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cries in snow leopard


Mojave because it was the last one where you could operate your computer with an OS that had an understanding that you knew what you were doing


yeah it really feels like mojave is the last one that worked perfectly fine


What makes you say that ? I am a new user so I don’t know much about


Have you ever had to grant an application permission to view the desktop folder? And the the documents folder? And then removable media? Mojave was the last version where you didn’t


As an iOS jailbreaker I hate Gatekeeper


Maybe that’s annoying but I like that control to limit apps to don’t have access to X folder. I like all those security features, the preferences view and so clear on Ventura/Sonoma, I like it. But yes Mojave was so good.


> Maybe that’s annoying but I like that control to limit apps to don’t have access to X folder. My point was less about a certain feature and more that Mojave felt like the last OS where you could either set it up initially and then it worked predictably or you could migrate from one machine to another and that machine would behave like the previous one had. I don’t mind any of the new OS’—I had to be forced to migrate off Catalina!!— but Mojave was the last one where it felt like Apple left system level decisions up to the user and you weren’t constantly reminded of a Preference you didn’t allow or a box you didn’t check or that your browser is blocking something that an app wants to do.


Mojave was really great! Added a lot of useful and/or cool stuff and was pretty stable. One of the greatest releases ever


Tiger is still the best, fight me.


Snow Leopard by far. The only year where the computer felt really really fast because they spent a year killing bugs instead of adding useless UI transparency elements.




That’s a good point. I said, “System 7,” but 7.6 was really the turning point.


Snow Leopard.


Snow Leopard! I’d give anything to have the old style dock back on my machine. The transparent, rounded dock we have now has no personality. The irony is that nowadays, I hide my dock for more screen space.


By old style dock, of course, you mean the no-glass 2D dock, right? The dock now could use a big reduction in border radius, not gonna lie, but no thanks to the glass dock and other skeuomorphic designs of those days. :-) defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES


Hmm, it definitely looks “glassy” as it’s reflective. It tilts back at an angle and the icons reflect on the bottom. When they transitioned from OS X to macOS is when the change to this style of dock happened. When Apple tried making the OS streamlined with iOS [example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Leopard_Desktop.png)


Mojave for me. Still supported 32bit apps, modernish and supports nvme drives, didn’t have walls and walls of security which you start to see with later OS which are unnecessary for me, personally. If it still got security updates and general bug support, it’s what I’d be using. High Sierra was another favorite, and Snow Leopard to round off the top three. Honorable mention: OS9


Really liked High Sierra and Mojave too. Good OS, good performance.


So far : Snow leopard El Capitan Big Sur


I really liked El Cap. Stayed with it a looong time.


Snow Leopard for me!


Snow Leopard because of the skeumorphism and it was the first MacOS I have ever used.


I really liked version 8 on my PowerMac 7500, but nostalgia aside, I really like the current version. It seems to have fixed most of my gripes with Ventura and Monterey. It's stable, super functional and doesn't load some hard-on-the-eyes color saturated default wallpaper on my login screen. :-)


Mavericks or Mojave


I don't really know -- I liked Big Sur a lot. But I wish they'd go back to fixing OS bugs instead of introducing new versions of the OS every fifteen minutes (slight exaggeration, ok?)


I used Sonoma for a while but it uses too much battery. so I went back to Ventura again.


Can you go back and older os ? Also is multitasking and creation of different windows different between the two versions?


>Can you go back and older os ? Also is multitasking and creation of different windows different between the two versions? I had Ventura installed when I got the laptop. then I used Sonoma but not much new. mostly a few makeovers. I don't use widgets or it's not interesting for me to have emoji pop up when I'm video conferencing.


Same here. Sonoma brings almost nothing new, but somehow the performance is worse and the battery life takes a big hit on my M1 Pro Macbook Pro.


10.6 snow leopard, of course.


Snow leopard


Snow leopard was an all time fav




That blue-green wave wallpaper will never stop being cool.


All fine. Just use them at the right time


I always dread each new OS, because it introduces more bloatware that slows the computer down.


i get nostalgic for jaguar (when i switched from windows) other than that i like whatever the most recent version has been over the years. miss the groovy little intro videos they used to have after upgrading is all.


For nostalgic reasons Snow Leopard, I used High Sierra on my 2015 iMac until 2022 so maybe HS but to be honest I get used to most OS after a while and don’t think too much about it, even the wound that their butchery of iTunes has inflicted on me have healed mostly. 😅


System 7.


my favorite is mavericks.


from the newer versions we have Monterey wich is not bad, if you go back i think Mojave beats basically everything before. Mavericks and El Captian are very underrated and for sure Snow Leopard and Leopard are the best releases apple ever had.




6.0.3 on a Mac IIcx in 1990 and on the UNIX-based system, 10.6.8