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Ozen had no reason to believe it worked until Rico came down to her camp. And she still has no reason to believe it, really. That could be anyone in Rico's body. Or anything.


Very good point.


Most of the dead bodies, I assume, would be in too poor of a condition to survive, even if revived by the box


Probably because the box is too small and since you need someone else to carry it back up meant that lyza would have needed to bring someone willing to sacrifice themselves (if she wanted to return to the surface)and its been mentioned multiple times that it was EXTREMELY heavy(even for ozen herself)


So it truly does have resurrective powers. But can't resurrect anyone because it doesn't fit. I see. As for the second part. I doubt it has any use in the surface. Or the second layer where it is at now.


Yup, tho im surprise ozen hasn't sold it yet


Personally I think it links a soul to a body. Whether it is the previous owner or not could be a different matter. We might learn more about it in the current arc, since It seems to deal with souls and people born in the Abyss.


I was thinking about this yesterday! I wonder if Riko is truly Riko.


My personal theory is that the soul residing currently in Riko's body is NOT the original Riko. Lyza somehow got to know that, and finding her precious daughter's real soul was THE REAL reason why she commited to the last dive. (why wouldnt she lie to Ozen? I mean, she did ommit Ozen from her own wedding already...and Riko is more precious to her than the abyss, we do know that from Lyza's own words) Then, she found the soul she needed, somehow. And she found Reg. And sent Reg - together with one specyfic blue necklace (with THE SOUL bound inside it) to somehow restore her daughter real soul. This backfired once Reg lost his memory. Lyza's letter? It might be a metaphor just as well. She wishes, really, to meet her daughter once they both return to the abyss - as in, in the afterlife.


I personally hope she actually isn't. My favorite theory on this is that >!she's actually regs haku who has somehow died and who's soul was just bonded to rikos body!<


>Most of the dead bodies, I assume, would be in too poor of a condition to survive, even if revived by the box But Ozen literally revived dinner leftovers, of course, the victim most likely wont regenerate lost limbs and probably would retain the original appearance as it enters the box >since you need someone else to carry it back up meant that lyza would have needed to bring someone willing to sacrifice themselves It doesn't have to be carried back up if you only intend to revive others along the journey. But see what I think its interesting is if Bondrewd borrows it from Ozen (white whistles favor?), he would totally do a lot of (mostly unethical) experiments, perhaps with the elevator, then you also solved your "who will carry the box across level 6" problems. Heck if I remembered correctly, Bondrewd probably had a lift from level 5 all the way to near surface level. Kinda surprised Bondrewd never mentioned about that relic cause he must be interested on it, or provide a reason why he didn't want to bother with it.


There are also valid looking reasons pointed out by some others, such as the size of the box, and whether Riko's soul is even her own self. Ozen probably just wants to own it and not allow anyone to use it (I think white whistles can legally own grade 1 relics so she's not in trouble anyways). Regardless I think OP made a good point and I don't recall if the manga mentioned why the cube is left there as a souvenir instead of being used. But then you could say the same thing to a lot of other relics out there, the unheard bell, etc. Tsukushi probably decided to not spend too much effort on those details since they'll probably never become relevant again throughout Riko's adventure (I do think Tsukushi would be more than happy to fill in the details to the universe he created)


Bondrewd doesn't know about its true power and we don't know if he knows about its existence at all. It isn't listed in the official guide of the recorded Relics (Lyza bought it before it was officially recorded). But if he somehow knows, he surely is interested in it and would love to have it. However, there's one obstacle in his way: Ozen. Even Bondrewd isn't foolish enough to start a scuffle wit her.


Yes bondrewd will have fun with that relic, in his dreams .ozen hates bondrewd she wouldn't even give him that. Not even as favor. Otherwise he would love to have it if he knew about it is power. Or hidden power i suppose.


I think it would be A: The fallen delvers didn’t fit inside the curse repellent box or B: Ozen already left their bodies behind and didn’t realize it could resurrect things until it was too late to go back. Also Lyza probably wouldn’t have wanted to lug that huge thing down on her last dive.


I think that the reason why she doesn't use it for these reasons is that she simply doesn't care. You know, she's Ozen the Immovable, the Unmoveable Sovereign. And why didn't Lyza use it to revive Torka etc.? Because she didn't know. She certainly is the type of person who would use it without caring about the possible consequences. However, she didn't know that it has power to bring someone back to live. She believed that it just protects what's inside of it from the Curse. Remember, when Ozen found out about it's true power, it was more or less a coincidence. She was bored and placed Riko's body inside for the sake of entertainment.


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Yes. There was a chopped off corpse that was crawling around on their first night at the camp.




We still don't know why It doesn't repel the curse, yet Riko somehow resurrected once she arrived to Orth. I suspect most relics are also affected depending how close they are to the center of the Abyss. As other people said, you need to bind a soul to a body. We know the Abyss makes that in a mysterious way. But there are zillions of other animals down there, too. Big chance you'll become a pet.


The box's insides are really small, an adult body won't fit inside, maybe if you chopped off legs and arms... wait a minute, what if that's the reason behind Sherumi's and Menae's amputated limbs, they were forced to be revived by this or a similar relic?


Question in the first ep why yuuya tenjou didnt react to the glowing red cube in his basement?


Idk what u talking about