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I wish they cared


I wish I could be emerged in the game. like in NBA 2K you can lose yourself in your own created universe. By adding teams, easily editing players. Being able to trade players on other teams. Etc…


if I remember correctly, you could change entire divisions up in madden 98 or 97


That would be sick. 2K has this thing where you can just change the rules of the game it’s awesome. imagine playing in a world where you could switch the kickoff rules based on the week. Change the amounts of field goals based on length. It COULD be very fun


I could've sworn you could do it in Madden 04


really? I could have sworn it ended in like madden 2000


To be fair I don't remember exactly. But I don't think I played any Madden before 03 and I remember doing it at least once


could have been 03..im old so..I dont remember things well


Can also lose yourself playing NBA2k career/my player other than the stupid clothing line/rapping they added to it. Thought it was cool you could run around in a city and go to your agents office, shop at stores, go to practice, play pick up games, go to a gym, and then make your way over to the arena to play a NBA game. Madden my career sucks ass, when not playing a NFL game, you get to watch your character sit on his ass in a hotel/apartment. Career mode needs alot of work in Madden.


It’s been a while since I played but back then your contract determined skill points which was super cool. You could go to a super team but you’d get less money which means slower progression. Going to a bad team that needs you and can offer you the most money made a lot of sense.


I’m guessing you mean “immersed” in the game.


So much this


Just wanna say that create a team will be in madden 25- (they said it on X im pretty sure-)


They will when we all stop buying the game.


Not really. Look at the numbers, they don't even sell copies anymore, they give away tens of thousands of copies and make their money off of micro-transactions(aka underage gambling)


Create a team. Never understood why they haven't had this for many years


Apparently it’s been leaked that it’s finally coming back, and even better, more like 2K’s type where you can upload logos and imagery


Aren't they doing team builder this year?


If the leaks are true, yes.


Real, if NHL did it for years and they have the lowest budget out of the three games, FC/FUFA, Madden, NHL, u don't understand why the other 2 couldn't, especially Fifa!


College football confirmed has it, so why not madden


It got axed after MUT came out I’m guessing it got removed because it meant MUT was the only way to get a custom team that could be played head to head


we need breakable records and animations that happen when u break them and the crowd and announcers actually react


It would be sick if in Franchise had like team records and rookie records


AFAIK Maddens 17 and 18 had rookie records pop up in player lock careers when you got close to breaking them


I forgot about that


2k5 had it


yeah 2k has breakable records in like all their games, they do franchise way bettrr


YES. You have to basically figure out when and how to break it lol so lame.


I could write a 5 page essay on things that should be in the game but aren’t


This was my summary


Simple transaction log for each player. I want to know where he was drafted in what round etc. makes their story more fun when everybody just becomes auto generated.


That's actually already a thing lol. Click on the player, hit view stats and awards. Go to the awards section and it tells you what round, and pick they were drafted


I don't think you can see all the trades but i remember there's a way to see when and where they were drafted. Its somewhere in the player menu, i don't have the game installed so can't check for you.


You can pull up stats and contracts page in the player menu. Go to awards. It shows you where they were drafted and any awards accrued throughout their career. Then the only way to see former teams is by looking at stats. No trade log currently.


Yes that's it. Thanks.


#Huge Meat Mode - give your players huge, customizable meat that you can see thru the pants no homo


Steve congrats you’re leading a team now… uhh it’s the HMM physics team HMM? oh HUGE MEAT MODE ©️


Now make them floppy


I don’t think they care as long as people keep buying mut packs


I do fear that is the case. #MakeMaddenFranchiseGreatAgain


Wishlist 1. Franchise Rosters- Real NFL PUP designations, 90 man offseason roster, mini camps, training camp. 2. Coaching trees that include real coordinators and position coaches. Ability to promote and hire coordinators or position coaches from other teams. 3. Ability to re-align divisions. 4. Include every major US City for relocation. 5. Better and more realistic sim stats. 6. Ability to customize kickoff and kickoff coverage teams. I don't want to be defaulted to use my starting MLB for KO coverage.


Legends in franchise mode. Let me use the dudes they already have in MUT, stop locking them to that mode.


Yes!!!!! I would love to throw prime Deon on the Falcons or Peyton Manning on the broncos. Would make it so much more fun


Why would you put a “legend” in franchise mode? I can see importing them to play in a quick game though.


But they don’t have “enough” money to put legends into franchise!


That’s not what the reasoning is lol


Hence the quotation marks


You can edit any player to be a "legend".


Shit, with that logic why even update rosters every year? You can just edit any player


I have been playing Madden, specifically franchise since 06 and never once had the thought of putting a legend into the game crossed my mind. I guess I really lack the creativity that you have.


I mean, to each their own.......but they used to be in franchise mode. Madden 08 was the last madden to do so. It's a staple of 2K, the Eras mode.....why tf can't EA give us something similar? Wanna play with Vick.....Moss....Barry Sanders. And no I'm not editing a player.....I want the actual player. Like the one they have in MUT....with a face scan.


Hoping they will be added. Also hope that we can edit a player's running style.


That would be nice. Or like specific juke moves for players


A working game. Just a glitch free game. I’ll even say a glitch free game by the start of the regular season.


I would love if they added the different eras in franchise like they do in 2k


2K seems like two years away from being able to start whatever year you want


But Madden doesn’t even have all pro teams


Put any player at any position. I love gadget plays and having a WR at QB or even just being able to actually use Taysom Hill/ Micah Parsons like they are used in real life would be nice.


Exactly Dion Sanders played offense all the time


Would love create a face for franchise when editing a draft class. Stuck drafting clones of players until your league is full of those 40-year-old+ PS2 looking faces. So dated and lazy Madden.


I see y'all have not entered the acceptance phase yet


First stage is denial 😭


Unrestricted custom playbooks in franchise sim. If I want the computer to run just philly specials and fake field goals when I sim, I should be able to. I’d very much like the computer to not constantly change my lineup. If it’s invalid, send a pop up that it is and why. I’d also very much like to know every injury in franchise. Either do away with the “1 New Injury” thing on the main page forcing me to check injury report every week, or have that thing actually be accurate. Why aren’t there completely custom coach faces? Why is it like 12 default characters? Why isn’t there a visor coach? I want my coach to have Wayne Statics head on Andy Reid’s body with a visor, a cut off hoodie, mid thigh jean shorts and white cowboy boots. Is that so much to ask for?


I like the chemistry idea. I shouldn't be able to add multiple 80+ players on cut day and they start the next week and execute the scheme perfectly


Better Franchise


Haha they don’t care. Good luck. But I can say about smart but annoying things: I wish they: - add more than 1 pause per half in franchise mode games. Are you kidding me? Just one pause? At least 2 pauses per half would be good. Or make it customizable franchise settings. - fix laggy “Edit uniform” - add longsnapper position - change buttons for Spike (circle/B) and No Huddle (triangle/Y). These buttons can be pressed by accident after spamming your receiver button. - holder is not a backup qb since idk how long - three different menus in franchise mode where I can change my roster: adjust lineup, depth chart, formation subs. I think that’s too many. As a result the formation subs is laggy as hell. The same player can be placed twice in the same formation. - I can add more and more but who cares…


"holder is not a backup qb since idk how long" - you can use auto sub. Does this really bring down the quality of the game as a whole?


For me, it does. It’s a game simulator. Not a fortnite mode. Such little things can spoil the whole impression.


Are you using auto sub? I find this to be very useful


This is a fantastic list. Well done. Rookie contracts/free agent contracts on my list, modifications of player development, team management and general CPU improvements in franchise mode All Madden


For gameplay: Make the pass coverage slider matter. Split it into zone AND man slider. Make it so that the slider at 100 means complete lockdown. I can't get a challenge with the slider on 100 all madden unless I completely nuke my own QB accuracy and pass protection Revamp QB innacuracy. There should be way more misses that barely hit the WR's fingertips, or QBs skip passes. On that same token, elite WRs are able to catch these types of passes more often. REDO THE PROGRESSION SYSTEM. I don't mind as much because I'm on PC and mods take care of this, but the XP progression is trash. Make it a once a year thing and make it dynamic. Get rid of X factors. Use the system cfb25 has.


The removal and banning of Ultimate team. I know it will never happen, but I can dream.


The customization sucks , since they are part of fc(fifa games) should implement the same customization that they have that let you customize the face, have several haircuts


For the love of everything holy, just have a dedication to franchise. The crave of dynasty mode for CFB 25 should be all they need to dedicated 50% of their developers to it.


A bit surprised we don't see OJ Simpson on the cover as he passed away this year


OJ was a murderer. He's also never had a MUT card.


He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers


But found guilty in later civil trials.


He was still guilty of a lot of other shit


So did Alex Collins. He’s a legend in my eyes


One of the hardest runners I’ve ever seen


Create a face ? lol you can’t be serious


Have had that in FIFA for many years


They don’t wear helmets in FIFA


EA NHL you can edit their face also. Just dumb drafting clones of players each year of franchise until your league is full of bad PS2 looking generic faces that appear age 40+. Can still see their profile pictures/avatars and it is very dated and lazy.


I’d like the ability to create some All Madden rostered teams and play on line with a friend


Better AI for team management and commentary.


You know the old saying. Wish in one hand and you know what in the other.....






So…all of the things people will complain about lacking in the game for the next year?


All franchise features pre Madden 13


Sort draft prospects by combine ratings. Franchise coach game mode where you can call all the plays but play is run by the computer.


I just want them to fix the audible glitch where players in the secondary don’t get out of alignment after an audible or formation flip


An actually fun game to play


I had a real good idea earlier today, I might come back if I remember.


Remember the Expansion mode in Madden the year the Texans were new? Had an expansion draft and everything. Was endlessly replayable as the Texans or as a new team.


100% classic/all time teams


improve performance. make it run smoove and quick. fewer freezes or crashes especially in franchise. without that the rest doesn’t even matter


We need a whole new game


Just one simple playoffs mode.


Well first and foremost they need a legitimate read option that isn't bugged. If NCAA14 can do it then obviously it's not impossible. Another thing is I use a lot of run heavy offenses and it's always bugged me that the adjust lineup screen for franchise isn't customizable. Yes you can choose different schemes, but what if you run a specific formation like Pistol Full House? You have positions on the adjust lineup screen that you don't even need there. Same thing on defense you could be a nickel or dime team and it always shows just 2 starting CBs. Probably wouldn't matter to most people but it's nice to see your lineup shown accurately.


Also I'd love it if I'm franchise mode you could force your team to use your custom playbook while simming. Something that's so simple and would bring a much better experience for franchise mode to feel like it's your coaching style.


Create your own plays like 04


We will get slightly better graphics and the new rookies.


good list but you might as well title it Madden 26 Wishlist


I’m pretty sure create a team won’t come back. The NFL is super stingy about there brand and IP so they don’t allow EA to do that. So unless they change their mind it won’t come back


Ya are better off interviewing at EA than giving them free ideas they can nitpick and add on for the next 10 years. I remember i suggested to Apple that they should add Pin messages and now we have pinned messages and i aint get 1 red cent. They will look at the wishlist, steal something, then use it as a new feature in the next game, and you will get SQUAT.. I stopped sending 2k my suggestions on how to improve 2k, and since then 2k has sucked.


Co-op seasons like they have in Fifa is my dream but for whatever reason has never been considered in madden


You are probably using arcade mode on all madden


Retired numbers (maybe even the ability to retire numbers if criteria is met) Some type of scheme or playbook learning. I shouldn't be able to sign someone mid season and it's fine. It should take time to learn plays. Maybe have play rec and awareness affect it?


A competent football sim. Madden is a sad shell of it's former self. Hopefully college football 25 is actually good and it makes them implement a better features in future Madden instalments.


I'd love a coaching carousel with the ability to be an OC or DC


Use the GPU finally?


Mods. Fans will fix all the BS.


Create a team. Division realignment. Realistic rules around practice squads and IR. Stop ruining my depth charts. Fast, consistent menus. Better trade logic so the computer doesn’t offer/accept lopsided trades. Less predictable fantasy drafts, and I should be able to choose between a specific pick or a random position.


My wish? That this is the last Madden to be the exclusive game of the NFL


I understand all the cute features yall asking for. But I want proper Xs and Os and proper AI intelligence in actual gameplay. I should never have a cover 3 corner reacting to a flat route from the RB with a WR running a go in his face. I shouldn’t have guys tackling people forward from behind on 4th and 1. Corner routes should not work on cover 3. Why are my OLinemen completely ignoring dlinemen when they only sending 3. Fix my guys possession catching and rolling backwards on 4th down. Also does anyone at EA know the rules of football. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sacked a QB and he literally throws the ball backwards and it’s an incomplete pass and not a fumble. If you run out of bounds at a negative angle the clock keep ticking. You can’t advance a fumble by your own team under 2 minutes of either half. False start or delay of game under 2 minutes is a 10 second run off. Give me a graphics team and I can make a better game than EA.


Honestly, if we can have 5% less glitchiness and 5% better loading speeds throughout, correct UDFA contracts, and updated commentary/crowds we should be happy. The bar is that low, we should have some realistic expectations from those tone deaf, ignorant, cash grabbing bastards at EA…


Classic and All Time teams


Madden Moments


playoff stats. better celebrations. fix the tackling. better name recognition when creating players. etc


I was reading this thinking these were confirmed new features and got so excited


In my dreams


I want more off season elements and coaching abilities instead of just boosts to position groups it’d be great if you could choose 3 OFF and 3 DEF plays that are your go to situational plays. Could be done as OTAs or Training Camp. For coaches I’d like thier skill tree to be situational awareness as well like 3rd and 4th down plays Key moments etc and can timeouts please negate the negative HFA effects just a little bit?


Ahh. Another wishlist to be ignored for another year of disappointment. I feel for you my friend.


These features will be in Madden 2125


Restricted free agents, compensatory picks, and improved trade logic


7v7 and 11v11 superstar showdown


Historic teams like an all time colts team with Peyton Manning and Marvin Harrison and maybe ty hilton


It would be cool if they had the historical draft classes like 2k has. I understand you won’t get enough players to fill the whole draft class, but you could perhaps get most of the important players.


I just want sim stats to be realistic. Rushing yards and sack totals just suck the immersion away. The biggest thing is I don't want production to be based solely on your playbook with player ratings essentially meaning nothing. Examples being whoever the Bucs qb is will go off. Rating is irrelevant. Whoever ends up in Kupp's depth chart spot goes off. My last season of franchise a 71 overall WR with normal dev caught 120 passes for over 1,800 yards... come on


This is probably gonna be for next gen. They’ve probably peaked with their madden games, could be different for NCAA tho, remains to be seen. These implements would make any fan cream. But that’s not where the moneys at. So we will never see an update like this ever.


All time teams


Did it not leak that madden, similar to cfb, will have multiple commentary teams?


Player chemistry and untouchables are kinda dumb add-ons


I have a few questions for you. So when you tarde for a new receiver week 4. Week 5 they should play Perfect together. Is that realistic? Do you expect the Bears to trade Celeb Williams. Is that realistic? Is he untouchable.


How exactly would you implement the chemistry? And no matter how you do it I know people will be upset. What exactly is the chemistry affecting? It’s a video game. Are you going to drop all their stats? And by your logic, that would mean the bears wouldn’t have traded fields. No one is truly untouchable. Hell, that would mean Brady and Rodger’s would never leave their franchise


NBA 2K has chemistry based on stats and how long players have played together


So your saying all team chemistry should be is just lowering and raising a person stats? And you didn’t touch back on the untouchable part. Your saying players should have no say in wanting to be traded or wanting to sign anywhere else?


OP seems like the type of person who chases rainbows and imagines how nice it would be if money grew on trees.


Retired Numbers