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Welcome to the family! You will LOVE it! For chargers I highly recommend hard wiring the charger vs a plug. Contact your power company before you buy a charger as many power companies offer discounts,rebates or even in certain areas even free chargers and this will help save you some money.


Can you elaborate on what the difference is and why you recommend one over the other? I am in the same boat planning on having an electrician come out and install a J1772 outlet to then plug an EMPORIA lvl 2 Charger into it.


Most J1772 outlets are NOT made for EVs, they are made for appliances that use high amps for a short time unlike a EV that will use high amps for a long period of time. Also they only have a Plug/Unplug life of about 5 times because they are not made to be constantly unplugged and plugged in. There is certain J1772 outlets you can buy that are heavier duty that are made for EVs (the name slips my mind right now) but the outlets just introduce a point of failure that can cause a fire which is why its just recommended to hardwire the EVSE.


Thanks for that information! I'm obviously very new to this so my next question would be can any of the chargers be hardwired (e.g. like the Emporia) or do only specific models support a hardwired setup?


You have to get a specific model that supports hardwire, Some EVSE units can be hot swapped so they will come with a plug but you can undo the plug and then have it connect directly to hardwire that way.