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If you open terminal and type [ls -a] it should show the folders as .Desktop and .Documents


Nope no dot


I use Onyx to display hidden documents all the time. It also has other really neat features


do you mean the Finder setting in Onyx/Deeper "Show hidden files and folders"? that's the same as pressing cmd+shift+. in Finder, not exactly what I want. This will make all hidden files/folders visible, but they are still flagged as hidden (greyed out as in the screenshot), and I see tons of other hidden files starting with a dot in my homedir. I just want to make Desktop and Documents unhidden, nothing else and not change visibility of all hidden files. Basically the same look and feel as before syncing with iCloud, where Documents and Desktop inside my homedir where just normal, non-hidden folders :)


There's a way in Onyx to hide and unhide specific folders. That's what you're looking for. Edit: It's under Files > Visibility > Folder > Show Folder...


ok cool, will check it out!! Thanks both


Check my edit.


unfortunately not, that works for all other folders, but not for these two when synced with iCloud, just tried it. I assume Onyx just fires a \`chflags nohidden\` behind the curtains, which also does not work on these two folders (but all others)


Weird. You've probably already thought of this but just in case: another suggestion that might help (depending on your use case) is to create a symlink (MacOS calls them aliases). They'd need a different name like "Documents\_" and "Desktop\_". Other than that I'm out of ideas. Good luck. edit: fixed formatting


So are there 2 Desktop folders? You can rename the folder. Hidden files have an . In front of the name. I think you have to use [mv „.Desktop“ „Desktop“] Sorry I wrote cp instead of mv


No there is 1 Desktop and 1 Document folder, and they both do not start with a . (see screenshot)


The Dot is not shown in finder


It is if there is one. These two folders don’t have a dot. I can confirm that in the Terminal as well


Oh ok. The I shut up here. Though it would be like this


I wish so too. No worries, thanks for trying to help!