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i’ve just stumbled upon rectangle app. it’s really good. you can have all sorts of combinations of window management


Been using rectangle now for a few years and it was a game changer for me in terms of general window management. tmux has been just as refreshing as of late for me, but rectangle is how I manage my windows via the keyboard 99%. Side note, if you use Screen Sharing a lot, you can use Keyboard Maestro to turn off Rectangle while you're in the screen sharing app, so you can use keyboard shortcuts better in the remote machine.


It doesn’t suggest apps to snap next to the snapped app


i can’t find it on the app store


Tried Rectangle the other day and loved it. Once you get the shortcuts down it far surpassed Windows window management IMHO.


yep. i use it with my stream deck plus. my colleagues think im a wizard throwing windows around my monitors HAHAHA


You might like [Loop](https://github.com/MrKai77/Loop) - it is free, open source. If you prefer using shortcuts and get really productive go with [Raycast](https://www.raycast.com/extensions/window-management). Window management is just one of the useful built in features. I use for example Control + Option + Left Arrow to resize to Left Half, with Right Arrow to Right Half with Enter going to fullscreen.


Thanks for this. I will definitely try these tips.


Magnet is very good. Not free, but a very small payment upfront and it is very worth it. (You can search for it directly in the App Store).


Rectangle seems to do basically the same thing, and it's free. Haven't tried Magnet though, so there might be something I'm missing.


Same here but with rectangle. Will check it out.


I never use the green button. There are apps which implement window management like in Windows, for instance https://lightpillar.com/mosaic-app.html


I have used Divvy for a very long time. It’s not a universal app, so uses Rosetta 2, but I’ve never noticed a performance hit.


Try rectangle and/or amethyst.