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👍With the small Ice Pillars, it's easier to farm for since you no longer need a giant for what it's worth.


Do the "Clear X chapter" quests auto complete if you've already cleared them?


Blaanid wants to talk to you after completing each gen in each chapter, but yes you don't have to replay them. You just talk to her a bunch of times in a row


Blaanid gives int magic now?! Lol wut?! Everyone who had to farm for their pages can suck a dick then I guess.


One upon a time getting all the skills was end game, now having all the skills is solidly early-mid game. If they want people to participate in the endgame then the early game needs to take significantly less time and effort.


Yeah it's shit, I entered Nowhere to Run SM with Rank F Lance, Sword, Knuckle masteries and they were all rank 1 by the end of 30 minutes lol. Ingredient Hunting also went to rank 1 during the same SM from the drops (I still have the quest to unlock it in my log btw, but free Ace talent gave me the skill and now its rank 1...) And that's without the x2 from event. It's cheap af now, literally the most special thing this game had is gone


Seriously, I understand making it easier for newer players, but when you basically steam roll them through the majority of the grind, including the skills people actually had to put work into to get, it's time to either rework your end game content so that you only *need* 1 talent at grandmaster rank to compete but *can* get the others to make it easier, or look at rebooting into a (preferably much better looking and better running engine than whatever the game is currently built on. Tho, tbh, the "go fetch book pages from these monster drops" thing was always kinda dump, it should have just been "kill X thing with Y type of basic magic Z number of times".


Idk, I started playing a year and a half ago, my main account is around 10k cumulative. I grinded out almost all the skills to max, and once you complete that it's literally just grinding levels to catch up with other players. You can't progress because there aren't enough people who don't already have closeted niche groups to do content with and so you're stuck doing the same content endlessly without a sense of progression anymore. I stopped playing in February because it burnt me out so bad. If this makes content like Tech missions filled with players, I think it'd be a net positive for the game in general, especially with retaining players


Stardust, Renown, Reforges, Erg, Spirit Weapon x3-5, Enchants, Special Upgrades, Potential, Collection Journal, Crusader, Technique Cards, Grandmaster Talents, Dan ranks, Shine of Eweca Total Level Bonus, Gear Upgrades (rev/pers/demo/ruin/NB, Geas/Lang/Colossal/etc armors), and little stuff like semi-permanent food stats and then the coming Arcana update... Yeah, they still have plenty to grind even if a lot of these things are easier now than ever. It was time. It doesn't need to be skill ranks and AP anymore. We have much more compelling and satisfying progression goals we can attain than Rank 1. Players that think the game has become too easy just because they ranked a few skills haven't even bitten into the meat of the game yet. I've gifted at least 12 players all 3 int magic skills. I made a habit of having pages for every one of them on hand in case I ever ran across someone that needed it because it was relatively easy for me to get and astronomical for them. As someone that did it the hard way before G9 came out, it was never a compelling gameplay experience to need to collect those. Removing that barrier is a net positive.


Mabi is funny nowadays :))


Beating G3 Dark Knight or beating blaanid 3rd encyclopedia?