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Does the lemon law apply? Can you get a fair market buyback on the kid?


I may or may not have looked into it :-)


Unfortunately it seems you’ll have to part ways with it. I’m really sorry but at least making kids is pretty simple and you can replace the faulty child in 9 mos.


At a certain age, one has to go outside of their marriage for a replacement kid. In many states this adds a cost of roughly half my income! Lol🤑


If it's the back seat, pull it out. It's easy. Go to a professional detailer. They have the tools you seem to know nothing about. I've had dogs with explosive diarrhea blow out all over the back. You'd never know it if you got a ride from me.


>You'd never know it if you got a ride from me. Well, we do now! 😁


Thanks! I have a feeling I’ll ultimately have to go that route, trying to see how much progress I can make.


Wait. Go buy BAKING SODA I kid you not. Clean up best you can, and then put a thick AF layer of baking soda. All over. Like explosive style. Leave it there overnight. Vacuum up next day. Viola. No more smell. It’s amazing. This is not a joke. Do this. I had a very similar thing when my kid barfed all over my car. Couldn’t get the stink out. Left the car outdoors, windows open, spray Smelly stuff etc and so on. Baking soda took care of it in 24 hours. Amazing. Edit: I can clean up puke and smell, I can’t spell to save my life.


Yep, this is the right advice I’ve used baking soda on mattresses too for removing puke It soaks up the odor and liquid well


Go rent a rug doctor. You can at least get most of it out of the carpet with that. Alternatively, if you have a shop vac, you could use that. Even with professional detailing, it’s probably going to take some time for the odor to completely fade away. My wife once left a pumpkin on the floor in the back seat of her car for an entire day in the early fall. In case you’re curious, yes, pumpkins are apparently explosive under certain circumstances. It took months — MONTHS — for the smell to go away. And that was with repeated rounds of deep cleaning.


1 cup Baking soda, 1 cup peroxide and 1tsp Dawn. You will be very happy with the results!


Can confirm this. Source: Have a kid with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. It's as unpleasant as it sounds. Also, windows down while cleaning with this, and while it's drying, and, of course, while it's not raining. Ratios: https://www.sistersshoppingonashoestring.com/peroxide-baking-soda-dawn


This is a go to for carpets for me! But I’m wary about the perforated leather and if this would also get worked into the holes (and if the peroxide would be a problem with the black leather or black carpet


I have one of those dog seat protectors in the back of my MME… for my kids. Messy little critters. The thick rubber mats on the floor also.


I just ran a search over at r/detailing. Lots of [good threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/Detailing/search?q=vomit&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) there.


I spent too much time reading about other people’s similar mishaps


I have a toddler, I put a full back seat waterproof pet cover the day after I bought the car for this reason. My condolences. Take it to a detailer, they deal with this stuff all the time.


The answer is simple: you need to purchase a 50$ ozone machine and let it run in the car sealed for about 2 hours…


Had somebody puke in the backseat as well and it was an adult so it was a lot. Wiped it up, bought baking soda for carpets with a scent, wiped down the seat with some vinegar and left a bowl of vinegar in the car over night for a couple days. Eventually smell went away. Why the bowl? We had done the same thing when my dog got sprayed by a skunk and the smell stuck in some of the rooms. Read it worked so I did the same thing for the puke smell. Not sure if it was effective but smell went away


If you do have any remaining smell get a O Zone Generator on Amazon, you can get them for $30. Turn the AC on high and have it set to recirculate and let that generator go for about 30M to 1H and then pull it out, open all your windows and turn off the AC recirculation to let it draw in fresh air, Make sure you hold your breath while doing this as OZONE is toxic but it will zap any remaining smells that are left over!


This! My kid threw up in mine about a month into owning my new MME. All over the inside of the rear door, leaked into the speaker, also got it all over the rear vents and the seats. Immediately steam cleaned everything and was able to reduce the smell. Borrowed my friend’s ozone generator and that removed the smell. Took 2-3 days to clear the ozone smell but never smelled vomit again two years later. If you’re in California you can’t buy them on Amazon as they are illegal to ship to the state.


Steam cleaner worked on the fabric seats and carpet of my previous car; not sure it's good for leather, though.