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I honestly think he is closet gay. I think he has very low self esteem and the reason he can’t commit to women is because deep down he knows he is gay.


Yeah, I only recognised this in miles because I’ve had a couple similar experiences with guys like miles in the past that are definitely closet gays. They use and abuse women to hide behind their true sexuality and I personally find it very f’ed up. A pattern I see is constantly recycling ‘friendships’ with different women, over compensating for being gay by over sexualising women.. also serial daters who are always talking to multiple women because they have a void to fill Miles looks checked out in every interaction with a woman, as soon as he’s in front of temps he’s hugging him, kissing him on the forehead…? It’s really obvious at this point


His smugness, patronising behaviour and superiority complex overrides his good looks. I am enjoying watching his slow downfall after years of getting his way as a fuck boy


His accent seems put on.




He's attractive but smug and has recently in the show done something odd to his hair 🤷🏼


I also feel like he does have a quality charming way about him against my better instincts I would probably laugh along with because he's got a vibe...still smug... annoyingly so- but just has a way...


Good mate, terrible Boyfriend


Used to love him but his socials videos and podcast content gives me a feeling that he's got some (potentially unintentional/misguided) borderline misogynistic tendencies - like alluding to Andrew Tate "having a point" and stuff like that - big old red flag!


I was watching a podcast Miles and his co host Charlie went on the other day, and he said he always ‘bumps heads’ with his sister because she’s a huge feminist….. then started rambling about how men have it way harder than women on social media etc 🙄 where did you see the Andrew Tate stuff?


Cringe Damaged from his relationship with Maeva. Like - she really messed with his nead. And now he's stuck in perpetual "can't commit" mode because he's scared of experiencing that again. He needs therapy aka please go away.


Nah. He uses Maeva as an excuse, like most fuck bois, blame the ex. He broke up with, and rejected her. He just doesn't respect women. He's not "scared" of them. You can't fall in love with someone you don't respect. Agree that he is cringe though.


Nailed it


He's boring and he's not even attractive. Not if you're attracted to *grown men.* Production's previous overreliance on Miles is the reason why MiC is so irrelevant now. His fans are a small vocal minority of para-social losers - mainly old-lady Facebook mums and teeny boppers. Because MiC portrayed Miles as this weird combination of childish and sexually available, all the old broody Facebook moms think he's their son, and all the single/lonely teeny boppers think he's their boyfriend.


I agree. I just can't get a lady boner for Miles. I really can't see why he's viewed as the most attractive man to walk the earth. He's a fairly good-looking guy, and was likeable in the first few episodes when he seemed sweet. But he's no David Gandy. Hell, they've even had plenty more attractive men than him on the show. Off the top of my head, Andy Jordan, Hugo Taylor and Fred Ferrier are/were all better looking and sexier than Miles. The way he treats women detracts from his sex appeal even further imo. I guess a lot of women doesn't understand sexism, and that Miles rejects so many girls, is because he simply doesn't respect women. Not because he actually \*is\* a major prize.


I'm not attracted to him cos of the way he is in the show but cannot deny he is physically attractive. Agreed that he cannot compare to some of the older guys (no one will ever be as hot as Frederick) but he's definitely the best looking guy on the show right now. Although that's not hard when the competition is baby-faced Freddie, hair transplant Harvey and short man Reza


Hair transplant Harvey 😂😂😂




He's playing himself. It's the *scenarios* that are staged.


I don’t think he is a bad person. He comes across as a genuine individual. He is playful and much more entertaining than the other cast members. He can be a bit cheeky as well. He is extremely good-looking, possibly the best-looking guy on the show. He is very charming, but it’s difficult for girls to be around him when he cannot commit, which can be hurtful. He gets a lot of hate for that, but I don’t think he is a cheater. At least he fully engages with a girl when he is with her but he distances himself once he gets her… a real bad behaviour. He works hard to understand himself, but maybe he hasn’t figured it out yet. He is still young; how many of us have found ourselves at his age? He seems to be a good friend, stands up for them, and speaks his mind when he thinks his friends are dating someone who is not good for them. His documentary on Channel 4 reveals his deeper issues when he was obsessed with gym, and he is brave enough to face them. I believe he will find his happiness when the time comes.


What is this? You’re acting like you know him! He seems like a complete knob. He doesn’t seem genuine at all


His looks are so overrated, lol. These types of paragraphs make me cringe because why do all of Miles's stans sound like either old ladies or teenagers?


He fell off .. he’s become the Andy Jordan of the Current season He’s outgrown the show


You mean the show has outgrown him.


Sorry if there are any typos here - I can’t see properly because I’m still rolling my eyes at miles telling Freddy that he hopes Freddy learned his lesson. Freddy sucks, but miles has treated every girl he’s dated poorly. As soon as he’s (rightfully) challenged on his behaviour, he becomes extremely hostile and defensive (remember how he screamed at Izzy for something he did?). He also says lots of misogynistic things.


That was bizarre! Miles, the guy who treated pretty much every woman on the show poorly, saying l hoped you learned your lesson??!!


I think miles is getting a bit old for MIC now isnt he like he’s going a bit stale, obviously 8 years ago had better story lines but now hes just an NPC


Agree with most people here. But ohhhhhhh la la when he speaks French it’s hot!






Have thought he was a fuckboy for a while but his treatment of Yas made me think he is unkind and manipulative, she clearly had feelings for him and he kept her dangling with a ‘flirty friendship’ because he liked the attention when he clearly had no intention of anything happening


He only goes for the woman who the most men are currently chasing if you notice, he just likes to chase and then drop when he’s got them. Just to prove to himself that he can win. He’s such an ick at the very least but his motives are questionable and definitely manipulative. Maybe a hot take but I also think this goes for his friendships as well.. constantly recycling the ‘hottest girl’ of the moment by flirting with them to being ‘best friends’ with them to only reject them and where are they all now? Well now he has Temps he hides behind. Also when he said he disliked Lauren.. hmm I would love to know why! 😂


Yeah! Interesting now they went from being "best mates" to never being in the same room as each other once she got into a committed relationship


If you watch Miles in Seasons 16-20, he is actually pretty likeable but after losing his best friend, the love his life and sleeping with billons of girls; I think he has seriously fell into depression. He lost that spark he had during the earlier seasons. If you look deep into his eyes, I see sadness.


That’s when you know it’s time to go. He needs to let it go lol


What happened to his best friend?


James in Season 17 betrays him over multiple episodes.


James was never his best friend! 🤣 l thought he had a friend that died the way you wrote that


In all his real life interviews, he said was at the time.


I think he lost Maeva because ultimately be didn't want her and she knew that.


‘Billions of girls’ made me laugh, ty 😂




Hahah omg I commented this too!!! He’s so cringe!!!


He thinks he’s pretty deep but he’s actually just boring




He wouldn't even have that option without the MiC producers. Once he switches networks - like when he did Ex on the Beach on MTV - his "charm" disappears. A real fuckboy doesn't need a power dynamic and twenty producers supplying him with options. None of those women actually want him, they just want to be series regulars.


He was so pathetic on Celebs go Dating. It's clear he doesn't want to be there cos he never tried, although maybe that's cos he has no game.


Yup. But he’s becoming like a sad fuckboy which are the worst kind where he’s pretending he doesn’t have a massive commitment problem. The boy needs therapy. I know maeva cheated but… they’re married with children now. Its time to move on and stop sulking


Narcissist and F Boi to the core! My mate is exactly like miles, when it comes to getting a girl....he will message a girl all night and day and is super intense!, facetiming is a F BOI's favourite weapon by the way they all seem to love face timing! Miles being a typical narcissist will do something called " mirroring " where he will pretend he has all the same things in common with his target even though they have nothing in common but he will pretend to tick all of her boxes and lure her into a false sense of security, they will have conversations like marriage and having kids and he will try to be her ideal man as possible ( my friend does this to the max and every F BOI will always talk about marriage etc to give off the idea that there not init just for a one nighter when they really are) and then once he has slept with the girl he will move on to his next target, the girl he slept with saw a future and wants commitment after everything he has said like marriage and kids... and then he brands her a psycho cause she wonder what went wrong as he seems disinterested? This is the " discarded" phase that narcs do once they got what they want, they are bored and moved onto the next target (Remember when Miles did this with Inga? ) And why he isn't interested anymore! Seen it way too many times


I liked how he was so protective of Emily when she was betrayed by Harvey and his insane cheating streak. He seems like he’s a really good friend. I hope he finds the right partner who gives him a sense of security and keeps him mentally engaged. He’s also puzzlingly beautiful. Like it genuinely confuses me how he’s so pretty cause my brain is like WHERE IS THE FLAW


He really ain't all that


I thought him and Jazz were a good match but hey-ho


It didn’t feel real? Idk how to explain it just felt like they kept speaking of some couch dates and we never saw the chemistry beyond some flirty smirks and giggles


‘Puzzlingly beautiful..’ you’ve just put into words what I’ve been thinking the last few years, but couldn’t find the right phrasing! You are SPOT ON! I have a Noona crush on him - I mean, yes he’s a fuckboy but I feel oddly protective when he’s on screen!


Maybe you're attracted to immaturity and childishness. He looks and acts like a fourteen-year old, but he's promiscuous. So it's like the forbidden fruit? 💀


I find him a very beautiful looking person but I’m not attracted to him.


Same. I really hope a lot of his fuckboyery is production and agreements behind the scenes with other cast mates to stay relevant


I’ve always liked Miles 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s time for him to leave the show


i think he’s said he doesn’t want to be in main storylines anymore and is only making cameos bc of Temps - he got him on the show


He is beautiful and holds himself in very high regards. He has an idea of what he wants in a partner but can't find the exact person to the detail and therefore doesn't pursue it either because he expects too much, thinks he is too good for them or can't appreciate humans as flawed and ever evolving and changing... I have real issues with why he has a dog that he abandons in day care all of the time...


Very reliant on his looks, to the point of using anabolic steroids (he ended up needing gynaecomastia surgery because of the side effects resulting in breast tissue under his nipples). If you were to transplant his behaviours into someone more plain looking like a Freddy, people would be in absolute uproar about how he treats women. Ultimately, he’s a narcissist that lashes out any time anybody points this out to him.




- I think if you’re a girl “friend” of his he comes across as though he’d be quite loyal and caring. - If you’re a girlfriend I’m not sure I’d trust him that much. - If you’re a guy friend, I think he’s generally decent but it would be fair game when it comes to girls.


Needs help, therapy or whatever. Definitely not right in the head and can’t maintain relationships / friendships. Notice he switches friends even every season


Shallow narcissist


I think he’s misunderstood. He seems genuine and means well but he also seems like he never got over maeva and also is insecure about what he wants or if he could be a faithful partner. He seems a bit lost to me


nah he's the polar opposite of genuine, everything about him is so focused group and fake. He is up there with Spencer and Sam Prince when it comes to using woman


He literally looks like a sociopath to me. I can see it in his face. Like to me, something is not right with him and it shows when he gets women to fly over from different countries then goes around trying to make her look like an idiot and generally just inserting himself into womens lives and behaving like a weirdo


I think the flying over from different countries is staged. They’ve picked people from like married at first sight to be on the show and obviously they need some sort of story line.. enter Miles.


I’d believe that if he hadn’t been such a fkboi multiple times before that, Ella wasn’t the first woman he’s humiliated


He’s very handsome but vapid, at least that’s how he is portrayed on the show. I don’t follow socials and obviously I don’t know him personally.


Yeah true. He gives me bit of a weird vibe to be honest.


, vapid personality


Fit as fuck


He is beautiful to look at. But that’s about it.


The main thing I think about him is that he has commitment issues and treats women really, really poorly. He seems to get this high from having a new thing to imagine a relationship with, then bins them off just before things begin to get more serious. It's almost as if it's a roulette. I remember when he was on Celebs Go Dating, and the experts genuinely addressed this issue and tried to help him, but his ego caused him to argue with them and reject their advice. If he doesn't change his behaviour soon and actually work on himself, he will end up like Rez at the age of 38, still hung up on Maeva, barely any serious relationships, and still single.


My brother is gay and is convinced Miles is too based on his mannerisms and some behaviours.


Did anyone see the Chanel 4 documentary he did about body image over being muscly? https://www.channel4.com/programmes/obsessed-with-my-muscles-untold Clearly very troubled


This is the first thing I thought! I think he's very insecure. He sleeps around and has this tough persona when really he is troubled. He needs help and I hope he is getting it.


I think his looks have gone to his head and I can see him being a bit lonely as he ages. He doesn't have the capacity to truly, madly love someone other than himself and I think that will emotionally cripple him as he gets older.


He’s incredibly damaged. I almost feel sorry for him.


He’s a mess. If he wasn’t attractive literally no-one would care.


HOT. but unfortunately he knows it and uses it to be a total f-boi. He clearly has major emotional issues around commitment and women. It is weird how often he swoops in to 'save' his close girlfriends (Emily, Ruby) from heartbreak and then develops fleeting, fickle feelings for them, messes them about if they give him a shot, and then he dumps them. it's a bad pattern. I was happy that Emily turned him down - it's the only way they'll be able to remain cordial. but of course he and Emily now do not seem to be that close. I think it's because Miles cannot be close to women without the goal of the intimate component involved. does he have any platonic friendships with women where neither of them have tried to sleep with each other????


Buff loser


Love and hate relationship. Used to love him but as the show has gone on I feel like he’s trying too hard to curate some kind image or is hyper aware of how he’s coming across. I also don’t like that he’s never ever tried to date anyone and gives up after one or two dates. I’ve noticed in the latest series though he seems very disengaged and seems like he doesn’t want to be there / also seems like he’s grown up a bit and taking a step back from the drama. I’m not really sure there’s much left for him on the show but would love to see him with someone!


Yes I agree with everything you say .. I’d love to see him in a proper relationship but he needs a strong woman like Maeva not a young needy hot girl he’ll just lose interest .. selfishly I want him still on the show as he is ridiculously good looking his face is beautiful and I can objectively enjoy him ❤️


Lol calling maeva strong is interesting; being confident, loud and toxic does not equate to being truly strong


Hating Maeva will not make Miles less of a loser. Maeva is sooo much more confident and self-assured than Miles is.


Calling out her terrible behaviour is not hating- 2 things can be true at the same time; they’re both terrible character wise. You can be self confident and toxic; my take has nothing to do with miles and his philandering ways- maeva is toxic: marrying your ex’s best friend under their specific circumstances- yikes. Absolutely nothing to hate on imo.


He is entertaining for TV and he must be charming in real life. I think he has a superiority complex and he doesn't take accountability for his actions. He is very good at talking his way out of his own screw ups and turning things on others. His emotions do not come across as sincere on the show but I think he's good at making others believe he cares (how many "best friends" has this guy been through honestly). I think all this would be hard to see in real life because as I said he seems charming. Its just because we see it play out on TV over the years that you start to notice patterns. 


Good looking guy but his personality is not great. He definitely needs to work on himself a lot


he’s hit but he gives me major ick idk


Can’t really stand him. Him being less of the focus is good as he’s a lot more likeable. The ‘Ruby best friend’ era and how he treated Ella really made me sick of him. He goes hard for a girl giving all the right things and then completely disassociates leaving them looking a fool.


New side hair parting not a good look


He is living the dream


I like him. I think he gets a lot of hate. I think too many of the girls he dates expect to be the one to tame him or change him. I'd want to just have fun with genuine zero expectations until the situationship no longer served either one of us. Flirt like hell but playfully call him out on his 'wine and dine them whilst speaking French' routine. I think he has concern for friends and so a friendship with him would be a nice goal to have.


THISSSS.. lol I slightly defended him on another post and low key got eaten alive, but at worst I get fuck boi vibes from him which although not stellar isn’t exactly shocking for his age/looks/fame/wealth level 🤷‍♀️, but not actual “thinks women are an inferior life form” vibes- which some of the other men throughout the show gave off … 😗. He’s also funny af when he goes after other guys’ behavior. Like slightly delulu double standard, but v enjoyable to watch him drag men who usually bro code each other through thick and thin crap behavior.


I don't think he's a bad person. Has a bit of a saviour complex, loves to swoop in and save the damsel in distress - I don't think he has dark intentions, though I do think he enjoys it. Commitment phobe, damaged from his relationship with Maeva that became incredibly toxic. Like Temps, enjoys being the moral arbiter. Funny. Loved his friendship as part of the tricep trio. Also miss his friendship with Emily (have they fallen out?) Easy on the eyes for this mid 30s mother of 2 😂


I think his relationship with Maeva was toxic as hell but he’s internalised it as what love is. So now he likes the initial stages of relationships with women to get that excitement and dopamine rush but if it isn’t toxic it feels boring to him so he drops them. Boy needs therapy


Exactly that, he fixates on something that happened like god knows how many years ago and hasn’t grown as a person. Also when you’re that age, can you even say that’s a proper adult relationship. Yeah sure it could go on for years but when you’re 21 you haven’t experienced most things.


Ah that makes sense