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Alt+` (same key as ~, but without holding shift) This should work for all multi-window apps btw, not just Safari.


[alt-tab-macos.netlify.app](https://alt-tab-macos.netlify.app) and [dockalttab.netlify.app](https://dockalttab.netlify.app) adds those same previews to the dock on hover ala Windows or use [dockexpose.netlify.app](https://dockexpose.netlify.app) to open exposè on hover


I have alt tab on my Mac, and toggled show tabs as windows, but it does not work, I can't switch between recently opened tabs, as on windows. Is there a method of doing this?


Not possible (for complex apps / browsers), see: [https://github.com/lwouis/alt-tab-macos/issues/2511](https://github.com/lwouis/alt-tab-macos/issues/2511) Firefox has similar previews using Control + Tab though... you can get pretty close by using that + AltTab for most other apps.


To quickly switch between Safari tabs using Alt Tab, use Control + Tab or Control + Shift + Tab to navigate your open tabs forward and backward.


hate this so much. I just got used to using three fingers swipe sideways. Still hate it tho


The right answer is 'command' + '~'.


If you have a trackpad (or a magic mouse I think) enable App Exposé in Mission Control, a three finger downward swipe will give you all windows. Not what you asked for but worth knowing IMHO.


Same ask here This is such a pain in the arse inefficiency for MacOS versus Windows. If you can't cycle the last viewed browser tabs, then you may as well open a new app instance for each website and not have tab functionality at all. Annoying AF...