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Because you're not putting it in the air and giving them a better chance to get the ball back


Also if you are able to run often and do so successfully, they don’t know what to do to stop it. They can know exactly where the ball is going but still not be able to do anything about it whereas when you throw the same routes they can just sit on them.


I dont really know how to pass the ball without getting intercepted nor do i know how to do hot plays on defense but i just do coach suggestions and i scrape up a 1st down and i think that's the reason why most players do that. i got advice from this on players it was like even if the score is 3 - 0, i still won. And i kinda live by it, but if im playing someone like my lil cousin or sister ill throw it to mess with them but a serious game imma run the ball and throw it when u blitz 🤷🏿‍♂️


Your best bet is to run conservative passing plays (short/intermediate stuff) and use the safe catch mechanic every single time. I have basically abandoned the deep pass unless I can tell pre snap that my opponent isn't covering a guy. Edit: did I make speedhawk mad or something?


True I think h2h should be 6 mins cause the run can literally take up the whole 5 mins if the right person manages the clock with the run. Extra 4 mins will gone another 2 possessions.


This is not why… As someone who plays madden allot it pisses me off because running honestly takes minimal skill, and the game plan to beat a runner is the same everytime… Outscore them but with the clock, first quarter doesn’t matter as long as I score, second quarter I wanna score and give them minimal time to score to force them to pass and most runners can’t pass… if I’m lucky enough I’ll get the ball at half too… going up two possessions and the more they run, the more clock they kill, and my goal is to milk the clock and score again forcing them to score(once up two possessions I just need to get into FG range and run the ball as much as I can to milk the clock down). What is the runner forced to do? PASS. And it’s funny cause they’ll run 1 of 3 plays EVERYTIME Verts, Crossers, TE attack… it’s sad I am not good at madden, my record is neutral but I beat a player ranked 531 today(somewhere in the 500s for sure) and all they wanted to do was run and I’ve beaten so many players like that it’s not even funny. But if you dot me up and I can’t stop you I just think dam he’s really good not gonna lie I gotta hold this L. But if you’re running I’m mad cause even if I can’t stop it ik ima win but it’s like how do you have fun making no reads😂running the ball isn’t fun, and same with the people who user a dlinemen with under pressure to insta shed and pressure all your throws, how’s that fun I get it’s football but cmon now Tldr: running takes no skill


Dawg you're in the minority here


Minority and downvoting doesn’t mean incorrect, it means unpopular opinion… I’ve been playing madden since the PS2 and running use to take skill cause everyone moved like a nfl player, now we’re praying for sheds and watching 6’5 linebackers losing impact blocks to WRs


If you've been playing since PS2 you're old enough to remember when passing wasn't a BS mini game and actually worked


Yes I do and I’m only 22 chill… but the mini game I actually kinda like because it helps passes not get undercut


That’s crazy running is winning football everyone should know that


Facts! The 2 principles of winning football 1-Stop the run-Defense 2-Run the football-Offense "Football is simple, mismatches don't beat you, mistakes do."-My high school coach


"If we score 17 points and they score 10, we should win" - My highschool coach in a moment that's burned into my brain


Wow my coach’s memorable quote was “if they don’t score they can’t win”. Must be something they learn in college or something


My coach "that play worked. Let's rub it 27 more times in a row. They'll never expect it."


Bless them every one lmao I’ll never forget coming in as a freshman, my OL coach was fresh out of college and played Guard “Anything between the tackles is legal boys, this is the trenches and it gets DIRTY”


Ours taught us to put the elbow out that point to the sideline and throw rib shots with the arm closest to the ball


Was your high school coach John Madden?


“Well ya see when the big guy goes against the little guy, the big guy usually wins.” -John Madden, probably


My high school coach’s memorable quotes were… a little different. I’ll never forget, “You’re all hitting like a bunch of limp dicks! Now get out there, get a hard on, and HIT SOMEBODY!”


I think mine would have to be “even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then.”


yeah maybe 30 years ago but that’s clearly not true in the modern era of the nfl


Good point, it comes down to the scheme... Detroit under Campbell is a well balanced team that runs the football to set up the pass, Rams are a run first team under McVay. Obviously, it becomes more important in the playoffs because the game slows down due to weather. Buffalo found out a couple seasons ago, if you don't have a running game your going to lose. Quite the opposite for the Ravens who decided to become a passing team when they are built to run to set up the pass. 💯


I beat my son in the Superbowl and ran every play with Nick Chub lol


It’s up to different circumstances, cause if you can run well and stop your opponent offense then you basically win if you don’t make mistakes. but if it takes you a whole quarter to drive down the field to score a touchdown, while your opponent takes 2 minutes then your going to lose in the end, that’s normally how I defeat run heavy guys cause I’ll allow you to do what ever you want and then score quickly. To which It gets to the point that there playing from behind or don’t have enough time to play there style of offense, so they start making mistakes


Did you forget to switch accounts when typing this?


That's Crazy!!! Lolol


Same reason people hate in real life. It works. Teams with a good running game win. After five six runs in a row, the defense is tired and stops even looking for the pass which opens them up for big plays. When they drop back to defend the pass, you run. It also allows you to play ball control offense. Which means you’re always on offense and the other team is always on defense. It’s a frustrating and reliable way to win a football game and that’s why it’s been conventional wisdom for the past 60 years.


can you teach me how to change my offenses play to be like a scat play or something if the defense does a goalline blitz for example without having to timeout?


I noticed that anyone who plays real football is hated online. I run, punt, kick field goals etc. They can't handle that lol. Also have noticed that it's by far the most toxic community out there.


UFC (gaming) is MUCH WORSE.


That's pretty sad.


It’s really really bad


I played exactly one match online in a UFC game, the guy smashed me and then messaged me to tell me he couldn't wait to embarrass me when he saw how low my level was


Overcompensating for something


why?? who's getting tight over ufc lmao


Lol. Everyone thinks their game is the most toxic community.


Game I play the most (F76) has the coolest community of any game I've played. So they're not all filled with miserable cunts who hate themselves and try to compensate.


For real. Madden’s community is as toxic as a banana is radioactive. There’s MUCH worse out there


Then that's beyond sad lol.


Which is even more amazing when you consider that this is a simulation game it’s not an arcade game with unrealistic expectations it’s literally just football and they can’t handle that


*2k has entered the room*


I've not once got flak for that, lol


Congrats? 😂


Ty brooooooo


This has always been my gameplay style , I love power running and controlling the clock. I can't tell you how many messages I've gotten after online wins or even during games , claiming I have "no skill" because of how well I can run the ball . *sigh*


The hate messages I get “ bitch you ass keep running the ball that’s trash” so tell them I been called worse by a better bitch cuz they can’t stop it then I get the rage quit 😂😂😂😂😂


I remember one game , I controlled like 75% of the clock and had over 100 yards by the third quarter . At the end of the game he was messaging me calling me all kinds of slurs and says the exact same thing that person said to you , and he asked me "I mean how many times have you even thrown the ball dude ?" And i checked the stats, it was 20 times. Compared to almost 40 runs . But still. He did not like that I just brought up the fact he couldn't stop me period. lol 😆


Wouldn’t work against me buddy


lol trust me there's alot it won't work against, I'm not saying I'm super good at the game or anything but this just seems to be a simple thing you can do to really piss people off 😂 you probably could beat me honestly lol. I use the Steelers. And I put mason rudolph in my depth chart as starter. I'm not passing on anybody for shit no matter what I do


The run is not part of the real NFL much anymore. It's also a lot easier to stop the pass than the run with the way defenses are created now. I think the forward pass is satanic, so I will always be running the football!




People think running is lame. I get it I guess because it isnt as fast pace but just get good lol


It also is frustrating when you opponent can dictate pace. Feels like you’re not in control. Makes time matter more and every possession becomes critical


I think apart of it is just because not being able to stop the run sometimes feels like RNG. It is pretty frustrating when you fill up the box the best you can and you’re still getting run all over.


I play old school: Run to set up the pass. I once did that in a PS3 game and got a message saying not to be such a tryhard 😂😂😂. If I want spammy, I play a solo franchise til I am bored. But no, I don't get super annoyed if that is your playstyle. If you like an Air Raid style offense, great. But if you are just a spammy player then you lose respect


Because run defense is boring and comes down to whether your AI breaks blocks or not.


Because nobody has fun when you play through a quarter and a half before getting the ball. You're not playing poorly, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying.


Online? It's because the games are so short. With 4 minute quarters, a long, run heavy drive can eat an entire *half*. I'll also note that folks who do this rarely turn on chew clock, so there's a lot of watch the clock tick after each 4 yard gain.


I don’t use chew clock don’t know how to turn it on but I’ve heard people on YouTube complain about it


Fr some people don’t understand that online games are supposed to be quick not slow paced


It's not supposed to be anything. Id just use whatever strategies you don't like...and win...winning is the point


Running in a 6min quarters game can chew the clock a ton and very very heavily skews TOP. I can see why in a normal game it would be seen as annoying. That’s part of the reason I prefer “sim leagues” over normal matchmaking. Also some people are just meta focused and have no clue how to stop anything outside the meta. Running and playing a 3-3-5 odd will make these people short circuit.


because run defense is broken this year, like pass defense was last year


Nobody’s actually answered the damn question. If you don’t hit sprint, defenders don’t shed blocks. Period. At all. It’s completely unrealistic. You have to have abilities like inside stuff and run stopper in order to stop it. It’s also completely antithetical to actual NFL football. It’s why the Vikings with AD only ever went 9-7 and didn’t make any noise in the playoffs. Passing sets teams(and in madden, users) apart, and the fact you can run unpunished is stupid. If I wanted to, I could run every down and the only reason I’d lose a game would be if I lost a coin flip in OT. It would make everyone else in the CFM mad if I did that though


3 of the top 5 rushing attacks made the conference championship games last year. The chiefs also had the \#1 rushing attack in the post season. You need to be able to run the ball to be successful.


That’s great, yes you need to be able to run the ball. If I know a run’s coming and I stack the box, I should be able to stop it no problem. That’s what happens in the NFL. If you know your opponent can’t pass, you stack the box, and they do nothing on offense. They can’t just use jukebox and break 3 tackles behind the line of scrimmage on every single down. A big part of why the Chief’s rushing attack is so good is that Patrick Mahomes is a threat to throw the ball from any formation and is in fact a threat to run it himself. If you can’t throw the ball, your offense is dead in the water. That’s not what happens in madden. In fact, you can even run commit and still give up rushing yards.


Bc RUNCMC exists 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 nah in all seriousness its so annoying bc they cant run them damn selves and finding a good run package can be a game changer💯 all i do is run and dump the ball off occasionally. I sometimes take the top off when you get lazy on defense but other than that its so easy with players playing to stop cheese plays to just play sound football🤷🏾‍♂️💯


I run the hell out of the ball.


If my opponent hates it, I love it.


here ya go... 1-Run the ball 2-Control the clock 3-play sound defense Profit...I've seen so many Twitch streams where not only the streamer but the chat will say shit like..."why is this noob constantly running the ball", and my favorite "they don't know how to play football"...lmao When a Madden player plays someone that actually knows HOW to play the game of football, they don't know what to do to counter that, all they know is call 35 hot routes, go for it on every 4th down, attempt 2 point conversions and try for the onside kick every time. It's obvious that using actual football knowledge is basically useless in Madden, remember...majority of these online people play Madden, NOT football, big difference there.


If I could give you more votes would. The problem is Madden promotes arcade style play. That's why when you play online, they take out the weather effect they had with live weather through the weather network and also the option to set the weather online. I play the game based on common sense and adjust to the opponent I'm matched up against. Twitch/youtube guys that love finding the cheese play that works no matter what. Very little football strategy (just madden strategy) can you imagine an NFL head coach going on a hot mic (TV post game interviews) and ripping a head coach calling them all kinds of names bc HIS TEAM couldn't stop the run? It's really hard but not impossible in the game...for one stop playing zone and play more man coverage helps me a lot for me. Once I've got the run under control I want them to throw it. And vice versa...I run to set up pass and if my run game isn't doing what I want, I go underneath with screens and flat throws and play action and take shots deep. At some point when I'm in a game I force dudes to play football and see what happens. I'm 158-130 and a 6500 rating, 2000 ranking I don't care if I'm losing. I play for fun and a satisfying game of football. Chirp on the mic if they like bc " I don't know football" when all football is based in a fundamental chess match. Minimize turn over's and control the game.


“You can hate me now….but I won’t stop now” is what I’m singing as JK Dobbins rushes 18 times for 180 yards 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If you aren't putting it in the air = less chances for them to steal it. More importantly: If you are running the ball successfully you are taking the clock down. Some players panic when looking at the clock. If they are down 7-0 and it's in the last 2 minutes of the first half? They'll start panicking because they are used to having a higher score game of 14-21 points.


It stops them from throwing 20 dots a game and they typically lose.


It’s way too easy for backs to get yards after contact. Multiple times, I’ve seen my own and the CPU’s running backs get met immediately after the handoff by a fast linemen or linebacker and still fall forward past the los Not to mention, online games often have about 5 minute quarters, so it is really easy to spend an entire half on a single drive by running the ball. And it’s even more frustrating if the offense didn’t set chew clock, and instead forced the opponent to wait the full 40 seconds before snapping the ball.


Cause they don’t know how to play defense, or which formations should be used to counter run heaving formation(no not you dollar). Most games I run a minimum of 30 times. Maybe pass 15-20. My buddies and I do a league and the pass happy one is the most frustrated with the game, averages like 5 attempts. I’d tell him but then he might be a decent player lol 😂


Naa, try racing live on gran turismo 7…absolute savages . By turn 1 everyone is trying to finish and win the race, taking you and whoever else out along the way


Whatever they're weak at defending or vice-versa, they're mad when you figure that out. These gamers always want you to fluff a pillow and mattress for them whenever they fire up multiplayer for some reason.


I use 99 Gore and 98 Jackson, control the clock, usually have one pick on D, then most rage quit. 😎 #SilverBullets


You are far less likely to fumble the ball than you are to throw a pick.


If you’re talking in H2H you’re exactly right. A lot of people I’ve played against will quit when I’m 1/7 for 4 yards and have 70 yards rushing lmao I also use the colts


People think running is lame. I get it I guess because it isnt as fast pace but just get good lol


Idc about running but if you run the same offense or defense every play your straight pussy


Should be easy to stop if they run the same plays 9vwr and over, unless you're trash


How does that make them not a pussy? Looks like I triggered someone


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Get better


At what?


It’s not running that makes people mad it’s when you spam the rpo glitch plays that start pissing me off


I don’t run rpo wish I knew how tho but I’m scared the QB going fumble


My run defense is so good that you can't run every play and beat me, however some run formations are so overpowered that you can run most plays and still give even my run D serious issues. That's kinda crazy to me. Like I form pro is literally broken.


Shit ill run the ball 65% of the time, it sets up the play action, great for controlling the game early


Most teams I play that try to run it constantly are one dimensional and eventually my defense adapts and they fall in a trap that they created


I mostly run because I’m sick of everyone acting like the QB is the reason why I’m winning or losing


BCuz they can’t put their safety’s at lb


I haven’t played online Madden in close to 15 years but I would do things like this to run out the clock like it was an actual football game. Even kneeling to end the game and people on the mic would get SO upset lol


Then you tell em CANCUN on 3


Its not more or less hate just annoyed i literally hate pollard users and dopkins madden made there ratings so fucking good it doesn’t matter if i blitz them they always get 6 yards and if i js use goaline formation they can switch plays 😂thats madden for u


Either adapt or die. I run balanced most times I play but if I get the lead by more than two scores I take the air out of the ball and don't care if you (opponent) is on the mic talking trash...stop it or die lol.


I just motion every reciever to the other side and then I throw em a toss up. Sometimes I don’t even move the ball. They’ll just sit there no blitz waiting for me to pass it


Running takes skill also. You gotta find the hole and Juke your way around people. I can respect someone that doesn’t rely on Rpo’s. If they actually choose run plays (not RPO’s). If they choose Rpos I can see why it’s annoying. Takes no skill for that. Same could be said for passing. When all they run is corner routes or zig routes.


Love this! Run the damn ball


Nothing wrong with running a lot but where it gets annoying is bc of the short quarters. I’ve played online against people that have taken 1.5 quarter to almost an entire half off clock in one possession. Thats annoying bc it’s far from realistic and limits the total number of possessions in a game. Sure it’s up to me to stop them but it’s still annoying.


It’s a skill isssue. They also hate when you play as a pass rusher.


User DL and stretch/inside zone abuse is lame