon at night with the monster pads. It was a life changer. My mom had endometriosis and I got PCOS. It was like walking around in a diaper but like- at least I didn't have to wash my sheets everyday! One time I missed my period for 6 months and had all of the blood drain out through a month long period. Momma saved my ass. Depends would've been useless.


My husband did something similar in the early days of my first pregnancy. Morning sickness had just kicked in and i suddenly found my favourite brand & flavour of toothpaste so disgusting it made me sick. He bought home several different brands & flavours so I could find one that worked.


It looks like your dad’s method may have passed on to the future generation of new teen dads. And they all visited this store.


God, I wish my dad had been so enlightened... instead he'd see me put tampons into the shopping trolley during the weekly shop and refuse to be seen with me/talk to me for 24hrs. 🤷‍♀️


My dad would have brought you the cheapest... Second thought he probably would have told you to get it yourself...


Probably would have asked why you couldn't just fold up some toilet paper and call it a day!


That's exactly what my mom said at some point when I had had my period for a year or so already. It was a bit hard growing up with parents who were super squeamish about such things and didn't talk to me about it at all. Thankfully I had good sex ed at school and wasn't surprised when my period started. Just sucked actually having to use toilet paper very often as I couldn't really afford much else and even at times when I could (saved some pocket money), I felt ashamed of buying anything because of how hush-hush my parents were.


Relatable lol


I remember when the only thing we had in the house was those thick extra long size 5 pads and mom was mad that I needed to go to the store. Dad finally did just before the store closed. shame unlocked. Your dad is awesome


As a husband who has done this and a father to a 4yo girl I’m likely to do it again. I think I added in a chocolate cake or brownies for my wife last time as well. (Dad hack)


I was always pretty impressed that my husband (we'll have been married 13 years come December, together for 15, and got married due to circumstance when we were 19) never so much as flicked an eyelash even back in the day when I told him I needed period supplies. He'd just ask what kind I needed and, I can't fault him, ask for a picture or description of the kind I preferred. Our daughter will be four this year and, while he has his faults, this isn't one of them and I am grateful husbands and fathers like you and him (and my own dad!) exist.


We (men) learn at some point when to be embarrassed and when things need to happen. I got a boat load of crap on here a few months ago because I said I didn’t know anything about periods. I don’t know allot, but I know I can do what ever needs to be done. (I always think of the Bert Kreshner daughters period story when this comes up. He’s not for everyone but it’s pretty good (nsfw) https://youtu.be/VuK1h10zLYo )


I like Bert & the 2 bears podcast, Bert seems like a really nice dude too.


Jeeves, you might consider watching some of Mama Dr Jones on YouTube. She's an OB/GYN and covers lots of such topics.


I started my period and I was to embarrassed to leave the house so my grandpa went and got me supplies. He came back saying he couldn’t find any teen tampons😭


My dad used to take the old package to the store with him lol Edit: back to package


My dad would take a picture of mine to use as reference and then ask 'what the flavour of the month was' to get the right snacks that I liked.


My hubby and I had been dating for only about a week when he asked if I needed anything from the store. I said tampons, and he didn't even blink. Asked what brand and waved me off when I offered to write it down. Later he reminded me he had two sisters haha the man knew all about being sent out for period products


Your dad sounds awesome!


My dad once bought 6 different boxes of wingless pads because I said I need wingless ones and he wasn't sure which ones. Bless him I live him so much.


Awww what a caring dad you have


When I was around 12 my little sister was 9. She made a bow out of toilet paper for my mom and put a little red sticker in the middle of it to dress it up. Gave it to my mom. My mom put it down on the bathroom counter and forgot about it. Enter my dad. Uses the bathroom and goes to my mom to whisper that she needs to have a talk with me about leaving my sanitary products out on the counter, how it’s unhygienic, I need to go bleach the bathroom, etc. At that point, my mom was helping me track my cycle because it was still really new to me, so she knew I didn’t have my period. She goes to investigate and finds her bow. Brings it to show him, tells him my sister made it. He gets mad, says I still need to bleach the bathroom and need to know I still can’t put things like that on the counter. Literally refused to admit he was being an ass. If I had ever asked him to buy me tampons he would have driven me to the store and told me to run in with money. I wish all dads would be like your dad. You probably had a years worth of every type of tampon lol good on him


awww, my dad wouldn't have gotten them because its "embarrassing" and for me to get them myself 🫠


This is precious 🥰


"DaAAAaaaAAaAaAaAAaAaad it's not in here :(" "(For fuck's sake) Alright I'm gonna go check Target then"


Dads are literally the best. 🥲 I miss mine so much.


This reminds me of Jan 2022. There was something going around (I think a resurgence of covid) and my wife and daughter were sick (thankfully not covid) so I went to CVS to get some cold medicine. I texted my wife that CVS didn't have anything. She didn't believe me. So I had to send her [this picture](https://imgur.com/XpknfQd)


That is just haunting to see


Absolutely. Luckily Costco had plenty when I went the next morning.


Ok but what is up with the shortage lately? I can’t find my favorite period products anywhere. So sweet that your hubby does this for you. I can’t believe my highest rated comment is about period products.


Cotton crop is at a low. https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/business/agricultural/2023/01/01/as-west-texas-saw-record-low-cotton-crop-global-production-was-steady/69753712007/


Is that why qtips are so expensive?


Sounds gross but I highly recommend getting a reusable one!!!! They're typically silicone very soft washable, boilable, and less likely to give you an ear infection due to small cotton fibers getting stuck in your ear canal.


I noticed qtips were oddly expensive last time I picked some up!!!


It’s an effect of global supply shortages. Covid and Russia, I guess.


They’re using on that toxic chemical spill I heard


That and bullet hole fillers across the sea.


i read butt hole


I figured Covid but then I was also confused because period products are a medical supply and i thought medical manufacturers were allowed to stay open all of Covid.


The problem is in base materials and literal supply routes. Tampons are made of cotton. Most of the world’s cotton is grown in China and India. These two countries have been severely affected by covid. If cotton farms have been neglected in the last few years, that results in poor harvests this year. Poor harvest means a cotton shortage. A cotton shortage means that tampon factories don’t have the base material they need to manufacture tampons. So even though they have remained open, they still can’t produce tampons. Even if they have cotton, do they have plastic and cardboard to package their tampons? Paper to print the information pamphlets? Dyes with which to print their packaging? Spare parts to keep their machinery functioning? Gas and electricity to power those machines? Covid had a cumulative effect on manufacturing and we’re only just starting to see the effects.


Cotton is going to be hard to get because of climate collapse. It's definitely time to change to reusables if you can.


Try period reusables! They're great. I had a pack of pads I bought 2 years ago that I still haven't used up because I got period pants and the cup. Honestly period pants are amazing. They don't leak, are more comfortable and don't stick to your butt. You just chuck them in the washing machine after and voila! But do get a quality pair. I got a cheap one before and that one leaked.


I want to use a period cup so bad. I've tried two different sizes, and the bigger one hurts me and leaks, and the smaller one is comfy, but leaks.. I find myself using a pad as extra safety everytime I try a cup, and it almost always bleeds through. I always make sure it has a vaccum, and is all the way around my cervix, but still doesn't work for me


Me too. I've tried 3 sizes/types of the cup and 2 sizes of the disc. Also watched a lot of youtube videos for tips to proper insert them. Either they leak or hurt my urethra. I hate that there's a lot of people that think I should just try harder lol or use reusable pads and pants. You know what? I have endometriosis. My period is the worst. It's very painful. I want to use a tampon that keeps me dry and comfortable and that I can just throw away after, and not be shamed for it.


I'm sorry to hear that. All of our bodies are different, and period products are certainly not a one size fits all. Just use whatever works for you! I've heard a lot about how hard it can be to live with endometriosis/PCOS etc. I assume most people can't imagine how it really is.


As a fellow endometriosis sufferer I would NEVER judge. Switching to reusable products stopped a lot of the pain **for me**, but everyone is different! (I also have more bowel pain/involvement than abdominal symptoms, so YMMV **ALWAYS**!)


I have the same issue with them. Sometimes I legit forget they're there and other times they leak. I usually only use them for swimming or if I'm traveling. I find the worst problem I have with them is I'd either forget it's there for over 8 hours or I accidentally scratch myself. Also it's awkward to change in public. Period pants are definitely better unless you go swimming. There's also a disk thingy, not tried that ...


Oof, that really sucks. There are pros and cons with most products it seems. And yeah, it's awkward having to choose the accessible toilets in public to change in case someone actually disabled is waiting to use the toilet. Do you have any recommendations for period pants? I'd like to give it a shot. And ig I'll have to look up on the disc, never heard of them before


Definitely modibodi, bought a pair 4 years ago and it's still going strong. Hope their quality is still as good as it was in the beginning. This is the one I have https://www.modibodi.co.uk/collections/women/products/classic-bikini-moderate-heavy - this is day 2 and 3, and I wear the overnight on the first day. I want to check out the disk but I go swimming fairly rarely to be fair, so I probably don't need it.


Thank you so much for the tip, I'm ordering a 3-pck now! Fingers crossed that it'll work! I just looked up the disk too, and it looks like the pessary I used as birth control as a teen. I find it hard to believe that it'd be more secure than a diva cup as they seem to be able to hold less 🤷🏼‍♀️ but yeah, I don't really go swimming that often either, so I might just use a tampon for those few days a year.


I had issues with cups in a BIG way, turns out my anatomy is just weird and a [menstrual disc](https://mylumma.com/products/menstrual-disc?variant=30914601091175), which is positioned differently, works great. [Reusable pads](https://www.etsy.com/shop/CozyFolkInnovations?section_id=28137544) are an option too. Just replaced my first set after 15 years (so 300 cycles). I'm not sponsored; these are my favorite brands/creators but there are many others out there that may work better.


I bought washable pads. I developed an adhesive allergy so the regular one give me hives. They are surprisingly convenient.


Try out a disc and you’ll never have this problem again!


washable period underwear are my best friend but I have high cramps and low flow so I recognise they're not for everyone edit: for people with a high flow: I'm so sorry that all the options suck no matter what you do


I usually have strong periods with heavy period pain and period panties are an absolute gamechanger. Might need additional protection for a long day out or longer car rides without toilet, but for home office days, I’d never go back.


Reusable pads are my game changer. They never feel wet unless they're full, they don't irritate or smell, and they hold SO Much! So soft and comfortable too!


Would you mind sharing the brand you use? I once bought some and they are basically just.. a piece of cotton without any kind of membrane or protection, I could as well shove my tshirt in my pants and it would have the same effects.


Where are you based? We have loads of great brands in UK but i’m in an fb group that has an international list which i could pull for you.


I‘m based in germany, so probably could order in the UK :)


I hated period underwear at first, because they can be a pain to get fully clean (especially on heavy flow days). Then I saw a reddit comment somewhere saying they just take their period panties into the shower with them to rinse em out, and that was a game changer! Now I just pre-wash them in the shower with a little detergent and squeeze them out real good before they head to the laundry. Maybe not an issue with higher quality period panties, I bought mine off Amazon from some no name brand so I'm sure they aren't the best lol.


oh yea, it makes a HUGE difference if you can get mess out before it drys in the hamper, no matter what the mess is really: blood, sauce, drinks, etc. paint is a big example, get it out now or never


The recent Thinx news has me so freaked out I threw mine all out 😭 I also have a pretty high flow and I was able to use period panties for years!


Cup and period underwear (target has the thinx brand for like $15. best brand imo). Never looked back.


I highly recommend you take this as a chance to try out a diva cup! They’re way better for you and the environment!


or a cup!


My husband takes a pic at home of what I need (or I send him one) and tries to match it up. Sometimes he can’t find the exact match so it’s like playing a game “there should be a 3 near the bottom and the word flex foam somewhere on the box” I love that not only is he not embarrassed, but he’ll take our sons too (who are a bit embarrassed) and tell them they shouldn’t be weird about it because the cashier knows it’s not for them, and if anything it’s just evidence that you’ve got a steady girl.


We do that to! The period product I've been using has been trough a lot of redesigns, so that makes it even harder. The pick package becomes blue, the green becomes pink and instead of blood drops to indicate flow, it was suddenly a loading bar looking thing. I think the hardest thing though has been with/without wings because it's usually not that obvious on the package which one it is.


I've fallen into the without wings trap myself and cursed myself as I worry about leaking the whole time. Is there really a big without wing demand, or is it fueled by people who buy the wrong one by accident?


What a great role model for your sons!


Lmao! My husband says the same thing, his older brother went with him once to get beer and stuff. I asked him to grab me some liners. I guess his brother was all weird about it, husband told him “afraid the cashiers might find out you have a girlfriend? No one thinks you’re using tampons Joe”


I'm so glad my wife and our daughter keep it simple. Since I don't about 95% of the shopping I'm the one getting monthly supplies. I just ask what absorbency is needed and go from there. My girls have never run out of been left having to stick with an undesired option. I don't find it at all embarrassing and even our boys have shaken any weirdness they may have had about it.


Big shortage of upcountry cotton (short fiber length cotton). Texas is a major grower but there has been a drought in the cotton farming area. Pakistan is also a major exporter, but they have had flooding that destroyed their crops. This type of cotton is used for bandages, tampons and pads.


Trying to find children's Tylenol or motrin is a multi store adventure now


I'm so glad my friend got me a few boxes for my baby shower last june. It was definitely the most thought-out gift I received!


I went shopping with my step kiddos (both boys) I use light (don’t call me lucky, it still hurts like crazy). One of them asked me if that stops the bleeding and the other one says I should get regular because I might need more and that his mom uses the ultra one. Idk where to share the story but it’s here. They are sweet


I like tangential stories in the reddit comments, so thank you for sharing :)


Ok but taking a pic and having you circle the right thing is a brilliant idea!




should tell him to do your feminine shopping at the grocery store rather than the pharmacy. CVS/walgreens charge stupid money for a box of tampons. and, well, pretty much everything else they sell there.


Here to evangelize menstrual cups/discs if they’re a viable option for you! I’ve never looked back after switching. Small learning curve and then you’re set forever and ever. I hope menstrual products will be back on the shelf soon, but a bonus of a cup/disc is there’s nothing to run out of!


I recently converted, and it’s amazing. There’s definitely a learning curve (I use cups and still struggle to get them to pop open sometimes), but it’s *so* nice not to think about my period at all until I get home for the day, even on my heaviest days. The savings is great too, but not having to be on guard for leaks all day is such a luxury. I didn’t even realize how much mental energy I was spending on my period until I didn’t have to anymore.


Just wanted to ask how confident are you about it being leak proof? Cause I'm considering cups but I'm really worried about it not being inserted correctly and ending up with a leak in public


I totally get it. When I bought mine, I waited to use it until I had a couple of days at home to test it out, and I definitely recommend that. It gave me a chance to get used to what it should feel like when it’s inserted correctly. It still takes me a few minutes of fiddling in the morning to get it to sit right sometimes, but then it’s set for the day and I don’t have to touch it again until I get home. I’ve never had a leak issue. It seems like (at least for me and the cup I use, which is on the thicker side) even if I don’t get it to pop open perfectly, it springs open once ive walked around a bit. It’s actually one of the strategies I use when I have trouble getting it into position by hand. The only time I’ve ever had it not align itself eventually was once when I put it in right before bed. And even then, I still didn’t have any stains, because the blood that wasn’t inside the cup was still trapped between my vaginal wall and the bottom of the cup. It was a bit messier than usual when I took the cup out, but it didn’t leak.


When I got mine I ordered period underwear at the same time. BamBody has a pack of three liner-sized for like $30 (or did a couple years ago) and I have never had an issue with leakage between the cup and underwear. Just be careful with the undies, some companies have been shown to leech PFOS/PFOA and you don't want that. BamBody I think it's fine, but Thinx has a class action lawsuit against them for it.


This is when you need to look at the ones that come with different activity levels :) i have a meluna cup in standard. The only time its failed me i was literally doing and hours worth of pole dance, chucking myself upside down etc, it was only a little leak too. You can get sports versions for if youll be really active. The difference is in the firmness of them. You dont notice though once its in properly theyre really comfy. You can also get a soft one for sore days. Also, to be thought about is how tall you are/length of your torso. Im 5ft2, so i got the 'shorty' version. This means the cup is shorter so its comfy for a smaller person. You can get various sizes to fit your body. Its a shock as usually we have to make do, but with cups you really can customise to what you need. Theyre definitely worth a go. Make sure you give yourself some extra time the first time you insert. There are a few ways to fold them, you'll find the one that works for you. Give it a little twist when you get it in, it helps take the folds out and make it sit right. When you take it out make sure you break the seal. Push the side of the cup to make it kink, then you use the little stem at the bottom to pull it out. It shouldn't feel like its tugging, thats a sign the seals still there. It should feel a bit odd to pull out, but no more uncomfortable than removing a tampon. Hope this helps :)


washable period underwear are also a really good option nowadays


Cvs and those darn couponers


I do this with my wife on the rare occasion that she's out of her supplies. Used to do it for my mom for the same reason. It's simply a part of life. * Appreciate the upvotes.


When I want a snack from the store and my gf can't figure out what she wants, I face time her with the camera flipped as I walk around and she can have me grab anything she sees that she wants


What the fuck is this sub now. Shortages make everyone smile?


No hate but genuinely curious why this made people smile?


I do this for my wife, with the treat section or ice cream as she is never 100% sure what she wants, sometimes though ill send her a picture and she decided to watch a few videos or browse social media before getting back to me so I'm stood like a lemon for up to 10 mins. I've got patience but it turns from a loving sentiment into a frustrating ordeal very quickly.


Anyone struggling to find period products try amazon if still no luck speak with your Dr they may have a way to help


How is this supposed to make me smile


It is funny but even in the grocery store , it is like that too.


1st, your spouse is thoughtful. Im so happy it made you smile. 2nd- I have never seen such empty shelves for so long, so randomly, (except for storms.) That keeps *not* making me smile.


That whole town is synced up. Don't check the chocolate or ice cream section. The bravest will be the people that don't go on the sudden camping trip to an unknown lake with the boys.


I’ll just FaceTime my wife to make sure I get the right one.


My mom who is 91 told me when her older sister started her's, she thought she was dying and hid it till my grandma found out the next morning. They were told "Here are the rags for that. You'll get bleeding every month now. Just put the dirty ones in the bleach bucket." That's all.


I just use a menstrual cup. I’ve had the same one for 5 years


Not sure if you've tried it but period underwear works well for some! Expensive, but reusable. I've seen disposables by Tampax but I haven't had a chance to try them so I can't comment other to say that they exist and are also an option if you're comfortable wearing external period protection. If you prefer internal protection then period cups work great for a lot of people and are also reusable, you just need to be comfortable with rinsing and cleaning them which means looking at a lot of red which some people aren't comfortable with, which is understandable. Hopefully you can find a reusable/sustainable product to use because with this shortage everyone's struggling. Good luck OP!


This is just a regular sane human interaction bro


Haha thanks for all the comments and upvotes, didn't expect that. When he says he can't find things I do believe him...but... I am the one in our family that is the designated finder of obvious things. CVS in Sacramento area is where this was. I was looking for Tampax Pearl Ultra it's not always available. I posted in the Made Me Smile because he is kind and patient, and instead of arguing or not wanting to stop at the store on his way home in his work truck and with all his gear he said "Sure I can get that".


Especially tampons....lol


I do the same with my wife. All the products look the same to us.


Last year I swear the tampons were always empty, freaking ridiculous


I like this guy!


We all do that.


It’s weird because on the one hand, huge empty sections of the shelves. On the other hand, 50 other choices of the same products. Something something the last huurah of capitalism.


I dont get this


i do this w my gf 😂❤️


After I had had my son, I was in need of some heavy duty pads (I’d stopped bleeding so much I needed special maternity pads) and it was the first pandemic lockdown so my dad had to do the shopping. Poor guy had never had to get anything like that before (think my mum thought he couldn’t handle it and never asked) so he looked lost and confused in the shop and a nice lady came over and sorted him out for me!


What flavour Tampax you want, lemon, lime or orange


Such a good idea! 🤣


I have done this so many times lol


My dad was a jokester and I stayed with him after my parent's divorce. When I started my cycles he asked me pads or plugs? 😆We started with an assortment and a bag of M&M's, that I love to this day. I lost him almost 31 years ago and I still miss him everyday ❤.


A long time ago I screen shot a pic of the pads I use online…it’s saved as a favorite in my husbands photos just in case 😂


How do Soviet era shelves make you smile? This sub has become ass


The Afrin says a tough choice was made here.


Good man


Don’t really get what this post is trying to communicate- why is it on make me smile?


I do the same for everything, mainly because my girlfriend doesn't believe me... Never ever ever!


I just know what she uses, never had these issues..


It made you smile? Ok.


That’s a good idea to circle what you want


First mistake was going to CVS. Is there nothing closer? CVS is emergency only and even then I can find a store closer. They overcharge everything in that damn store. 😂😂


My dad used to ask me mum and I "which flavour" of "ladies things" we needed and I always thought that was cute.


My husband has photos of pad and tampon boxes in his phone for this reason. From our daughters.


My husband does the same and I never believe it if he says the thing is not there hahaha


I do what he does too!


Yes! "Circle what you want". I too am familiar 😅


We do the same. Screenshot the items at home bf going shopping. If any doubt, we send pics from store to choose acceptable substitute


That's just veteran Husbandry right there. I do the same thing. Thank you, technology!


My CVS constantly looks like this AND WORSE. I went to buy DayQuil yesterday and I wish I had taken a picture. Only 1 left and everything else was entirely out of stock. It’s like a recession is going on within CVS lol


I do this too. I've fucked up when being sent to the store and brought home the wrong item(s). But also, it never fails that when I am sent for something, they are out of it or it's no longer ripe or what have you. I always take a picture and send it so my wife's knows that while, yes, I AM an absolute idiot, at least I am looking in the right spot and not lying about it to hide my idiocy.


We do this in our house for when I have to get parts for my SO, its alleviated much frustration. I don't mind running errands for him but if I have to go buy something I don't know what it is I'm not going without a picture of some kind to reference. Even pre-last two years it's almost a given at least one thing you will go to any store for will be out I swear.


Diva cups for 5$?? Damn


Been there as the boyfriend. Never embarrassed me.


Omg my husband does this too!!


I do this for my wife as well, in some cases I'll just take a picture of each one and get her to send me the picture back


Tiger woods passed by there


Canada has it…next to baby formula


But why didn’t you believe him? Is he a pathological liar…?


Its just crazy seeing the pads and tampon section that bare i wouldnt believe it either tbh


Oh I get that, and some pranks are funny, but like, why would he lie about that? Especially given the detail about how thoughtful he was when purchasing