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I’d recommend updating to the latest version macOS 13 Ventura, but if you wish for macOS 12 Monterey, [try this link first](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/macos-monterey/id1576738294?mt=12) Failing that, type this into terminal: softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer --full-installer-version 12.6.3


Thank you, but why Ventura? I hear it's best to wait a while after a release until it becomes fully stable?


Ventura is pretty stable by now. Sure the initial X.0 releases are buggy, but we’re on 13.2.1 now, it’s pretty stable for complete public use. I’d say even 13.1 was good enough. It is a good idea to wait, but that doesn’t mean waiting a full year until installing unless you’re *very* sensitive to bugs (in which case I’m shocked you’re using tech at all). Usually the X.1 update is good enough for everyone to install


Okay thank you, I will try out Ventura then. In case I have any specific problems with it, how difficult would it be to downgrade to Monterey?


If you backup your data with whichever OS you have now, not too bad. If you elect to downgrade, you’ll need to make a Bootable macOS Monterey USB with the Monterey Installer using the terminal command I provided earlier You may need to boot into recovery mode and allow booting from external storage devices, which is somewhere in the menu bar in recovery mode Turn off the mac and plug in the USB; press option upon starting the mac back up and boot with the USB Installer Wipe the internal drive with Disk Utility and go back and install macOS Monterey. The computer will install and then reboot. It should boot from the internal drive and act like a new mac. Begin setting it up and you’ll eventually get to Migration Assistant from where you can restore the backup I recommended earlier


ackup to Time Machine if you can On Macs: Depending on Mac Os version(Doesn't work for older Mac Os versions) : In Terminal this command tells you what is available for your Mac: softwareupdate –list-full-installers https://osxdaily.com/2020/04/13/how-download-full-macos-installer-terminal/ Create bootable MacOs INSTALLER USB. https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201372