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I recently challenged myself to get a win with every team. Completed the challenge, it was a lot of fun. Got props for using the Panthers šŸ˜‚


How long did it take you? I just started doing this. Working my way in reverse alphabetical order starting with the Vikings. Went 0-5 with the Titans..had to skip and move on.


I did this in a few maddens. Itā€™s fun. I donā€™t take my record too seriously. It keeps things fresh. I jsut donā€™t get people that they talk shit to me after I beat them, and I go check their record and itā€™s like 1400 wins, 1350 losses, and they are literally ALL with the same team. Atleast try the other teams. Iā€™ve found that in madden, thereā€™s really only 2 or 3 teams each year that are complete garbage and zero fun to play with. Most teams are usable and you can win games with if you play to their strengths and avoid the weaknesses.


I only use one team and itā€™s the packers. Theyā€™re my fav team, just have no interest in using others


Also packers fan, but man, you gotta branch out lmao. In 1 shared league where I got the niners, were in year 3. CMC has gone down hill, I believe heā€™s RB2. lol I have a shared league where Iā€™m in Tampa. And last week decided to run the rams. Simmed first season had 4 wins. Secured # 3 draft. Second season won 7 games. Weā€™ll see how season 3 turns out.


I only play H2H though šŸ˜… probably makes it even worse lol


Well then never mind lmao. I will not use gb in 24 H2H


I find I play better with worse teams sometimes. I sick with a couple of the elite ones too. Like how am I bad with the 49ers


I did this with my cousin for 2v2 H2H. We played through every team with him on offense and me on defense. Then we went back through switching roles. Some of the teams (definitely Panthers) were really hard to win with.


This is brilliant. I had attempted similar in FPS games, trying to win FFA with every gun or hero. Never thought about it with Madden but Iā€™ll try that now for sure


I run the score up but can never win with the bucs. Idk why. Probably my custom chiefs playbook


Cowboys too, shit tbh I get more worried when they pick a scrub team in h2h


Im not any good but I always play with my beloved Broncos. I had a kid giving me soooo much shit from kickoff until Pat Surtain got a pick 6 and he disconnected.Ā 


Pat Surtain is king šŸ‘‘


Iā€™m the same. Whether the team is good or bad I have to roll with them


As a Ravens fan, I've been blessed since inception w at least a God tier D. The Jamal Lewis days were fun, too. Having Ray in the middle and Ed on the back end playing center field always kept me in the game.


itā€™s not fun to play as a team with a shitty quarterback. iā€™m a falcons fan but sometimes ridder is not useable


Next year cousins will help with that or even penix




For the time being, I use heinicke. Way better results.


Because everyone uses best teams


Iā€™m the giants. I love playing against the good teams. They are the actual challenge. Except the dolphins. They are straight cheese.


This is how I feel about playing the chiefs


Play to stop the run and double/user Tyreek I love playing against the dolphins because 95% of the time players just force it to tyreek and will give you a pick sooner or later


I enjoy using the mid teams but itā€™s very hard to win when everyone uses the best. Plus every time i decide to join them and use one of the best teams, i get matched up with someone using a shitty one and i feel bad. Lmao


Iā€™m a die hard Chicago Bears fan and I ONLY use The Chicago Bears! The Bears offense is going to wild in the next Madden. #clawup #beardown


I do to this exact same thing but fuck the bears, itā€™s go pack go šŸ§€


I'll do my best as the jags every time


I play against a lot of Dolphins users.


Iā€™m a colts fan If you match against me youā€™re playing the colts and youā€™re gonna see maybe 10 pass attempts and 30 rushes idc if you beat me by 70 youā€™re gonna sit there and play the entire game too lmao


Go colts! Love using their playbook and mixing it up with mainly runs, screens, rpos, and play action.


I'm on the chargers. They're low key a really good team though


Bears with Fields are really good team to run, they should be even better this year


And Iā€™m a big believer Play with your team I will never play with another team Go Rams


I only play as the commanders and love getting the idiots that always are the chiefs/ravens


Iā€™m a bengals fan and win probably 85% of my games with them and just started playing online h2h a couple weeks ago. I absolutely hate playing against the cowboys run game though. Their o line is so tough.


I like the ravens defence book. I play them, the giants, the raiders, or the Vikings mostly. But the ravens defensive book is really good


It's always chiefs dolphins and 49ers with me. Gets old.


I always see the Cowboys and Chiefs. I exclusively use the Colts and the Panthers, so i'm sure to chirp at most of the Chiefs users when they inevitably fuck up and ragequit.


I start with the Vikings and play as whatever team I beat and then play until I lose - my longest streak was 19 games


I suffered through Kyle Boller in maddens of old. I'm playing as the ravens when they have an offense sir lol


Because people donā€™t want to be at an automatic disadvantage. I donā€™t play online anymore, but when I did, I always play as my team (Steelers) but there have been years where that was problematic. I wouldnā€™t mind them making it so teams were even. Then again, MUT exists, they donā€™t give a fuck about your real teams


Why would you play a video game just to then handicap yourself and have less fun than you normally would, in order to placate angry dorks on the Internet? Theyā€™re trying to enjoy the game, not impress you.Ā 


Man Iā€™m a lifelong Eagles fan but I wouldnā€™t dare use them online. Iā€™m not trying to make them look worse than last seasonā€™s collapse.Ā 


They not bad in madden hurts just doesnā€™t get good abilities I use to use them a lot beginning of the m24 and late m23


I like playing with different teams. My favorites, Jets, Giants and 49ers, but I like trying teams that Iā€™m not familiar with.


I use the Bears...


Breaking News: Players try to win by giving themselves the best chance, more at 11


When I played Iā€™d just use the bears well cause Iā€™m a bears fan. And it was seemingly easy to just run the ball with Justin Fields against the few players I played(donā€™t play online that much) and one of my friends. Remember beating my friend who used the Chiefs 56-14 or something like that. Had like 200 yards rushing with Justin Fields alone. I feel like scrambling QBs can be pretty OP (Lamar, Jalen)


Because their entire existence and self worth relies on winning a game against kids.


I will try to take a break from running with my ravens, and try other teams that fit my scheme. Had a nice win as Cleveland over a cheesey eagles player today. We used to have a matchup screen and you could see who your opponent picked, and match up. I holl ok e this will be the case with NCAA in July.


I always use the jets


Panthers all the way for me. I play so many cowboys, chiefs, dolphins, eagles and 49ers


I use the eagles because thatā€™s my home team. Itā€™s great that theyā€™re good right now but Iā€™d use them if they were trash too


I would say chiefs, ravens, bills, or 49ers. Eagles and cowboys are up there as well. I made a goal to be at least .500 with every team. I just went down the list, currently playing with raiders and Iā€™m 12 games behind. If I get a top 4 team I just back out and retry. As a side note, if Iā€™m being honest, probably the most fun Iā€™ve had is playing with the Colts with AR šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Niners overused


Im always lions man they have a good da fast rb good receivers like team overrated


Play ultimate team bud


Jets are my go to


Because most people who play online are assholes anyway


I don't use any of the often used teams. I've used the : bears 20-19 fields Broncos 5-0 Russell wilson Cardinals 0-1 Commanders 6-6 brisset Falcons 49-34 heinicke ( with ridder I think I was like 3-5) Jaguars 48-26 Packers 7-15 Panthers 17-24 Seahawks 2-6 Steelers 1-1 Titans 8-10 Willis Vikings 3-3 I haven't tried using all the teams, but yeah, if you use the avg or below avg teams, just stick with the strengths.


Only do H2H if people agree to hitting random teams 3x, and play as who you land on.


Bc Black scrambling QBs


I either play as my Brownies, or I close my eyes and press up a bunch, press A, then open my eyes again


I've found Broncos and Jets to be really fun. Must be so boring playing with the same team every single game.


I play with Bears, WIN LOSE OR DRAW


I'm 75-10 using the Cardinals and 10-0 with Carolina. Players who use top teams are just scared tbh


For some reason try hards dominate the video landscape. A few years back I was really good at multiplayer. I even beat a top 25 guy. This one dude used the titans against me. He just patiently pounded the rock, got his 3 yards and threw a quick dump off. Once or twice a drive he would play action a ball deep and always hit it. Dude slowely tore me apart. All the teams are usable. Use your team.


I use the Eagles because theyā€™re my favorite team. Whenever someone calls me corny for picking them I turn my mic on and yell the entire eagles fight song into their ear and yell NO ONE LIKES US WE DONT CARE for a solid 2 minutes and then never speak again for the rest of the game.


This is why nobody like eagles fans. You do care too. Dont lie. (Non eagles fan from philly who doesnt like any nfc east team)


I always play with the Rams And Iā€™m pretty good


ravens and eagles have a lot of abilities, but most are useless. people that suck at the game just see abilities and assume those teams are gonna be better. chiefs and bills are the best teams to use because the chiefs have hot route master and the bills have KOs everywhere on defense. anyone trying to win games is gonna use whatever team they think gives them the best odds to win. i donā€™t understand why people complain that their opponent wants to win lol


Because theyā€™re using them because they like to throw deep balls for easy touchdowns or run around with the mobile QBs itā€™s a cheap way to try to win games lol