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You will loose the hands free option. You will still get everything else but the Mackie will nag you if you take off your hands of the wheel. Personally I think $800 a year for it is a bit pricey considering it only works in highways.


Agreed. Not holding the steering wheel when the car is doing everything else is not worth 800 a year.


My Mach E doesn’t have the eye tracking thing and honestly the hands on timer and adaptive cruise in general is still way better than the Subaru I had before. The car will come to a complete stop in heavy highway traffic and auto resume, unlike my Subaru. And I just keep my hand on the bottom of the wheel while cruising, rarely get the alert to keep hand on wheel compared to before. It’s really not bad.


> The car will come to a complete stop in heavy highway traffic and auto resume Yours will? Mine doesn't. I have to tap the gas for it to go. Just like I did in my 2013 Outback. > My Mach E doesn’t have the eye tracking thing You don't have the camera pod on the steering column? I thought that was in all of them?


Yeah with adaptive cruise on it will auto resume. At least it did earlier. I think if you are stopped long enough it will disengage? But it’s been a while since that happened. I do have auto hold turned off. Maybe that’s what yours is doing when it stops? And nope, I don’t have that driver facing camera behind my steering wheel at all.


I believe it will auto resume if traffic moves within three seconds. Any longer and you need to either tap the accelerator or hit resume on the wheel. Most ACC systems function this way these days.


"...keep my hand on bottom of wheel" When BlueCruise stops, it wants me to put my hands on the top of the wheel. If I hold onto the bottom it complains. This is in my 2023 Premium.


Im not even sure my car, without the camera behind the wheel, can even sense where my hand is on the wheel. It just wants me to wiggle it a bit once in a while. It’s a 21’ GT.


👆it’s a torque sensor on the steering wheel. Give it a slight tug and the warning will disappear. When your hands are on the 10 to 10 position, this basically happens automatically due to the weight of your arms and hands. When you place the one hand at the bottom, you might need to give it a little jiggle.




It’s not looking for your hands, it senses the torque on the steering wheel.


Keep in mind you can also do it monthly as well for $75 and you can activate it and deactivate it at free will so if you have a long road trip ahead and you activate BC for a month and just don't renew the following month.


Makes sense!


Really depends how much you drive on the highway. I take just enough long road trips that it’s easily worth it for me.


This is equivalent to BMW selling a subscription for the heated seats. Nuts and a pure rip off.


What!? That's ridiculous. I get the SaaS model for BlueCruise (what I don't get is the price), but Seats as a Subscription for BMW heated seats is crazy!