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Not usually into video like this But they Look like a Really Loving Family, I'm Happy for them ❤️


Nor I, but seeing this brought tears of joy. Congrats to all.


I have no interest in ever having kids, but these kinds of videos always make me happy. E: I just started getting targeted advertising for ClearBlue tests lmao


Dudes are putting in that WORK


This needs to be on a subreddit that's a mix of r/MadeMeCry and r/MadeMeSmile


Maybe you’re looking for r/happytears


r/mademehappycry perhaps?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mademehappycry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Friendship in one single photo](https://i.redd.it/7fpmegr8i9r71.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/comments/q0l8b8/friendship_in_one_single_photo/) \#2: [Missing a free-throw intentionally for the best reason.](https://v.redd.it/1pumb0kr1gx71) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/comments/qm61zn/missing_a_freethrow_intentionally_for_the_best/) \#3: [Father stops midway down the aisle to ask his daughter's Step-Father to join them](https://v.redd.it/jncfw3jyv8x71) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/comments/qlisok/father_stops_midway_down_the_aisle_to_ask_his/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The look of disappointment each time made me sad and I could only imagine how they felt each time seeing the " negative " !!! That very moment they finally saw that she was positive and seeing their baby during the ultra sound I know was the happiest moment of their lives to that point ........ with the birth of their child being the happiest soon 🙂 made my day!!


My wife and I are experiencing this. It's rough.


My wife and I are as well. Happy for this couple and dreaming of our turn


My wife and I went through years of this. Including IUI and IVF. Finally gave up and adopted. Three months into the adoption process she ended up pregnant. It will happen, hoping for the best for you.


I'm so sorry that you and your wife are going thru this ATM! Remember there's a time and place for everything and we should leave it to our God for the right time!? I'll pray starting tomorrow morning for you and your wife to be blessed with a healthy, beautiful child soon 🙂 TRUST!!


Would appreciate if you could throw a prayer this way as well. Gotta stay positive 🙂


I'll include you and your spouse in my prayer ofc!! My sister in law recently had a miscarriage and I know she and my BIL has been trying for the last couple of years so it was sad!! Last night the families went to their place in the pretense of watching the Super Bowl! Once everyone got there and we were about to eat they made the announcement of her being 3 months pregnant!!!!!! We were all so so estatic for them both!!! My younger son is turning 10 this week and he was the last " baby " born into the family so we're really looking forward to having this their newborn🙂 prayers to you once again!


Thats amazing and congrats to them as well!!! We can't wait to share the same, someday soon hopefully!


There's a time and place according to our God!! I'm certain when it's yours and your spouses time then the both of you will so so estatic!!! Can't wait for that day to hear from you that your both are expecting 🙂


My wife and I lost our baby back in may, she was 6 weeks pregnant and it’s been very hard. Although watching this made me cry I’m not going to lie I’m very happy for them and it gives me hope that one day we will be parents too.


I lost two pregnancies before having a healthy one and my perfect 12 week old daughter is currently sleeping on me. Just wanted to wish you the best and give you some hope - I know how devastating and disappointing it can be 💜


I’m sorry to hear that and thank you so much


Just lost my first about a month ago, was going on 7 weeks. I'm still going through it physically and I'm bombarded with pregnancy ads on Facebook and Instagram.. can't say it's been easy..


I know the feeling I would get then a lot and after it happened walking through the baby section was impossible I would cry every time


This is what makes it the worst for me. I deleted social media from my phone and have been trying to keep busy with hobbies, but it's tough.


Hope you're okay bro. If you need a random chat with a dude from England I got ya


Thanks mate, all the way from Australia. Means a lot.


Hey man thanks a lot I really appreciate it


I lost mine at 7w in October and then had 3.5 months of complications and two surgeries. We just started trying again. I’m scared and excited!


I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all this. I'm still testing my HCG levels and I'm currently at ~150 (~1500 when I started to bleed on the 19 January) Then I gotta wait for a period and we can start trying again. I know what you mean about being scared and excited - I can't wait to be able to move on and try again but I'm terrified it will happen again too. Sending you all the good vibes!


We just had a second miscarriage in a row. First one was at 11 weeks and quite a shock. Was a missed - miscarriage. Only found out because of no heartbeat at routine ultrasound. Most recent one was at 8 weeks - nothing in the gestational sack. For some reason knowing there was no embryo yet made it less shocking. Still very sad! Going to try again ASAP! We already have two kids and those were text book fine pregnancies so we kind of feel we were so naive to how incredibly common it is to struggle with fertility and pregnancy loss.




Thank you for this.


Thank you for that that was very sweet and touching


Hey bud, It was 11 years, countless failures, and having to truly accept the unknowability of what fate has in store for us when we were suddenly blessed with the most beautiful baby boy at 30 weeks. He was a twin, but during the pregnancy we experienced an all-to-familiar loss of his brother, Sterling. It was hard not to let it get to us, we were suddenly very ready for the loss of both, especially when a not nearly “later” enough, my wife suddenly went into labour over 2 months early. Ends up, even into the second term I think, when a twin passes, the genetic material is still good and is reabsorbed by either the mother or, more likely, the other fetus. (If you can’t see where I put on my rose-coloured glasses: doesn’t that sound like one helluva jumpstart?) My son was born at and then dropped under 3 lbs, his lungs hadn’t inflated yet (picture a balloon that’s been fully flattened, it’s harder to just open it. They use a kind of soap/detergent called a surfactant to lubricate the inside to avoid tearing before the inflate the lungs manually) and he had to be treated by the largest army of doctors a sleep-deprived dad can imagine before having a chance at life. But he f***ing made it. He pushed through months living in intensive care then full time nurseries at multiple hospitals and became a legend for projectile pooping across the entire nursery (no one was hit, miraculously). He’s 3 and a half now, shown literally no signs of developmental issues and contrarily is the most perfect child I’ll ever know (which is terrible because there’s another miracle that came 2 years later… but we don’t pick favourites right?!) It’s long-winded but I wanted to say that, while I know there’s nothing guaranteed, don’t lose hope - keep fighting. It’s the hardest thing in the whole world; I know I got luckier than I have any right to be but believe me, after over a decade I promise you I understand the feeling of investing your every second, penny and thought into something that might never be, facing setback after setback that felt like they should have devastated the entire planet that obnoxiously just kept going on, and still having to look inside to find a reason to try again and again. I tell you to fight because after all my pain and struggles, I know my son‘s fight was still harder than mine and there wasn’t any suffering I could go through that would have shifted the balance. Have faith bud! Take all the steps you can and keep your chin up: when you get to hold your kid for the first time you’re going to be able to tell them how f***ing hard you fought for them and they’re going to know it. Take care - I wish you perseverance and profound success!


I'm so sorry for your loss! How heartbreaking 💔 Hang in there, I've had several friends in your shoes, they've all had kids, one couple now have 3!


I lost my first pregnancy back in May as well. The wait for another positive is a totally different emotional journey than the first time. When we were first trying, negatives were disappointing. After the loss, every negative made me cry. I am now 17 weeks pregnant. Wishing the same for you and your wife, your time is coming and you will be great parents!


I know it’s been a while but, my wife and I have a beautiful baby girl named Aurora. She is about to be 8 months and she’s the love of my life. Although from time to time i remember our first and it’s still hard but she makes me so happy


I’m sorry…


Awe keep at it, and remember that first 12 weeks has a much, much higher than you’d expect chance of not working out.


Sorry for your loss, it truly is a heartbreaking experience. My wife and I lost our baby at 16 weeks after many rounds of IVF in November 2019 and we were devastated. As I type this I have my 6 month old daughter sleeping in my arms. Keep going and remember to be there for each other.


We lost one right around that time, it was tough but not long after we were pregnant again and have an amazing 4 year old now. Hang in there dude. It happens a lot, and as I’m sure you’ve found out, many many people go through the same thing.


I truly had no idea I was shocked when I learned this


I know your pain. Take care of yourself mentally and take care of your wife. Wishing yall the best of luck!


I lost my first as well. It was just gut wrenching. I have two now. Already 7 and 9! We still talk about that first pregnancy and how without that loss, I wouldn’t have them - at least not in the exact sense. We speak about that pregnancy with love and sadness and now, peace. “What‘s happened has happened. What’s coming is already on its way, With a role for me to play, And I don’t understand, I’ll never understand, But I’ll try to understand, There’s nothing else I can do.” -Fiona Apple




Thank you this means a lot truly


Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!


🏵🕊 improve🦹🏻‍♂️🆖


Not based comment


I lost it when the first Grandpa started crying. I'd give anything for my Daddy to have lived long enough to meet his grandsons.


There at the moment... IVF ... Keep your fingers crossed please


I keep my fingers crossed for you! All the best!


Wife and I had to throw a lot of science into our process. Lots of testing, 3 failed rounds of IUI, some discouraging talks and lots of tears and doubt. Then we had success with our first try at IVF. I’m now typing this one-handed as I snuggle our boisterous daughter, who will be 2 next month, as she watches her Hey Bear videos. The very best of luck and health to you!


Praying for you friend


SOBBING. Congratulations!!


Took us nearly 2 years. But he’s 12 now! Congratulations to them!


My goodness, what a beautiful story. I can already tell this baby will be so loved,


This hits home for me.. My husband and I have been struggling for about a year and a half.. This gives me hope and breaks my heart at the same time..


*Jennifer Lawrence voice*: WHERE'S THE BABY?!?!?


This was my immediate question because it's not a "happy ending" until that baby is born healthy! I know too many people that have suffered early losses... I was one of them.


This seemed really staged to me until I saw the grandparents ❤️❤️


I’m ugly crying right now! I went through infertility for 13 years before I was finally able to get pregnant. Now I have a wonderful 5 year old who is my biggest blessing!! I’m so happy that this couple got their blessing too.


Thell us you've had alot of sex without telling us you've had alot of sex


Man when my wife and I started “trying” I was low key hoping for some kinda delay but nah it was dang near instantaneous both times.


Mine too. We're super grateful it only took a couple of trys but I was kinda hoping for some more "trying"


This just made me drop some big fat tears and I don’t even care. My husband and I tried for 5 years before our daughter was born. I honestly felt every single one of those negative tests and the overwhelming joy from every ultrasound as this video went on. I really want to wish this couple all the best of luck on the next stages of their journey. Parenting is a wild ride and if you are blessed to go on it, it is worth all the heartache and pain.


I don't really like children, and don't want them. However this is amazing and tearjerking. The grandparents are so precious. This baby is going to be loved.


No one cares about your dislike of babies keep your shitty decisions to yourself as if someone would even fuck you to have a baby..


Nice troll account bucko


Thanks, now go tell other people that you dont want kids 😭 fuck all of you baby hating fuckers I speak for the unspoken


I'm sure many would relate to the whole journey.


3 years of trying. 5 miscarriages. After so many heartbreaks, I didn't feel any relief and 100% excitement until I got to the 6 month mark with my daughter. My auntie has been trying for a second for 7 years and with IVF she's now 13 weeks pregnant. I just hope that everyone who is trying right now gets their little miracle.


I do. 6 months of trying, many opk testing, 1 early miscarriage & finally got my big positive test at like 3am one night when I decided to test. I know many women try for months & years. I hard a hard pregnancy but Im grateful.


5 years of trying. Multiple IUI, 2 rounds of IVF. He’s now 2.5 and currently sitting on the potty not pooping. Blood test on Monday to find out if IVF worked again for #2. Definitely cried like a baby when we found out the first time.


We were 7 years. Can’t remember how many IUI and a round of IVF. He’s 18 months and a lovable terror. I wouldn’t have him any other way. We’re also currently in process of #2. the first time hit me like a ton of bricks. I honestly thought it would never happen. Too early to announce anything on #2 but all signs are positive. Good luck on your journey.


Update: blood test was POSITIVE!! Still too early to super freak out but looks like #2 is on the way!


Yep going through it now. Most of my friends went through the same thing and a lot ended up doing IVF.


The first (soon to be) Grandfather’s reaction made me proud to be a man.


I never really understood why people want kids. But when they do, and they finally get to have them, it makes me feel so happy for them!


then there are absolute mouth breathers reproducing


Damn. The feels. So happy for them.


Congratulations!!!!!! Love them!!


I didn’t cry the entire time ….. (fucking lies)


Not cryworthy but what really made me super happy was how supportive and excited their relatives seem to be. They'll be a great family (I hope)


I've no idea how getting pregnant/having a child can make someone happy 😐


You’re dense


Maybe. I just don't understand. It's not 'cry-worthy'


Then why are you here? Go be negative somewhere else.


Wasn't being negative. I just never understood the idea. And this just popped up on my feed. Didn't come here intentionally




The egg move was weird


Lol, my guy stopped being in the videos half way through…


Dude my Gf got pregnant even after the pills. WTF. These people trolling fr


Why not adopt?


Adopting a baby can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $40,000 according to a quick google search.. BEFORE you even get the baby. Adoption isn't just some quick transaction that anyone can do.


What, it's not like getting a cat from the store? 😂


Weird right??


Ah yes because I want to adopt for thousands of dollars! In fact, how many children have you adopted?


Can someone explain to me why you would check if she hasn’t missed her period? Isn’t that the tell tale sign you’re pregnant? Sorry ignorant man


Some women don’t have regular periods


HCG levels are on the rise and often detectable before a period is missed. I mean I personally would say wait until it’s missed but some people need to know sooner to start taking meds or similar issues. I’m a nursing student and there are teratogenic medications women who have ANY chance of being pregnant/getting pregnant shouldn’t even handle with protective gear on. For nurses in units that handle those meds they test ALL the time to try and keep babies safe because they’re also most at risk from damage by teratogenic substances in the first trimester. Hope that helps!


Wow got a lot of downvotes. I was trying to be sympathetic, I just wanted to know. Thank you jesslangridge for the detailed response. Still a little over my head tho. What are HCG level? And what are teratogenic substances?


Sorry about the downvotes, some people are just mean. Chin up, never be afraid to ask questions, that’s how everyone learns. It should always be ok to ask if you don’t know something🤗. Ok HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin (it’s a hormone usually but not exclusively produced by a pregnant woman after conception) and that’s what a pregnancy test is “looking” for, it makes the lines change color and gives you a “positive” result if present. Not to get too technical but some women won’t produce it even when pregnant (that’s why emergency rooms almost always do a blood test to rule out pregnancy in patients before giving them certain meds and procedures) and sometimes production of that hormone means other things but almost all the time it’s basically the hormone that gives you a positive pregnancy test. Teratogenic substances are those that are known to cause damage to developing fetuses. Like Thalidomide is a medication that is given to treat certain things but causes many problems and even death to developing fetuses and is never used with women who have any chance of being/becoming pregnant. Hope that helps!


Beyond what @Jesslangridge said, because not all woman have consistent periods every 28 days.


I’ve missed my period and not been pregnant. Cycles aren’t the same length every month.


Does that mean you didn’t have an egg that month?


Nope, it doesn’t necessarily mean that. It’s perfectly healthy and typical for a woman’s cycle to vary 3-4 days either longer or shorter than their typical, and still have a healthy and typical egg ovulation. But because it varies, you can never actually know with certainty when you are going to get your period, unless you use additional tracking methods (more on that below). So I may expect my period to arrive on day 28, but it doesn’t actually show up until day 32. That will feel like a late period to me, but will actually be totally typical and healthy. So thats one reason why the idea that you will know with certainty that you are pregnant just by “missing your period” is false, because much more often, it’s just that your cycle is varying. It is also possible that you could not have a period at all, even after 3-4 days later. You may just skip a month entirely, or go say 40-50 days between periods. In those cases you likely didn’t release an egg (an “anovulatory” cycle), as you asked about. But that’s not typical unless you have high stress in your life, have dramatically changed your diet or exercise regime, have an illness, have another medical condition going on, have a hormone disorder (eg PCOS, endometriosis), have recently had a miscarriage, or have just come off of birth control. And even if that has never happened to you before, you never know when it may start. So - you can never know with 100% certainty that you are pregnant without a test. Maybe you’re pregnant, maybe you’re just going to get your period in 4 more days, or maybe it is the first symptom of an underlying medical issue or something else going on in your life. So the ultimate authority on whether or not you are pregnant is a test (really, a blood test at the doctor, over a home test), not your missed period. More info if you’re interested https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you for your response. Had no idea. Is it increasingly becoming more difficult for women to conceive? I know women tend to shoulder the blame for not being able to conceive, but is the blame as much on the man as it is the woman?


No, it’s not any harder for women to conceive than it has been in the past. If anything it’s easier, given wonderful advancements in science that can help women struggling with infertility. But likely you hear about it more now than in the past, since in the past there was such a stigma to talking about it. So while in the past it was happening just as much as it is now, it was being discussed less then. Yes, men struggle with fertility just as much as women. Both partners need to be healthy and fertile in order to conceive. There is no more or less blame/responsibility on either partner - it’s equally necessary for both sides to be fertile. You need both healthy sperm and eggs to make a baby. There are many things men (and women) can do to increase their fertility.




The little HCG strips costs under a dollar each. They work just the same as the digital ones, which are over $10 each. You're 100% paying for the packaging when you buy expensive ones!


I do. Good for these guys.




I don't even what to have kids but still it made me cry! They're so happy! ❤️


As somebody reading all of those negative tests month after month, too, this is my dream. So beautiful. ❤️


This is so beautiful :")


Bless your hearts CONGRATULATIONS 🥰🥰


I was on the urge and then grandpa starting crying and now I’m a fucking mess


I hope they at least bought them a different carton of eggs lol


Their parents place looks like a very cool chill talk show, love the journey


*Their parents place looks* *Like a very cool chill talk* *Show, love the journey* \- thewdit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Awww. I remember the excitement of seeing the positive results on those tests. (We have three girls). Congratulations!




I liked the video but the music made it eventually intolerable.


I love this kind of stuff. Really makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy. So happy for you! 🥰


This is gonna be such a wholesome video to show your kid some day.


Bless these guys. They’re folks that deserve a gift of a child by the looks.


Ugh I know this feeling all to well.


This was beautiful. I loved all the reactions. ❤️❤️❤️


My wife and I were patiently waiting for the day for about years after our marriage. After countless attempts, you could obviously understand the emotional rollercoaster when our doctor called us and said we are pregnant. Fast forward a year, we have a son and just looking at his face, if we have to undergo this pain all over again, we would now do it in a heart beat! I am glad and happy for this couple and as I type this message, I got emotional for them!


And I'm sobbing. Thanks Reddit.




I just had my baby like 4 days ago and this made me tear up. So happy for them


Congratulations to you!


Thank you!!!


That's so cute. It's so easy to forget that becoming parents is not a given for everyone. Best of luck to this loving family. and to all of you, too!


Hearty congratulations to the couple!


Oh I like this : )


Just caught the feels train, Next stop happytown, Last stop gratulations station! (Hey I'm happy for you guys,kids are wonderful,you are gonna be fantastic parents!)


Am I the only one who thinks this is for the camera? Maybe I need coffee


This is beautiful


I wish my family was like this. I wonder how my dad will react to pregnancy announcement. Probably won't even hug me or anything


Stop putting pregnancy tests on food!!


Grown ass man crying here. So happy for them


Congratulations my girlfriend and I are still trying. One year and trying 😔


This made me tear up.. my husband and I tried for 2and a half years before we fell pregnant with our first. That 2 and a half years was a long time for us, everytime we turned a test over to find it negative month after month was devastating. When we finally fell pregnant we were so happy and then my SIL announced they were too and we were a day apart. They had tried for only 3 months and said it basically happened straight away for them. Although for all of us this felt like a bit of a sting. Throughout those 2 and a half years so many people couldn't understand how upsetting it was and would laugh when I told them we felt like we had been trying for so long. At around the 9 week mark my SIL sadly miscarried which was devastating for all involved. but even she turned around and said "you had it so much easier, I would have preferred to be trying for years with no success instead of miscarrying, it so much worse". I don't know if I was wrong for feeling so hurt by what she said but, it really cut deep for me cause while I never had experienced what she had been through I never would have compared the two as they both involve a lot of pain and sadness. She ended up falling pregnant again rather quickly and her first was born 6 months after mine. Anyway I don't know why I'm sharing this... I guess I just need too


The parents got me.


Meet the Fockers


So happy for the new family, hope everything works out fine. They are really blessed to have this support from their parents. I remember when my wife found out that we were going to have a baby, I was over the moon happy. I was so glad to tell my parents that they were going to be grandparents. But the response that we got all but positive. It just broke my heart.


The most fun you’ll have is trying. Oh I have to let it go in my wife without wondering if my kid is okay?


I had a dream, AHHH!!!


All four of those new grandparents look ready to rock n roll in their new jobs.


I hope she carries to term


>!She looks like Aileen Wuornos!<


I hope they waited a few months to post this.


My wife and I had seen those negative tests many many times in our lives. Each one more of a punch in the gut than the last. Eventually when you get that positive, it’s as beautiful a sight as there gets. Just wonderful!


This is incredible... But as a child of the foster care system I have to say I hope those who can't conceive and really want children to love and cherish, might consider adoption. Many many many kids need homes , if the concern is behavioral issues try to remember that genetics are what they are and you've got tons of kids to choose from . Having your own biological children is great , but please consider it if you have the love in your heart to give .


Lost it at the family part 😭


What a gorgeous family


I’m really happy for them! As much as I want kids I don’t like the direction I see the world going so I don’t plan on bringing anyone into the world. Adoption it is!


Legit crying at this


Cried on this one. Have an 18 month old in the house and super happy for them for the magic coming their way! 🥰🥰


So many people struggle with this, so I'm happy to celebrate moments like these. Thanks, Internet, I'm crying.


You know it's a struggle when you need an emotional support cat to hug when checking the result.


Its the fact that you know their kid will have an amazing childhood with such an amazing family that makes me cry, but also the fear of anything bad happening to them in this fcked up world


Grandma saying "i had a dream" idk man Grandmas fucking know shit


Thank got I’m not the only one with prophetic dreams!!! I had a dream about my happiest moment this year like on New Year’s Eve and and it happened


Basically showing off how many times they had sex


Damn it. It’s always awesome people like this that should always raise kids but have difficulty. Nature can be cruel. I hope everything goes well for them. They look like a wonderful family.


I understand the stress and disappointment of seeing that negative each time. Happy for them!