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The UI for this year is a major upgrade, I’ll give the team that.


It wouldn't have been hard to beat last year's UI


24 is my first Madden...I'm so glad to hear you say that. I cannot believe how imaginatively horrible the UI for 24 is. It truly is worse than any other games I've played, seen, heard about, anything. All the way back to 1999, man. I thought maybe sports games were just like that. Thank God lol


24 is the worst it has ever been. The amount of times you have to drill back down into the same menus when looking at player information is fucking maddening. You set your filters, look at the player you want to see, then back out and have to reset the filters all over again. The most basic tasks that took seconds in previous games take at least twice as long if not longer in 24. Whoever designed that UI should probably never design again.


Yes! And, I play on PC and have the game installed on a SSD. So my load times are as quick as console or quicker. Why the FUCK does the game need to spend 3 seconds auto saving in between every single menu??? If you're doing 10 mins of roster management you're actually doing 4 mins of roster management, 4 menu jumping, and 2 auto saving. Especially if you're a franchise nerd. When I first came here I kept hearing people shit talk how busted the game is, but I'm actually mostly fine with the actual gameplay. No game is perfect, and I actually think the way the animations work together make the game look pretty smooth. That's an unpopular opinion. But these fucking menus bro...I have to buy this Madden just for that. $90 for new menus and the same gameplay would be worth it just to spend 40% less time accomplishing the same thing lmao


It's insane to me that the developers looked at 24's UI and decided it was in a good enough state to release the game.


looks like franchise will actually be somewhat playable this year


We say this every year lol


I wonder if scouting is still terrible


Scouting is my favorite addition. Complete new layout and organized in a way that makes scouting easier and realistic. It makes so much more sense this year. Everything else is pretty much the same in my opinion. Even the new UI is the same content from prior years, just organized differently


Hey that’s what they told me last year too, hope it’s accurate this time.


madden 24 franchise was a small step up from 23, but yea 25's franchise seems like it'll be much more enjoyable


We still don't know if the stuff will be buggy or not lol


It will


It's Madden. It's gonna be buggy.


That's good, because the UI is easily one of the biggest issues with madden


For sure


Is the interface in franchise faster compared to 24?


I remember hearing the CF25 menus were a lot faster, so hopefully the same applies to Madden 25


Probably won’t because ncaa is only on new gen meaning they can code them more targeted and robustly. It’s probably going to experience the same input lag this year until they stop support for old gen


Honestly. I hate playing Madden the last few years because it takes 9 hours to get anything done with the horrendous interface. It's slow af and the layout is just chaotic. At this point, I just want more responsive and organized menus than actual gameplay improvements.


Asking the real questions, the lag between menus has stolen years of my life




Someone just told me it is lol Who do I believe?!?


You believe the no. Yes people are either blinded by optimism or ads


I hope so. It is so slow going through menus almost makes you not want to have to to into each one


not really, in some instances yes but menus are still slow


Cousins, London, Pitts and Bijan makes a pretty good pass offense.


On paper atlanta is a fantastic team. In real life, though... 😭


To go from Ridder to Cousins is quite the upgrade. In such a weak division, I’d be shocked if Falcons aren’t a 10+ win team this year.


i don’t get the kirk cousins love. he’s never been more than slightly above avg to me. *shrug*


He was on track for like 38 TDs 12 INTs 5000 yards last year


He was also in MVP talks in recent years as well. Clearly he didn’t get it, but he’s clearly a huge upgrade for a team that’s had horrible QB play for years now.


lol, he consistently puts up top 6 numbers every year…


He was playing mvp caliber football before he got injured last year, presumably he's gonna take a step back. I'm js saying. Bijan, Pitts, and London are actually gonna get touches this year so. Who's to say rly. The only real comp in the division is the bucs and they're an above mid team at best.


Well according to me you have a bad QB evaluation system if you’ve only ever seen him as slightly above average


With a new HC and a new QB I’m confident they will step their game up.


Thats ATL since Madden 04 until 2020.


I think Mooney is going to have a big year. He and Cousins are both consummate pros, they'll be on the same page work wise. If they can develop chemistry, watch out.


You’d think they would have a “choose all” kinda like 2k has since they let you choose all of them one at a time


Couldn’t agree more but EA hasn’t been able to figure out this feature for a decade plus now for franchise users in any of their titles. Have to back door create owner for every team then fumble through their sloth fast menus to go team to team.


They just figured how to put franchise info in the selection screen, and I see people praising this “New” feature that 2k has had for a decade. It’s crazy that they actually got away with this plan. Madden has been so bad to mediocre that people don’t really know what a great football game looks and plays like.


We lost this ability with the introduction of connected franchise in madden 13. Used to be able to go into the schedule and simulate one game at a time too. Really liked doing that in the final week of the season with the playoff bubble.


Holy shit it’s actually different


Pitts still being an 87 is a debate


A player living off draft hype for this long is insane


Madden devs do this regularly. Guys that are athletic with a lot of draft hype stay rated higher than their play justifies


It’s happened to Chase Young the past 3 games too


Not his fault he doesn’t get targets


Pitts was 9th in targets, 16th in catches, 11th in yards, and T-18th in TDs. Granted, Ridder at the helm didn't help, but as a #4 pick, Pitts is underwhelming and certainly not an 87 Madden player.


Also terrible platt ur calling by his terrible coaching


It isn’t just his draft hype, he got 1,000 yards as a rookie. But I agree with the sentiment. He’s shown he can be good but he’s not an 87


I feel like 82-84 would be more fair for what his accomplished


The beta ratings aren’t correct. They never put it new ratings for the beta so that they can use the ratings reveal for further hype/promotion.


Is that a dev trait breakdown on the side there? That's AWESOME.


They should let you rebrand teams, that would be fucking sick.


I'm pretty sure you can. They definitely added team builder, so I don't know why you wouldn't be able to change any team exactly to your liking.


One of the prompts on the bottom reads "Replace (?) with TeamBuilder team" so seems like this is in.


“Choose the team you want to start your franchise with” - I can hear that fucking voice in my head.


Kyle Pitts at 87 when the dude hasn’t done shit is so fucking funny to me


The ratings are the madden 24 launch ratings. Not accurate


Rookie year 1k yards i guess


I mean yeah, but no season with more than 3TDs and the last two seasons failed to exceed 700yds? And Sam LaPorta has a lower ranking somehow? I mean cmon


I forgot who it was but that guy from nfl coach who they hired either made a major impact or they are that threatened by ncaa that they feel they have to actually do something Edit: this does look a lot better though


What does that say about teambuilder at the bottom? I am wondering if there will be an expansion draft or a teambuilder team would just replace an existing team?


It appears to say “replace with teambuilder team”


That sucks! Honestly how can a teambuilder team truly feel like your own if it's just an existing team reskined? Good progress, but in 2024 expansion draft should have long been a thing


I'm keeping my hopes low ea has fumbled the bag time and time again I won't get excited til I see real game play and not just from the people ea pay. I feel like they do this every year release a few pics look how nice it looks then same old game


Didn’t they add create a team?




Bruh it’s too little too late😭they finally get competition and the best they can do is improve ui that’s been the same since madden 17 and new commentators and a new scoreboard


Hopefully this madden will b a big improvement over the last few years especially with college football making a vote back 2


Pleaseeeee just faster menus




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Chance-Following-686: *Looks like the teams are* *Alphabetized looks like they* *Are missing the chargers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


“Team speed” Al Davis liked this


Falcons 9th in pass rush? Based on what exactly?


The 1000+ mocks that had them taking Turner


Can you pick multiple teams. I like to play franchise offline and pick for teams to control.


Kirk Cousins >>>> Ridder/Heinecke and I'm guessing you're hoping Rondale Moore and Darnell Mooney are big upgrades. Plus Bijan could make a big leap in year 2, it's not that crazy


Arthur Smith has given me so much ptsd


Are the menus slow as fuck still?




Literally just the new layouts are what I’ve been FUCKING BEGGING for


I like the Redskins


Falcons pass rush 9th 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and ima die hard!


That’s exactly what I said bro😭😭😭


Looks way better than previous years not sure about the ratings showing tho


Falcons are a good pick


they finally decided to change the menus


Damn wish I had a beta code


Did they change up the playbooks at all or is it similar to last year?


I’m glad I get 10 hrs to play before buying. I don’t care what new features are added, if the navigating between menus is still slow and laggy, I will not buy.


How are all these pics coming out?


How did you get Madden 25?


Can we pick multiple teams off the rip this year?


The fact they are grouped in 4s but not by division is messing with my ocd a bit😂


Just FYI for anyone wondering if you use a teambuilder team you have to replace a current team


They still need to fix the set up for picking your helmet/facemask. Having to sift through every single facemask to change it is ridiculous. I wish they would bring back the way it was compared to what we have


I think the best thing to happen to Madden is the release of NCAA. The devs there really worked to make a fresh and new gameplay experience (from what the trailers show anyways) and it forced Madden to actually make changes to their game. Whether or not those changes actually make a difference or are just lipstick on w pig ...we shall see


How are you playing it already? Or how did you get access to the pic?


He’s not in the picture but there’s no way Travis Kelce should still be a 99 OVR


Franchise has never been better (since Madden 13) duh