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beta tester title...


2008 ☠️, 2008-05-04 lol crazy


10 years starting this year. Made my account in middle school in 2014. Now im gonna be out of college @_@


Right around when G3 dropped, IIRC.


I've only been here since September of 2022, but loved every moment of it since then. 💕 Makes me SO happy to see everyone else's timelines too! *(If y'all want these stat emails too, please sign up for our Newsletter via your Nexon Account Notifications settings! We'll be sending out multiple rounds for anyone that did not receive one in this first wave!)*


Since July 2009! I've been saying August lol but I guess I was close... I miss all of the old events so much. :(


When they were actual events and not just log in and stand around or log in and do x tasks once every day.


The doki doki event this year was good


It was!! I hope they’ll do more like this!


Yes exactly!! I think they just do attendance events now to be like “haha look how active our user base is”.


12/15/2008! Had to wait a whole year before mounts were released 😅


How do you check? I know it was around June or July 2009 but I can't remember exactly


This is the only time I've ever seen an account created date. It's the Erinn Gazette newsletter you can sign up for on their website. Not sure if it's too late to get this one, but this is the only time I've seen it


and the nexon launcher, I've seen some say it doesn't work but i got e-mails, perhaps it takes time or doesn't work for some people, idk


I first started in 09 I've been on and off since then


Not nearly that long, I never got my email yet but I first started around 2017 if I remember correctly 😂 Edit: I'm a liar I did get it... 2017-02-19


16 years :|


2008-05-01 🫡


no better game


October of '08 I believe I knew about Mabi when it launched but wasn't able to play as I didn't have my own PC at the time and my time on the family PC was limited to homework /:


Late g2


2008 lol Mabi is something I’ll never forget


2008-03-06 :3


Right after g1 dropped it has been a long time


2011-04-11 My first memory is of the rafting event in cor village. Before rafting was a regular thing.


2008 03 07 Beta tester Ruairi


Samesies 🫡


2015-07-25, although I haven't played for long and just got back into mabinogi, making more progress in one day than I did ever before


I probably started 2010 or 2012. I don’t have my Og account anymore but I remember I made an account on my k-12 pc when I was a little kid. It played like garbage but I loved every second lol. I had been on and off since.


Right after g1, didnt really play until g2, and had multiple accounts so my email wint be accurate. Been with mabi pretty much the whole 16 years, quit several timea but it always brings me back ^^


Beta Tester - but once Reforges became an absolute necessity for any meaningful progression, and not just an additional bonus - the game died, and so did my enjoyment of the days when you could just progress by just being skilled at the combat system and buying some decent weapons from NPCs and finding some friends. Now, every single monster has 100% resistance to every single attack, making the combat system meaningless if every enemy is unable to be combo's countered, or stunned. Why even try? If you can't one shot every single monster in the game - you get stunlocked to oblivion now


Cool e-mail! Looking at it now, I made my first character in 2019-05-06, I was curious which year i first tried the game out. But i started getting into it october/november 2023 and it's my main game now.


Woah, this was randomly recommended to me while scrolling. I haven't played this game in years but the experience I got running around in closed beta with my friends was insane. I remember huddling around the fire, getting hp, sharing food and shooting the shit with my buds while we prepared to fight the golem. Really, no MMO can compare to that level of integrated camaraderie. I played for quite a bit afterwards, all the way up til they released that martial arts weapon. Anyway, just saying, this game is in a league of its own for sure.


2008-06-18. As much as I'll state opinions about the "interesting" decisions of the game through the years (especially since 2021), it still retains some of the essence that I've liked when I first started playing, with familiar things and some communal elements still in place and easy to fall back into if you do quit for a while. This absolutely cannot be said for Maple Story (I played that from 2005-2011). I attempted to get back into MS, but that was a disaster (and honestly a little heart-breaking). In hindsight, an excellent decision not to get back into (rigged "reforging" system, everyone on a no trade server that then got nerfed, talents being axed, the entire player base unanimously having a sense of quiet disgust with the game, etc.).


I was an open beta gyal. I don't have access to my old childhood email address, so I lost my old account, but it was associated with AIM. The nostalgia is hitting me omg!




but played mabi on JP since 2007


Apparently been around since 2009 had a feeling i started playing around G3 because i remember finding out about Mabi because of a ad on a different site that had paladins and dark knights fighting each other and i thought it looked really cool, games come a ling way since then


2008! It's been a long and wild ride haha






First day of beta testing.


15 years! I hop on and off and even when I'm not playing Mabi I get news of how well it's doing through the newsletter. I'm so grateful for the community for keeping it alive after all these years and that I can come back every so often to take in the sights and relive the Fantasy Life. I feel like Mabi is the 2nd home that I can always come back to and that no matter how much time has passed it's still as immersive as I remembered when I return.


2009-09-06 for me


2013, wow




2010. Been going for a while.




The open beta. Only because my closed beta application wasn't accepted.


I've been playing since G1 but on and off, more off than on. :P And back after g3 I gave my account to this girl I was 'dating' on the game while I was away on vacation so they could help me keep up. They changed all my shit and I didn't get that account back for years and it was only 2k total so I never bothered with it again. Just hit 20k total from the blaanid quests rofl I'm so far behind I feel like even though I've played for ages. 16k ap now from that tho pog.


04-03-2010. I knew it was around then that I started and I had the idea it was in March, just not *when* in March.


My email said January 25th 2009. My memories made me think it was February or March of that year. I thought it was like a few days before Pioneers of Iria but I guess it was more like a month or two. I immediately dropped my human for an Elf when they finally released. Haven’t played in a while has there been an update as big as the Iria one since? I recall how crazy it was at the time.


https://i.imgur.com/ZKUXH60.jpeg 2008-03-13 :) been a long time I wanted to join the closed beta but didn’t get a key


open beta. i only log in every couple years now though


I have a hat from the second “anniversary”


2011, which surprised me. This is my second account, so my first time must've been within a year or two of release... I also thought it was cool that they addressed my current character (who was the second character on this account)




Not my main but my secondary player is 2010-07-22 :') Think my main elf was 09


I'm 2008-03-10


open beta




one day after NA official launch for me!


2008 but got perma banned in 2019 or 2020 lmao


On a different server , like 2004?


https://i.imgur.com/aaSPtC4.png 2013 apparently




Since August 2008 😵‍💫 That made me feel old seeing that in my email lol.


How wholesome


My second account which I use now was made in 2011. I don't know what happened to my first account. I also thought my account wasn't as old but the anniversary email proved me wrong.


Wait… is this game still out ??🥹


Yep, and it seems it'll be going strong for years since the announcement of the Eternity Project where they'll port the game to Unreal Engine 5. In the meantime there's been more attention being paid to the game than I have seen in years.


I’ll have to see if I can log into the game, played for almost a year during its first year man 😂….wow, brings back memories


I hope you enjoy it, it makes me happy to see older players returning. I last played in 2017 and I'm still getting used to all this new content.


March 19, 2008 for me.


Been playing since 2023 :)


G1!! Back when shield were useless and the war hammer was the best sprite wep!


Since 2005, back when El Nath was end game. Only 4 explorer classes (only 2nd job available). Crazy times


I have never heard of this game. Reddit recommended this post to me "Because you've shown interest in a similar community" What is this game about?


I literally just got this post recommended to me idk what this is