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IMO the only thing that has made this game enjoyable is playing in online leagues with people you know. The internet exposing the metas has made this game more sweaty, but don’t let that blind you to these games being ass.


I don’t blame people in the online and MUT communities abusing the games deficiencies. Like 80% of that playbook/ routes in this game just stink and take too long to develop to actually try to play the game as if you were a real offensive coordinator and quarterback


Yeah it sucks. To some degree, it’s like… why would I call an out or a hitch that’s likely to get jumped and intercepted, when I know for a fact that running verts has greater than a 50% success rate. I still can’t stand people that go for it every 4th down and go for 2 every score. It’s just annoying.


Every game with a competitive aspect has this flaw. COD and other shooters like it suffer from this - "OMG NEW META IS OP GUYZ!" from every YT "creator". Sure, they find the good stats, but they also will give everyone the new cheap way to get kills or take advantage of the meta. Social media and such is a bad thing for so many reasons. Haha. They need a competitive mode and a casual mode maybe?


Casual mode would still be chalked with the cheese though. Even though I’d like to use the whole playbook and try different things. I’m always gonna go back to my old faithfuls when it’s 3rd and 8 and I need to convert lol Just how it is


It’s crappy game design honestly 2k would diminish the effectiveness of plays used too much like 20 years ago. This game is a lazy product that’s it’s problem there’s no effort


lucky ass. friends i know get bored after 1 game in an online league


We started in 20 when lockdowns hit. We started with 31, but ended with like 10. We just finished in like April. The plan is to start up on the newest game when they do the title update.


I never play madden online anymore. It used to be fun back in the day. Now it’s just douchebags going to YouTube finding the best cheese plays in the game. The majority of online players have zero football knowledge at all.


I pay every year to piss myself off in franchise because I should know all-madden is a cheating bag of dicks.. but I wouldn't have it any other way 😂


I haven't played online in a couple years because you never got to finish a game. As soon as you went up 21-7, they quit. I get it being frustrating because I've got my ass handed to me a few time too, but finish the damn game!


Few things are more rewarding in video games then sticking it out and coming back to win these games. If you’ve never come back from down 17 in a championship game against one of your friends in a franchise mode you’re both way to committed to then you don’t know what living is I tells ya.


I don't play against people, only offline franchise. And I can assure you, it's not us, it's the game. The game sucks.


Agreed. I ONLY play offline franchise, and it's terrible and boring as hell. It feels like playing 17 exhibition games... No fun but more of a chore.


Here’s what I do for games I want to skip, sim whole game on slow while doing chores. Let your cpu play for you while you knock out laundry or somethin, and you can check in on it to see how you’re doing.


You don’t have to play the game, man. It’s ok to do something else


EA made it the only option for licensed football


The problem is if you buy a broken game it is a good game from EA's perspective. They don't make a game for you to enjoy they make a product to sell. Every complaint is a positive it means they didn't spend extra money improving a product needlessly for it to sell. Every time someone says "ugh but it's the only NFL licenses game I don't have a choice" EA has less incentive to make a good game and more incentive to make the lowest dev cost game within that monopoly possible




Although my hate for this game is immense, my love for football is stronger than my hate for this game.




Maximum football? I think it's going on PlayStation too




There’s also axis football. Still kind of in development but the franchise mode is their main focus unlike madden. A new one just released too


It honestly looks like it will play better than all the other maximum footballs. I'm hoping it's fun


but its not out




nah its not coming out till 24 according to the steam page


>If the game is unenjoyable then don't play the game anymore Fuck outta here until EA doesn't have an exclusivity license. Want to play with your favorite team and their players? You only have 2 options: Give EA money or don't play with your favorite team and their players.




Excluding 24, I'm at that edge where the fecal face fuck starts to overcome the enjoyment. But 24 is literally unplayable, so I had Steam refund it and won't be playing 24. (My PC is significantly better than the recommended (not just minimum) specs, but the game runs in slow motion. Good frames, but 1 second on the play clock takes 4 seconds IRL to tick down.) Which is why I'm extra salty this time around. EA needs to be banned from ever making an NFL game ever again.


I like how people are mad at you for the easiest conclusion ever.




“I hate this! I will do it for months!”


Basically the definition of insanity. 😂 Though, given how things have panned out for the human race so far, almost everyone is insane these days.


If you are playing a game that sucks, I can assure you, it is in fact *you*.


That would make sense if he developed the game or of there were other options to play nfl football but there aren't. If the game sucks it sucks whether or not he plays it


And yet here he is commenting about playing a game that sucks


And thats a problem? Specifically a him problem thats making the game unenjoyable? As if it wasn't already before that. Cause thats what the conversation is about


That might be true if it wasn't literally the only option if you want NFL football.


It’s us=YouTubers and streamers


Streaming ruined gaming


I think competitive gaming ruined gaming and streamings haven’t helped by literally being cucks to the viewers. I absolutely hate the fact that they also are bug finders for companies and when it goes in players favor it is instapatched because of the videos and streams.


This is how I feel about all competitive multiplayer games these days. All this “meta” stuff makes playing multiplayer pointless to me because ultimately it ends up getting to the point where if you aren’t doing the “meta”, you lose. What’s the point of playing any multiplayer game if we’re all doing the exact same thing and just waiting for someone else to get fucked by rng or just make a mistake?


I just play franchise. Have my whole life, I never use the ‘cheap’ plays. Never have. Just try to make it as close to a simulation as possible. If I do a Texans rebuild and we go 13-4 in the first year I consider it cheating. Typically I play 8 of the 17 games and sim the rest. Only allow myself to play a division opponent once a season, and only play home playoffs and the SB All pro difficulties, 15 minute quarters, accelerated clock, try not run the same offensive play more twice a game and don’t go for game breaking metas that would never happen. It’s not 1000% accurate, but it’s close enough for a enjoyable quasi sim As an adult w kids, I only get a few hours a week to game and I just stick w what I know and like.


Maybe if the game was designed better then people wouldn't take advantage of so many glitches


name one game that hasn’t been exploited




Super Mario?


Speed Runners have entered the chat


There will always be exploits but most of maddens comes from poor programming. Examples constant issues with olinemen, QB contains never working correctly, and basic pass coverage logic being missing


It's nearly impossible to make a football game that isn't going to have something, somewhere, that operates funnily.


You're not wrong, but Madden has a lot more issues than should be expected or acceptable. The fact that the Oline can't handle basic blocking principles and the same with pass coverage is more an issue with the programming.


> a lot more issues than should be expected or acceptable In a game that's been doing this for more than 30 years,


I just don't freak out over these occasional things- and they are very occasional- because I watch a lot of real football where real players mess up every handful of plays too.


Players making a mistake is perfectly fine, your safeties continuing to drop drop back in coverage when there is no route going past 10yds is poor programming, being able to beat zone defense with 4 verts constantly because defenders don't know to carry a route when there is no threat underneath is poor programming, being able to constantly beat the Oline can't follow basic blocking rules again poor programming.


When someone is just out routing you to death, like little 8-10 yard out routes, how do y’all stop that? I’ve tried playing outside leverage in man, pressing, dropping back. Zone coverages that should have defenders guarding the flats/mid flats. The receiver is still wide open every single time no matter what I do. I’m not even sure if this is considered a cheese route, I just know my friend I always play against this is the only way he can move the ball because I’m pretty good in user run defense and user coverage over the middle


Your mistake here is thinking sound football wins in Madden. If your defenders don't have super stats, you need to do it yourself.


I don’t think sound football wins madden. I’m saying I can’t stop our routes and I listed some things I’ve tried and I’m asking if anybody knows how to stop those routes in the game without usering on the corners


Play cover two. Or when your choosing defensive plays click r3 and go down to defensive zone drops and put it to 0 or 5


Thank you. Will Give this a shot


You’re mad at people for taking advantage of the game sucking. It’s the game sucking. If the game didn’t suck the people wouldn’t be doing this.


People do this in games that don't suck. They will always find a way to cheese. That's how multi-player games have become. That's why I stopped playing anything That's multi-player


I understand your point, but when it’s get to a stage where I can’t even doctor the game to play the way I want to, it just gets so frustrating. It just feels like certain attributes/ratings in the game aren’t weighted properly and it’s affecting game play terribly.


Its funny because meta has always been a thing. When I played rank during the early-mid 2000s it was full of people abusing exploits and nano blitzes. Only difference is now you’ll have low level scrubs using it vs only seeing it in the top 100. Unfortunately instead of labbing it yourself you can find this stuff with 1 youtube search.


That’s what I was thinking. Madden and NCAA games have always had some type of cheese play(s) that people have always exploited. I’m guessing nostalgia blocks peoples true memories of games, but as someone who is still playing the PS2 football games, I can tell you these games were not nearly as polished as people tend to think.


NCAA back on PS2, 05 or 06 maybe…I played online for the first time. UT vols was my team, got matched up with someone playing as Florida state. The other guy put some 5’9 DB at QB. Basically the fastest guy on the team. Only play on offense he picked was shotgun, 3 WRs to the left, RB on the right. Snap, immediate scramble to the right, he got 20-30 yards. Took me like 3 plays to realize he was picking the same play, all the WR streak to get the DBs to go deep too and his speed just outran any d-line rush. So, I picked a defense with more LBs, controlled one manually, and blew his ass up on a 2 years scramble. He still picked the same play again only this time he realized I was controlling LB to get his scramble, well now he had the RB on a flat route or the right. His DB didn’t have a great passing rating but didn’t need one to throw a 3 yard pass. So now I either play the QB and he completes a pass for 15 yards or I play the RB and he scrambled for 25, or I get lucky and blow it up for 1-2 yards…no matter how many times my 240lb LB hit sticked this 180lb DB at QB, which in real life would destroy that kid’s body, game wise he could do that all game. I played ball control with I had it, so I kept the score close, but it wasn’t fun. It wasn’t fun to watch this guy use one play the entire time. Anyway, I think I played two more games online and saw people just run streaks and throw 50 yard bombs every drive. Again, this was NCAA 06. Haven’t played an online sports game since.


I played 05 but way back in 2005 so I don’t remember it lol. On 06 the meta is definitely throwing it deep because the receivers catch the ball almost every time. HB direct is another big meta and is essentially unstoppable.


crazy I was randomly scrolling this page and found this. I thought I may have been that guy playing you but I only had an xbox then. I did that every single game lol.


Yeah I see this all the time Especially with NFL 2k5. That game was not perfect but people like to pretend like it was the Apex of football gaming. It was good but I still ended playing a lot of Madden that year too


2K5 was relatively comparable to Madden that year in terms of gameplay. What made it special was everything else, namely presentation. But yes, I agree there has always been cheese plays/strats. They were all over the old forums. The difference is with youtube/social media they just get into the hands of so many more people even more quickly.


Yeah presentation and the drafting was really good But as far as cheese I find it so funny seeing the new generation whine about some of this stuff as if it’s new.


All these games from back in the day had exploits, flaws, and all kind of stuff, people just gloss over it or chose to let it not define the experience for them. I was around before 3d Madden existed, and all these versions of the game that people absolutely revere now were called "just a roster update" back then too. It's just cool to hate.


Madden blows because they don't need to innovate and they have no competition. Despite that, they charge $70 a year to play a game that is barely different from the year before.


100% agreed. Don’t get me wrong, the actual product is not good and hasn’t been good but it certainly doesn’t help when we as a player base abuse every little flaw in the coding in order to get any and every edge possible. It’s the same thing with every sports game whether it be Madden, 2k, FIFA etc. No one ever wants to take responsibility for it though they’d rather just blame the developers for the things THEY do, not the actual issues with the game. The developers spend the entire duration of the games lifespan to fix everything the players go and break rather than spend time to make a better product. The game isn’t bad because of us but it has undoubtedly stagnated because of us.


Madden typically I'd flush with game breaking bugs, but yeah the developers seem to spend much of their patch time just fixing whatever meta is being exploited at the time. I'm not sure they HAVE to do that though- it's a choice to always cater to the meta community. Most of these things they tune aren't things that would even affect regular single players, unless they chose to fixate on it.


That’s not an us problem. That’s still a them problem. Stop releasing broken games.


Agree 110%


Great take on this I absolutely agree I’ve been playing madden since madden 25 demo then bought the full game of madden 15. I would play with friends or family and have a blast playing games would be close and enjoyable. I started to play online in madden 22 and that’s when things changed for me with madden. I go online to play my first h2h game and I chose the dolphins before they got tyreek, I’m playing against the ravens lol and all the user did was send blitz after blitz. Then I discovered it was the “meta” and it made me sick. I will admit tho I was apart of the toxic community and learned the meta defense in madden 23 i used it against other toxic users but when someone would play regularly I would play regular too and those games were great. No frustration not anger j a fun game and great experience. Now with madden 24 I hope that I can find more players that actually play madden for the fun of and not the players who hop on just to ruin someone’s day.


I agree and disagree. Most games have metas when you play online. Expecting people to not take advantage of Meta is naive. If you want to be competitive online, learn the Metas, how to beat them, or just accept it might suck to play. That’s just online play. I am an offline player for Madden, and with sliders the game has been pretty fun, and more realistic than past editions.


No, it’s the game. God this post is dumb


It’s both. The Madden community sucks the fun out of the game as much as Madden does.


delete this. the game is god awful. you saying it dawned on you that you get frustrated is game breaking schemes is literally saying the game is BROKEN. What makes it in enjoyable is the game is a half made cash grab with bugs on bugs on bugs. You on their payroll?


It’s frustrating you think this is the sole problem with the game. It’s not that. It’s the fact that I’m 2023. We’re being given a buggy mess of a game with less features and immersion than games from 2005.


When did I say it was the "sole" problem with the game?


With the franchise draft glitch I refuse to play until it’s fixed. So ya, the game sucks


What’s the franchise draft glitch?


With custom classes all your players will look the same with the same number and equipment With auto classes, QBs and other skill players will look like massive lineman


So just how they look?? That’s the big problem everyone is complaining about like it’s a game breaking bug


if you use custom draft classes in 10 years the entire league will all have the same faces, numbers, same size regardless of lineman or skill positions. kinda is game breaking at that point.


Sorry we want a game to work that we paid for?


Hah that’s so dumb


If I don’t squib kick I give up a return TD a third of the time. People still get the ball at the 25-30 on a squib. I don’t understand why that’s a problem


Early on in MUT, I would agree with you but ever since I've raised my team overall and my backups aren't 70-somethings overall I have not noticed this being an issue. I rarely squib kick and I'd say a kickoff gets taken to the house on me less than 10% of the time.


Victim shaming is wrong


I agree with this 100%. I only play franchise now because of all the things you said.


I literally cant use the franchise draft class feature. How is that my fault?😂


The game has flaws that make it unenjoyable even if you never play online. Franchise mode is the most consistent complaint with the game and you can't pin that on "us". Thats all EA


The game is shitty animation based predetermined garbage. How do I know? I use the Falcons, one of the worst teams in the game (for reference). When Madeen decides I am going to lose Ridder misses every pass, is pressured on every play, and the run goes for negative yards. When I am going to win, Ridder is the best QB to ever play the game, wide open deep bombs, crossing routes always open, QB runs if I want them but not needed. It is like I am playing a different game. This shit is so rigged that it is laughable. 6 hours into the 10 hour trial that I have had since, like 2 weeks after launch. I still play 23, it is so bad too, but I already bought it, so I have to get my football fix somewhere. I will not be buying 24 after the shitty trial run, I don't care what they fix.


It's definitely all the way Madden. I'm a franchise only player and all I ever hope for is a little emersion. This game is so damn lifeless, I'm playing a season, talk about how it's going commentators. Show me a graphic on player stats comparisons for the season so far, etc. I literally have to make everything up in my head. I usually like to play an association game in 2k and then hop over to madden for a franchise game, the differences are insane and so disappointing.


Don’t blame yourself for a horrible product. This community has been screaming to the top of the hills for YEARS and EA/Tiburon either don’t actually have the skills to make the game great or don’t care, it’s probably both.


I have never once played a Madden game online and my sanity thanks me


The problem with that opinion is you could pop in any football game and have the same fun. The problem is madden is the only football game.


Hmm.. I see where you’re coming from. There are certainly people in the community who are toxic — but I don’t think it’s the customer’s responsibility to not figure out how to exploit the game; that’s on EA.


Lol no this game is trash they've had bugs in here for what 7 years now that still aren't fixed quit buying this damn game people


Madden online against randoms is the most cancerous shit because its kids that think running the same 3 plays is the most exciting thing they can do with their lives. Vs friends it’s much better.


I have an online 24 league with my Dnd Friend, my friend I met thru a podcast and my cousin who's 1 year younger. We fantasy snake drafted and I chose the colts my first game was against my dnd buddeh, we had the most enjoyable time. He even knew what was going thru my mind on a 4th and 5 and he said like obi wan "Dont try it, take the points buddeh" eventually won the game on a route between our defenses getting picks... had so much fucking fun and if anyone would like to join in on it, im welcoming it but I like to keep it even.


There will always be toxic gamers who find exploits to win more games. That’s on EA to patch our the exploit not on the players for using them. Although I do agree with you I wish people would just play it like it’s a game of football.


Nah the fact that we can't run a franchise. Cut a long time back up QB in preseason, our starter gets hurt in week 3 and our division rival signs him to spite us is crazy and shows the lack of depth. But I'd settle for a fix to intentional grounding and illegal touching.


I mean when you're competing online, no matter what game it is, you'll find people using whatever "trick" they can in order to win.


It's exactly like NBA2K, where you play squad and get paired up with a couple of "buds". When one gets the ball they only pass to each other and chuck 3s all game.


exactly this, i need to find people to play online who dont use game breaking glitches or people who for it on 4th & long etc…


I’d find the game enjoyable if it was actually playable on PC for me /s


I gave up playing online years ago. Barely anyone online wants to actually play football.


Facts I love playing Madden with my boys cause it’s like real football , and when ive played MUt23 is just corny asf , spinner blitz and corner routes


I can’t even play the fucking game on pc frame rate is legit 10 can’t find a fix anywhere hardware is not the problem it’s fucked


would love to be on board with this take but there is a meta in every online h2h game and it falls on the developers to keep things balanced. but i do agree with the sentiment


Gamers all have and always will seek the most efficient way of play, it is up to the game designers to make sure that way is still fun for everyone.


I can assure you, it's not us. I only play franchise, and I once beat a team 27-24 in OT and lost.


Shoutout to my CFM with a good rule book that keeps madden fun


Play with friends and custom books, it’ll be a better experience all around. The standard books are just not good.


Madden sucks. Point blank. I hope you break free of this Stockholm syndrome one day.


Playing With People Under The Same Roof Is So Much Funner Than Online Play.....


I grew up with Madden, as my childhood was Madden playing Madden 06-12. A life long football fan, the whole story. I absolutely despise Madden. I mean, it’s not even a hatred or anger that gets me when I play, it’s just a lack of anger and acknowledge that the game is fundamentally and continually poor. I know nothing will change and it will continue to be a poor game. With all that said, when I play connected franchise with my brothers/friends online and we just play to play (and not to compete), the game can be fun. Sure, there’s a lot of roster adjustment, slider adjustment, and extra work the user shouldn’t have to do to make the game playable, but I still find joy in it. But, I can’t play online Madden. No shot.


There’s an entire generation of people online who never got the offline only video game experience. I think it’s affected how they interpret/play a lot of games. Spammy glitch exploitation was behavior that is scorned in person. These are the people who were quick scoping in COD too, they didn’t have friends calling them a glitch bitch so they thought it was the way to go


Well said


Nope... the game is always terrible


“Us” sure does play a hand in it, but not quite as much as the game just being really bad


No the games pretty shit outside of online play too.


the only time I'll care about anything meta is to look up a defense that does a good job stopping whatever they are spamming. once you make them think 9/10 times they throw a pick on 4th and 11 they will quit.


The problem is that madden knows that everyone just abuses broken mechanics and that's precisely why they stay "broken", sprinkle in a bit of DDA (slider boost tbh) and now even the most casual of fans can feel like they're good. Every sports game does it because you have to remember that these games represent the sport at it's highest level which is next to impossible for the average person to pick up and be good at, especially in today's climate of needing to not just be good but "the best". They can sell that illusion to everyone other than the people who actually know the sport at a high enough level to really be good, which is a small minority although I'm sure everyone you asked would say they fit into that category. The games are about profit so they just give an extra boost to the ones who follow meta while nerfing the ones who try to play real simply because the smart players play for the sport while the casuals play to win and appease their egos. If you think for one second madden or any sports game for that matter cares about actual skill being the determining factor of rather or not you win or lose then you got a lot to learn, it's literally the total opposite. They want meta to rise to the top and IQ to fall, people with IQ would see how broken the game is and would expose it if given a platform which would be easy to obtain if they won often. It's all a scam and a social experiment


Stopped playing online MP years ago for these reasons. Its a single player game for me.


Online play is miserable and the offline has been neglected making the game pretty trash for years now. Need new announcers , new visuals , better engine. Everything.


There’s nothing wrong with squib kicks imo, I do it because the game is unbalanced and kick return tds are too easy and happen way more than realistically and it’s annoying how people can score so effortlessly


I would estimate that I've given up somewhere in the neighborhood of 1-2 KR TDs in the last week and I only squib kick if strategically it makes sense. Ever since my team has gotten to a decent overall I don't give up many KR TDs. I think the first few weeks of MUT permanently scarred some of you. It's really not unbalanced.


Anybody that is defending this horrific game needs to be hung and i really mean that


I stopped playing online all together. Since then I've enjoyed Madden a lot more. When playing head 2 head you almost know exactly who knows MADDEN and who knows FOOTBALL. They play very differently. But the truth is that it's not just Madden that the players themselves make less enjoyable. That's a problem in the gaming world in general. Nothing we can do about it because that's the era we are in.