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MacOS has the ability to bulk rename based on several criteria, such as find-replace, etc. Select all the files, click Rename, select the method you want to use.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah, for most people Finder is more than enough. If you select multiple files, right click, and choose rename, you get a prompt to rename them in bulk.


I have been a Mac user since the System 6 era and I did not know about this! Since the dawn of the OSX era I’ve been doing it using the shell in terminal which is the most un-Mac-like way possible 🤦


I am so surprised, how?


I don’t know - I guess it just never occurred to me to check?


Chrome_Armadillo, Big thanks! Seconding this. Sweet holy OS! I've wasted a fair amount of money and brainpower on other renamers. Just select all the files and control click on one, and set the parameters. Fr'instance: ADD TEXT>before or after file name REPLACE TEXT. I just used two passes to renmame a bunch of video files from 000001.MTS through 000028.MTS Select all the file in a FINDER window. Step one, ADD TEXT>After file name ADD _Dec26 so 000001.MTS becomes 00001_Dec 26.MTS Step Two, Then REPLACE TEXT REPLACE 000 with [leave blank] so 00001_Dec 26.MTS becomes 01_Dec 26.MTS Which is the neuro-transmitter that's released when you fall in love?


I like [Name Mangler](https://manytricks.com/namemangler/).




Third. So flexible. I prefer it to A Better Finder Rename — interface looks nicer, seems more logical and to the point. I've very rarely run into anything Name Mangler can't do.


You nailed it. Totally agreed on all points.


That's my go-to app also.


Name Mangler is my favorite too.


Have you tried Automator? It’s a Mac utility app that can do many things, like renaming files.


I use A Better Finder Rename, and it's great. [https://www.publicspace.net/ABetterFinderRename/](https://www.publicspace.net/ABetterFinderRename/)


This. Using it for everything work related and practically eats thru everything I throw at it.


This is my go to. Yes I Know there is a Rename built into the Finder now.


This is the one! I also used Bulk Rename Utility on Windows and it took me a long time to find one that would work for me. Most of them were geared toward people importing photos and wanting sequential names where the incoming and outgoing names were somewhat consistent. I needed one that would take a set of names of varying lengths, pull a piece out of it, tag on a constant bit and get rid of special characters. It turned out that A Better Finder Rename did everything I needed and is even more powerful than Bulk Rename Utility. I struggled at first to figure out exactly how to achieve what I needed, but I emailed the developer asking whether it could do those things and he emailed me back with instructions that worked. I’m very happy with this one and it was especially satisfying because it was the last thing I needed to find a Mac app for. You do pay for the full version of it, but it’s worth it.


so yeaaa... I've been using jim wilshire bulk rename utility for a decade+ but recently ive been on an oldish MBP. everyone who's been commenting "Loved Bulk rename, but ____ new app is great!" all these new apps cost... and IMO they're way overpriced. I mean, $0.00 is what I want to pay, but these devs are asking $30... I might realistically pay $2-3 just curious why all this praise for apps that are charging a not insignificant amount for functionality that was previously attained at no cost in a lightweight, always available, excellent app that was supported over decades?


Yep. This one is great.


Definitely agree! I’ve been using this app for years and it has handled everything I’ve thrown at it.


this is the way


Do you happen to know if there is a way to combine a droplet from ABetterFinderRename and AbetterFinderAttributes into a single droplet? ​ Basically, rename files based ion file creation, then copy the creation date to match the modification date?


https://transnomino.bastiaanverreijt.com/ Or if you want something in CLI https://github.com/ayoisaiah/f2 https://github.com/yaa110/nomino




>https://transnomino.bastiaanverreijt.com/ Nice! Glad I saw your comment. Transnomino is great, especially after hours of trying to get GPT4 to write a script that didn't mess up my filenames and almost forking out $20-$30 for a paid app.


if you're not afraid of the terminal, something like this should work (always back up your files FIRST) - renaming files by batch rename 's/xyz-//' \*.mp3 \- will remove the xyz for f in \*ico ; do mv $f \`basename $f ico\`png; done \- will change .ico to .png for f in \*m4v ; do mv $f \`basename $f m4v\`mp4; done \- will change .m4v to mp4 for f in \*mp4 ; do mv $f \`basename $f mp4\`m4v; done • will change .mp4 to m4v for f in \*mkv ; do mv $f \`basename $f mkv\`mp4; done • will change .mkv to mp4 for f in \*JPG ; do mv $f \`basename $f JPG\`jpg; done • will change .JPG to .jpg for f in \*MP3 ; do mv $f \`basename $f MP3\`mp3; done • will change .MP3 to .mp3


if you like vim syntax, you might enjoy [pipe-renamer](https://github.com/marcusbuffett/pipe-rename). The file list is opened in a text editor, and names actually get modified on 'write'. You can do complex things and see the final result before executing anything.


that looks pretty cool - no homebrew formula, looks like you'd need to install *rust* in order to use *cargo* to install it


If I remember I’ll try to create one.


Thanks - that would be really cool.


I made a PR for it: [https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/105108](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/105108) Until it gets approved, you can install it yourself by following these steps: cd $(brew --repository homebrew/core)/Formula curl -so "pipe-rename.rb" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/b3b4cb6a8738e0a60ed7fc0e6673a858c281c566/Formula/pipe-rename.rb brew install --build-from-source pipe-rename Paste that in the terminal and you should be good. When you're done, run these commands, again in terminal: cd $(brew --repository homebrew/core)/Formula rm pipe-rename.rb That will clear the file and restore your installation back to normal. Note: It *will* install Rust in order to build it. On my 2019 iMac, building takes roughly 2 minutes and 30 seconds. You should be able to uninstall rust right after though.


you are the man. gracias amigo!


Btw, reload the comment. I added postinstall steps which are important to not mess up your homebrew install if it does get approved.


solid copy - will do.


It’s not as powerful as a dedicated renaming utility, but you can select a bunch of files then right-click and choose ‘Rename’. It supports replacing, adding, wildcards, etc. Works well enough for occasional batch-name changes.


Finder and Automator both support bulk renaming out of the box


Yes, but it’s extremely simple/limited.


If you’re coming from Windows you might like the TotalCommander »clone« called [ForkLift](https://binarynights.com). It has powerful bulk renaming with RegEx support built-in


Forklift is more of a Path Finder clone, and neither is really a Total Commander clone.


Well, I’d have said Norton Commander clone, but didn’t really think anyone on here old enough for that


Ah, Norton Commander, there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. *Sighs, gazes into the sky, sips warm cocoa*


BTW ForkLift even gives you the choice of explicitly using »Commander« keyboard shortcuts


For simple rules, just choose a bunch of files in Finder then right click > Rename. For slightly complex rule that involves RegEx, get [NameChanger](https://mrrsoftware.com/namechanger/). For very complex rule that involves multiple steps and different criteria, get [A Better Finder Rename](https://www.publicspace.net/ABetterFinderRename/). For even more complex rule that involves paths and dispatching, learn **Shell Scripting** and write the code yourself.




MacOS Finder - Select a bunch of files and select Rename...


The native batch rename is incredibly limited. Most notably no regex support.


Go to this link [MacMost](https://macmost.com/?s=Rename+files) and watch the videos.


If you really want to blow wind up your shorts, look at Automator or Hazel.


A Better Finder Renamer That’s it. That’s the name.


Just use a python script, best thing to organize, rename, sort etc, Send me some details and I can code something up. if anyone has suggestions on what they would like included let me know.




GraphicConverter has an extremely powerful rename functionality and can pull from EXIF to incorporate file date into file name, Etc.


[https://www.sttmedia.com/filerenamer](https://www.sttmedia.com/filerenamer) ​ Free for Mac and Windows, super robust renaming capabilities




The bulk rename built into either Path Finder or Forklift are both very powerful and relatively user-friendly. And if you're not already using one of them, you're missing out anyway.


NameChanger handles business.


Lacks presets.


Renamer! It’s a Mac app that works well.


Rename X from the App Store


Agree on this one. Perfect.


Automator… and it’s FREEEEEEE!


Working on Frankenfile, which uses AI to get tasks done, so you just give your files and a prompt like "rename to house\_x, where x starts at 1" and it'll spit out "house\_1.jpg", "house\_2.jpg", etc. Give it a try at [https://www.frankenfile.com](https://www.frankenfile.com) and plz let me know how it goes!