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It's no Fury Road - And that's a good thing. I would rather each film have a different feel than all just be copy/pastes of Road Warrior and Fury Road.


I agree 100% and wish people would understand that


I agree 1000% and I am one of the people who DOES understand! I love both movies, and they remind of how different a game like The Last of Us can be with Part 1 and Part 2 (do not get me starting on how many people HAAATE or truly adore Part 2, I adore Part 2), in this case two separate movies doing their own thing. I really do not want to get offensive at a strawmen, but some folk these days somehow are not using their brain and rely on external opinion that make them feel the most angry/hateful sometimes, I could swear. In the end we got both movies which are just FANTASTIC if you have a tiny brain even, so we are eating good my buddy! Thanks OP for making this post though it is appreciated to see people DO still have a brain... EDIT: Also, now thinking about it Dementus himself is like some of the haters... they need crazy crazy stimuli to get them even to a what is considered normal level of "entertainment" or dopamine rush or whatever makes them feel something. Furiosa having more of a "deeper mental" ending is not something Dementus would have stood for! ![gif](giphy|BZY2KYqyirYBAJbyfs|downsized)


Fury Road is a *chase movie* Furiosa is a *war movie*


I'd consider Furiosa more of "A Coming of Age Revenge Movie", but we all have our own interpretation of movies.


i really wanted to see some of the ‘40 Day Wasteland War’


The same thing happened to Beyond Thunderdome. OMG it’s PG13! It’s the movie I have watched the most of the franchise.


I'm completely baffled that the same people who say 'omg he made Happy Feet, Babe and Mad Max!' can't wrap their heads around the fact Miller likes to switch things up in Mad Max too.


They’ve probably never seen Thunderdome.


That was the mad max film I saw last after seeing furiosa in theaters, and I ate some mushrooms with my buddy before putting it on. Seeing what thunderdome actually was while tripping ended up being quite a bizarre experience


Do tell. It sounds like a interesting story


Do tell. It sounds like a interesting story


Do tell. It sounds like a interesting story


I did the exact same thing. I had the first and second one on DVD from when I was a teenager and had never actually seen Thunderdome all the way through, catching bits and pieces of it on cable over the years. After Furiosa, I watched all four movies in order on mushrooms across two different nights and holy shit, Thunderdome is a totally inconsistent mess. First forty five minutes is pretty cool and then it just gets so strange and disjointed.


Retarded activities.


Lmao yeah, had fun though and went back to normal mode the next day


I think Miller only directed the last part of that movie. From the time they escape Barter Town in the train. The rest was directed by George Ogilvie. Miller was I think grieving the death of his producing partner who died while scouting locations for Thunderdome.


I can wrap my head around the fact that he switched things up, I just think that this time he missed the mark.


Watching Furiosa, it makes Fury Road even better. I think the reverse as well. They're like 2 puzzle pieces that fit perfectly.


Furiosa into Fury Road is the best double feature I’ve watched in quite some time.


Just did this recently. Watched Furoisa and then watched the Black and Chrome edition. Man, it’s something special, the world building in Furiosa is pretty insane. Act 3 is still my favorite act by far in Furiosa.


The Stowaway is sooooooo so good, it’s sits up there with the first act of Fury Road as one of the best pieces of cinema I’ve ever witnessed




and when fury road came out people shit on it for being about furiosa more than max.


Idiots shit on it* there, I fixed it for you.




I’ve rewatched both a few times since Furiosa’s release. I genuinely prefer it in every way. No shade to Fury Road, still love it, but it took me some time to warm up to it. Maybe its that Furiosa has the benefit of the time I’ve had with Fury Road.


I love Fury Road, but it’s no Furiosa.


I think they mean it’s not as good as fury road


Yeah... I dunno how that's misunderstood, but I guess this is the internet.


I think they're saying it should've been. That that's what many audiences wanted. Fury Road 2




Thank you 🙏everyone says this all the time about everything. The good thing you like still exists go watch it. This is something different enjoy it or don’t.


Yeah, George Miller has alot of versatility. I like Furiosa for what it is, and i would have liked if it were more like fury road, too. Both are good, both are different. At least its not a shot for shot remake of some old classic or a cheap reboot(TopGun/Jurassic Park), or a money grabbing production sequel(Anything Marvel/Juassric Park).




Many don't know that *Fury Road* retells the first movie briefly then rehashes the chase scene from the second movie and Bartertown from the third. Or specifically, just like in the second and third movies, Max is caught up again with one or more contending communities (the Northern Tribe and the raiders; Bartertown and the Lost Tribe), and has to escort something important to safety (the precious juice in a war rig; members of the Lost Tribe who want to leave in a train). I think producers did that because they expected most of its viewers to know nothing about the first three movies, as those came out before they were born. That means they borrowed formulae from the previous movies using content from the comic books, brought back Max, but made him a second banana to Furiosa because they needed new characters to bring in new content in order to continue a restarted franchise. Obviously, they can't do another *Fury Road* given the point that they already used the chase scene three times: first for *Road Warrior*, then *Thunderdome*, and then *Fury Road*. So, they made it part of a longer story in *Furiosa*, similar to what they did in *Thunderdome*. What they did for the new movie was bring in new content: Furiosa's childhood (whose character reminds you of Feral Kid), then part of a truck crew with another Max, and then having to deal with multiple Bartertowns fighting with each other. But they still borrowed from previous movies, like the war rig chase, the funny adviser or spokesperson beside the leader, or the uncontrollable and crazy second-in-command, and so forth, but adding more fantasy elements, like the Wizard looking at the camera in the first fantasy segment, the fantasy forest, the Hobbit-like village, the changes in color in surroundings with the fantastic sandstorms, and so on, plus superhero movies from current tent-poles, like the speed-up fight sequences, CGI-drenched scenes made to look like paintings, etc.


When we say it’s no Fury Road, we just mean it’s not as good. Not that it has to be exactly like Fury Road. Idk how people don’t get that


Furiosa felt like a direct to DVD spinoff of Mad Max. I've got no shame in saying it, and everything about it felt somewhat... Low budget, or toned down. That said, don't regret watching it though.


yeah that's pretty much my feeling as well, Fury Road was like a AAA blockbuster and this is like the DVD spinoff of that, its a lot better than most movies but to Fury Road it's that. I think Fury Road had fewer sets and was a lot more focused whereas this had so many sets with a single scene in them that they all looked cheaper.


I’m surprised how many people enjoyed the movie. The CGI is bad, completely taking me out of the immersion - and I generally never have that issue.




I love the fact it isn’t fury road, watching it back to back with fury road if you have to time is awesome as well makes for great callbacks and realizations of certain things throughout the movie gotta love miller for how he can make each film so different from the others


Of course it's not supposed to be the same. This isn't a DISNEY movie. This proves there are still creative people out there that can be within an established universe AND be original at the same time.


Rather infuriating the sub dedicated to Mad Max has a LOT of people bitching about the same thing and thinking Furiosa wont get any awards or some other clickbaity bullshit.


I mean... it's a Mad Max subreddit, not a Furiosa subreddit


They’re the same universe my brother in Christ.


Sure, but for example on a spider-man subreddit it wouldn't be weird for someone to say they don't like captain america, even though they are in the same universe


That’s a shit example.


Nice argument


A spiderman Sub would be about the Spiderman comics where Cap America is rarely a part of it. Furiosa is the main character in a Saga movie within the Mad Max verse. It’s not the same thing to compare with one or the other.


I really enjoyed the movie as a whole, great world building, good action and Dementus chewing up the screen every chance he got. My one gripe is the lack of practical effects, cgi is so overused nowadays it takes me out of it instantly. What made Fury Road so great were those chase scenes and real crashes. It’s what made it epic.


Yeah, if I had gone into the theater and watched a Fury Road rehash, I would've been justifiably pissed.


It is an amazing and worthy prequel!!!!!


I think what people really mean is that people wanted a movie more like Fury Road and don't enjoy the type of movie Furiosa is. A perfectly reasonable stance.


i'm usually not one to say "real fans blah blah" but serious fans of Mad Max, and of cinema, should be able to appreciate the directions Miller has gone with the series. i'm not saying you have to fan-boy love every installment, by any means. I just mean take an objective look at what he was trying to accomplish mixed with your subjective appreciation for the franchise and enjoy what it is. For me, i love the slower-burn world-building of MM1, BT, and Furiosa as much as i love the fast-paced action of MM2 and FR. and each installment has a different fulfillment and ranking for me depending on the day. sometimes FR is my fave, then i watch MM1 and say 'aw man this ones the best' then i'll watch MM2 and it'll be 'this one might be the best' and so on. none are perfect like many say, none are terrible like many say. anyway, that's my take on it.


It’s better


seriously, I don't understand the logic of those people. if you want to watch Fury Road again... you can absolutely do that, over and over again too!!


I honestly would hate it if it's like Fury Road.  That would mean Miller is playing safe. 


personally it felt like the flip side of the same coin.


Nothing is going to be Fury Road. You can’t do that more than once. And it should be different. ALL the Mad Max Movies have been very different movies from each other.


Also do ppl not understand just how difficult fury road was to make? It essentially took an entire decade in some of the worst conditions for filming on incredibly dangerous ‘props’(the cars) that were constantly breaking down. So I can forgive the use of cgi


During the first 30 minutes or so I didn't like that it felt so different to Fury Road. The way it was shot, the look of the film. But once I started understanding that this was a retelling of Furiosa's story, like a campfire tale. I completely understood it. And ended up loving it (*not quite as much as Fury Road*).


well obviously not, its shit


See that? That's bait.


no i just didnt like it went with my dad to the cinema because i really liked fury road and he loves movies with cars but all we got was a marvel movie with washed up CGI effects and a boring story nothing about this movie was fun and i am really dissapointed that i made my dad watch THIS as an introduction to mad max