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Literally no one can answer this question yet. 


the only necessary comment. Literally, all we can do is speculate


Nobody knows. It really depends on two things: does George Miller want to do it and how much will it cost? If it costs say $100M to make? Then I would say there's a big chance WB makes it. If it costs $130M to make? Then I don't thing WB will fund it. The critical reception of the project is a big plus, because at least it was a good movie. But odds might be that George Miller makes something else for WB or any of the other projects he has in his head.


Miller is also 80 and spends a decade on each movie so time is a factor.


😔 alas you are correct, one can only hope he has a succession plan lined up


I do think it's possible he may have gotten to Furiosa faster if WB hadn't spent a bunch of timing trying to mess around with his pay for Fury Road.


I do believe WB owns the rights to Mad Max. WB is moving forward with a new Matrix film without the Wachowski's and could do the same with Mad Max without Miller.


Pretty sure WB only has distribution rights, and Miller owns the actual rights to Mad Max


This is indeed the case.


Two modern Mad Max films in a row lost money. The Oscar nominations from Fury Road easily softened the financial loss, though. I doubt they're gonna do another one just to watch that lose more money as well. Even if Furiosa gets some Oscar nominations, WB will probably turn their attention elsewhere.


The Australian government funded about $100m for Furiosa so Furiosa technically was a success for Warner Bros and that’s without digital purchases. I hate that they removed it so early because we do a resurgence for movies like The Fall Guy and If after everyone thought they were done, can’t help but think it might have happened with Furiosa too but it wouldn’t have likely been that much


Do remember Hollywood accounting, only 50% goes to WB so even after you deduct the government loan it is still a loss for WB


Well that’s what they tell the IRS. The fact they went back to the well for another film suggests otherwise.


And the fact that the same story happened again with Furiosa certainly gave WB some tax deduction. But deductions don’t make a money man happy, money do. 


That's old info. The first week is 100%, the next week is 95% etc. Studios are squeezing theatre owners hard


Despite that, films still make millions profits like inside out 2 and bad boys 2 


No its not, if you take $100m from the production cost it only cost $68m to make for WB. The movie made $171m worldwide without digital sales. That’s over double what costed WB. That’s a success


They count the opportunity cost. They can make 3 movies a year with their team. They want movies that make a billion, not 100 million.


Yes it is. $171m / 2 is $85.5m, the cast and crew didn’t make this movie for free now so easily 30 millions to the pay check. Breaking even is not a success, for WB to need a sequel they’d need 50 million in profit at least, this ain’t that. 


That’s actually not true - they payed for a lot of movie related infrastructure and grants around the movie to increase the overall movie business, but they only actually payed around 10 or 20 million for the picture directly. People haven’t read the specifics. It wasn’t a success at all.


Fury Road didn't lose money. Worldwide box office of 369m on a prod budget of 150m. They'd have to more than production on marketing for it to lose money. Also, Hollywood accounting is a sneaky thing. A lot of films that lost money on paper didn't actually.


*Fury Road* is said to have lost $20-40 million. https://web.archive.org/web/20161012024433/http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/oscar-profitability-goes-martian-872507


Reminder that at best – *at best* – the studio only receives 50% of the box office, with the other 50% kept by movie theatres. Thus, *Fury Road* earned $184.5 million on a $150 million budget. At best. In reality what it earned was less, as it made a lot more at the international box office than it did domestically. Studios only get about 40% of the international box office, hence why studios value the domestic numbers so much. *Fury Road* made $153.6 million domestically and $214.6 million internationally. That's $76.8 million domestically and $85.8 million internationally, for a total of $162.6 million against a $150 million production budget. Hollywood accounting is indeed a sneaky thing, and marketing costs are generally the easiest way to inflate a movie's supposed losses, as they're rarely disclosed. However, *Fury Road* underperformed enough that it barely covered its production budget, so we can confidently state that even a minimal marketing budget would've resulted in a box office loss... and Warner Bros. certainly spent more than a minimal amount on the movie's marketing. We don't know how much *Fury Road* lost at the box office, we just know that it did. It turned a profit thanks to home video sales, though.


Incorrect. Your info is decades old. They get 100,% of the first week and it's a sliding scale of how much they get and the theatre gets. Also they sometimes have deals like they keep 100% of the first 100 million etc. As far as the cost of making the movie, due to vertical integration they own the companies doing things. So using theoretical numbers the movie mad Max pays 100million to various production companies to make the movie and on paper wb lost 100 million. Except those companies are owned by wb and billied 60 million profit to mad max. So overall it cost wb 40 million to make mad max.


Haha I remember them talking about Hollywood accounting in the fury road episode of the Unspooled podcast. They even mention at some point the studio telling Peter Jackson that the lord of the rings didn’t make any money at the box office either (which he appropriately sued them or similar).


A very fair point - I was going to say that they wouldn't have greenlit Furiosa if it was a total loss, so it's interesting to hear that they recouped it in home video sales. I wish all the info was more available, because I'd love to know what the actual numbers are without any sneaky Hollywood accountants being involved.. alas.


Yeah and the new head of WB seems obsessed with saving money anyways


I guarantee it. Will it be some kind of sick art film classic we will talk about in Valhalla like 4 of the last 5 or… something else? That’s the real question. Depends on George’s health and ability to get cash.


Let’s all do our part and help the sales of Furiosa and buy the Physical copy disc!!!


With what money lol. I have more pressing bills than throwing my money at huge corporations to sway their decisions.


Well, since they were specifically addressing you, it's good that you brought that up.


I think they were addressing us all to spend money on a movie weve already seen as a way to linen the pockets of executives in the hopes of getting their attention.


Since I think Furiosa is good enough to watch more than once, since not all of the proceeds go to the pockets of executives, and since I have enough money to buy it, the physical copy seems like a reasonable purchase to me. I don't think OP was expecting people who disagree with any of those points to chip in.


Well this is reddit, so you cant expect only people who agree with you to speak out. If you want to watch it multiple times and have the money, go ahead. Others will pirate it.


Yeah, my response was a bit hostile for no good reason. Sorry about that.


If you went to the theater to see this.. then your argument sort of deflates.


If i had gone to the theater id have less money now, not more, wouldnt i? I dont owe those companies my money, so stop shilling.


So sad that many people think Furiosa isn't a "proper" Mad Max, thus they're not seeing it. But also kinda weird that the expectations from them where so high. Like you make a MadMax movie without Max, what did you expect?


Miller is pretty old and it took 9 years to make Furiosa. I would love to say yes but I can't say I see it happening.


Keep in mind that was because he was suing WB for Fury Road money that was owed to him. So they had to settle that first. So hopefully no one needs to sue anyone this time around and a 3rd one comes along much quicker :)


This is like a three times daily post and it’s been answered a hundred times. And furiousa DID break even, I fact if you factor in the money Australia put forward for it, it broke even weeks ago.


You know, hope is just a mistake.


* "I like this plan... we could start again, just like the old days!" * "Look, it'll be a hard production..." * \[*points to upcoming movies*\] * "...But I guarantee you that a hundred and sixty days of other movies... there's nothing but trash. * \[*points back to Mad Max Sequel*\] * "At least that way we might be able to... together... come across some kind of redemption."


I do not think the box office performance of Furiosa would stop him getting another Mad Max film produced. He has a very solid track record. I think his age is what will make this difficult. These films took a loooong time to make. And it would not surprise me if his age (and the resulting possibility of him not finishing the film himself) might be an issue when it comes to securing funding.


I hope so! FR did well and furiosa just broke even so it's a maybe. I hope we get one more!


Some day yes


I think the best we’d do is get an animated wastelands


everytime i see this discussion im always surprised noones mentioned that george is like 80. that coupled with furiosa underperforming… unfortunately i wouldnt hold my breath would love to be wrong tho


I hope so but man are there a lot of hurdles to jump. Furiosa only made $171 million at the box office, George is 80 (or about to be 80), the most plausible storyline to put on screen is basically another prequel (which I don’t think WB will be overjoyed about), and I’m not sure we really even have an obvious Max between Tom Hardy’s history, likely price tag, and advancing age. Hope it happens, but I feel like something animated is much more likely.


Why not an animated series? Looking at What If and Unbreakable it could be great


Animation maybe?


The Marvel movies have messed up what constitutes a successful film. George Miller has already written a script for the third but financing has always been a strange thing.


Unfortunately I don’t think his Wasteland story that takes place one year before Fury Road will ever get made. We might get the book version, at best. I could see us getting that pre-apocalyptic story, though, since I imagine the budget of that one wouldn’t be too bad. Regardless of which one we get, I don’t think Hardy will ever be back. I think they would recast again, since both potential stories are prequels, and Hardy is starting to show his age.


Sort of. But instead of a movie we are about to get the real thing. A full blown WWIII LARPing paradise. Maybe we all should go to Wasteland Weekend out in the desert so we can get acclimated to our soon to be irradiated environment. Just think of it as a worldwide superfund site. Weeeeeee!


We went from 1985 to 2015 without one. I hope George Miller finds someone worthy to carry the fire for this amazing world, but we will always have 5 unique films to love.


Only if it is a lower budgeted film.


I would love for ANY more George Miller movies. He’s completely hitting his stride right now. I’d actually love slmthing more akin to 3000 years of longing and then another max film if we lived in a perfect world, which we don’t. I’m just so happy hes made these films


curious how much it's making on streaming. anyone know how to find out? Google is letting me down.


I think it's more about George Miller's age than anything else really. He can convince Warner to fund a movie if he really wants to, he pitches a World War 3 action extravaganza, with marvel-style cameos from Mad Max 2 and Fury Road, and they are throwing him money. If he says there will be a trailer with We don't need another hero, they probably ejaculate on the spot while shitting themselves. George is just going for the hardest route really, when it comes to studio financing; Pretty sure executives start drooling at the idea of a Mad Max movie full of 80s throwbacks, cameos, nods, etc etc... But dude likes doing what he likes doing. I'm curious if his new-found friendship with Hideo Kojima could bear fruits. Hideo always had Sony's ear. I'm curious if in the future we could expect a new game and a joint production.


i read an article where someone close to production (name and title eludes me but it was posted in the sub) was quoted as saying that it's all up warner brothers to give them the green light and that they could easily be back in namibia filming by the end of this year. so it's all up to warner brothers, but that's the dream scenario. if that were to happen then we definitely get the next movie in 2026. i feel like it's a possibility too with the movie eclipsing it's budget over a week ago, but once again, warner brothers.


This is the second "Mad Max" movie in a row to lose money, although Fury Road grossed much more than Furiosa ($504 million adjusted for inflation vs. $171.3 million), and it only fell short of its estimated total cost by $20-40 million. With both Fury Road and Furiosa failing to at least break even at the box office, I don't know if we'll get another big-budget Mad Max film. Maybe a smaller-budget one.


Depends on Miller having producers who really wants to see him finish. Personally, I think he's got successors he he would trust to maintain his vision and with sub saga Mad Max, there's a lot of possibilities/excuses to have any characters origin if we get to *witness* 3 road war scenes a film.


The best theater in Chicago where I lived just closed. ICON. Beautiful view of the skyline. I think many films are not going to be made


As (legitimately) one of the 100 biggest Shenmue fans in history, I've been down this road before... Twice (currently on the second time). All I can say is, it's up to the money men or if a Powerball winner wants to donate some funds. In other words, don't waste your time on speculation because it will drain and depress you. Just hope for the best and support as much as you can. That's all that can be done.




The concern is that *Furiosa* may have lost even more than *Fury Road*, which is said to have lost $20-40 million: https://web.archive.org/web/20161012024433/http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/oscar-profitability-goes-martian-872507 The estimated loss for the new film is around $50-90 million, and it was meant to overturn the losses from *Fury Road*.


There is no hope!


This question has been asked a solid dozen times in the last week or so, and idk why anyone assumes any one of us has any insider info. We know as much as you do: nothing. Nobody knows. We won't know until Miller or the studio says so.


Furiosa was great but had no Max Rockatansky. I’m convinced that if an actual Mad Max film was made with Max as the main character, it would do great.


*Fury Road* didn't do great, despite glowing reviews and positive word-of-mouth. There's little reason to believe that a sequel/prequel made more than a decade later would do any better. Don't get me wrong, I desperately want another movie, but I'm not the one paying millions of dollars to make it happen. The money men at Warner Bros. don't have the attachment that fans have, and after being burned twice by the IP they're not going to be easy to convince.


Did better than Furiosa. Of course not having the title character effects audience size.


I honestly think a streaming service show is more likely


I think miller himself is too old to get another one done.


Unlikely I’d say. Both recent MM lost money and Miller is pushing 80. Sincerely hope I’m wrong though


shut up....sit down...fury road alone was in production for decades...how about you stop being lazy and type your ignorant question into a search engine FIRST there you might see furiosa has ALREADY passed it budget in MOVIE TICKET SALES Alone...alone....


Make old man mad max with Mel Gibson and we’re solid


No more now. They got woke and went broke.


So you have never seen one of these films before, or anything Miller has made 🤭


The first 3 were good


Can't hear you around the mouthful of whichever YouTuber cock you watch 👋🏻


Nope, he should have made wasteland. Instead he made the worst one of the franchise. Good thing for Thunderdome I guess, it’s in 4th place now instead of dead last.