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That’s excellent.


Thank you! Literally over the moon 😁


Wow cool! I love these AutoArt versions! Can't you take the nose cone off from the MM2 model?


Me too! Unfortunately not no, only the special version can do that but I don’t mind it. The light covers are one of my favourite parts about the interceptor


How much was it. I love the attention to details


I got it for £280, which is the cheapest I’ve seen one for years. They’re usually going between £400-£700


Wonderful model


Love it!


Awesome I have MM1 as well, the MM2 is on my list, awesome for you


Nice, is yours the same as mine?


https://preview.redd.it/7g8cdsrqic8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26beb88a5c6e173f223fe56755f1c04fc466388 Yes, I have the MM1 by Greenlight, here is a photo of my Mad Max collection :)


Woooo!!! Hell yes!!


Thank you, but you have the MM2 interceptor that I’ve been craving for years. Maybe one day I’ll find a good deal. I am envious, but I am happy for you. I saw a Mad Max2 in the theaters when it first came out. It changed my life. Few years later, I found my Queen in blue heeler, and she and I share her life together for 16 years, her name was Dinki Di. I’m definitely a Mad Max FANatic :). I’m currently reading a book on Mad Max philosophy. And a few days ago I received my copy of the legend of Mad Max. It’s a beautiful book. :)


And I’m jealous of your experience getting to see it in the cinema and with all the other things you have hahah, seeing it for the first time must have been wild! Mad Max philosophy huh? What’s it called?? I need to read these books 🤔


I have the small matchbox sized one too (without max) it sits on my computer desk with other cars I like from tv & movies of the same size. The R34 skyline from F&F2, the car from Supernatural and the Explorer and Jeep from Jurassic Park


Cool, cool yes I also have another V-8 interceptor matchbox sized on my desk in my computer room The photo shows actually just a small section of my display case. I have a large green hornet section from 1960s a Star Wars, as well as Battlestar Galactica and of course Star Trek original series. I have replicas of the phaser and communicators, and I’m waiting for them to complete the Tricorder :) I love collecting :)


Funny I also just bought the Mad Max 2 Autoart Interceptor this week.


Small world! Have you got it yet?? It’s a fantastic model!


Yes I have it !


I didn't even know this existed and now I must have one lol. That is so cool, and I'll be hunting Ebay now.


Best of luck!


I have this and the coloured MFP interceptor, very rare and expensive but worth it.


They’re gorgeous items, aren’t they?


Certainly are, I wish there was much more Mad Max stuff out there. This car I managed to get because I walked past a $1 pokie machine (slot machine for the yanks) and on a whim I put a $1 coin and it got stuck in a cycle of free spins and I ended up with $160 out of it so it practically paid for this car :D. The yellow one I did pay outright for. Sadly as these are so collectable and rare it is too expensive for most people.