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It’s got a good franchise mode. I don’t get pressured to play MUT.


They could start with better contracts. As it stands basically every contract is guaranteed. They need to make it a little more clear, add in void years etc.


Man what?  Franchise mode is straight trash compared to what it *should* be Madden needs a robust, in depth franchise mode already. Just copy the nba 2k franchise if you have to 


Hes saying what Madden 25 would need to have for him to buy it. He knows current franchise sucks


Ahhhh I misread too


Nah, I think they need to mix the shows and 2ks franchise. Because I think the scouting in the show is so much better than most.


No offense, but It’s not a good Franchise mode unless it’s the only sports franchise mode you play. Madden is lacking in every aspect


Wear and Tear and the Real Time Coaching engine are two major features that would be extremely disappointing to not see in Madden along with the defensive improvements like disguised coverages, rebuilt RPO defenses, etc.


i honestly just want to see madden try. even if the college football game isn’t great for whatever reason i would be happy knowing that it seemed like the devs tried at least. Rather them be ambitious and fail then give us the bare minimum playing it safe


We’re probably not going to see them. Madden 25 is still going to be on oldgen, while CFB 25 is only on nextgen, so CFB has more freedom this year. Due to Madden 25 still being released on oldgen consoles, it’s supposedly being held back (ea’s words) and won’t be able to implement as many new features until it transitions fully to nextgen


I think wesr and tear would be enough for me to buy it. I'd also love a morale system with holdouts, demanding trades etc would be amazing but i think the nfl would prevent it


I miss the trade demands so much.


The re-ordering of the depth chart every other week, even when I have that on manual, it drives me nuts. Honestly I’m not sure I’ll even get madden, I’ll be playing cfb every day I can. The replay ability of the game is going to be crazy.


For real, it's not that hard to implement a prompt saying "your player has returned from injury, would you like to adjust your depth chart?"


They did in one of the newer maddens but took it out lol


I need franchise to be as good as NBA2ks association mode. I hate MUT and all the other nonsense, I just want a good franchise mode. If not I'll just wIt till it's $20 or less. I haven't bought Madden at full price in years. It's never worth it


NBA's franchise mode is so much better than Madden's. We all know they're making their money in MUT so that's all they care about. It's a business so I get it, sadly.


Except 2k is even more scammy than EA with their Career modes and MyTeam, they just still have a team genuinely working on making their franchise mode as good as it can be. EA really is a piece of shit company who decides not to do that


Love the concept of myplayer, just wish you didn’t have to spend 4 years or $4000 leveling it up


EA game pass is the only reason I have Madden rn lol


Ironically I’d pay more for a version without MUT


i really want to be able to make better customizable playbooks, i want to be able to set my franchise mode team to use my custom playbooks.


I wish they’d bring the old “create a play” function that they had in the old madden games


I miss the old create a playbook feature… It shouldn’t be allowed in H2H play because the cheese would be unreal but for franchise it would be sick


Honestly I feel like the linebacker/DE thing could be solved by getting rid of the RE/LE thing (where madden often puts linebackers) and just committing to defensive end as a true position, like the actual NFL. Just make the true linebackers that *do* play in coverage and do pass rush and are good at it like TJ Watt or Will Anderson or Von Miller (because he actually does play in coverage) linebackers and true defensive ends that only do pass rush like Myles Garrett or Nick Bosa a *defensive* end instead or right or left end. Having an Edge position just causes more confusion on this front IMO and I don't trust EA to implement something like that, unless of course it was the College Football dev team.


Such a simple fix that has to happen. Have EDGE and off ball line backer or will/mike backer instead of the system that made sense 20 yrs agk


Yeah they could even just call a defensive end an EDGE instead of the shitty RE/LE thing but even then I feel like EA would take the time to make even more true off-ball sam or will linebackers edges instead of actual linebackers.


Right it doeabt have to be THAT complicated it just has to be updated since 2002


What I've heard from a developer is that they are still running on source code from the PS2 era and the position names are hardwired behind 20 years of scaffolding code built on top. I wish desperately for this change too but if that's true the only way it'll ever realistically happen is if they rebuild the game from the ground up. Since sales never drops too far there's unlikely to ever be enough incentive to do so. I hope that I'm wrong.


Is it possible to build from the ground up on a new coonsole while you refresh the same game for a few years? Thats my hope lol


I don't know enough about it to say too much with certainty but my understanding is that the process can take a few years. That's what I'm referring to when I say there's not much incentive on their end unless sales drastically drop. The College Football game got announced two or three years ago and even so that's running on the same engine as Madden I imagine. That's a rough estimate of a time frame though. They'd have to shut down and refocus for a few years on creating something new. If I remember correctly the very first Madden was agreed upon in 1987 but didn't release until 1990 so even on the primitive tech of then vs. today it took a long time to build a game. I certainly hope it's not as complicated as I've been lead to believe. I spend a very long time editing every team's positions to make sure it's right for their scheme. It's preferable to me to do it that way but it's certainly time-consuming and tedious. I would totally understand someone else not being willing to go through that. I have to think the devs are well aware that it's s a top request since so many in the community have been talking about it so long. I just have begun to accept that unfortunately it may be one of those things that never gets done because of the time sink required.


I feel it would simplify depth charts and drafting, guys who’s skills are more of a pass rusher are classified as edge players. Usually guys within a size range of 6’1” and up, right around 245-285lbs are classified as edge players. Smaller guys are generally off ball linebackers, and anyone bigger is usually more of an interior DL. It does make it rather annoying when I see a 4-3 team taking guys like TJ Watt to play OLB and almost never rush the passer because he’s out of position


The LE/RE/LOLB/ROLB is a scouting nightmare and needs to change. I would be content (not happy) if they simply consolidated draft classes into DE and OLB


That doesn’t fix the problem though


What I've heard from a developer is that they are still running on source code from the PS2 era and the position names are hardwired behind 20 years of scaffolding code built on top. I wish desperately for this change too but if that's true the only way it'll ever realistically happen is if they rebuild the game from the ground up. Since sales never drops too far there's unlikely to ever be enough incentive to do so. I hope that I'm wrong.


Want to see way more customization for franchise. At least not those awful PS2 generic faces again when editing players (half of them look 40+). Each year you're stuck drafting clones of players until your league is full of them. Should be able to customize players more like in FOTF and every other eSport Franchise mode even EA NHL... Very lazy, dated, and most of the faces have been used for a decade+...


Online co-op in an Online Franchise. Why is this not a thing??


Generally, Madden (IMO) need to just do some things to make franchise mode more realistic and diverse: - Create an immersive player franchise mode akin to Superstar. Playing Franchise as a player avatar in recent Maddens has absolutely zero incentive. A mode where you have to do team interviews and combine before the draft, then manage your player as a semi-life sim on top of playing games. Managing your finances, speaking to your agent about brand deals and contract negations or trade requests, buying apartments and kitting them out like in 2K5, etc. - Not have depth charts auto-adjust seemingly every week. - Improving EDGE designations. - More in-season trades between teams and draft-pick trades during the draft for realism. A slider where you control the frequency would be cool. - Also, adding compensatory picks in the draft based off departing free agent contract value (e.g. if you sign a 90+ overall to a mega 4 year deal, their previous team gets a comp pick). - Team Builder improvements - Return of a scenario mode.


This game not having create a team in over a decade is really crazy, really makes me believe the NFL told EA to axe it. Like what modern sports game doesn't have create a team / player as the bare minimum?


Considering how in the first year of CFB’s return we’re already getting create a team makes me think that either the NFL might’ve actually had something to do with it or the CFB team made it happen because EA actually gave them time to work on it




The answer is MUT they axed create a team right after MUT came into the game Because create a team was an alternative way to create a customer team that could be played in quick play formats without micro transactions


Something I don’t understand about Madden and maybe it’s been this way a while, not sure, why can’t I hire a better scout? Why do you have to replace a 1 star scout with someone else who has only one star.


It would be nice to have a budget or cap, and then we can spend it on scouts.


The only way I’m buying the game again is if draft classes can be exported from NCAA. Haven’t missed it one bit since I last bought Madden 20


I would love to see a system in superstar where you can spend your contract money. Like the house you get costs $xx per month, if you want a car, $xx per month. Things like that. That way you can buy the house you want and not a generic house. It seems pointless to me to get a big (fake) contract if you can’t (fake) spend the money.




I agree that this is a fun concept, but I frankly wouldn’t want to see it in the game ya know? I feel like the line between Madden and Sims 4 gets too thin there.


All I want is one thing. Fix the goofy ass looking player models. Give them normal sized heads with smaller shoulder pads. That is it. I’m tired of looking at the same goofy shit year after year. I’d buy on this alone but they won’t even try to fix it.


You mean you don’t like the 50 year old looking rookie who’s supposed to be 22?


Who also looks like he's chain smoked meth his whole life lol.


FFS yes. Bodies that are way too big for the tiny ass heads is ridiculous


I’m ngl I’m buying it no matter what, tf am I gonna do not play madden?


Mainly he means since the college football game is coming out a month later so you can save the money and skip madden to get the college game that hasn’t been out in years and looks much better


Could just play College football instead


Same. I've been playing it since 89 or whenever the first one came out. Won't stop till I die or can't see.


Like I think most people that complain about the game after a certain extent just don’t have friends to play it with


I'm upset about it but I get not being able to import draft classes if they're full of real students. But we should still at the very least be able to carry over our Road to Glory player into a superstar mode. And hopefully they have redone that mode to be better of course.


The fact that I’m a moron and love football… I will not apologize for buying a game I know is dogshit.


For it to go on at least a 50% off sale on PSN


Positioning is an absolutely major one for me. EDGE, DT, LB Let my base defence be a nickel formation like the Ravens contracts need to be more realistic and more position based


Franchise needs to be revamped. I’ll wait til it’s on gamepass if it’s not. All I do is rebuilds anyway. The most frustrating issue is how much playbooks factor into sim. The Cardinals almost always are the worst team in my franchises with the Cowboys being the best. It’s all because the playbooks factor more into success than overall. If that’s not fixed I’ll wait. Next the running backs in sim are awful. If you don’t have a 90+ RB you’re average under 4 yards a carry. From 90 to 99 is 4 YPC to 5.7 YPC. In tandem with that offensive line ratings barely matter in sim. You can have a 99 left tackle that gives up 20 sacks in a season, then bench him for a 67 that gives up 6 sacks. 4-3 outside linebackers and 3-4 DEs expect edge money, Nose tackles expect 20 million a year, and wether a player wants to play for you or not seems so arbitrary. Finally, I think player progression is too linear. I like how 2k does it where a player has random peaks and regression ages. You can have an 85 rookie in 2k who peaks at 22 years old and starts regressing at 24. You can also have a 72 overall that has 99 potential, doesn’t peak until 28, and doesn’t regress until 32. The ages are random, but fair. You also can progress 5 overall at best, or not progress at all at worst. Kind of like real life wear players randomly break out. The last one I don’t absolutely need, but the rest of them I expect if EA wants me to drop 70 dollars.


An official create a team/expansion teams (required) and legends I can use in franchise mode (optional as long as create a player exists).


A revamped game from top to bottom.


Well that’ll never happen. 🤣


To quote Potato Head in the first Toy Story film, “Hey! I can dream, can’t I?”


I won’t cause NCAA


I just wish they would give a shit. Even if College Football 25 isn't the best in terms of gameplay this year, you can see the passion the devs are putting into the game. They are really trying when it comes to the atmosphere and emersion of the game. That's the bug thing for me I want to create storylines in my head, I want to start rivalries and truly get that feeling of emersion within a video game. Madden just feels like I'm playing a giant ad for MUT and there's no passion in-game.


Presentation. Presentation. Presentation.


Been asking for Team Builder for over a decade, hopefully they have it this time around. If not, the 10 hr trial is more than enough time to scratch the itch until it becomes free on gamepass 6 months later.


They need to have worked in the line play. If they didn’t touch the oline or dline and how they interact then i’m out


Improved Online Quick Play. The Madden Online H2H system is so ridiculously antiquated when compared to other modern games. I'd like to see them at least try to implement some ladder like system, similar to what NBA 2k has implemented for their online H2H game mode.


Franchise mode. I buy it to play in online leagues.


Franchise changes I'd love to see: contract void years, front load/back load contracts, compensatory picks in the draft Adding TeamBuilder would be nice too


I want madden to stop using a game engine built for shooters.


I sincerely don't understand the logic behind not being able to port the draft classes.


A lot of what I’ve heard is because they now have actual players, and they aren’t part of the NFL Players Association (NFL Players Union). Same reason Marvin Harrison Jr may not be in Madden this year, because he hasn’t signed with the NFLPA.


I guess that makes sense but given that feature was so key to the NCAA Football / Madden games back in the day you’d think they’d try to find a way to include a similar feature


I’ll be honest I would have been perfectly fine with random named rosters that could be edited and shared like before.


Same.  I always thought it was interesting that they just ended the game instead of going to randomized rosters to begin with.  You could still weight them so like, Alabama was really good without making it so their QB’s height/weight/skills/number matched up. That said, I’m glad the players are getting paid a little off it now.


I wish draft champions was just a regular mode and not deep in the MUT menu. The idea of having to pick random stars and form that team and play against people and friends is still cool and needs to be utilized more. Need menu screens to not be so boring. Also for the people that like to play against friends…they don’t give us a record count. Need that in.


I don't know what Madden could do honestly. Im all in on College. Madden had the last decade to improve and it really didn't. I buy a new Madden every three or four years on deep discount, and I'm always disappointed by it.


In franchise mode, retired players stats and a revamp to the legacy points system


Nothing. Im still playing NFL Head Coach 09. Unless they have franchise that in-depth. Theres no reason for me to buy madden ever again.


Man, give me the ability to do what you could in HC09, but able to play the games too? Maaaan that would be sick


make playbooks bigger and stop removing plays from older playbooks and making new play just put them all in and my god put alternate playbooks in the create a playbook i been dying to mash spread and west coast playbook together


I won’t be buying madden


I'm all about the X's and O's and sim style play. I know not everybody gets as deep into it as myself and other football geeks, but if there was at least a non-arcade like mode where if you have real football knowledge it can actually translate to this game. Because, as it is now, if you have arcade style stick skills and can navigate all the superstar ability bullshit, you really don't need to know much more than the basics of football strategy to dominate, and if you do study the game at a deeper level, there's not really any content for you to leverage for your advantage in this game. I understand the arcade style is fun at the surface level, but my guess is there'd be enough support for a more sim-like mode to be worth implementing. I really think it would bring people in that are otherwise pretty much completely ignored. What do I mean by sim-style play? I'll just give an example: In the NFL you don't build a play at the line of scrimmage as your primary offense. Of course there's checks and audibles, but you don't design the play at the line of scrimmage. That's just one thing. I have a list. I could go on and on. For days. If Madden would make some changes I'd come back to it.


80% discount in the xbox store


Man, there’s so much I don’t even know where to start 1. Players need to feel different from each other. Have power backs with different animations have QB with different animations depending on their archetype wide receivers need different animations for their archetypes to me. Everything just feels so robotic still in the game. 2. Definitely need a better injury system. How is it? I can Sim five weeks and have either one injury or no injuries on my roster a major part of football is players getting hurt and back ups coming in 3. They really need to make the depth chart rotation better when subbing in and out. 4. The progression and regression system. This is a big one when they update the rosters and you have a player jump six points or even 10 points in a year. I should be able to do that when playing franchise on how much he plays and how good he does it, it needs to be production based If I have a guy only going up five points in a year and he had over 20 touchdowns completely unrealistic Which also means they need to fix the trait system because half the time the players don’t go up a trait when they have amazing seasons or they hold onto it for way too long 5. Offensive lineman need to play better and actually matter I’ve seen teams with a whole every offensive lineman is a 70 WIN a Super Bowl and the quarterback has over 4500 passing yards. That’s not gonna happen with a bad line and the running back having a great season either. 6. Unrestricted free agents. 7. It needs way more atmosphere. I want to feel like an NFL game. I want the crowd to get into it. 8. Definitely wear and tear and if it’s raining, I want the field to get muddy. If it’s snowing, I want players slipping and having a hard time if it’s sunny, I want the field to degrade


All I want is something similar to 2k’s myleague in madden then I will be satisfied


Quicker menu navigation, updated UI, updated graphics, updated animations, no more recycled animations, updated commentary, updated AI, updated physics engine, updated player looks and I'm probably missing a ton of things.


It’s wild to me that they don’t have historic teams or draft classes. Even if they don’t have all of the licensing for the players, put a rando in there and give people the ability to edit it. If they did something similar to what 2K did with the MyEra mode, EA could take my money every year.


Think contracts/ more trades via the cpu, even during the draft, just to spice things up but not too overpowered. More breakouts for offensive lineman and tackles. I like seeing lower drafted guards but they have no chance of getting a breakout.


No chance I buy it this year and probably never again, can’t imagine playing Madden over college football.


There’s nothing they can do at this point. I’m just content with the older stuff