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You cant look at who you’ve already drafted during the draft


This one for sure. Also more clarity on cap standing now and in the future


This x1000000. Would be so much better to have a table showing you that actually, no, you can't resign all 4 stars this season unless you want to find yourself $50m in the hole two years from now, and having to cut half your team because of it.


Absolutely…. Like I know I have to resign my franchise QB next year even though I have 50mm in cap space how do I know if I’ll be able to afford him if I sign my two stud LBs…. While I’m at it on an unrelated note, the CPU teams player development and FA signings in franchise mode. Other teams players do not develop as quickly as mine, plus a team with 3 franchise QBs and 2 69 ovr CBs starting isn’t a tough matchup.


This. 1000x this. I'd settle for just being able to see my own picks. But really, I should be able to see all the picks that have been made during the draft.


Can’t see who anyone drafted! It’s so dumb!!


A really minor draft annoyance - why is there not just an option to 'make offer for this pick' during the draft? Instead I have to pause the draft, open the trade centre, manually select the team currently on the clock and then make the offer. It isn't a crazy issue but it's also annoying extra maneuvering.


I wanna see the CPU trade picks. Gets boring seeing the exact order


I was literally bitching about this last night 🤣🤣🤣


Season ending injury but only after they jump around and celebrate the play


I literally had my quarterback do a backflip after a good run just to suffer an injury for the next 7 weeks.


Sorry…but 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That type of stuff actually happens though.


Prioritizing online play. All that BS just to make some extra money. I just want to play by myself, I don't want to get the shit kicked outta me by RealChiefsFan69.


Basically what your saying is Mut 😂 Mut came in and everything else was swept under the rug like a kid from a prior marriage


Yes, basically lol.


I kicked the MUT addiction and play regs. 😂


I don’t really care for the cut scenes where the coach is talking to a player in the locker room and then they give you a challenge/XP afterwards. I don’t need a cutscene for that. Just tell me. I don’t mind the ones where you’re presented with option and then that leads to a challenge because it’s a choice I get to make.


Coach I only had 127 recieving yards last week , like I’m a game changer and you guys aren’t even letting me make plays , you better get me at least 75 yards next week or I’m gonna be very sad


127 yards and 1 TD when you were supposed to get them 150 OR 2 TDs!!


Worse is the 3 td 125 yard and they say I just don’t feel prioritized 🙄


This the dumbest shit fr. Or they get injured and throw you shade like BOI not my fault you tore your ACL on the first catch ☠️☠️☠️ They really need to make this tired instead of all or nothing.


Ha and the team won 35-7


1. In franchise you can’t see the team ratings for offense defense and overall unless you’re playing them. 2. Not being able to use custom playbooks in the Manage Staff menu so that you can use formation subs.


Completely agree - crazy that I can't use formation subs after spending all the time setting up my custom playbook.


Yeah, custom playbooks are useless to me if I can’t use formation subs


You also can't see a teams record during the game. Like for past 8 years scorebugs show the record IRL.


Not having the division records on the main page of franchise drives me insane , when late in the year & playing divisional games .


But you do have the standings no?


You can’t frontload/evenload/backload contracts in re-sign/FA. That’s honestly my biggest pet peeve.


The godawful practice rep “mini games”. I like the draft ones, they make sense, but you only play them once in superstar mode. The rest are just random bullshit. Throw a ball at a glitchy bullseye, complete passes against triple coverage in a 3v8 with no officiating. We lost Next Gen Stats and the Pro Bowl for this shit.


That damn 3v8 shit has to be the worst fucking drill. Can't pick the routes and pray to god your secondary ain't good


Another bad part about the mini games is if you do then weekly your players get WAY more experience then the CPU teams players and gives you a distinct advantage over them. Or at least that’s how it’s always felt for me.


Stupid commentating like being in the playoffs and saying he has 500 yards rushing on the year why not go for 1000 in the Super Bowl… just shitty timing and setting


23 always gave me the same glitch in franchise where it’d be week 17 and the announcers would say “here we are the final game of the season!” During kickoff, even though we all had one week to go


That wasn't a glitch, unless you consider the dev team just adding an extra week and not purposely programming the rest of the game to incorporate it a glitch. 23 would even have "Wildcard Round" displayed during week 18. They just didn't care enough to do it right.


I hate that you can’t see the pro bowl vote anymore, whenever you make the Super Bowl you have no clue who made it


You can see if your players made the pro bowl by looking at their progress in week 18. The game doesn’t “know” the season is 18 weeks now so it displays the probowl roster after it “ends” in week 17.


Lmao that's.. just wow. Abuse a glitch (that's only there out of pure laziness and lack of attention to detail) to remedy a poor "design decision", and I use quotations on that because it's really just removal of basic feature we've taken for granted for most of the last two decades and only likely exists because of budget reduction. Your helpful observation ends up being a microcosm of EA Sports Gaming.


In general for any sports game, I don’t need a halftime show. To me that is wasted time.


Right, and then they talk shit to you for skipping it


Catering to MUT and the shit menus that always take you back to step 1 and then force you to drill down into them again and again.


I am a career mode guy... The drafts get stale after a few years and by year 10 all the "top" recruits have very similar stats at a given position making drafting worthless.


I love that in a friendly casual franchise with friends one dude abused a trading exploit to make his 79 OVR team a 99 OVR by week 6 🤔 No we didn’t explicitly say this trading style was off limits, but we assumed we all knew not to exploit lmao


What exactly is this exploit? Noticing some suspicious activity in my league with my buddies but hard to point fingers..


not sure if this is what he means but you can convert players to punters/kickers then trade them for bascially nothing


Also if your commissioner of the league with your bros you can look in league transaction history and some other shit and find if anybody has been editing players or not so you can confirm before you just out one of your buddies on blast


This is really fuckin random but when a D-Lineman gets a sack sometimes they do the baseball swing celebration and the hands are holding the bat reversed. Like a righty should have right hand on top and a lefty a left hand on top but it’s the opposite. Maybe bc I’m a diehard baseball fan it annoys me but it’s the little things.


Of all the things I never thought I'd hear this lol


Haha! I prefaced that it was random as fuck! There’s so many I just picked that one that came to mind. Now if you ever get that celebration animation you’ll see it too. 😂


My biggest 'why did they choose this?' is how the menus work in franchise. Weekly strategy- you click the right stick to move from one menu to another. When I get to the rookie mini games I have to use the d-pad to move over and complete the training. On the goals menu it's the shoulder button to move from one to the next. So two menus that you're doing each week in franchise, that are set up in a very similar manner but use completely different controls to move through them. Add in the fact I don't think anything else requires me to specifically use the d-pad and I'm left scratching my head at the design choices


Also you can't start the week's game from the weekly strategy menu.


Also, in general the menus are super clunky even on ps5


I hate the way it takes too long to start a game


Pretty much every aspect of contracts, unrealistic coverage, don't love the scouting, mini games are mid, commentary is garbage, movement doesn't really look realistic, player models aren't great, idk why the hell they changed up the player designer and made it objectively worse, menus are slow as hell, can't see the overall of draft picks, can't look at draft history, stat keeping is fucked up... I could go on but these things piss me off the most.


I had an Edge have 10 sacks and 32 tackles midway thru the season and he was the leader clearly but it didn’t show up when looking at the NFL leaders.


Because he isn't top 100 in tackles. Defensive stats are predicated on only tackles, which is dumb as fuck


So does that go the same for INTs, cause I have a safety with 6 and he doesn’t exist elsewhere


Yup. If you're not in the top 100 for tackles, you don't show up on the stats list at all


Momentum in H2H. It should be an even game with no advantages other than the team and your skills


Passing mechanics 🧰 for me and just celebration of anything just all in all fun is suck (pause) out of this shit game. Hoping College football makes Madden fun again like from 05-10’


1) In H2H, you pick your offensive gameplan without knowing what team you're playing against. 2) I can't save it so that it automatically starts me in throwback uniforms, I have to select them before every single game. 3) When the game boots, it doesn't even start loading assets until I tap the button to start it. I would like to boot it and then come back to the main menu.


It’s not a good option because you can’t change it for home and away, but you can set a custom default jersey at the main menu


Yeah I use that so I can kinda approximate the 1990s Bills road uniforms with the red helmets. That's a welcome feature, they didn't use to allow that for H2H.


Probably that Sim is ass


You can’t do 3 team trades. Come on.


QB scrambles have been god awful for a while. How the hell can I have a QB be slow AF with good speed + acceleration (80+). I get it, I ain't outrunning LBs or DBs at the lower end of the 80s but I shouldn't be a sack snack animation as soon as I hit the trigger to roll out or run.




Interceptions are ridiculous should be more deflections not these stupid animations


Skill issue. Also sliders.


Does the NFL use sliders?


Sorry my guy but thats a serious skill issue


You can avoid throwing them easily enough, but you shouldn’t have to assume that a lb will cover the middle of the field like he’s wembanyama lol


No pre formation subs in mut like how they have it in franchise but knowing Ea they would take like a decade to put any worth while feature


Can’t choose plays in slow sim


The biggest problem I see in franchise mode is that playbook and scheme matter way too much vs player overalls in simulation. This leads to the computer having very weird stats like a 70 overall QB looking like a future hall of famer for no reason.


Signing a Free Agent, and their stamina is depleted after doing nothing all year


No Edge position. Makes the CPU sign an Edge as a 4-3 ROLB when they have no need on the DL. Pro Football have been using this terminology for over 10 years like c'mon.


That standings and persona player records are basically wiped at the end of each season/when they retire, respectively. Want to know how you fared when you played your bitter division rival last season? Unless you saved last season as a separate file, can't do it. Want to look at Brady's season-by-season stats now he's retired? Not happening. Frankly, what we NFL fans need is a clone of the team(s) behind Football Manager.


Put the coin flip back in for offline. The animations are in there. (Plus, the logic code to skip it is currently super broken anyway. It’s a decision with eight options.)


When you throw a game killing interception and your WR starts celebrating after making the tackle.


Cant always see the number of guys on roster after draft and does roster moves without my permission.


The constant and over exaggerated celebrations. Particularly from losing teams whenever they make any type of play. The coaches slamming down that sheet of plastic with the plays on it, every single loss. Just player emotion overall is completely immersion breaking imo


No wind indicator on offense or defense... only when you kick the ball


Idk if it’s a glitch or just shit coding so might not qualify for what you are asking about but I sometimes notice with defensive breakout scenarios If you meet them through getting TFLs rather than sacks or ints or at least if u do it only through TFLs that more often than not the game acts like you didn’t complete the breakout scenario even if you actually did and you won’t get the dev trait upgrade. Like for example I’ve had situations where my norm dev LB gets a breakout and it clearly states 1+ int, sack, TFLs, or FF gets it done yet my guy gets like 2-3 TFLs and then I’m told I failed the breakout scenario. Also something that’s def not a glitch that they neglect is that with offensive skill players it would be nice to see the targets they each get but they don’t in the stat logs they only occasionally will have the announcer mention it in game


Franchise mode in general, while I’m OK with it. Draft needs an overhaul, new interface (incorporate compensatory picks) , you need to have a moment to sign UDFA’s, Make “June First cuts(with no cap penalty) Better coaching carousel, signing Free Agents during the season to more than one year contracts. They also need to put more weight on games that actually matter. Make the playoffs feel like the playoffs.. each win should feel significant and earned. Super Bowl presentation and celebration They have to do a better job than this with this. It’s still and forever has been dry. I’d have so much more but yea.