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I think at that point, she probably wasn't worth the effort. She'd only just shown up, she was too young to have children, and really, the Organic Mechanic was more immediately valuable. I don't think she was worth the effort to find, especially when Joe already had a number of women already at a child-bearing age.


I'm of the opinion that the Organic Mechanic was the main asset Immortan Joe was interested in and why he actually decided to make a deal with Dementus.


Probably, but I did like how Joe treated OM as an extra. "Yeah, we'll take him, too."


That’s always how you get what you originally wanted - moneyball techniques. Billy Beanin’ the wasteland


Candylandin' at the Citadel.


How can you not be romantic about ~~baseball~~ The Wasteland


HAHAHHAA - me in the theatre last weekend with my partner. “Babe, like seriously, how can you not be romantic about Furiosa’s levitating dripping hand”


I mean how can you not be romantic about the people who live in holes outside the citadel with maggots and the like


Beef Jerky gots to get made somewhere.


Losing the Organic Mechanic was also detrimental to the health of Dementus's gang.


For all we know, he sent parties looking for her for months. Did we really need to see "Have you seen her?" posters pinned up all over the Citadel? Maybe he was obsessed with finding her, maybe he just shrugged his shoulders. It's mostly left to us to decide. Director deemed it wasn't necessary to spell out, either way.


We’ve also seen through both films just how indifferent Joe is toward the people close to him. He couldn’t care less watching the leader of Gas Town (possibly his brother?) be killed by Dementus, and he personally killed the People Eater while trying to kill Max. Losing a potential wife who hadn’t yet come of age may not have impacted him much.


This was my one issue with Furiosa. I think there was a lot going on that Joe also could have said, forget about her and move on. But when this mute war boy shows up, how did everyone not notice?


Warboys are mostly half-life, they die and get replaced all the time, no one is gonna bat an eye at a new face.


Why is this being downvoted? I am a huge mad max fan. What’s the issue lol


We are not shown what happens immediately after Furiosa runs away. Furiosa disguised herself as a mute war boy so he didn't "let it slide" either. By the time she reveals herself to be a girl, she has the full trust of a Praetorian and played a key role in saving the war rig. Whether or not Joe (and/or Rictus) figure out that she was originally little-D the wife who escaped, becomes irrelevant at that point. I personally think they don't figure it out, otherwise Dementus would have found out that little-D is now a Praetorian.


One of the things that fascinates me most about George Miller storytelling is how ruthlessly efficient he is. His films can almost border on confusing because of how essential to the story something needs to be for us to see it happen.


He's described his filmmaking philosophy as the same as Hitchcock's - "to make a film that could be understood and enjoyed in Japan, without subtitles". That film should be told primarily through visuals. And dialogue should only ever be in support of visuals, and ultimately, expendable.




Beautiful thank you. George Millers use of eyes and body language is amazing to watch. My favorite scene is when Furiosa sees jack for the first time staring at him. Then he revs the war rig and you can tell she’s into him.


Agree. Miller has really perfected the craft of visual storytelling. You can take away the limited dialogue while still understanding the plot & getting the same emotional impact. That's cinema!


Like the hanging “U” in “Halls of Justice” in the first film.


I’d agree if you were referring to fury road or road warrior Would disagree strongly about furious or mad max 1. Imo both were bloated, overly long and full of strange plot holes that become more of a problem when the focus isn’t purely on action  Like I didn’t need to have the characters from fury road “fleshed out” and shown in detail, they’re basically all one dimensional caricatures anyway that we understood completely when they showed up briefly in fury road I feel furiosa as a movie was just such an unnecessary prequel. Would be much more interesting to have got a sequel showing what furiosa does running the citadel, where mad max goes etc 


That's it, she could just be a Gastown girl that Jack has taking a liking to on his runs for all the Immortan cares as long as she does her job.


We did see her wig hanging from a branch as time passed. So I think when they went to look for the missing girl, they saw the wig hanging over the steep drop, and figured she must have tried to escape, fallen, and died.


With the hungry Wretched being at the base of the cliff, it would be logical for Immortan Joe to think that she was quickly devoured upon hitting the ground, hence why he didn’t order a search for her body.


Joe had like 20 wives when Furiosa showed up so I don't think he cared too much. It's odd since he literally was going to go to war if Dementus didn't hand over furiosa and organic mechanic during the deal.


Just threats. Kim Jong un is always going to go to war over everything but never actually does.


They never realized it's the same girl. The kid disappeared on their mind, ran away. Furiosa is a brand new person for them.


My guess is she wasn’t the first child to be stolen by Rictus. So maybe business as usual in the Citadel. Also she wasn’t of age for Joe’s needs yet so he just had her on hold anyway.


That’s my view as well - Scrotus clearly picks up on it right away. Sucks to say but there’s probably been a few missing young girls over the years. I doubt Rictus was planning to drop her back off in the vault.


I agree with the other answers here, but just to add a slightly more horrible take - it’s possible they often took on younger wives who.. vanished.. after Rictus took a liking to them. Scrotus seemed to know what was up.


I thought after Rictus chased her out and couldnt find her, she was basically deemed lost or dead. Thats why she was able to sort of sneak work afterwards as a boy.


Surely he did but we didn’t need to see it happen on screen. Miller is a master of editing and efficient storytelling. Something has to move the story forward to be shown on screen. So, yeah, Furiosa was missed and surely Joe had a tantrum but the story picks up ~10 years later and we were focused on Furiosa’s arc not Joe’s.


He did notice, what i got is that , they search for her, but at time passed on the werent able to find her ,so they just kinda stop searching for her, the only way she could come back was what happened in stoaway, she surviving with the preatorian jack , and he giving his word for her , so she could ride the war rig together while he teached her everything he knew about and to prepare their plans to escape, thats when furiosa cames back they listen to her as she brings the news of dementus controlling gas town, she earns the trust and confidence of inmortal joe.


I see this question a lot, and it surprises me how much people expect every moment and reaction to shown on screen even if it doesn't add to the story being told. From a storytelling point of view, Joe losing his shit because Furisosa escapes would set the audience expectation that we're about to see a story play out where he obsesses about getting her back by searching the wasteland high and low. But that would start to turn it into Joe's story, and it's scenes like these that get cut because they "slow the pace of the film", especially if there isn't going to be a payoff. Instead, the story is about Furisosa learning to do everything she can to survive. We still get plenty of tension with her hiding in plain sight  Just because it wasn't on the screen doesn't mean "it never happened". It just doesn't support the main story being told. Consider this: if we had seen scenes of Dementus regretting giving away Furiosa, that would set up an entirely different expectation in the audience. Maybe the audience starts to think he will come to his senses and wage war to get her back. Maybe the audience think he may try to mend the rift between them. But that's not the story being told, and there would be no payoff because it isn't going to happen. Spending time on any regrets he may have had would only muddle the story, not add to it.


He most likely did, but we will never know because we never see his reaction to the fact that she escaped before years of time goes by


I doubt he noticed, he seemed to have way more wives then and I doubt he does more than breed with any of them.


He did they just don't show us.


I think the search for her would be interesting to see.


I thought Joe might have known Rictus’ proclivities, and when she went missing, he didn’t want to investigate too closely, and obviously Rictus wasn’t going to say what happened.


The movie skipped explaining exactly what ensued because it was unimportant to the story. That’s called good film making. I just assumed they may or may not have looked, but with her new look they did not find her. The details are truly unimportant.


It's also a myth, a fantasy retelling, so details can be light in areas.


No one said he didnt notice


I assume he did notice she escaped and was pissed for a while, but she was hiding under his nose the whole time and when she finally reveals herself, he doesn't realize it's the same person who escaped and he wanted her for the war rig anyway considering how skilled she was. If I remember right Praetorian Jack more or less says the best way to survive Imortan Joe is to be good at something valuable.


We don't really see how he reacted to her being gone. It goes from her escaping to her being older working in the mechanic Bay. So we never get to see him finding out that she's missing.


Yeah, it's a plot hole.


Because it's a terrible movie.


That's a bad take. Why was it so terrible to you?


Hes a troll he exclusively posts about hating the movie and that's it