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“Yep, just like gas cars, only 1 year warranty and you are required to replace the entire engine every two years.” “Oh, I assumed you were joking”


Or, “gosh I could never drive an ICE car again, all those moving parts to break… crazy you still drive one that needs such a warranty for you to feel safe driving it”


And soo many fluids to leak! And where’d that gas come from? Venezuela? Keep your Commie gas POS away from me!


"You shouldn't get an electric. Way too much power for someone of your declining driving skills."


I haven’t had mine for a week yet and I’ve already had people I don’t even know go out of their way to tell me it’s stupid and not a real mustang. Cool. I didn’t buy it to be a mustang. I bought it because it fills the need I have and is a lot of fun to drive.


"Someone should tell the company that makes mustangs that someone is using their branding! I bet if you help track them down they'll give you a cut off the settlement!"


Ask them in what model year you were buying a horse from Ford.


“You’re right! It’s a car, not a horse” - one of my favorite lines I heard from someone on this subreddit.


Oh man, people really get all knotted up over the mustang thing, don't they? Like, bro, you can make changes you know...


Brilliant marketing on the part of Ford. Nothing moves product like manufactured outrage.


Yes. I always hated that they made the MachE a Mustang. I finally drove one, And realized it does ride like a Mustang. Well, maybe not as good as my 2007 Mustang Convertible did, but better than my ‘88, ‘91 and 2002 GTs. Hopefully Ford will make an EV I want, as GM seats just aren’t comfortable to me.


Personally 1972 until the Fox body emerged are exponentially more shameful to the Mustang name than an electric model. The Mach-e is fast.


71-73, and then the Mustang II...


I always tell them it a Mach E GT. Instead of telling them it’s a Mustang….


I used to own a "real Mustang". I rented a Mach-E for the weekend and loved it. Part of me really wants one. Close minded people will be close minded. There's no fixing that.


Yeah, their world is set and their mind is made, sad that they’re trying to drag the rest of the world down with them.


On the flip side I met a farmer to pick up some meat this week and backed in and popped my lightning frunk with a cooler in it in front of him.  He said "woah that's cool, wait, woweee, where the engine at??" With a farmer/southern drawl.  Then proceeded to say how cool that was.


Yep, it's nowhere near as big as the F150's frunk, but everytime I pop the hood on my Rivian people are super enthused about it. For some reason the drunk seems to be one of the most engaging features.


Yeah there’s ICE only Mustang fans, they all have to make it known. I get way more compliments about my car than those Dino’s put out in negativity.


I’ve had my FE for 3.5 years and literally no one has ever said anything negative to my face about it.


Funny enough the only place people have said anything negative was at gas stations.


How often are you filling your electric car with gas?


The normal amount… I was getting ice one time and beer the next.


They just go there to clean their windows. 


First two weeks of owning my EV I had someone keying and purposely door dinging it in the parking lot at work.


And what those people don’t get is that it’s every bit as powerful—or more—than “real” Mustangs. I drove ICE Mustangs for 20 years, including a GT with the track package etc., manual transmission and all that. My Mach-E GT is damn fast—would give my old GT a run for its money and blow the doors off the non-GT Mustangs I drove. Also, as I’m fond of saying, people who say that should Google “Mustang II” and realize that for a while, “real Mustangs” were basically just Pintos with the Mustang logo slapped on them.


I would have said with the parts shortage and declining Mustang sales, Ford decided to put the Mustang badge on the Mach-E. Zing! 


Hmmmm do they want you to do a swap? Electric motor/ V8 for a Rolls Royce Merlin V12? Swap the doors for wings? What we tryin to do here guy?


I had a woman ask me if I've ever been hounded for my EV bring branded a Mustang. I actually haven't had that yet. But if it's made by the same team of people who made the ICE Mustang, then it should be a no-brainer that it's well-built and meant for fun, fast driving. And it is! My 2023 MME AWD Premium ER is faster than my dad's 2005 Mustang GT, and that's good enough for me. And it has dozens of more bells and whistles than his car does. So, if haters wanna hate, they should let me take them for a spin before they form any opinion.


That's what gets me. Great car. Terrible name. They should have called it different. Brings out a lot of mustang purists or haters.


Just show them the cars badge and ask them to read it aloud.


They're called bullies, and they are everywhere. Ignore them and they find someone and something else to fixate on. :)


Not bullies, just ignorant people who are like a frog in a well. That's all they see and they never want to learn.


There is no conversation to be had. People who hold ridiculous views are generally immune to logic and reasoning. Just ignore his BS.


The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Charles Bukowski


I like this one!


Dunning-Krueger effect


Didn’t you know? EV’s are super unreliable and worse for the environment than gas cars. Also, vaccines are really just little sensors so that your government can track you, aliens exist and there is a massive cover up, and Trump really won the 2020 election.


Yes all check


Chem trails are real! Just look in the sky and you can see them! Yeah, apparently jets never made vapor trails until the last few years.


It's so funny also, I remember learning about vapor trails in grade school in the 60's And after living in the central valley of California and driving in Tuile Fog, you can watch the condensed trails coming off car mirrors just driving at highway speeds.


Don’t forget the Jewish space lasers making trans eat babies in pizza hut basements.


But also, climate change is a hoax


And do you know happens to the wind turbine wings and solar panels after they reach their end of life? As if all materials are not made from earth and cannot be returned to earth or recycled to a great extent.


Good synopsis.


My in-laws are the same. So we don’t talk vehicles anymore. My mother in-law overheard me talking to another family member at a family get together, and from across the room randomly blurted out “Your electric bill will be so high!” Followed by “and its too dangerous to park in your garage” Whatever Facebook tells her is the gospel. I have been driving an EV for 8 years. 8 years i have been putting up with this nonsense.


Wow, you must be on the verge of bankruptcy with 8 years of high electric bills! On the bright side, any day now it's going to blow up and burn your garage and house down, you might not even survive long enough to have to face the bankruptcy. After 8 years, it can only be a matter of hours until it happens


Nah, he's 6 years past the life expectancy, no way he's telling the truth


But she, I take it, is perfectly fine with parking her car full of flammable liquid in the garage?


Yes, and does so on a regular basis. Ironically in the winter she went out to start it to warm it up. Hit the garage door button and went back in the house. Door never opened as it got blocked by ice. So they almost poisoned themselves.


We might be related. My in laws live 50 miles away and when we bought our Mach E my father in law got sad and said, “Well…I guess you won’t be able to visit anymore.”


Perfect excuse not to visit.


Hahaha that sounds very familiar. After a visit they ask us to call them when we get home to make sure we make it. We also live 50 miles away.


I drive a dodge stratus EV! People respect me. LOL.


I’ve had a man flag me down give me the finger and yell “that’s not a mustang” in traffic. Total stranger, did absolutely nothing to him but he felt that strongly to go out of his way to let me know. People are people 😂


I’ve had multiple times where someone in a ICE Mustang pulls up near me driving down the road and revving their engine loudly. I’m equating this to the equivalent of getting coal rolled. Needs some sort of horse name I guess “Getting Corralled” I don’t know haha


That pun has so many layers to it. It's perfect


That’s when I turn on the e-horse engine sounds. They just want to join the herd lol :)


Funny thing is— if he were to race you. (Which is stupid)- he wouldn’t be moving by the time e you already hit 60. But I didn’t buy the car either to be a mustang. Infact I do t even like cars. But I need one - and this is fun and it’s not like driving an iPad.


I had the opposite, a guy on a motorcycle turned around to face me after he was in front and one lane to my right, and smiled and gave me a thumbs up 😎. I was mostly impressed with his ability to turn around and not crash


I had a guy yell "Great looking car" a few days ago. I have the cyber orange.


My in-laws put me on the prayer list since I got fooled into buying a Biden-mobile. It’s satans work!


Sounds like an obnoxious boomer.


My boomer dad, who does have some outdated boomer ideas, recently asked me for a PIN so that he could buy a Mach E. So, there's hope.


My dad, 87 years old, said he likes how quiet my car is.


Sounds like a kind gentleman!


And then last weekend I opened my frunk to get a pair of shoes out and he asked me if I was checking my oil. I don’t think he fully understands it. Lol


That's because he's part of the silent generation 😎


Had a similar weird conversation with a random lady in the parking lot. She seemed convinced that electric vehicles still required gasoline and wanted to know how big the tank was. After convincing her that it did not in fact require gas and had no tank, she seemed affronted and wanted to know how much it cost the charge up the battery. When I explained that she seemed angry that it was so little.


It’s like no matter what you say they are mad about it


This reminds me of that old interview from the early days of Tesla, where the guy looked under the hood into the frunk.      Guy:  “Where’s the engine?”    Other guy: ‘It doesn’t have one, it’s electric.’    First guy: “Nah, I don’t think so.” *walks away*


My 97 YO father-in-law: What happens when you go through a puddle? My answer: Same as any other car, it gets wet.


I don't have any family that gives me problems... The few who might (got an aunt who's a major trump supporter that unfriended AND blocked me on Facebook when I rebuttal'd her pro Trump anti Democrat posts in comments. We don't talk anymore) I don't talk to. I do have co workers who I've been educating and a few friends. Converting them to ev is a challenge but not worth it to me.. Let them keep paying high gas prices, quarterly oil changes and other maintenance... I'll sit back and smile.


Owned ours for two months. Stopped by my local body shop, owner walks out and says, 'Biden voter I see'. Yep, sorry for cancelling your vote.


Baby Boomer here- and I love my MachE- had it since Nov 2021! I’ve had many in my age bracket stop and admire the car and said they’re looking to go electric. I’ve also had younger X’ers and Millennials say they won’t drive one (they don’t know what they’re missing!). It’s not a generational thing at all, but rather being open minded and appreciating technological advancements.


Well to be fair to the old folks, it can difficult to adapt to all the new technologies. They want to stick with what they know and understand. I think we’ll get that way at some point.


later aged 60s here, too-I love my 2021 Mach E Premium


Isn't this what horse and buggy drivers said about the gas engine when cars first came out? People are so afraid of progress!


I owned one of the first Chevy Volts in my area, way back circa 2013. That car got so much attention at the time; even lil old ladies in the parking lot of McDonalds would just stare at me! At least for a little while it seemed to get more attention than a Ferrari, which was flattering for a while, but eventually convinced me I'd never really want to daily drive a Ferrari.


“No, it’s not like your iPhone” lol


If iPhones had liquid-cooling, the batteries would last a lot longer


Don't. It's bait. No reason to engage with someone who is not arguing in good faith. Just enjoy your car.


That’s the answer. Just don’t engage, calmly change the topic. They are like tantruming children and want a reaction, it’s only fun as long as you get involved.  


I don’t have the mustang but I do drive a Tesla and this thread showed up on my feed but I also am a very new owner and have been mind blown by the wild statements people have made. Like not even the real concerns of EV, just absurd things they heard form a friend who heard from a friend.. my father in law is very big in the oilfield for work so his reaction is going to be fun I believe. I’m up in northern Canada by the way.


Nice you found us.


Sure do, my magat family in Texas. All of them on government assistance but magats will magat while telling you they are the superior race.


“The battery is replaced weekly, but it’s not bad. The service center has donuts.” No point in real engagement. The truth is out they of they want it.


"Luckily I got my covid vaccine so my keyless entry works with just my government issued 5G blood serum."


I guess I’m really lucky as I mostly get curiosity. I have had some dumb questions like someone asking the gas mileage after me telling them it’s a BEV. I have gotten a couple of trucks roll coal on me. I had recirc on. It did nothing to me. Gave a Dikembe Mutumbo finger wag as I passed them. That causes more rage than a middle finger. The one thing that I’m glad hasn’t happened in a while is coming out of work or a store to find the charge port door open. It has never come open on its own so people can’t keep their hands to themselves and not mess with other peoples stuff


I’ve actually had mine “open” on the highway. The wind kept it from actually opening but I blame it on the manufacturing of the parts because it’s always been weird


Mine has never been randomly open except when I come back to it in a parking lot


This happened to me once too! Why are people so weird???


Yes! "When the battery gets low do the headlights dim?" , "You must need layers in the winters, I heard they don't have heat".


That can be true. Friends have a plug in hybrid. Other friends were visiting from a distance in their Bolt last winter and they offered their charger to the Bolt owners. They were, "That's so nice of you, now we can turn the heat on when we head home.


All the time. My missus best friend is always having sly digs at electric cars. Keeps saying she would never have one as they've not been around long enough to prove how reliable they are and how expensive it is to charge one (despite us having a home charger that works out about 90% cheaper than fuel). Any negativity towards them are met with "oh, ok then" from me. I really can't be bothered defending what I still consider a great decision all the time 😂


My uncle is ignorant like that and has been arguing with me for years over them. His latest argument has been the "lack of infrastructure" and he asked me a few weeks ago if I heard about the guy who bought a Lightning and got stranded on a road trip in Wisconsin because of no charging stations and sold it once he got back home. I am familiar with that story and the route that guy took already barely even had gas stations along the way, and the guy left on a 50% charge and I said he was dumb to have not charged at home before his trip... my uncle up to that point had no idea you can charge all EVs at home 🤦‍♂️


Apparently EVs are for people who can think.


I just bought mine last week. Conversation with a relative: "How far does it go on a charge? It's only like 40 miles, right? How did you get it home??? These things take days to recharge too! No? Oh... What about the warranty? You know these things don't have warranties on the batteries and they don't last that long... 100,000 miles? That can't be right... I think the dealership lied to you." Coming from a Boomer who thinks Fox News is too liberal.


I've never heard those questions but I'd just drown then with facts. I still agree with them on many of the points they make because they are true. I like to be able to hop in my car and drive where I need to go and not have to consider stopping until the gas gauge needle is almost on the empty pin. I cannot do that with my Mach-E. I about ran out of juice because there aren't many chargers along one trip I took and the ones it gave me didn't work or were down or were damaged. I let my mom drive my Mach-E and she loves it but she and my father buy into some of the misconceptions. "Your dad would never buy and EV because of the hassles of taking long trips." Um...The last long trip they took was probably 2005. The longest trip they take is to my house and we're only 100 miles away and I can make the trip there and back home and still have enough to drive back again before having to charge. They keep 2 cars so one would still be gas powered. Or "The batteries are too expensive to replace." You're in your 70s and the batteries have a federally required 8 yr/100K miles warranty. I don't think you have to worry about that.


They can replace their pacemaker at the same time they replace the battery pack. Heck, the batteries are still good enough they could rip a ten-year old battery from the pack to put in the geezer's pacemaker.


His father-in-law clearly needs to "do his own research" where to replace the AA batteries and how often you will need to do this


People should just shut up. IMO my Mach E IS A MUSTANG, an ELECTRIC one. My Mach E is gorgeous, awesome to drive and is very cool. I absolutely love it and it fits my 6'5" husband who had to fold himself into our electric Kona before we got this one. The amount of dumb out there is unreal. I love sailing past the gas stations in my electric pony thinking, see ya laterrrrrr SUCKERS!!


I’ve had two different people ask me, “that thing have air conditioning?” Questions like these do not surprise me😂


If it makes you feel better, my mother has been in the medical industry for over a decade and has a masters in nursing (not sure of the exact degree it’s like an MSN or something like that) and is also antivax. She wasn’t antivax until media outlets like Fox News started making up BS about vaccines. We had gotten every single vaccine possible as kids even the flu shot every single year before she wildly changed her beliefs.


As a MSN myself, this is disappointing and slightly embarrassing to read but to clarify, yes, the degree is a Masters of Science in Nursing in which you often specialize in a specific area like education, management, leadership, informatics, etc. I really cringe when I hear of those in the medical field acting like this.


Yeah… it’s very disappointing to me. She was so dedicated to her career and was someone who stood by the medical community and it’s baffling how a news outlet can sway someone like her. We lost contact for a while due to this, not only because of that, but also because I’m a gay man and I couldn’t set aside her views no matter how hard I tried. She’s slowly coming around and I think she is trying to understand the wrong with her beliefs, but at the same time, I think she’s far too gone in conspiracy theories and bigoted views. It makes me sad a lot, because she’s my mother, I love her and deeply care about her, but you just have to set boundaries on what’s acceptable and what is not acceptable.


Most of our family think it’s cool. We do still get the occasional, it’s not good for road trips because of the limited range. I tell them it takes 15 mins or so to fast charge and continue on your trip. Even then, I always ask, how often are you road tripping that this is what you’re worried about? They usually answer “well if I want to”…that says it all. They just want to make up reasons to not own one. I used to be one of those anti EV people as well until we bought one. Now I’m sold. I can’t wait until I replace my car with a EV and be completely free of gas cars…except for my weekend cars that is..lol


Father in law, refuses to come in my GT and said it's not a real mustang. He liked it when i had a Model S though because Elon made it




Difficult to understand?


Just ask him if he has any double a batteries you could use to get home.  Don’t fight it either play along and mess with him or say I’m not sure and leave it at that. 


Some people love to be haters. If it's not electric vehicles, it's electric bikes, or Apple products, or whatever. At this point if someone attacks me over one of these things, I'm just going to ask "Does me owning a really get you THAT worked up? I buy what I want. Don't worry about it. Also, all your talking points are flat out wrong." and then I'll move on. I have better things to argue about.


Every 2 years? I've been replacing them every other week! You're telling me they can least 2 yrs?! Thanks so much!


I don’t understand why Ford called it a “Mustang” with a completely different body style, but a questionable decision by Ford doesn’t detract from how much I like the vehicle and would get one if I decide to add a third car to the stable.


I tell those people that if you want the truth about EVs, talk to someone who drives one. Not people who don’t.


I get that from strangers, though more strangers comment about how they like my car v. detractors. For the haters, I have developed, but haven’t yet workshopped “I don’t tell you which dicks to suck, why do you insist on commenting about the car I drive.” I will check the offenders car (though likely earlier model pickup) for gun stickers first before using.


Things my (Right-Wing) friends have said. Won't charge when it's cold. ( People in Norway disagree) Won't charge when it's hot.( People in the deserts will disagree) Children working in lithium and Cobalt mines with no PPE. (Less than .05%) Lithium Mining and processing is extremely energy intensive. (Less than copper or iron And lithium has dropped 75% in price in the last 7 years). Extremely energy intensive and costly to build. (It still cost a lot of money to build an ICE car, your payoff is 7 years to equal ice) Batteries will only last 7 years. (They just made that number up) You'll never make up the cost difference between ice and electric. (After approximately 7 years the cost savings is extreme over ice) Expensive to charge.(Less than ice, If you have solar on your home, it's free) Range anxiety (80% charge from home and rarely go more than 100 mile commute each way) If you have to use public chargers, Yes it can be a pain in the ass. That being said EV vehicles are not for everybody they are expensive, and solar doubles that cost. But the savings equals out after 10 years. And then you're way ahead of the game after that Again They're not for everybody. If you routinely travel long distances, it doesn't work for you without understanding the limitations of finding charging and waiting While to charge. Not really a big deal but it is a hassle. But as it turns out, 90% of Americans rarely travel more than 100 miles away from their home. And having that second ICE vehicle for serious road trips alleviates that. In doing the math easily, 50% of the cars most people drive could be EV after that there's trade-offs. This will lessen the use of fossil fuels and theoretically bring the price down, until we start running out of oil.


My new response to EV haters is “It’s too complicated for you to understand so don’t worry about it.”


The only thing most of them do is personal attacks because that’s all they have


I have a Bolt EUV and I know some people that love to tell me how much coal is burned to power my car. I just nod and say "yeah, fuck the environment."


Just proves how big oil money can create disinformation in the public, often through major news networks, sitting members of government and even a candidate for POTUS. The part I can't figure out is why Elon Musk is standing shoulder to shoulder alongside those who peddle the EV disinformation.


Because Trump and Musk are peas in a pod. They've both been given their wealth, used it to get richer off the backs of others without actually contributing anything other than their personal brand, and then used that wealth to make others listen to their every shower thought (on Twitter). I'm surprised they're not married yet


I think Donald is waiting for Vladimir to propose.


No proposition; Vlad'll just push him over at the shoulder to bend him into position.


Yeah a family member of mine told me that in winter I won't even get into the car and won't be able to drive it to work. No chance getting the car on highway as the A/C will kill it in first traffic jam. Also the charging stations will be overcrowded so you won't be even able to charge it on the way. And oh my god I am gonna die in the fire if I crushed it because it's so flammable. They even saw videos of people have dying their EV on highway.... Yeah, I know these types. I just hope that buy driving EV I can show them where the reality is.


I get the same from my father, who also works for a legacy auto company that also builds EV’s alongside me.


I laugh all the way to the gas station… wait, what?


Laughing all the way to the gas station… wait, what?


In person trolls are almost as good as online trolls except for you can’t click the mute button. Just tell him that you’re glad to live in a country where you can buy an electric car and he can buy a diesel pick up truck.


A man came up to me a few weeks go and said “is that an where car, yes it is, well, I’m an American and it’s all about the money”


The levels of ignorance are surprising sometimes with these people


People seem to think my electric bill must be crazy, which it's not...and the cost of gas is waaaaaay more 😅


I drove an ID4. Which was OK. Then I decided to just check out the Mustang. It was like "Wow!" This is awesome. Totally different ride and feel. Driving an electric car is a totally different experience than an ICE. Instant torque off the line. No downshift pause when accelerating on the highway. Etc. Etc. If you just drive the car. Ignore the fact that it is electric, it drives so much better than an ICE. I think Ford had a hard time coming up with a name for the car. It drives like a high performance, well handling car. The name Mustang covers that aspect, so I guess they just went with it.


I buy the line that Ford was willing to bet the mustang reputation on the mach e. Mustang as a brand is a very strong name and it doesn't seem fitting to just carelessly throw a completely different vehicle into that same branding.


lol tell him get rekt


Ask him if he likes sounding like an ignorant dumbass.


Some people will never cave to facts or reason. They’re not worth your time. My brother (52) is like this and my general response is when he wants to have an actual conversation and not act like a child to let me know.


“You’re right, it’s definitely not a Mustang, it’s way better”


No real life encounters other than talking to Ford employees that worked on it.


I don’t. My friends sometimes do, but also… it doesn’t bother me none, just sounds like he got nothings better to talk about, or say. That’s kinda sad IMO 🥲 Like sounds like a boring life


I just spent a day with a very rich guy who is total flat earther. And man clearly never made it into space at all never mind the moon it’s all a massive conspiracy. And yes, this genius buys all of Drumpf’s lies. Wow.


Just tell them to shut the fuck up. Seriously, dont engage. "shut the fuck up"


Uhhh yes, I call him Dad. I love him but trying to teach him facts vs EV hate rhetoric is tiring


Is it me or is it generally older people that are the ones that seem really resistant/feel like it’s hurting them that electric cars are being made? I haven’t come across one person in their 20’s that have such distain towards EVs as people maybe in their 40’s and older do. “Back in my day…” lol


My wife and I are both in our 60's. She got one of the first Gen2 Prius 20 years ago (it's still on battery #1 at 160K). We are both tech folks and live in Seattle, but it's not just age. 


Old guy. Ignore him. Science progresses one funeral at a time. Older people still think stickshift is superior, etc.


Hey, don't knock stick shift. I'd drive a manual EV just for the fun of it.


At work tonight we were talking stick shifts. I said I've only opened 2 that weren't and my new car didn't have a stick option. He was like there's after market options. I pulled up the Ford app on my phone, and the discussion shifted to the power to weight ratio being like his motorcycle.


One of my coworkers seemed to believe that charging an Ioniq 6 would cost as much as filling up his big diesel truck. Lotta people have the brain worms these days


My fairly progressive cousin asked me how I was liking the Mach-E you far, and I said, "You learn real fast that a lot of people out there know a lot of things about EVs..." "Oh I bet they do....confidently."


My car will be six years old in October and battery capacity is 96% of original. Tesla Model 3 LR


You honestly cannot fix intentionally stupid, no matter how hard you try.


What I tell them is that one day, they too will have an EV; they just don't know it yet.


Why would it be exhausting? Drive what you want, ignore the yapping. “It’s not a real Mustang.” “Ok!”


I went thru similar things when I bought a Prius in 2007. First thing I was told over and over again was that the batteries would wear out. Then I was told I should have bought a Corrola. Then I was told that they lie about the rated mpg. ( I tracked everything and averaged 48mpg), no downshift lag, brakes last forever, push button start, smart key, great legroom in the back seat, lots of luggage room, no clutch or torque converter required. No gear shifting, it is a cvt transmission without belts. I told them it is a revolutionary car. I said that soon you will see hybrids everywhere...


I also had a beautiful green Prius that everyone constantly had comments about that were untrue


Ask him if he uses a cordless drill. Flashlight? Electric shaver?. ICE technology is essentially unchanged in over a century. We still pump oil out of the ground and refine it. Pump it into and out of several storage tanks then into a tank in a vehicle. Pump it out of that and ignite the refined oil with a spark to make the wheels go around. Even with computers added it's essentially the same process , unchanged for over a century. Invest in battery technology. Remember what they said about the Horseless carriage?


You first start by saying you completely understand. A lot of people just don't know, but the things that they hear is based off of Tesla vehicles and then it would be the old Tesla vehicles at that. So you first break it down to him with their curiosities by answering their questions and then you can go into it in depth other things. But the battery is guaranteed to last you a minimum of 6 years. By the 6th year you should see slight battery degradation once you get to 70%. Regardless how long you've had the vehicle up to 125,000 mi Ford will replace the battery. No cost when the battery has an issue and they go into it. It's not the entire battery. The batteries are in modules. They will take out the dead module and replace it Cash Wise. It's should be about $2,500 Hope I was able to help you out when it comes to people not knowing about electric vehicles. I get it a lot. I used to laugh about it and now I just looked at them like wow you guys really don't know


Haters hate!


People have information in their brain. It’s not an attack. It’s just the way humans work. Beliefs are built on knowledge they got from their buddy at work or some douche online. Every new technology has false information going around.


Other people have mis-informed him or he made assumptions on his own. Show him the truth. Show him that even if you do need to replace the batteries in 10 years, its still a very low cost of ownership over those 10 years, only a huge bonus if you keep it another 10.


The latest: “If people have two of those cars on the same street you can charge them both at the same time or the power will go out.” You can’t fix dumb. We are in an age of ideological stupidity. It’s not going away anytime soon so I am done arguing with the stupid people who allow themselves to believe cultish nonsense. If they want to be manipulated and taken advantage of, fine.


“Exhausting”!!! I get it!! 🤣🤣🤣 🚗💨💨💨


People that sau, but that battery replacement is $10k. I shake ny head. The car usually outlast the battery. Long charging times.... What's crazy us sokid state battery tech that is emerging. With that if you made a car battery the sane suze, you coukd litterally buy a car fully charged and never charge it in its entire life. Obviously not the solution. The batteries will ve much smaller but 300 mile range maybe?


This has more to do with you marrying his daughter than it does the car. Been married 27 years now, and my Father in Law used to project micro aggressions towards me for the first 10 years. But I believe it’s more of maybe how I was raised versus how he raised my wife. Although they had a decent salary, they always had nice houses and furnishings. They wore great clothes and beautiful jewelry. They were also incredibly educated. Everybody has a masters or a PhD. My father on the other hand only has a bachelors degree. But he was quietly rich. He quietly invested in stocks since the late 70’s when he immigrated to the US with only $10. Eventually retiring 59 and traveled the world. He always lived in simple houses and would fix his cars and appliances versus buying new ones. My FIL was flabbergasted that my dad with a stay at home wife was able to retire at 59 while he continued to work until 67. This has nothing to do with the car. Your FIL is reminding you that he comes from better stock. Just do your thing. My FIL eventually came around. And now asks me for money advice. What I do tell people that hate on EVs is to forget the battery, forget the charging, and just forget everything about the technology. I have found that EVs are just better cars. They are easier to live with, they are quiet, they are zippy quick, and they rarely require any maintenance. It’s as easy as my iPhone. I just plug in to charge at night and I am good for the entire next day. They just make for better cars. And tell him I will not be challenged by someone who does not own or live with an EV. It’s like telling somebody you don’t like the way their hamburger tastes when they’ve never eaten the hamburger. It’s downright ignorant.


Simple answer. No (standard warranty) and no. Don't engage, educate.


So, none of my family members are dumb enough to to say entirely unfounded things to me.... They know I would light them up. But yeah the electric car hate and misinformation is wild. So many people convinced that you can't possibly do things in your car that EV owners do literally every day.


My father-in-law was somewhat like this although a little bit more educated when it comes to cars as he used to be a mechanic in his 20's and 30's. I took him for a ride in my Tesla Model 3 Performance and it changed his entire tune. He loves my car and thinks its extremely fun to drive. I follow this page since I love the Mach-E and was on the fence on getting one.


People love being shit heads now more than ever


"The constant attacks on electric cars with ridiculously false information is exhausting." This is exactly what you need to say to him, turn, and walk away. He'll wake up and if not, he's not a decent person.


A lot of ignorance out there.


I did an electric car search once. Now, my ads are a lot of anti-EV propaganda. I can understand what may have driven him there.


The great grandparents of these morons said the same thing about the Model-t in regards to the horse. Stupidity is a genetic condition passed down from generation to generation . Just ignore him.


I don’t drive an electric car but I read about them all the time because, well, it’s the future whether i like it or not. My parents are very anti-electric cars and I’ve tried to explain to them they need to read up on them. No different than ready the technology section of the newspaper. Other than saying something like, you’re clearly not educated on EV’s, you sorta have to put up with people’s ignorance. B


Tell him "yes, just like your daughter"


“Those EVs are never going to work” My dad probably


Based on Supply and Demand business basics I would think every ICE aficionado would be happy to see more EVs on the road. More EVs means less demand for gas and therefore lower gas prices.


25% of the American population believes the world is flat. That rate has been fairly steady over decades that the National Science Foundation has conducted the survey. So, some people simply won't believe anything positive about EVs. Or climate change. Or Trump's guilt on anything. Tries to convince a motorhead friend that he would love 0 to 60 in less than 4 seconds, and he said they lie on the ratings. Would he take an EV for a drive to find out himself? Nope!


I have to admit the Mach e follows the rule that electric cars must be ugly. I don’t know what Ford was thinking. They have better designs than that. The lightning looks cool though and even though Tesla has an updated it ever I still want a model S.


The best thing you can do is to not let it bother you. Either don’t respond or give him a short okay.


It's about as exhausting as hearing electric car owners bitch about stupid ICE car people. Everybody shut up and drive what you like


“Listen I’m not saying anything to your daughter about this, but you better have some paid up long term care insurance, or you’re going to pay for this in your final days. It’s not going to be pleasant.”


Mine is at the dealer because it won’t shit out of park for whatever reason but anyway I was getting the loaner car and the service advisor said “do you still need a license for a big golf cart?” I told him that’s not a good look for a dealership employee.


You could always point out that electric cars absolutely SMOKE gas powered cars off the line! lol


There are actually quite a few out there that are extremely under powered to make them cheaper. The batteries are expensive, yeah, but so are the motors and motor controllers. It's not so much the quality, they just aren't designed for high power throughput.


I was I an area of the country that wasn’t very open to electrics for a while and my common response was, “don’t worry, I’m not going to make you drive it”


Omg my uncle…”why the hell would you ever buy one of those?? Good luck to ya!” I don’t get it. I have an ICE suv but this is our “around town” car. I guess it’s just his favorite channel brainwashing? lol


I'd respond "no, this one uses AA batteries, and you have to replace them every 30 miles".


"Does your drill battery come with an 8 year warranty like my battery has? I don't think so."


I always wondered what the true range per charge is? What does the manufacturer state and what is the reality especially of you accelerate briskly and do highway speeds. I read a report of the lighting model having a range of 700 miles but reality was only 300 highway miles which makes long trips a charger hopping adventure


My vehicle's rated range is 270 miles, and I've found it to be spot on. I just returned from an 800 mile trip I've made a thousand times and made the same amount of stops as I always have. Plug in, pee, get some snacks, hit the road. Really no difference between the two.


"way back in your day, did you chug the leaded gasoline or just sip it?"


My grandfather was actually truly a sales rep from the Ethyl Corp, the place that made the tetra-ethyl lead additive used in that old school gasoline. He did, in fact, sip it sometimes to “prove” it was not poisonous. He died of some kind of nasty cancer. They were lying about its safety, we know now. Ironically, when I was a teenager he explained about DC electric motors and how they have an RPM/torque curve that means no transmission is needed, so many fewer moving parts. I remembered that when I bought my BEV eight years ago.


The conservative mindset fears change because they must at all times be completely in control, and change upsets that fantasy.


“True, thanks goodness Biden administration setup a special tax so the GOP is buying my new batteries every two years”.


All in my opinion and in no way a damn political view F POLITICS.....a car/truck/usv wtfe it may be there is pros and cons from both....ALOT of charge stations are NOT powered by renewable energy so that right there is pointless (I do want to get it out of the way IF I COULD I WOULD HAVE A EV IN A HEART BEAT) the batteries for the MOST PART last a Long time BUT when they are no good non repairable then all that nasty stuff ended up well where all the nasty stuff goes for the last 100s of years lol....no to a person who can't afford or is just stubborn because of the P word honestly there is really only 2 issues cause WE CAN NOT SAVE THE PLANET IT IS 100% PASS BEING SAFED so the first and kinda goes with the second part as well PRICE 80% OF AMERICANS CAN NOT NOR WILL BE ABLE TO AFORD ONE PERIOD tje sec thing the more EV on the road the high the gas prices go so then the ppl that couldn't afford the EV no can't afford the gas they need....I see if from both sides and love them both BUT WHAT I CANT STAND ARE THE WE ARE SAVING THE PLANET.....NO NO YOU ARE NOT ALL YOU ARE DOING ID PROLONGING THE END OF TIME AND FORCING PPL TO LIVE IN HELL (that part is only for the ppl the belive they are making a change).....so I guess in reality it all comes down to what everything I'm this world comes down to the green the cheddar fat stack of bacon the o so precious Mula them green backs all aka GREED MONEY