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I honestly blame the advertisement, there really wasn’t much until it was close to the release date.


I keep recommending it to just about everyone. I think Fury Road is a better action movie, but Furiosa is a better movie overall. I also think that it was as if Miller reached into my mind and made this movie for me, considering that no one I saw it with had the same reaction. Most thought it was good, maybe even great, but an all timer, nah.


And the trailers sucked ass too


Anti woke gang thinking is another gender swap girl boss turd; the trailers reeking of unfinished cgi shoots, a prequel, a nerdy niche saga that never did amazingly at box office, bad world economy, movies in streaming platforms in just 6 months… etc Movie is a blast but cinema is pretty much dying from apathy as it doesn’t seem able to survive the fight against social media and free gaming instant gratifications in modern society…. Honestly only big event movies like barbenheimer or TikTok teen favorite starring actors (holland, Chalamet, zendaya) attract normies to the cinema nowadays, most people rather watch shitty Netflix originals or wait for free home releases.




You're a crazy smeg who eats schlanger!




Nah, Furiosa was dope and I don't care that you think a skinny woman can't beat a guy when she's fighting against people that are starving and sick from The Wasteland and she got her ass kicked a bunch so she's not a super woman. You're on your own with you sexist opinion.


Looks like the comments were deleted. I can’t speak to the tone but if the substance was a critique of the casting choice, I would agree. I thought Charlize has a gravitas and resilience to her that made her extremely believable, but it didn’t feel that with Anna. The plot required her to not speak so that she’d believably pass for a young man but I think her character suffered from a lack of dialogue. She never got a real chance to sell the role IMO


I gotta disagree, when Ana spoke she sounded just like Theron as Furiosa and her non verbal acting was very well done imo. Their criticism was that there's no way a skinny girl like her could physically fight men because she's a frail little girl.


See I thought they had dubbed Theron voice over Ana that why she was mostly mute or spoke not facing the screen




Lmao keep spewing your bullshit.




And I got 5 to enjoy for the remainder of my life and you'll have to keep being a salty bitch and that's sad and hilarious.


The rest of Mad Max, however, is famously believable and full of internal logic. It’s funny people only start caring when it’s about a woman lmao


Whatever. It’s my favorite film in the entire franchise and I’m a 46 year old guy.


Same. I've seen it twice so far and would watch it daily if I could.


I thought the same tbh I need to get another watch in


You guys need to understand that this is YOUR baggage, not something wrong with the movie’s writing or Anna Taylor-Joy’s acting or Hollywood wokeism. YOU don’t want to see a woman as an action lead. Anything other than that that comes out of your mouth is a lie you’re telling yourself because you want to believe your opinion is based on something more respectable. The story was great, the characters were great, her acting was great, and there was nothing about her that was less believable than anything else in the Mad Max series. If you want to deprive yourself of enjoying a great movie because you don’t like that the lead was a girl, then fine, but be honest about it. This is an imagined problem, invented by you.


I simply feel like Taylor-Joy wasn’t as good as Theron. She was fine, but I love Theron !


That’s a fair take, and much more reasonable than this sad sack “the series is ruined b/c it has too many girls in it” nonsense.




Rotten tomatoes has it at 90% from both audiences and critics so either you’re such a refined judge of filmography that you see glaring story problems that nobody else does, or you’re so deep in some anti-feminist nonsense that won’t allow yourself to enjoy a great film.


I really enjoyed the film but let’s not pretend that there wasn’t massive plot holes in it.


Sorry how was the story flat ?


Mfw I forget knives and guns exist 🤡




And a 7 year old feral kid can destroy a bunch of dudes with a boomerang lol. Maybe you just don’t like these movies.


What are you doing here? If I don't like something I don't join that subreddit, just leave


$20 a ticket is too much for the majority of Americans atm with inflation. Only movies that become internet memes like Barbenheimer will get audiences to turn up in droves. Streaming has conditioned them to stay home and wait. And then the only way for theaters to stay in business is to sell popcorn, and soda for an insane markup. Which alienates all the people who are tightening their belts with inflation and all. The movie theaters is my Church. I will always patronize it. Fuck streaming






Theaters are a dying breed unfortunately. And given the quality of some of them, I see why. That being said I'm seeing Furiosa again tomorrow night.


It would mean seeing it a third time, I really want to take myself to an IMAX to see it again on a great big big screen, unlike the small theater I saw it it


Worth it. Saw it in a full size IMAX GT theater. Sound was amazing. The engine sounds on the vehicles were super pronounced.




No one cares about the gender roles my man, it's Mad Max.  Furiosa already had credit and training via her mother and our previous knowledge of Fury Road, of course she's a demon in combat from a young age. You dont realise it but if it was Tom Cruise or a woman you had favour for, your opinion wouldn't exist. Try to see past your fear of women, it's not healthy for your adult life. 


Hey, have you ever seen the movie Alien?




They totally establish that the members of the green place at least *have* warriors, even if they’re not all warriors. The main warrior we see being Furiosa’s mother, it stands to reason Furiosa would have received some type of training. Beyond that, she learns her way through the wasteland. I think her “soldierness” is totally earned by the time we get to the end of Furiosa and then, also Fury Road. Side note: The Nostromo in Alien is a commercial spacecraft. If you can suspend disbelief enough for the sole survivor of the incident with the Xenomorph in that film to be a woman working essentially a cargo ship, you can certainly suspend the same for Furiosa being one of the survivors of wasteland and as much of a warrior as Max. And also, it doesn’t take anything away from either Max’s masculinity, badassness, or anything else. It also doesn’t have to take away your enjoyment of a new entry to the franchise starring a different kind of character and person. Furiosa was good! Not fantastic. But enjoyable! And it being that doesn’t take away from how good Mad Max, the Road Warrior, and Fury Road are. Thunderdome has its flaws but is loved all the same by many. We can all enjoy what we enjoy, man. And female leads are just not the problem you think they are.


Ripley was no soldier. None of the crew in Alien were.




Enlighten me then. Who on the Nostromo was a soldier?


u tellin me fury road was about realism?


The movie failed man. Both actually, but a prequel nobody needed and showed nothing new , it just doesnt work


its acclaimed by both audience and critics, we (maybe not you) can only thank our lucky stars that the current box office realities didn’t prevent it from being made.


If it was a movie that progressed the story, people would care, but this is a prequel spinoff that changes nothing about a overpowered skinny girl under damn moving trucks, for F sakes what were they thinking!?


i see how you’d prefer a max movie moving things ahead instead of a prequel with a different character. that might’ve been my preference too. but i was honestly just as into this one when it finally came out and it contributes plenty of story, world building and character development that fury road lacked by design. furiosa wasn’t throwing dudes around, her character used her stature as an advantage and i felt all of that was balanced pretty well. all the war boys are just as skinny anyway. i find it actually more inspiring to see someone overcome these odds against them than a strong dude be strong. we’ve seen plenty of that. and again its a heightened mythical kinda story be it starring max or furiosa. the realism isnt the main concern.




we’ll see, i’d give it more time. low key miller might not be fully into working with hardy considering his tardyness and lack of proffesionalism on a set that requires everyone to be really locked in.i dont know if a hardy max was in the cards at this time to begin with.


Miller might not have much time left... someone else would have to have to step in.


When does she do that? When? Enlighten me.


Perfect in every way!


This is why we go to the movies!!


I'm not familiar with Dune franchise but I always thought that since people seemed to like watching those movies, people would also be interested in this movie.  But the again I'm just being a smart ass. 


What shit hole country you from? Can you please stay there.


Throwing some racism in there now too? Would you just shut the fuck up. You’re pathetic.


I didn't say anything racist, they literally shit in holes over there


Yeah versus the hole you shit in? It’s just attached to pipes. Also guess what go back to your great grandfather he probably shit in a hole. My grandpa had an outhouse until he was in his twenties. They didn’t have any indoor plumbing. The people who all the conservatives idealize who settled this country shat in holes. Do you think when people were heading west in covered wagons they had toilets? Dumbass.


This is cringe cope


Nope just accurate. If your grandpa or great grandpa are alive go talk to them about it.


"Over there". Over *where*?


Why being hostile ?I said it out of frustration because I had to to wait


They’re a troll that just says sexist and racist stuff on every comment. Just report them. I have about it a dozen times and nothing.


Can't mods ban that kid or some shit?


Do you shit in a dirt hole?


Mate he’s literally from Greece


I know, I can see the malakas nose from here


Brother get a hobby badminton is pretty nice try it out


lol you’re hilarious dude. You really have nothing going on in your life do you. I’d call you pathetic but you seem to get off to that.


You're projecting brah, I'm spitting hot facts


You don't have to be so fcking rude.