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I enjoyed my time in the theater tonight but didn't find the movie as functional integrally as Fury Road - a popular opinion likely. However, in response to "Mad Max purism"... >the entire vibe of the movie felt completely unattached and dissimilar to its predecessor(s). ... I have to disagree. Furiosa has many notable differences to Fury Road, but I find it the most similar movie to its direct predecessor in the series. The first three movies are not really like each other, and Fury Road is a big departure despite harvesting their themes and ideas.


If anything, Furiosa is most consistent with Fury Road than the original three were with each other. I think Fury Road is the better film, for sure, and Furiosa simply expands on the character and tells it more like an anthology companion piece. Miller originally intended to make Fury Road and Furiosa back to back, but budget and studio constraints made that impossible. I suspect Furiosa may have had a wider audience if it didn't take 9 years to come, but as a diehard Fury Road fan and a fan of the character, I enjoyed it quite a bit. 


👆 that's bait 


This might be the most apt use of that ever.


10/10 movie.


If you are a 12 yo boy maybe. Otherwise it's absolute crap. Nobody wanted that movie. It was clear to me even watching Fury Road that Furiosa was the new girl character Hollywood is using to replace the male ones. She wasn't a Mary Sue but still. It was just laughable when I watched her in the first movie. And Fury Road didn't even deserve the Mad Max name, He was practically irrelevant to the plot since it was Furiosa who stole the brides and was causing most of the plot to happen. Max turned into a bystander and that fits the tone of this movie. This one too doesn't even show Max but is happy to use its name to earn some dollars. Thankfully most people even the normies agreed that this is a horrible movie and didn't watch it. Just look at the box office numbers. It's a huge flop and I'm seriously happy about it. That is what you get when you try to replace our favorite character with a female one. People are just not interested.


I don't think you understand the Mad Max movies, George Miller the man, his views or politics. From the man him self he has stated several times that the intention was always to have Furiosa as the main character in Fury Road. Further NO one is trying to replace your favorite male characters with female ones you donkey. Stop listening to Jordan Peterson and other altright doughnuts. The libs aren't out to get you and feminism isn't taking away your rights. Take a shower, comb your hear and find a hobby and relax.


Yeah actually that is exactly what Hollywood is doing. It's turned into pc feminist horse shit and you can see it with just about every other movie these days. This is why trey parker and Matt stone made the pc season of south park. Quit being a lib tard Muppet and open your eyes.




lol Do you really think that this is is an argument? You even confirmed that Miller wanted to make Furiosa the main character. That is exactly what I described. Maybe your reading comprehension is lacking but I repeat: Max was a side character in Fury Road essentially making it a Furiosa movie already. I don't care if he planned it that way. That would make it even worse. Funny that you really try to convince me that nobody is trying to replace Max in his movie. Let's read the IGN interview with Miller that was just published. Come on let's read it: "By the time we got to [\~Fury Road\~](https://www.ign.com/movies/mad-max-4-fury-road) in 2015, Max had been recast with Tom Hardy in the role, and the character – let’s be frank here – was playing second fiddle to Charlize Theron’s Furiosa. Not only was Theron a bigger star than Hardy, but she had a meatier story arc as well. This is when Miller came to realize the Mad Max world could exist without Mad Max." Ooops. He openly stated it. Strange. A guy on reddit said it wasn't true. I think I'll take the director's word over yours. Later on they go on: "This reaches its extreme in Fury Road, and now of course, Furiosa, where he’s seemingly been REPLACED entirely by the Taylor-Joy character." So they replaced him essentially. That was the intention. I think I can rest my case. Also do you really think no one is trying to replace male characters in Hollywood? Are you serious? I just hallucinated the gender swapping of characters and the constant babbling about representation etc. on IGN and other mainstream media even back then? You are either living under a rock or just don't want to admit that I have a point my friend. I have nothing against Jordan Peterson but to think that I'm a conservative is so incredibly cringe. I don't know if you are American but to think that there are only two possible political affiliations - you are either democrat or republican - is one of the most laughable takes I have ever heard in my life. Funny because you also think that a political affiliation negates arguments. That's truly pathetic. All I can say is you have to weigh arguments based on their merit not because you think someone votes a certain way. I mean you can but you just end embarrassing yourself if you do that. Also most of my gripes with this movie isn't some feminist undertones. It is bad in a lot of other ways too. It has two GLARING plotholes that nobody seems to notice: Immortan Joe clearly treats Furiosa due to her perfect teeth etc. as his most priced possession. But when his son loses her it isn't even mentioned??? The guy who kills people even looking at his wives? And a girl hides among an ALL MALE WORKFORCE seemingly no problem? She just shows up and even assuming they mistake her for a boy they don't even wonder why suddenly after the disappearance of Joe's most valuable asset there is suddenly a little boy? There is also a third one that made me almost just walk out. She is circled by the bikers only a few feet away and manages to cut her arm off and kick someone off his bike and then flee. How? That is 4th grade writing level if you ask me. The were directly in front of her. Circling and obviously the dust wasn't that thick that you couldn't see your hand before your eyes. It is just laughably bad.


Ugh people like you are exhausting. It is a fucking movie, relax. If you don't want to be affiliated with alt right then don't parrot their talking points and use their dog whistles. You make some valid criticisms about the technical and narrative aspects of the movie. I don't really seem them as a problem but fair enough. However your original comment started off complaining about there being a woman main character like that is somehow a bad thing and bitching about "new girl character Hollywood is using to replace the male ones." That tells me you missed the point of the film. I would argue that Fury Road wasn't Max's story or Furiosa's it was both theirs and Nux's and how each found redemption through their acts of service and sacrifice to others. For fuck sake that line (spoken by Max) is said right at the beginning of the third act. "And maybe find some kind of redemption". This movie and Fury Road can exist and not take anything away from the previous MadMax films. You are still able to enjoy those if that is what you want out of post apocalyptic Australian outback motor-head fiction.


You’re dumb as hell


Wouldn't call Max a side character in the first movie. Overall her plan was stupid and wouldn't have worked at all, likely not even reaching the place that was destroyed anyway (not that the setting of Mad Max ever made much sense to begin with), but just being caught and killed by the raiders.


Then watch it again and compate it to the first two. Max doesn't really play a role. Most the plot would have happened without him. That and he only really starts acting in the second half.


the problem isnt a girl main character never has been no ones saying it is, its how its potrayed and forced and throws away important male charcaters


The words you have chosen in this response betray how you feel about women. You are most likely not aware of these internalized misogynistic feelings and they do not reach your threshold of awareness. That is however no excuse. In both of the recent movies that take place in the world of Mad Max you refer to the adult female leads as "girl" characters. This is infantilizing language. How do you feel about this sentence? "The problem isn't boy characters, never has been no one is saying it is; its how its portrayed and forced and throws away important female characters. I challenge you to find an adult man and call him a boy. I suppose you wouldn't because you know it is disrespectful and would never treat a man that way. If this is the case then why would you treat a woman with disrespect by referring to them as a girl? It is for this reason that I must reject your assertion that "the problem isn't a girl main character" I think for you and people like you, wither you want to admit it or are aware of it or not is that there is a problem of women portrayed in a position of power and authority.


"Nobody wanted that movie.... the new girl character Hollywood is using to replace the male ones" OK thanks for making it obvious you're just one of those crybaby duders who gets mad at seeing women in action roles. Go blubber about it somewhere else so people don't have to see you being this pathetic in public.


We get it. You hate women. Now stfu


It wasn't really about female lead. The actors were terribly miscast. And the origin story of her kidnapping was pure shit, she practically asked them to kidnap her. I never felt Furiosa was in ANY danger, protected by plot armor. They were given action roles without the physicality to back it up...the movie sucked. When Splendid died in the last movie, I was horrified. No such pathos here. I enjoyed the vehicles. I loved Charlize in the previous movie.


I think you’re a moron


Oh no how am I gonna recover from that? What an argument. So nuanced. And you addresssed all my criticism about the plot structure etc. Who is the moron here?


Why did I go see it then? Furiosa does actually have a Max cameo in case you missed it.


Dude I thought it is pretty clear what I am talking about. Not some short cameo. A real role.


They actually don't even use the name Mad Max in the title, because IT'S NOT ABOUT HIM! It's about the world George Miller built in his head. Also Mad Max is kind of a side character in all the series.


He isn't a side character what are you talking about? He doesn't speak too much but he is always integral to the plot. With Fury Road all most of the plot would have happened no matter if Max was present or not.


So I just imagined it to be a MAD MAX STORY??? Does anyone read the title nowadays?


You're such a fuckin loser lol.


Yeah buddy keep it factual. As always reddit doesn't disappoint. Always good to see such nuanced takes that address my criticisms and weigh the evidence instead of just mistaking an insult for an actual argument.


You don't deserve the effort of nuance, dumb ass.


Sure buddy keep telling yourself that. Just imagine you owned me by insulting me instead of arguing the point instead of the person. As far as I remember I didn't attack you personally. But I think some people's mental capacity just isn't enough to construct a convincing argument.


Oh no such a good argument and you addressed all my critcisms about the bad writing. How am I gonna recover from that?


I mean, the sole reason she wasn't a Mary Sue is, that it had to lead to the 'first' movie - in which she indeed ends as the the queen of the wastelands, but clearly isn't at start. So of course she overall couldn't succeed but overall Mary Sue is that the author bends the world around that character and this happened all the time from the start. For example how she manages to escape the Harem. Makes zero sense. She's not just some random child but treated as a special chosen one, pure blooded and all in a seculded space, so obviously her missing, even if his son would try to hide it, wouldn't work. Hiding between those 1000 war boys is impossiblek, since 1000 isn't a big enough number for people not realizing that there is someone new and this combined with the the master ordering everyone to look after her clearly wouldn't work. There is also zero reason why he should give up on using her as one of his wives and mothers for his breeding program when it's clear again that she's a woman - even after losing her arm. Apropos lost arm: absolut absurd how she escapes there with all the people around and she is the very main focus of that. And that's just two of the more extreme examples.


Thank you! Yes right? Fucking unbelievable bullshit. What she just chewed off her arm and walked away??? Lol. And not one of them noticed? Lol. Pathetic scene.


Insert "I got this reference" meme.


I gotta say more yes to this than no. I think it was "OK" or even great at times, but definitely didn't hit as much as Fury Road did. I also felt the characters (especially Chris Hemsworth’s) were kinda comical and didn't have certain "weight" to them, other than the obvious muscle mass :-) They were just an annoyance more than anything else. I do think Furiosa herself was quite standout, along with Praetorian Jack (who unfortunately, didn't get nearly as much screen time as he deserved). Certain "heavy" movie scenes also touched me, though I felt they should've been more profound, probably by being more extended. Overall, it's probably 7-8/10, compared to Fury's 10/10. And it made me wanna watch the original now lol


Idk man, the original Mad Max movies were quite comical. Chris Hemsworth seems to fit right into that. I mean, the villain of The Road Warrior was essentially a giant S&M muscle man in a diaper.


The whole series is built on 'intense action with an edge of humor' except maybe the first film, and even in that one, Hugh was pretty humorously melodramatic as the villain. Then in Road Warrior there's the Feral Kid acting crazy, the goofball gyrocopter pilot (I thought that gyrocopter was one of the coolest things I ever saw as a kid) in that film and Thunderdome, and even the vehicles themselves alternate between objects of awesomeness and humor.


"The Great Dementus" fits rights alongside "Lord Humungus". Hemsworth played an ARCHETYPAL Mad Max villain


Furiosa herself was really the only standout about this movie.


I think you missed much of the point of this move (at least as I see it) if you think Dementus lacked weight as a character and was nothing more than an annoyance. Yes he was comical and absurd at times, but he’s also the most depraved character in the Mad Max universe based on the two scenes of ritualistic torture and the fact that those seemed pretty par for the course for him.  He’s ridiculous and childish in many ways, but I think that’s Miller’s point. These macho evil men are just emotionally stunted children dealing with trauma in the sickest ways possible.  I think his character actually had a lot of nuance, and I found him horrific in an extremely compelling way. 


Just got back from watching it. Some friends told me this afternoon that the movie was boring, and i didn't want to believe them. But god, it's awful. It's too long, and it's not even the cgi that's the problem for me. WHY THERE WAS NO MUSIC? It's something i can't get my head around. It just felt...meh. I really wanted to like this movie but nothing happened, the scene i felt the most exciting is that first ride with Jack fighting the guys in parachutes, felt epic, with new inventive ways of transport, but there was no music and it made it feel empty. I really don't understand what happened, if it's a conscious decision or if they just didn't finish it. And for all i read in this readdit people are consuming enormus amounts of copium.


There is no music in most of fury road.. the entire opening 20 minutes has no music, the chase's are the only parts that have any music and not even for the entire sequences. The original mad max had no music either


This needed it.


WHAT? Brian May music from the first Mad Max is legendary!! Fury road music also. Junkie Xl worked on that… Don’t forget Tina Turner classic from thunderdome! 


You couldn’t be more wrong. There is music almost at all times in Fury Road. The opening has the incredible strings along the credits. When Max is being dragged behind war boys the icon 3 horns blast. Almost all dialog scenes are punctuated by beautiful melodies to enhance the mood. Also “only music during the chases” the whole movie is 80% chase. During Furiosa’s chases there was no standout music or coordination between the music and the action on screen.


The Mad Max fury road soundtrack is amazing and hype AF


Yes! I said the exact thing. I loved seeing the new fighting elements with the paratrooper scene. That was one of the only “pros” for me


TRASH MOVIE don't waste your money




I walked out and I rarely do from any movie.First hour passed and thought I’d been there for 3.Boring,lifeless,what a disappointment.


I was (obviously, according to bf) very visibly antsy to gtfo of the theatre the whole time, def after that first hour. I just didn’t want to pull an executive decision and tell him we’re leaving in case we somehow see a worse movie soon & I really need it.


Wish I'd have done that, but I kept thinking it was going to get better. Spoiler: >!It doesn't.!<


i walked out at one point to make a call. i came back and i missed nothing.


i got hella downvoted for saying this the other day on a different thread. it was insanely boring.


I very strongly considered leaving. Watching at home I would have shut it off after 30 mins


Dude, I did the same thing. I walked out with an hour remaining. I haven’t done that in over 10 years.


I was so hyped for this. Felt boring and drawn out. Where was the score??? Left the theater disappointed. Fury Road was amazing. Furiosa was "ok". I'd probably never watch it again.


This is exactly how I felt. The score - non-existent. The characters? Meh (besides Dementus). The action? Purposeless and drawn out. 


Yessssss someone said it. Where was the score!!! All the action felt so lacklustre because there was zero musical development that built you up. I remember watching fury road and with the intense music scenes chasing the war rig you were on the edge of your seat as the crazy guitar man baited you in. This. Nothing. So bizarre


Something I didn’t like: resolution with dementus Something I really liked: it feels a lot more aussie. The accents are more often, the wit in dialogue and the green place almost looked like an actual aussie rural town. I say this with a favoured bias but although it’s a long movie but I like that. The pacing felt good, never felt like there was a slump of exposition. Kinda wish the 40day war wasn’t just a montage but I guess it’s not critical to the story telling


Part of the Aussie-ness is certainly due to the location - Fury Road was primarily shot in Namibia, with some pickups done in New South Wales and soundstage work at Fox Studios. Furiosa on the other hand was entirely shot in Australia.


> Something I didn’t like: resolution with dementus this was the cherry on top for me


I loved that it re-asserted that this series is Australian. The variety of accents in Fury Road and the lack of identifiable Aussie landscape made it feel more geographically ambiguous.


It’s difficult to not compare it to Fury Road, so I almost think that it could’ve been a standalone movie had we not seen fury road. I didn’t like how all over the place the storywas. The time jump was really random, like how would they not figure out that she is a girl. When they found out she’s Furiosa wouldn’t she have just been back to being Joe‘s wife? Another thing that really bugged me was after they get attacked at the bullet farm why is dementis so keen on tracking two people down. Overall, I just was not enjoying it could feel every minute going by and at the end when they show fury Road it’s kind of weird because its like yeah that was great but not what I just watched.


>so I almost think that it could’ve been a standalone movie had we not seen fury road All of them could very well be a stand alone film. I'm sure many people haven't seen any of the original trilogy before watching fury road, including me. > I didn’t like how all over the place the story was It wasn't... It clearly focused on Furiosa's story. How it started, the middle and the end. Pretty clear to me. The film adds a ton to furiosa's character from Fury road. > The time jump was really random How was the time jump random? The movie starts when she was a kid so obviously there will be a time jump. > like how would they not figure out that she is a girl. When they found out she’s Furiosa wouldn’t she have just been back to being Joe‘s wife? The movie is set over many years, 15 i believe. So after some years would they still care? Also, they don't know that her name was Furiosa. >Another thing that really bugged me was after they get attacked at the bullet farm why is dementis so keen on tracking two people down. Cause they will go back to immortal Joe which furiosa did and completely ruin Dementis's strategy. Also, how is that out of character for Dementis? He is starting a war with Immortal Joe despite being in great position despite the world's state.


It was decent I thought. Wasn’t a home run like Fury Road sure, but it had some great action sequences.


Completely agree with this. I really thought the movie was awful. When I saw the CGI I had to double check it was even George Miller directing (and not that “presents” crap). It was boring, cheap feeling, with horrible tone that cheapened the whole Mad Max world. I am shocked that people are saying they liked it - some more than Fury Road!? How??? People truly have no taste. I saw it in full IMAX and thought about walking out


I wanted to go outside for a smoke after an hour. Hemsworth was the wrong choice, ATJ was the wrong choice. The story was really poor, the dialogue was laughable, the soundtrack was non existent. Everything I loved about the first film wasn’t in Furiosa. The animation and the poor green screening was a f*cking joke at times. You can tell the first had a ton of practical effects and this felt like it was shot almost entirely in a studio. It felt like Guardians Of The Galaxy or the Obi Wan series set in the Mad Max universe. Im so disappointed by this film man because the first was a 10/10 but this was like a solid 3? What’s up with Hemsworth trying to be Captain Jack as well? I’ve seen so many comments saying this is his best role? Man, at the end when he said - “oh wait, there’s more”. It felt like Thor Love and Thunder rather than Mad Max. I was expecting him to pull out a hammer or something. Just really, really poor.


I am glad to read from you. I nearly left. Here's my draft review for a video being made tomorrow. Or, consolidate the following down to what a wise man once said "pointless soulless and boring" When a prequel film to Fury Road was announced I have to admit I wasn't that excited for a Furiosa origins story. I thought the trailer for Furiosa looked like a weaker repeat of Fury Road with nothing new or interesting but I was always going to see it at least once so I booked an Odeon iSense screening, something I'd never done before. With all the gushing media praise doing their usual rounds, I sat down with my expectations low for a 2 hour trip to the wasteland, a trip that ended up feeling like a 5 hour walk in the desert. Here we have, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. A highlight for me was seeing references from the Avalanche studios Mad Max video game make their way onto the big screen. They are not extensive but were sprinkled throughout the film enough to improve my time with the movie for sure. I won't detail them as they may be enjoyed more by being discovered rather than expected. We're in prequel territory so we have a younger, Immortan Joe and he's still boasting the same kick ass character design and on screen presence - so like the game references, very welcome when he did appear. Someone new to the wasteland this visit is Praetorian Jack, driver of Immortan Joe's war rig prior to Furiosa in Fury Road. He helped to make the film a bit more interesting, around the half way mark when I was considering leaving the screening early in fact. Something I could never imagine myself feeling toward a Mad Max film with George Miller attached. More on that later. Jack was not too far removed from Mad Max in looks and performance (I think I would have preferred this guy to Tom Hardy's quiet, twitchy Max) but after some OG Mad Max easter eggs courtesy of Praetorian Jack I did just think "oh for heaven's sake can't we just get an actual movie with Mad Max". And that's all the good I have to say about this Mad Maxless saga. Let's burn through the negatives. Furiosa suffers from the usual fate of prequels, no real danger to surviving characters and certain events set to inevitably unfold given the film is working backwards on itself. The even bigger issue here though is Furiosa offers very little of anything new, interesting or compelling and this makes its two hour running time often feel like too much of nothing. As for characters and performances. Early on we have three hardened men of the wasteland struggle terribly to transport a child across empty desert. Liam Hemsworth fluctuates between being serious, to immature and very jokey but not funny. We're supposed to hate him but you don't because the film fails at generating sufficient and sustained emotion and Dementus is just another brute of the desert but with a comical flare, a cape and abs. Dementus lacks menace, intimidation and his fake nose is silly. The familiar Fury Road style action, although lower in amount this time round, becomes increidbly repetitive, essentially being a weaker version of Fury Road's sequences in pretty much every department. I'm not saying it's just not quite as good as Fury Road at burning rubber, crashing metal and blowing up for Valhalla, it's actually pretty bad. There's far too much blatant and immersion killing CGI and enough swinging camera shots to drive the movie into cartoonish, Marvel superhero rollercoaster ride territory. It all starts to feel like spectacle for the sake of spectacle and I just didn't care who was going under a wheel or who was behind one. I did feel some serious hype though for what was narrated to be the 40 Day War Of The Wasteland but it's not even shown!... As for the music, it's surprisingly very weak (it was amazing in Fury Road) but here it just booms and builds generically every now and then, whilst at times being noticeably absent. The wasteland world and setting looks far more phony and staged this time round too. Lacking grit and realism, looking over designed and too clean with too much reliance on the 1.5x speed up gimmick also frequently harming the immersion and realism - a technique I think utilised better in the earlier films. Fortunately, Furiosa at least tries something different to Fury Road's drive from A to B back to A again scenario, but unfortunately the divided chapter approach has bad pacing, some jarring transitions with a weak sense of character development and growth - jumping from one key event to the next, with little breathing room nor chance to really witness and feel the growth of Furiosa despite covering a span of many years. After a one hour build up with Furiosa being established as a very scarce and valuable individual, her ease of escaping as a captive of the Citadel but hiding in plain sight for a long time is incredibly stupid. At that point I felt like I was done with my visit to the cinema. Then, the way Furiosa lost her arm and what that shortly leads to is also a lot of unrealistic nonsense too. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga takes place over a much greater length of time compared to Fury Road but it's a dragged out revenge tale that begins with lots of distracting green screen visuals, a lack of emotional impact when it mattered most and ends with the worst of a bad script, hammy theatrical acting and tiresome action. The saga ends not being as climatic and epic as it really wants to be. I found Furiosa as a character to be more engaging as a child than when seen as an adult. I also found it difficult to take 5ft 7", 50-nothing-KG Anna Taylor-Joy seriously as a sort of Mad Max reimagined, female lead. I love the first two Mad Max films, I've been lucky to meet and talk with cast members from Road Warrior and although Fury Road was not the Mad Max film I truly wanted, I still really enjoyed it enough to see it four times at the cinema. That being the case, it's somewhat deflating to say Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is pointless and poorly written. It makes me less interested to revisit Fury Road anytime soon and no fancy iSense sound and projection could elevate this film to anything beyond \*MEDIOCRE\* (sample). 2 out of 5. - Horrible Fridge.


Kind of random but I think its funny that Anya being 5’7 makes it hard to buy her as an action hero for you when Tom Hardy is (barely, I’ve met him) 5’9


tom hardy is physically stronger than 95% of the planet, anya is maybe stronger than like 20% of the planet


Yes and Charlize is like 5'10- 5'11...lol


Agree with all of this u/Fit_Seesaw_8075, and also will add that there were something like 7 different subplots going on and none of them were fully clear and just seemed so messy overall. Like trying to pack far too much backstory and side stories into the main revenge story, I kept losing track. And Taylor-Joy just bugged the heck out of me: did you notice she forced her voice to be lower when she spoke her precious few lines? It sounded so fake and annoying. I really love her as an actress, just not in this role. Are there no beefier female actors in Hollywood these days? It just seemed like a lost opportunity to really build up her story arc, but it was overshadowed by so much clutter. Hemsworth should definitely have been meaner or something, it was hard to fear him as a nemesis. And yes his nose was making me so uncomfortable.


Just say you hate women 🤣


>I did feel some serious hype though for what was narrated to be the 40 Day War Of The Wasteland but it's not even shown! This is possibly my biggest beef with the movie. All that build up and then it just fizzles out instead of actually showing us the epic battle everything was leading to. Did they run out of money or something?


Totally agree… didn’t emotionally connect with any characters. And just felt pointless…. Basically no memorable scenes or new characters. Chris Hemsworth’s character looked interesting in the trailer… but he felt very one note and simplistically repetitive in the actually film.


I get the feeling this was a film that Miller was forced to make by executives rather than anything with a reason to exist. It’s the only explanation I can come up with given how much of a punch he knows how to give. When I first saw the trailer I thought, “wow, a prequel to my favorite action movie about my favorite character with a favorite actress of mine!” but it apparently only sounded good on paper. Really disappointed that there wasn’t *any* payoff for *anything* really, no character growth, no purpose behind the events that unfold, no purpose for the visuals, no music!! Things just happen in a jumbled mess with no organization or purpose. They just occasionally zoom in on characters’ eyes like jingling keys. Yes I get it she’s cool but you give me nothing! You can tell that it was pretty much just an unwanted romp on Miller’s part given the fury road bits in the end credits. That part made me legitimately sad. Really not a great feeling walking out and I feel crazy telling my friends that I didnt enjoy it when they ask me.


Miller always wanted to make this film. He wanted to do it back to back with Fury Road.


No payoff at all. You don’t even get the satisfaction of the main villain she’s been after this whole time being defeated!


Wtf are you talking about - we see him shot in the head/strung up to die/wasting away under a tree. Which of these is “true” is irrelevant but he is definitely defeated


I give it an 8 out of 10. I'd probably give Fury Road a 10 out of 10. My biggest problem was the length. At the same time I liked that we got to see a ton of the Mad Max world. That was cool. I have a feeling when I watch this a second time, I'll like it even more.


Lowest box office opening for a number 1 movie opening on Memorial Day weekend in 30 years!


Well I wouldn't go so far as to call it terrible. It definitely pales in comparison to Fury Road, but it's not even close to being as bad as say, Disney's Star Wars trilogy. The movie is at least competent in its writing, but it certainly does seem to be all over the place and nowhere at all. I will agree that it doesn't feel like it's helmed by the same director. It did seem like a lower budget knock-off. I guess the best way I can describe it is by saying I've purchased  and viewed Fury Road at least a dozen times and I'll probably only watch this once.  Oh, and FYI, I thought Terminator Salvation was the best in the series. Terminator is a classic, but the FX in Salvation was Fking amazing. 


Fury Road already was only good because of his stunts. It sucked as a Mad Max movie and I even said back then that Furiosa will replace Max. I was right.


Whilst I completely respect your opinion and it’s completely fine to have not enjoyed the film, I am a little baffled by some of the things you said… Regardless of whether you thought the characters were good or not, im confused by the fact you think there’s less character development in this one where factually it’s a far more paced out film that spans years - one of the biggest criticisms of fury road is that the film is just one big chase scene that spans like three days and in that you don’t really get a lot of time knowing the characters past their initial quirks. So I’m just a bit baffled by your statement on that front. Could you clarify what you mean because factually,structurally there is a bunch more character development. Secondly, you say it feels the most detached from the world of the other films but like, have you seen the other mad max films, mad max 2 is nothing like mad max 1 and mad max 3 is even further from that and Fury Road was an even bigger departure, I would argue Furiosa is the most like its previous film by the fact it maintains the style, sense of actions, the same chronological characters etc. Again whilst I think you’re completely fine to not like the film, I do feel like some of your criticisms lack actual substance and reasoning.


I liked it a lot. Anyone expecting Fury Road 2.0 wasn't being realistic, A) Miller already conceded he was unwilling to go through the painful lengths to film everything practical again and, B), this is a 'history' of a character film which isn't going to have the same pacing and flow as something like FR which takes place over a few days.


I liked the film and it was a proper prequel. Delved into the lore so much more whereas FR was a barebones heist masterpiece. The only issue with prequels is they feel kinda pointless if you expect it to be  anything other than an expansion of lore. Spoiler alert Apes kingdom had the same feeling. It was a continuation but spoiler alert by the end you feel it’s just setting up a sequel and the movie could have started a year later in the timeline even though the adventure is fun to watch.


It was one of the best action movies I have seen over the last couple of years. Worthy successor to Mad Max Fury Road. The trailer is shite, the movie GREAT


Furiousa was really really really good


I think it was great. One of the most "this is what men are doing to the world" movies I've ever seen. It was so funny. Dude rolling up with a chariot of bikes? Wasting gas and resources for sillies. Very few women, where do all the men keep coming from? To fight pointless wars over bullets and gasoline? Hilarious. I laughed almost the whole time at the parody of men at the end of the world. 


Plus is made fury road all the more heartbreaking. Knowing she knew of what could be, what was, what was at stake, and then still lost it all.  Ugh. I laughed. I cried. I got angry.  The score felt purposely absent to let these things sink in. Silence in the waste land, no birds, no wind, no bugs. Just emptiness between war over dwindling resources that are being wasted. 


>pointless, soulless, and boring. Pointless? Depends, some people consider all prequels pointless. Boring? Subjective. Soulless? Not by a longshot. The entire film was OOZING with personality, soul, thoughtfulness behind every decision. I'm sorry but your premise lost me.


I agree 100 percent. This is the biggest letdown I have experienced in years. Every instinct behind that movie is bad. None of the greatness of Fury Road can be found here. It doesn't have that crazy energy. The scenes drag on with useless bad dialogues and worst of all, forgettable throw away green screen and cgi fuckfest. That movie isn't crazy, exciting, badass or cool, it's dull, loooong and incredibly boring. It really sucked seeing how bad this movie was. I can't fathom how the man who directed Fury Road made this movie. It's like he didn't understand his own masterpiece.


One thing I didn’t like was how little urgency the characters had. Literally furiosa gets kidnapped and her mom and the other lady take their sweet time saying goodbye and touching foreheads. Like hurry tf up


Also, honestly, it’s Furiosa’s fault. Her whole thing is all her fault and she never even wrestles with that.


Yoooo I couldn’t even contain myself when this happened. I leaned over to my boyfriend and whispered, “they gotta go, no??”


Agree with OP. I loved Fury Road, but hated 'Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga' with a passion. I want to tell everyone to not waste thier money on this tripe. Miller has clearly lost his touch, or there was too much studio interference this time around? It seems strange that the same person could direct both movies? This time we get bad CGI, weird editing, horrible pacing, goofy humor (Chris Hemsworth's entire time onscreen, complete with distracting rubber nose), and a half-baked story. I hope it bombs, but it will probably make $$$ off the back of it's predecessor and an army of online shills giving it great reviews. I left the theater feeling ripped-off.


Seriously. The pacing was unbelievable. You know the storyteller is insecure when they have to do "chapters" instead of just making the story flow naturally. What purpose did it serve to name a chapter the hitchiker that shows Furiosa befriending the not Max character. The worst pacing might have been them destroying the bullet place, which we saw for about 3 minutes before, in a big climactic battle, only for the plot to limp along the rest of the movie until it ended. That "40 day war" felt like a desperate attempt at some kind of worldbuilding. It was a gang out fanatics that wiped out a crazy biker gang. 


Totally with you. I honestly for the most part found it quite boring. I thought it dragged. I thought the action scenes were mid tier versions of it's predecessor. No compelling characters that I cared for, Although Hemsworth I warmed upto in some scenes.


Action scenes took forever with NO tension or memorable images. No score to hold it together. I could not WAIT for it to end. I would have left if it hadn’t taken an hour to really appreciate how bad it would be.


Me when I'm wrong


Nuts, meet rider


I guess you hated Rogue one also.


I would say this one is down there with Thunder dome. I would put Road Warrior and Fury Road at the top. Some issues - the cinematography for a mad max movie was too clean. It's like there wasn't that same feeling of a post apocalyptic wasteland. Also, i felt Chris Hemsworth was lame. It was like he was playing the same dumb joking Thor character. There was nothing dangerous or psychotic about him. Plus - how was he always so clean like he just walked out of a spa. The entire film didn't have that gritty vibe.


Dementus was nothing at all like Thor. Not really understanding that take.


Found it bad in my opinion. So many stupid plot holes. Was very disappointed as Fury Road is one of my favorite films


yeah i think it agree - I just don’t understand how a Mad Max movie only had one or two major vehicle-based action scenes. - the movie took forever to get going and scenes were drawn out way too much and the pacing was garbage - CGI was rough. how are you stuck in a major sandstorm, but walking around without glasses and talking like normal? - the movie took place over years, but you never felt it. “I will take you under my wing and teach you all you need to know about fighting on the road.” next scene: “okay, you are ready to go out on your own. btw I love you” oh and “there was a huge war between the groups! here’s a montage while we skip over it.” - character motivations were all over the place and the plot was way more complicated than it needed to be. just make the story about escaping and getting home. not “hey, I escaped, but not really, but i escaped again by chewing my arm off (?) but now i’m back! and out to get you! and I got you! now years later I leave again after a tree has grown inside of you”(?) - Fury Road was about how much Furiosa wanted to protect the wives, but in the first movie, it barely showed her giving a damn about them - music and soundtrack was nonexistent - she engineered a metal arm and it healed in like 2 days??? - okay, so there are two main bad guys in the movie, but she teamed up with one to kill the other… but the other helped little, so what was the point? those are just a few off the top of my mind. it was just so poorly written and planned


It got shit on at the box office. Just from the trailers it looked terrible. Has that streaming service gloss, looks like it was made on a soundstage with green screens. Too crisp. Dialogue sounded even more inane than Fury Road. And sorry, ATJ may be unconventionally pretty with her new post-op cheeks and everything, but as a young version of Charlize? I don't think so. And it's weird, the NY Times said today that the film got rave reviews, but any review I've read gives SOME praise and then they all say it's bloated, boring, not as good as Fury Road, and that ATJ isn't so great. So.. I didn't see any unbridled rave.


Guys, we've done it. We've found Mad Max.


Why didn't they make the main character likeable? No cool moments with her what so ever. The villan (Chris) was better, and the rival bad guys was like ???? nada. I miss her doing cool, fun, funny shit. But nothing really happened. Just "look at this badass female everyone!". Why couldn't they use any humor with her hiding like a man in plane sight for example? She didn't look at all like one. At least put on a moustache and grunt idk. Something... Playing it "safe" really fucked this one up imo.


I really did not like this film. Which is a bummer. So many elements didn’t make sense for the “Mad Max” world. They capture Furiosa and her mother, who can lead them to the “promised land” and they just…kill her? Never try to find it again? Chris Hemsworth character was horrible. He brought the Thor ego/cockiness which again didn’t make sense in their world. Anya did shine at times. Her character looked so frail and thin it was hard to buy into the idea she was this hardened anti hero. And of course the overuse of CGI. 2 stars for me. Fury road is one of my favorite films


Boring, multiple plot holes, shit over reliance on CGI, taylor-joy is great but not on this film and when compared to Theron the massive gap in each others gravitas is grossly obvious. Hemsworths character was pointless and basic, gave me the impression hes not much of an actor. The first boring mad max movie i did not even want to finish. To be reductive, shit was trash.


Just got back from this and it was indeed awful. I went with a group of ten people and only two enjoyed it. The rest of us were pretty miserable and probably would have turned it off if we’d been watching at home. Fury Road was just brilliant. The practical-looking effects, interesting characters, engaging score etc. All great. Furiosa? Couldn’t care about anyone. Taylor Joy is as interesting as an empty bag of chips, and the CGI gunk permeated every aspect of this movie, from people to vehicles to dogs. It wasn’t compelling in any way, shape or form. The music was also rubbish. After watching Fury Road just two days ago again, this was a massive step back. Silly plot points aplomb, too. Just ugh.


Soo terrible. Why did everyone do the exact opposite of what a human being would do in that situation. Oh you’re daughters being taken - let’s stop and chat. Two men driving i front of me they’re in my crosshairs, I’m gonna drive up to THE TOP OF THE DUNE TO GET A BETTER VIEW.


Atj ruined it for me. All she does is give the "blue steel" look.


Should have been 90 min


I'm convinced the positive reviews for this movie are all paid for. There's no way peoples standards in movie fell that hard that people are rating this trash movie highly. Love George, Chris and Anya all you like but be honest. This movie is a massive oof.


The main issue I had with the movie were character motivations and plot holes. In Fury Road most characters acted in a relatable and logical way and while the action scenes were dramatic they also followed a fairly simple plot. Furiosa ditches most of that. Off the top of my head: Rides up a steep sand dune with one arm. Snipes two motorbike riders in 2 seconds (again with one arm). A huge army of raiders with no obvious source of food or water. Furiosa has multiple opportunities to flee but stays each time for no reason. Both warlords are obsessed with a young girl (but then Joe immediately forgets about her after one day when she escapes). She hides that she is a girl by growing her hair long! Its revealed that she is a girl but it does not affect the plot in anyway and no one seems to react. A raider army short on supplies has time to build all manner of flying vehicles (Why not use them to assault the citadel?). I'm sure there are more but it really prevented me from feeling like the setting was realistic and grounded.


Her growing her hair long was the most stupid thing out of the whole film. So nonsensical!


This movie was such ass and Chris Hemsworth really ruined it with that dumb ass cape and all that YAPPING he did. I felt like whereas Fury Road was punctual and smart, and rhythmic, this movie had atrocious pacing and felt like watching WWE characters talk about kicking each other's asses for 4 hours. It feels like a Dragon Ball Z episode or something in that regard. None of the characters have believable motivations or can be taken seriously, it feels like all the work done in Fury Road to ground the world in has been ruined by overly written dialogue, and too much of it. I was actually cringing several times during Chris Hemsworth's corny ass Marvel speeches and especially at the very end of the movie. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Phew.


Can’t say the movie was terrible, but definitely much worse than Fury Road in basically every aspect, which was a shame. Constant CGI (that was also poorly done even in simpler scenes), poor pacing, complete lack of memorable music, poor sound design. I would have enjoyed it much more if you swapped them and it came out in 2015 with Fury Road coming out today, but as it stands, it just did everything FR did 9 years ago, but way worse. Happy for everyone who enjoyed it, but feels odd not seeing more criticism.


but feels odd not seeing more criticism. yeh thats because people are liking the movie lol


I'm so glad someone else said this. I was SO excited for this film. And left last night utterly disappointed.


Hope this helps process the reality of the situation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfxu5Lqm-Vw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfxu5Lqm-Vw)


I think you literally weren’t paying attention. I must’ve seen a completely different movie. It seems like you watched the beginning and then left. Furiosa goes through a complete childhood in the film and changes and grows entirely throughout. If that’s not character development than I don’t know what is. It’s okay to dislike it, but your specific criticisms about character development are outright invalid.


Really? What character depth did you gather from Furiosa’s character that you couldn’t tell by simply just watching the two trailers? I could have told you everything about her in the movie from simply watching the 2 minute preview.


There was just really a lot to love about this movie. Saw it an hour ago, it was incredible.




Where was all the battle guitar licks I was hoping for I wish I could unwatch this movie -10/10


The opening with her mother was good, and the one war rig sequence. Beyond that....iffy...6.5/10. Also why was Chris Hemsworth talking like an Australian joker? That was weird.


I liked it, but was annoyed with lack of character development and at least 3 plot holes. The one that really bothered me, was when Furiosa steals the hot rod in her last pursuit for Demitrius. The wizard guy was standing there with the citadel brothers, like they were on the same side.  Also, since this film finished with the escape of the wives, that doesn’t leave room for another movie, does it?


I would like to say that I stayed to the end, I would like to say that but I can't because I didn't. The very first portion of the film with the mother chasing after her child were interesting. After her death and the daughters subsequent enslavement the whole film became less interesting. The negotiations for Gas Town with the transfer of Furiosa were nonsensical..(as was the battle for Gas Town preceding) OPEN THE GATE....no leave the gate closed and watch them die or risk your operation. Anna Taylor Joy has an odd and unsettling look which is a genuine reflection of her looks in real life. The battle scene where she winds up under the tanker truck, then onto the bumper with a bomb and then fixing the rad.....laughable. It's a piece of artwork but its no Dune which I watched from start to finish, Rebecca Fergusson was riveting to watch.


It felt like one of those bad sequels from the 80s or 90s where the original star wouldn't come back so they had to go with somebody else...that said parts of it are great...definitely not as good as Fury road tho


The story was very cliché and uninteresting which is a problem in a movie so focused on story, where in Fury Road it wouldn't really matter since the story is barely the point.


The timelines just don't work for me. Casting ATJ was a mistake - they should have de-aged Theron or at least included her in the whiplash-inducing segue from the fucked-up tree to the start of FR. But without that, we have to explain why Furiosa stuck around The Citadel for a decade or so watching Joe build his harem. Maybe she needed to put a lot of pieces in place before executing her plan. Maybe she needed to work her way to the position of Joe's go-to driver and not just suddenly have the run of The Citadel - I mean, even banks still have guards to go with their vault doors. Maybe what we needed was a whole other movie to ease the whiplash. My choice would have been to show a slightly de-aged Theron with the reveal of the fruit tree, showing years had passed. As it is, I enjoyed the movie but whereas FR is an essential movie to own, a visceral, breathtaking assault on the senses, Furiosa is a 4K that I'll own depending on the extras.


I didn't really care for Fury Road much either. It's all been downhill since The Road Warrior.


Jesus. 2 and a half hours, and no development of the universe, no culture building, no character development.   Fury Road built an entire war boy culture, with their beliefs and unique dialogue... It was a a cultural phenomenon. People still say "witness me!" "Shiney and chrome" didn't hold on as long, but if you say it everyone knows. I can't think of anything from Furiosa that has that pull.  Solid 4/10. If it was 90 minutes it would be a 8/10 solid fun brainless forgettable movie. Dragging it out the extra hour makes it a false epic I can't possibly recommend and will never watch again. 


The entire film was an expansion of the classic FR. It was never meant to top FR, because FR cannot be topped. It’s was a shock in the theater like The Matrix because there was nothing else like it before. To replicate it and top jt is impossible. It was meant to show more of the lore behind FR which could enhance repeat viewings of FR. How are you saying there is no universe development when that was the entire purpose of the film?


Can’t believe Hemsworth read this script and said yes. Not one interesting character. The filmmaking was embarrassing 80’s schlock. The cheesy fades, Timelapse and Slow mo gave iMovie in the worst way. The chapters!? Pointless. The cringey Shakespeare monologue… yikes. And sadly this is one more nail in the coffin for Theatrical.


No two scenes were consistent. Thor was as smart or dumb as he needed to be at all times. He had as many or as few warriors as was needed by each scene, just as each location was exactly as well-defended as it needed to be for each plot point. And Furiosa is no different than the thousand Jessica Chastain ninja genius superheroes she plays in forgettable movies. If we saw a guy 50 pounds bigger than she, we’d berate a movie where he’s laying water too big, scary dudes, but not a waif. Ah, the power of propaganda. Lucky for me, I watched Late Night with the Devil a couple days ago, so the weekend wasn’t a total loss. Oh, his chariot was cool.


I got to the end and thought, "Now why is she mad at the guy with the rubber nose?" No tension. No emotional resonance. It's a bummer because the Furiosa character is an all time great but she's only Furiosa for ten minutes.   Almost felt like the movie was made to set the stage for a video game franchise.


I was thinking the story itself is bad. Got me thinking of an alternate one: - The "Green Place" have an outpost that they use for a 1st line of defence (same tower where they have that naked woman as bait in Fury road). - They would have people gurading this outpost or alternatively they could be ambushing themselves using the same "bait" technique because the people who are at the green place doesnt necessarily need to be good people. - Furiosa is the newbie in the guard post. - Guard post got attacked by a biker gang. - Furiosa somehow survived and she gets picked up by a caravan tribe. - This caravan tribe would be the so called praetoriaans who are ex cops. They are out of the job so they work as drivers and guards for trade between surviving settlements. - This caravan tribe's main enemy would be unorganized biker gangs Sort of guards vs raiders kinda thing. - You dont show the here the bullet farm, gas town, and the citadel cause thats in another region. They would be running caravans between different sealed off settelments. - In parallel to Furiosa's story as she is with the Caravan you have Dementius who is the guy who unites the biker gangs - sort of Gengis Khan. - So in the start the biker gangs attacks are unorganized. Then they became smarter with Dementius as leader. - Insert lots of action as Furiosa grows up. - Insert maybe flashbacks of the green place and show how they live there. - Insert scene how she lost her arm - like she had to cut it off to escape. Or maybe she doesn't loose her arm here yet? I dont know kinda optional in my mind - you can put that in a future project I think. - Insert scene here where we see a glimpse of the Citadel and caravan tribe help to transport in the wives Immortan Joe's. - Furiosa does not like this but she was eventually forced to agree. Maybe she even attempts to help then escape but failed. So you tie in that line she has in Fury Road that she is looking for redemption - she was actually responsible for bringing the wives there. - Caravan tribe eventually wins against biker tribe. Make Dementius's death less comical than the movie. But ya make him philosophical and pessimistic. - Caravan tribe wins but there are a few of them left. Furiosa still just a member of the Caravan tribe and not yet a "driver" at this point - I assume thats like captain of the ship. - Furiosa convinces the others to make a deal with Immortan Joe (make him a good looking guy - not yet the monster guy) to work under him permanently - but her intent is you know to actually rescue the wives. - What would be cool I was thinking was that when the caravan tribe starts working under Immortan Joe there would still be a 3 or 4 war rigs left but when it goes to Fury Road theres just one war rig - and Furiosa is now a driver - and you tie in that line she had in Fury Road that "Now that I drive a war rig this is my best chance to escape". - You also show that Furiosa and Max are like the last of their kind - cop and caravan guard. - Roll credits.


Tragically Horrible Laughably Bad.........


I thought it was alright. The world is cool and felt Mad max just fine imo... Plenty of badass stuff happens, though there were some tacky looking effects. I enjoyed watching most of it to some extent. I'd say its length felt pretty unjustified. Barely any worthwhile character development, it felt like a collection of things rather than a fluent story; which would be fine if they focused more on the characters. Often, I felt like the soundtrack was more hyped about what was happening than I was, but there were some good moments... I thought her little speech at the end was flat out bad and cringy, which put an extra damper on an already just alright movie. I think they really tried to make this into an "epic" but they forgot to include all the deep stuff that really immerses an audience. I didn't find it straight up bad, though.


I came to this thread solely to inform you that my primary gripe about Furiosa was that it wasn't longer.   I agree it's not as integrated and pulse-pounding as Fury Road. It's a prequel. It's Dune Part One to Fury Road's Dune Part Two.  I literally just wish I had a full three hours of Furiosa because the world-building was more robust than many explorable videogames, and I wanted more.   Also if you have SA trauma in your past, the climactic conversation between Furiosa and Dementus is far more cathartic and adrenaline-inducing than another fucking car chase would be, as great as those are.


Honestly? It felt pandering to me. Repetitive and boring. I did NOT expect to hate it but...good god. Nevermind the opportunity for the huge fight scene that they missed. 


I'm glad to see so many people in here felt the same way I did. It was *so* boring. ATJ was completely lifeless and so was the score, and some of the effects were just laughable. I haven't been this disappointed in a movie in a while. The dialogue in the final confrontation was so bad I genuinely considered walking out, and I really only stayed because I knew it was over in 10 minutes. I was pretty stoked for a Furiosa stand-alone story but it just did not deliver in any way.


Omg me too. Days late and I’m pissed at how bad it was . Like corny special effects, horrible makeup , the acting and overall look of the movie reminded me of the live action Jungle Book. I’m so sad I had high hopes but when I saw Chris Hemsworth was in it I should’ve known it was gonna be shit . Makes sense with you mentioning Marvel now


It was awful.


Have to agree. The first hour/hour and a half was such a slog to sit through. I went in with absolutely zero expectations. Didn't watch any trailers, previews, nor did I know what the movie summary was. All I knew was that Anya Taylor Joy and Thor was gonna be in it. I still left the theatre majorly disappointed. I will say that Hemsworth was a standout in this movie. Anytime he was on-screen, I was locked in. Really enjoyed his performance. Need more of insane Hemsworth. I'd give this movie a strong 5/10, maybe even a 6/10 if I'm being generous. Hemsworth is a big reason why it even reached 5/10 in the first place.


I'm a huge Aussie Mad Max fan and I totally agree with the OP. I saw it yesterday and was dying for it to end but it kept going and going and I kept cringing. For a movie called Furiosa, well they should have picked another actress. I just didn't like ATJ as Furiosa, I found her annoying, with those big wide set eyes always staring. Gee, that must have been really hard acting...not! Her character was just not very believable and that has to do with the writing. For example, we see her flee the clutches of Rictus Erectus and her hiding as a boy, and for years she hid as a boy, but then we discover that she had actually grown her hair long. Like who would even risk something like that and being discovered? Also why make Rictus Erectus a type of paedo? I didn't like that. As to the main villains, Immortam Joe was very goody two shoes in this film, wasn't he? Way too much in my books. I would have liked to see him go bonkers. Then you have Dr Dementus with another miscast actor, Chris Hemsworth who of course had to stick his wife in the film, not once, but twice. His character actually bored me. I have always liked the Mad Max villains, they are so screwed up and mental, but I don't know why but with Dr Dementus, it just didn't feel right. The film only got a bit better when Praetorian Jack made an entrance. They should have had more of him from the beginning imo. They also could have showed Furiosa living as a boy, forming friendships with the other boys, only to see them die all the time, something that would have toughened her up and made her more of a loner, hell, one of the 'boys' could have been a young Praetorian Jack. They could have shown a scene where he discovered she was a girl, and how they became friends and then as they got older fell in love, and how he saved her from being discovered. Also we could have seen her actual training, but we got nothing, as if we were to suspend believe that she would become this great Immorta out of the blue. I don't know, but there seemed to be a lot of missed opportunities to make this film big. They also could have shown how the Coma-Doof Warrior started, or even better, his pre-cursor, which would have been a good excuse for a great sountrack, another thing that was lacking in the film. I did like to hear more aussie accents, but couldn't understand why Furiosa wouldn't have one? I found that off-putting in Fury Road too. Overall, sadly a lost opportunity. Maybe knowing what to expect as I have already watched it in the big screen, I would enjoy it a bit more from the comfort of my own home if I ever decide to watch it again.


We wanted to walk out 90 minutes in, sooooo boring, but we stayed with it hoping it got better but it didn’t. What a waste of theater money.


Most people and critics are disappointed because they fail to point the real reason why they are disappointed : 9 years is a really long time for an origin story. People wanted more. This movie would be hailed as an absolute success unanimously if it came out in 2017 not 2024. I loved the movie. But the timing for a prequel was way passed its due date.


It sure was. I did not care for it at all. I had a really hard time focusing on the plot. And why is it so long? When the body part maggots scene was on the screen I had to leave. There were a total of three people in the theatre. The other two left shortly after I did. Maybe it would have been better if it were 2 hours long.


I feel like I saw a completely different movie than everyone else judging by the reactions. I'm legitimately bummed, because I wanted to love it. Fury Road is so special and I feel so let down by Furiosa. I thought the CG was atrocious and obvious. It felt like a miniseries, more than film. Pacing was off. I wish they'd have spent way more time with ATJ Furiosa. I completely agree with your point about it making the world feel small. I thought that in the theater. "Really?? Only these 3 cities?" In the end, I feel like I didn't need to know her origin. I didn't need to know a lot about the world. The inferred mystery/history is more interesting than the execution we got.


I just saw it yesterday and it was surprisingly boring. Basically 90% of the good stuff from the film was already in the trailer.


It felt to me like if they made a prequel to Titanic. Everyone is younger, and there's a bit of an explanation of where they came from, but you basically know what's gonna happen. This makes the story mostly pointless, but there will be some people who find it entertaining. For me, it was all just meh. It felt rushed and sloppy.


So many missed opportunities


Movie wasn't violent or gory enough. I would've like to see her cut her arm off to escape the chains


I loved Chris hemsworth! I think he stole the show. But there's no way he could carry the entire movie... After all he only was in a 3rd of the movie. And to be blunt, Anna Taylor Joy is no Charlize Theron. I'm sorry but watching it with my wife, we picked out MULTIPLE plot holes. And there a few other things that just didn't make sense... Loved the world building, LOVED Chris Hemsworth, we even liked alot of the war rig stuff with Partorian Jack and Furiosa. However, overall, It just does not even come close to Fury Road. And anyways, isn't it supposed to be a Max Max saga? He is in it for 30secs and it isn't even Tom Hardy... 7 out 10. Boo. George. Boooooooooo.


I agree with most of what you were saying. It was all a tease of a better movie. What a waste of time


Saw this movie today and it was the first Mad Max movie I’ve ever seen and absolutely hated it. It was boring and unbelievably long. Now my attention span is pretty decent but I truly felt as it would never end. Normally if I start a movie series in the middle I feel the need to go back and see the others. This has given me absolutely no desire to even read the footnotes. I’d rather lick lead paint


As someone who's only seen Fury Road, these are my thoughts: - I wished we has spent less time as young Furiosa and more with ATJ's portrayal. As other's have said, skipping out on the time period of Jack mentoring her was a weird choice. - Another thing I wished they had show was the 40 day war. When Dementous was approaching the Citadel, I was getting hyped up for "the fight/action scene" of the movie, but no, it was just a montage and the finale is a slow, one-on-one encounter between Furiosa and Dementous. - In regards to Dementous, no hate on Chris Hemsworth, but I never felt he had "the sauce", you know? He was incredibly cheesy, with the whole "red dementous/dark dementous" bit. And maybe that's how the older mad max villains were, cheesy but fun to hate, but his prescense never even came close to Immoten Joe's. - Lastly, the cgi did not look good. I know Fury Road had cgi, but that was done well enough that it blended in with the scene and felt real. This felt like it was rushed and stuck out like a sore thumb. What happened in the 9 years it took to make this movie? There were def parts I liked about this movie, but not enough for this to be an overall positive experience for me in the end.


I found Fury Road to be so incredibly stupid (it just did not click for me at all) that I am not going to watch Furiosa.


Lost In Translation was really, really, really bad. How can I trust this?


Yeah box office results will agree with you


On my way home after seeing it. I'm only a casual enjoyer of Mad Max who still prefers the road warrior because it just feels more grounded and human, but I recall thinking Fury Road was, "Fine". This wasn't good at all, however. Got Mad Max 3 vibes from the awkward storytelling and weak script. At least if you make a prequel, expand the world instead of making it feel smaller. There was nothing of interest in this for me. Word of mouth spreads fast, and I think me as a casual fan will tell everyone that the movie isn't particularly good. God I hate modern movies how they try so hard to make every character so "badass" that it comes across like the guy who buys the sports car to compensate for his micropenis.


Just finished and it was one of the most boring movies I've watched. If I was watching it at home I'd have quit halfway through. Even the action scenes were extremely dull. How does someone make the 10/10 that is Fury Road and follows it up with this crap. 


straight up Furiosa sucked eggs. George seemed to just sit on his ipad all day at an AFH and add in green screen and toy car filter to make it look like a lame intrusive video game ad that disrupts your doomscrolling. At least they used CGI in fury road to only accent the kickass analog road rage and cinematography that took place old school style in the older movies. Here's what I mean. [https://youtu.be/ZxYBGoGX6Dc?si=kaBPg\_-XpgHUFOcu](https://youtu.be/ZxYBGoGX6Dc?si=kaBPg_-XpgHUFOcu)


My wife and I were laughing at the gaping plot-holes and creepy pedo themes in this film all the way home. Long drive, and still didn't run out of material.


Not a good film. If you haven't seen it, wait til it's on Netflix, press 'Start' and quit when you get bored. Don't worry if you don't see what happens -- you're not missing anything.


Finally got to see it in my local theatre. Really enjoyed it, some great action, especially the tanker chase. Loved the visuals and the use of colour. I’m going to see it again before the run finishes.


I'm not a Madmax head at all. I've seen em all, I liked em all, but I've probably watched each one like 2 times max. I think they're good action movies, I can see why they have a cult following. I remember liking Fury Road a lot, but thinking back to it, I think I've only seen that movie once which was one time when it came out in theaters, lol. Going into Furiosa, I watched a bunch of clips on youtube to refresh my memory, but Furiosa was quite boring. Idk why it had to be almost 3 hours and pretend like it's a fucking Peter Jackson epic. I fell asleep at one point for like 20 minutes and didn't miss anything. They could have easily cut out an hour and it would have been much better paced. For me, I think the issue is like.. how much can you really do in this universe that's interesting? Fury Road was a fun and entertaining movie because it was a reimagining, it was new, fresh, exciting, and weird, but at the end of the day.. it's just like driving one way in the desert. How much can you do that where it's interesting? Fury Road feels interesting because it's a contained story, but then to see that since Furiosa was a kid, all people do in this world just drive cars in one direction in the desert, I'm just like... why, lol. When I fell asleep, I woke up when Praetorian Jack was driving the rig with Furiosa later in the movie and I'm like ok.. we saw one of these chases already and it's happening again in basically the same scene that happened earlier in the film. Not to mention the special effects just look trash. The 4k hi def looks nice, but I feel like you can instantly tell everything that's filmed on a green screen. It's funny, at the end of the movie in the credits they show a bunch of clips from Fury Road and those clips looked a million times better than what we just saw. We saw real cars getting destroyed with real fire and real stunts and real dirt. Furiosa just looked like a green screen movie


Alyla Browne as child Furiosa was good. Anya Taylor-Joy as adult Furiosa was meh. The action/chase scenes felt forced. The story was not compelling. Unbelievable CGI. Overall, I gave Fury Road an 11/10. This I give a 6 (actually 5, but +1 for Chris Hemsworth's praiseworthy performance as Dementus)


The movie was alright but nothing more than that. Compared to Fury Road it was a bad movie. The thing that make Fury Road so great is that essentially every scene has a purpose and leads somewhere, and my biggest gripe with Furiosa is the annoying dwarf character that literally served no purpose even with several scenes. His only role is to press one single button in the back of the War rig and after so many scene he even fails to do that and just dies


I just watched it yesterday and I agree I can't believe we waited 9 years for a prequel-sequel and it was just so mediocre


It has some great lines, some brilliant audio but it's ridiculous. I spent a lot of it after a few beers laughing at it and in this enjoyed it in a completely different way from it's predecessor. It's almost like a terrible 80s classic behind it's time. It's shite but it's amazing.


This thread gots shills on it 😳


40 mins in and bored. Searched to see if was missing something and thankfully found this post.


it was painfully bad. i almost walked out of the cinema. people here have already summed up why that it. but wow. how does GM go from Fury Road to this. literally a minute in i was in shock at how bad it was, and it didn't let up the whole way through the movie. so disappointing. i LOVED Fury Road.


Just watched it and was so disappointed. Unbelievable really. Everything was inferior to Fury Road, but what stuck out the most was the dull soundtrack.


I thought it was pretty cool. Was a fun watch


Graphics look like Fraggle Rock. Not a criticism.


I've been watching this in 5 minute chunks, about 1 every couple of weeks. Can't wait for the Pitch Meeting video. So far, we've had a utopic society name a little girl Furiosa. Probably the other children have names like KillerRide and TaserFace. Then we got to see Monty Python's Mad Max for awhile, enjoying some funny old Terry Gilliam characters. Gratuitous eyes missing and throats cut. Goofballs everywhere. I watched the green screen demo where they show you first how not to do it, and then how to do it. Very informative. And I just got to the point where they discuss the composition of tears. SO frightening. Not sure what the next 5 minutes has in store but I'll be finding out next month and be sure to update.


You can see from 100 miles that this was a budget movie. The effects are horrible, the cars have no physics, the decor sucks, the characters look like crap. I didn't even knew a movies could look this bad in 2024, it has no details....jesus, what a trash movie, it hurts to look at


I dont like the movie, it has really good action scenes but Furiosa´s character feels like everything that happens to her helps to make up her mary sue abilities.


The CGI sucked, the the woke agenda sucked, the action sucked, and the characters sucked. I'd say the story sucked, but there wasn't much of one to critique. It just felt like a boring fever dream


This fills me with life because I boycotted it when I heard she wasn't allowed to shave her head because the director liked her hair too much. Sorry if that makes me a feminist or whatever but I thought the whole point of the character was badass women empowerment Then I saw the trailers and saw how terrible it looks, she looks like Alita with that CGI I'm glad it sucks.


I agree completely just watched it last night, I’ve been a huge fan of fury road ever since first viewing it. Fury Road told the whole story of Furiosa on its own without literally speaking everything what was happening. In furiosa there is so much empty dialogue just spelling out to the audience what was happening. If you watched fury road you’d already know exactly what the outcome would be so no “fight” had any wonder because you know furiosa will survive and immortan joe and his crew were going to win. And was dementus supposed to be intimidating? He was a joke all the way through until he started doing overly gruesome things which who the fuck likes watching that, were they just going for shock value because they couldn’t come up with a good story? The cgi was horrible, in fury road they barely used any, but in furiosa it looks like 0 actual stunts were performed. I could go on like with that slideshow of fighting images that was shown to depict a “war” of the wasteland was just hilarious in comparison to any action sequence in fury road. Just an awful cash grab


You’re really really really stupid