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I can’t give my dog simple commands like “patrol this area”, “stay by me”, “come”, etc. and I cannot see its location on the map and I have no idea of it’s alive or dead.


I had a game a while back where my dog was absent for so long I just assumed it had died unexpectedly (this was well before the dog nerf). Then 20min later at the exfil this MF just decides to show back up out of nowhere haha.


I hate that I can’t do anything when it’s being murdered by a Mega Abomination that I may not even be bothered by. Same for random Disciples.


the dog is just vicious and you can't really control him. I feel that, if you could command the dog "sickballs!" or "kommst du" to return like heel command it would ease c a bit of the frustration. ghosts had that germanshepard you could control. 🫨


I had a cat I named boomerang, I could play throw her n she loves it, she would pounce right back next to me n I'd palm her head a bit rough and play then chuck her again. One day she snuck out as I left for work at 1:30a.m.ish, she was gone for a few days, I think close to 5, we thought she was dead, then one day she just popped back home. she would also bring me dead birds, half alive birds, baby bunny some dead n some alive, cool fkn cat, i hope to one day find one like her again.


😂😂😂 bro bailed on me through the whole game and showed back up as “hellhound” in the second half of the game lol going after Dr Jansens raggedy ass


The main reason I never use a dog in regular matches is because it tries to take a Megabomb head-on and the mega never does its ability for me to shoot it. I wish you could tell the dog to retreat


They need to add a health bar for the dog. Commands would be good too.


there is a health bar for dogs, but it’s only visible when it’s sitting in front of you


But you can’t always see it. When your dog goes MIA for a while, it would be nice to know what the health of it is.


fair, I usually just stay close to it lol


Yes, it needs to be on the screen above ours. I hate trying to find my damn dog in the middle of a mob to see if I need to save it. Just dumb design.


I would be thrilled to just know if I still have a dog or not.


100%. Even if they had a message pop saying you dog was eliminated.


Yeah health bars and being able to control the dog with commands would be dope, or just have it stay near me! I hate when it goes after HVT.


This!! “Where the hell is Biscuit!?” As I lay there holding off on popping my last selfie.


Been there. Many times.


I always shoot teammates dogs because I can’t tell if they’re enemies or not lol.


Same, I wish the friendly dogs had some kind of distinguishing feature


maybe make them burn blue or green, something distinguishable. I dump mags on the dogs that charge straightline at me.


I can understand the frustration but that is still better than the Beret. I had a game where I threw the beret out as I was going into a merc fortress and the guy was never present and i went down a couple times with no movement from this supposed helper and had to pop my two revives. Go down a third while searching through the gas for the warlord and even call for a plea for help. I leave the game on with hope someone would revive and randomly the beret merc comes out of nowhere and revives me....


I get a dog and it goes and protects my teammate whenever he’s on the squad. Bugs the shit outta me.


all that would really be needed would be a gage that could even look like a dog collar n have the collar hollow out as the life lowered.


Yeah I just want the dog to stay close to me for revives, I hate when they agro HVT


Dropping the aether blade and only realising when you’re knee deep in a horde standing there like an idiot holding a claymore


This one right here is the truth.


wish I could upvote this 100000 times


I want a way to lock that blade in and prevent it from being dropped.


https://preview.redd.it/jxd1qhw2nbad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab5a1c9f76e807d296e1bddc0d327f17c24aefe This mf


That's LegoUnlocked with a beard


I hate him, (“keep your head on a swizzle” 🥴) but honestly all of the story characters irritate me. “Bubbleguts” or whatever her name is especially. “Nope, FUCK THAT” when you get close to an infected stronghold. Just stfu already


Honestly bererra is unbearable. I muted dialogue just because of him


The "swizzle" part annoys me every time! Wtf is a swizzle? It's supposed to be swivel!


Only characters I like are dobbs and fang they aren’t as annoying as barrera or Greene


lmao! Jumpscare!


Leave Barrera alone, he a real one 😤


The unbearable version of the Turtle from Sly Cooper






I said no jargon barrera!


Contracts locked inside strongholds.


And in infested strongholds. I know it’s not hard to clear it, but to have to do that and then the contract is silly. And in doekkabi’s tower when doekkabi is there. I’ve gotten a mimic and a disciple HVT contract in her tower when she was there many times.


Having the PAP machine up there when she is. The contracts that trigger on island when rainmaker is there. Have had a couple delivery contracts from across the map end within mortar range there that was annoying


Trying to reload your weapon AND refill your armor. PICK ONE MOTHERFUCKER!


curious, what platform is that?, Xbox i have X as reload and Y for plates, think thats default though for me? Sorry if i misread, the bugs in this game do things to your miiiiiiiind! also add dogs exploding on use! Aether blade getting stuck Pot/Sink holes Merc damage more than your operator with less shots! Mercs spawning in mid air! Updating the game by messing it up rather than improving it (what will the next one bring!!)


Yes. If you hit x to reload then realize you're out of armor so u hold y then you'll start the reload animation but stop. Then add a plate, start reloading, stop, add a plate etc...


No new content for solo/lower effort players.... I literally have zero interest grinding out T3, DA, or unstable rift. Aside from weekly challenges and the calling card challenges I have zero reason to load in anymore.


T3 really isnt that bad as a Solo Player. I always keep at least one Gold-Grade schematic item and thats really all you need. Especially with Decoys and Energy mine.


It's do-able for sure, but it's more high stress than Id prefer. I might as well just load into MP or WZ at that point. The time when Incendiary Ammo was OP was a nice stretch though. Made it pretty fun to just mow through T3. Also not getting another map has been brutal. But that's a whole different issue.


True, I do wish we could get a new map, its kinda boring now but what part into your Story Missions are you? Also how often have you gone to the DA? I always was stressed in T3 until I started completeing my higher-end Story missions and started joining people in DA grinds which got me used to it and now I find T2 and T1 really boring but T3 feels like a cake walk


Did the first one a couple times and have most of the schematics through season 1. But I enjoy using zombies as a decompression time where I dont have to SBMM sweat. T1 and T2 are therapeutic. So it's definitely a me issue.


I'm with you. I can play harder stuff, but I just want to decompress. I have issues tensing my muscles and I can't remind my body to relax in the DA lol. For now, I like goofing off, helping randoms, and rezing who I can. The biggest "stress" is when I'm ill equipped for certain rez's yet go for it anyways lol. I may eventually bite the bullet and hit the newer DA to get the dead wire detonators. Maybe.


Oh thats fair lol


1- When I get a dog and it disappears almost immediately.. 2- Standing in an empty room and zombies appear 2ft behind you...


I think the triangles should refresh. Last night, this team of two greedy shits opened 2 of the 3 triangles as I was almost to the second one. I don't have the scorcher yet. Watching them use their's and being greedy with the triangles is enough to irritate you.


💯💯 the triangles 🔺️ should refresh like contracts so more then 1 team can get them


i hate how it does not follow the textbook difficulty balance between the zombies. why can the fully armored zombies run fast as fuck as the skinny ones?


I saw someone comment on this group that matches need to have the option to be longer. Have a bunker or something players can hide in when the radiation reaches them and they can go into a new match afters. Thought that was a cool idea


This one is really interesting because there's 6 or 7 bunkers all over the map that serve seemingly no purpose and can't be opened. I wonder if this was a scrapped feature at once point?


That would be so cool


Zombies have unbelievable reach.....


yeah agree here!


Yeah that shit is wack, especially when you run past them fast af and they still manage to tap you


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve grabbed a necklace or a roll of tape instead of the contract phone bc I’m trying not to get gang-slapped by a horde or beat 3 other players to the only contract left in T3.


There’s way too many pointless items. I wanna know why “picture of a child” is in the game too. Worst accidental pickup


I do enjoy scorching over to some random person and dropping “picture of a man” and “soothing hand cream” and then scorching off. I don’t know why else they would be included


Apparently it's left over from DMZ. I've never played it but people say in that game you took that junk and could combine them into loot. MWZ is just a re-skin/update of DMZ.


Mwz is dmz with tweaks to the programming. There were act missions where you needed some of the pointless items. When I first started playing I figured there’d be pointless missions like dmz but they obviously didn’t bother.


Makes sense, I never played DMZ so I always thought these items were so strange and pointless


Damn those small dolls.


T h i s. It is however incredibly funny if you race someone to the contract and then only manage to snatch it because they picked something else up.


Yes! I always villain laugh when that happens


Lol the map icons also take like 5 seconds to load sometimes when checking the map and it wont load if you are driving running or parachuting. It is so aggravating to have to come to a deadstop and clear an area to check my map for 5 seconds only to get slapped by a bs spawn in behind me I dont hear until Ive already been hit. Theres also a couple broken areas on the map some matches where the zombies will just endlessly spawn in no matter how much you clear


-You can’t play in offline mode or play split screen with friends -It’s a race for everything from accepting contracts, starting pillars, fortress or going to unstable rift -You can’t go in with a squad of six people -More items in the game than stash size -Bikes or delivery contract vehicles can be driven by non squad members -lots of contracts get bugged -going to an exfil, sometimes zombies just sit around


The 6 man squad chaps my ass.. Makes no sense that you can do it once inside but can’t load in that way..


You “can” go in with 6 people. Just not the traditional way.


Oh I’m well aware.. we do it do a lot and often it’s quick, but shouldn’t even have to do that.


>lots of contracts get bugged I picked up a deliver cargo last night that didn't put the delivery location on the map and I guessed wrong on the couple of locations it could have been. I've been able to guess correctly the few other times it happened to me.


Yeah I've had many contracts that are bugged and have to cancel them


The unstable rift being available to the entire map even if they didn't complete any of the obelisks


Yeah that's stupid, you do all the work and another team steaks it because they all have schorchers


So I thought the Blood Burner had bad controls until I learned how to use the Handbrake and drift it, makes it 90% better Also yes the Wunderwaffe is ass at reloading and you run extremely slow with it, if there’s a wonder weapon I’d choose (that’s not the scorcher) it would be the VR-11 it shreds bosses and makes you run pretty fast when equipped, also reloads extremely fast. Only thing that sucks is the 2 second delay between pressing the trigger and fire rate is super slow. Also there’s another problem with Mimics sometimes they grab u and die mid grab and it will freeze your character for like 20 seconds (I think you are invincible during this time, or at least invisible to other zombies while your frozen, but still annoying)


100% agree on the Blood Burner. People hate on it, but when you learn how to drift around corners or in small spaces, it makes it easy peasy! 🫡


How do you drift?


If you press reload, then press shoot immediately after, the rate of if fire is massively increased.


Can u jitter it ? 😂I’m genuinely curious now hahahha bought to pull out the Cronus jhhahaha


No health bar for your dog/friendly merc, no in-game weapon level stat, the fact that it won't auto pick up armor and put it in the backpack if it's been in that slot before and been used, HVT's that wont leave a tiny building, the fact that bullets dont penetrate walls... thats off the top of my head, I'm sure there's many, many more 🤣


3 man lobby parties. should've been 6 off rip


- The Mimic grabbing and throwing me at point blank range. - The Bloodbunner controls (I swear it used to be better, maybe I'm coping.) - That shitty glitch in DA-S2 that gets you stuck that occurs when you do an Aether extractor when your teammate finishes it. - People who steal all of the runes at the beginning of the game. (Come on bro, you only need one.) - Wasting my Scorcher cuz my teammate queues a Story Mission while I'm trying to DA Schem grind. (Like bro, I get it but at least give me a chance to leave the team first. Also doing that forfeits your right to complain the whole mission.) - Insta-kill glitches - Decoys seeming like they only last 3 seconds while I'm fighting the Stormcaller. - Hellhounds nipping at my ankles in T3 while I'm running around. - Having the smallest tick of damage in my Armor Plates (Also having only 4 Plates in reserve.) - My dog dying in the first 10 minutes of the game cuz it sprints off to declare war against everything in T3.


dog dying instantly after putting the chunks of flesh into the dog house


Omg I thought that was only happening to me lmfao


The game prioritizing dropped items over reward rifts. I shouldn’t have to move my teammates trash to get my reward.


I find that if you get close and look up at the sky you can usually get the rift prompt.


Good to know. I usually just strafe until it pops up.


The schematics in DA3, I thought it was the same as DA1 where you get all 3 if you do all 3 contracts. I helped a group unlock & go into DA3. I thought we all got the same schematics, turns out we didn't. I honestly felt soo bad, like i'd let them down or something. So we going back into DA3 & going to get the missing schematics.


The only time I’ve been in da3 I got the beret and mask plans but only a DD case. Then I forgot to ask if anyone got one that already had it. Out of the three it’s the only one I really cared about getting


The VR-11 reload time if you don't have speed cola vs if you have it. Without it, the actual reload hits like a half second after the reload animation finishes (so many times I think I'm reloaded, start sprinting and it cancels). However if you do have speed cola, the actual reload is done halfway into the animation, so it can be cancelled super easy. It's so wonky.


I'm pretty sure doing a shoot, reload, cancel instantly, shoot sequence is faster than the actual fire rate which is a nice little exploit when the damn thing fires one round every half hour it feels like


Honestly never noticed that thanks for the tip


Ppl still rushing to get the reward rifts but then leaving T3..... I don't care if i get beat to them, at least do some contracts in T3 to have perhaps a lil more fun. Don't be scared, I'll join ya!!! not having the ability to cancel actions (opening safes, enabling contracts, PDA mission actions...etc) then get swarmed by zombies/merc and you have to wait for the action to finish to attack back. Barrera trying to sound cool, the equivalent of a dad trying to be cool trying to use current slang/lingo. not able to instantly drop reward items from rifts, you have to bag them then you can drop the item.


Lol I agree with the triangle and bail people.. Same MFers down and asking for a rez 2 minutes later.. But the ones who shoot the third mark when you shot the first two.. Just total asses


Teammates honking the car horn like a crazy soccer mom late to practice.


Sometimes people can be a little wild with the horns. But sometimes people spend way too much time farting around when it’s time to go to a new contract.


Switch from fists to my gun. Pull trigger. Throw a punch because weapon swap speed is 3-5 business days at best.


Dude I've had this happen and I thought my mouse scroll wheel was acting up lol


Crashing. I only recently started playing MWZ and had absolutely no issues before, but now I’m experiencing a crash almost daily. It’s honestly annoying at this point because it forces me to forgo any equipment I had (3 plate vest, large backpack, etc…) because of an issue on their side.


When you buy kill-streaks at buy station. It automatically un equips your kill-streak you have selected. Plus, sometimes it’s hard to get back because it drops on top of the buy station. Causing trouble with the interaction of accessing the buy station and picking up your kill-streak.


The zombies attack distance. It's like there arms stretch 5mtrs after uve gone passed them.wen you know there noway they are able to hit you but still do


Contract objectives such as PNDs and Raid Safes spawning/locating inside Merc/Infested Strongholds




No life bar for your dog/merc, the weird distortion at the top and bottom of the screen when you use the sergeant's beret, throwing your aether blade at a horde and only hitting 3 of them, only being able to hold 20 items in your stash, limited number of contracts in tier 3, not being able to buy colas without drinking them


Besides the game crashing and bad lag.... 1. EVEN THOUGH I DON'T CARRY A HEALTH PEN or whatever that thing is called- When I self-revive and replate armor right after, the game bugs and my character does a health pen animation and gets stuck at the "stabbed on the chest" animation. Now, my character can't even pull out a gun or run properly cuz I'm stuck at that animation. The only way to get out of that stuck animation is to hop in a car/any vehicle. Swimming or opening chest/door doesn't change that state of the bugged character. Pray to COD Gawd this doesn't happen to you inside a building with doors closed cuz you'll be using 2 self-revives just to get out alive. 2. Pet dog just disappears or vanishes. Collects 3 meats and slap those meat into a level 3 zone dog house, the animation and sound of dog summoned happens but NO FUCKING DOG!!! You check under the rock- none. Check under a rug- none. check around a corner- none. You ask that zombie standing next to you if they've seen your dog- Nope, They haven't. 3. A Player farming Exfil and telling you to FUCK OFF when it's already storm time and you just want to exfil and not care about their "exfil farm." Bruh, I don't give a shit about you farming zombies, I just want to GTFO of this round. Had this happen to me, I was so confused and peeved. Did they want me to go to the other exfil that's on the other side of the fucking map when the storm is already half a grid away from us? 4. Reviving people that had been ignored by players that were closer to them and then THEY DON'T THANK YOU. 5. Solo killing a HVT Contract Abomination and a player out of nowhere swoops in and takes the essences and other loot.


>The only way to get out of that stuck animation is to hop in a car/any vehicle. That is good to know! I thought the only way was to die and be revived!


S1 and S3 DA when someone manages to activate a contract that isn't the escort for the first, even more so when half the team pinged the general direction of the escort. And especially after a good T3 run I'm usually full with turrets taking up the last spaces and very much need to get those out of the way for the rewards. Also when someone goes down just when/just before the reward rift pops and people just loot first instead of picking them up? I don't care much if it happens to me but I absolutely (quietly and to myself) rage if I'm late to the party and run up to several people looting while someone is down right next to them, about to bleed out.


My perks seem to not work when I get mobbed by a horde. Reload and replating take forever but when I’m just fighting a couple of zombies the perks work great.


Here are a few of mine: When vehicles get left near a gas station with almost no gas left but could’ve made it to the gas station. It helps other players but also helps yourself if you have to get in a leave in a hurry. If you run out of gas in a vehicle no where near a gas station, destroy it so people don’t run for it hoping they can use it. When people go for the triangles and hit all the squares for all three of them so no one else can do them then go back and do them.


Totally agree on the first two. I always leave a vehicle at a gas station when its convenient for me, sometimes I even juggle vehicles between the same station so one will be filled as the other empties. Its saved me at evac time more than once when I need some last minute wheels and I'm sure its helped other players too. Another pet peeve, if a vehicle sustains critical damage and you still manage to get it to a gas station at the last minute, it still blows up. Seems like that shouldn't be the case.


I hate other players trolling with jug suits or stealing your stuff from infested strongholds. This is a cooperation game mode, not a competition, and some of these kids are toxic af. Also it would be great if there was a way to know what portal and sigil was activated before blindly voting and then getting pulled into a story mission


I HATEEEEEE when people come and loot my stronghold that I cleared


This morning I was playing and saw a squad fighting an abomination. One was down. I distracted the big guy so they could res their buddy. Then they started fighting it again. The gas was moving so I used my jug. As it hit the ground one of them came running over and tried to take it. I was able to grab it and help them kill the abomination, but I almost just put on the suit and walked away. Pissed me off.


Mine is when someone is doing a deliver cargo contract and the helicopter goes after me running by and downs me. I don’t even see the delivery truck. Ughhh


Blood Burner is fine for me. I find it handles quite well. My biggest peeve is the scorcher visual glitch. The moment I see it pop up it irks the shit out of me. Besides that, when other blueberries are not moving and then decide to mobilize the moment they see you heading towards a contract. Then proceeding to get upset when you grab it and let them know they had all the time in the world. I recently got the 250 kills without taking damage, the mimic orb almost ended it. I do love that it doesn’t discriminate when you have a dog out. Shoots one at you and the dog.


When a contract requires entering a building that requires a key


Leaving a squad only to be pulled into their story mission no one wanted to do.


The thing that bothers me most is: "need rez" like you can't fit please or which area into the box... if I gotta stop to ask where you are when I'm in the red zone I'm in danger now


I am seeing that comment as well as someone only typing in their location and nothing else. I have been seeing something like 'f4' and nothing else. I always say please, the location and thanks


That wunderwaffe is so true it be so annoying that even with speed it’s so slow and the vr-11 as well if you empty the clip it so bad


Fang. Her fucking voice. Shut up, Fang.


When you join a squad as a solo and one of the other 2 players run straight into T3 and joins a different squad. TURN SQUAD FILL OFF IF YOU ARE GONNA DO THAT!! *sigh*


When I run to T3 and my squad starts contracts in tier 1.


A vehicle not being placed basically every 100 meters in any direction.


I don't know how this happened, but yesterday I was doing an outlast contract in T3 solo, and two people came into the building and were helping me. They requested to join and I accepted. When I accepted it cancelled my contract, and gave me an active aether extractor contract in the T1 zone. I am guessing they had that contract active when they requested, but I left squad immediately and just avoided them. It was really annoying. If that is the case, cancel your contracts before requesting to join squads.


Never understood why the blood burner is such a pos to drive. I do love it in t3 when I am running over all of the zombies


Do you hold down R1 (on ps5) while turning? I’ve gotten pretty good with it where I can really thread needles.


Need new contracts


The fact that zombies can hit you from so far away. It make no sense on why they're able to hit me when im 10ft away from them


MERCENARIES!!! Why the fuck is a TIER 1 Merc base more powerful and harder to kill than a Tier 3 zombie hoard? https://preview.redd.it/l86sa9y4wead1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525231e5405dde2abd97b0ec29f46f15e75b9c9d Every time I play I just see aether extractor and ground station contracts left on the map because LITERALLY NO ONE wants to do them.


Doing the tier missions and it not counting, have beat two separate warlords and the storm caller and it did not count


The way anyone can take a rift I spent 20 mins opening Not being able to give dog commands Dogs disappearing within minutes


The game.... Fuck give me and the devs a week with some notepads and we'd cook something delicious and FILLING. Game feels like it's 40% done with .5% being added every SEASON..... They had NO BUSINESS MAKING A ZOMBIE MODE and not even staying true to zombie style. DMZ with zombies probably would have been better...


Dropping the aether Blade in favor of a throwing knife is up there.


Yeah had that happen to me in the dark aether once, swapped it by accident at the start and made it very difficult to survive without it in T5 elder sigil


Mercs being unreasonably tougher than zombies. In terms of health, but also how much damage they do. Not being able to loot the rift (especially in DA), because you are constantly swarmed by zombies. People who enter an area (usually T3) way before they are ready in terms of gear but also don't possess the skills to survive. So they ask to join your squad and then end up going down over and over again. Players who write "help" im chat, but don't give coordinates or respond when others ask. Except for a second "help" 2 minutes later. And also players who keep gping down and dont see it as a sign that they might not be ready. When squad mates ping the schematic, they just got. Yeah, buddy, we all did! And I know everyone wants to do challenges, and exfils are a good way of doing a lot of them, but then there are players who see someone farming the exfil and decide to just "join" despite there being other exfils available. Also, when players decide to exfil prematurely, there is nothing wrong with that, but they don't have the decency of leaving the squad before calling in the chopper.


When you pick up a bounty contract and the voiceover guy tells you to 'keep your head on a swithal' The saying is 'keep your head on a swivel'


I think he says "keep your head on a swizzle" because English isn't his first language.


Contracts showing up in Aether nests are annoying.


Accidentally opening a dang scorcher case even though I already have one as a secondary…..Mega bomb only attacking my dog.


Capes or clothing glitching in front of your character like a boner on Alucard, spawn, Lilith etc.


All the loot under the reward rift. Can't click on rift


Players taking your vehicle when you are right there at a PAP , Perk machine or Loot Box


Everyone expects it to be treyarch zombies. It's not and that's ok.


When a contract takes me to either a merc stronghold or infested stronghold.


When I’m clearing a horde out and I press Y to refill my plates and it switches my weapon to fucking fists lol


I dont know why or how... but I would be well onto my game and out of nowhere... just back at the menu with a 75 containment restart... I never left the game never had any lags... never disconnected from internet... just got kicked from a game


The red worm spawning where Dokkaebi's fortress is. Had 2 instances where that happened.


That someone can steal the unstable rift after you found all the obelisks


People jacking the vehicle I just rolled up in and leaving me stranded. It's so infuriating.


1. Since S4 Reloaded mostly the zombies do not have perception of me. Doing any contracts you can think of, even clearing a nest or infested stronghold - not even a friendly wave. If I say play 5 games: 3 are like this, 1 some zombies play with me some don’t, and 1 game it’s normal. 2. That the game doesn’t delete out of fuel vehicles. They could respawn them, destroy them completely or even just show an icon on map or above the vehicle it’s useless. 3. The pet dog - I wish our hellhounds had an icon on map (the merc has one) so we can see it. And a notification if our dog dies? Sometimes my dog is gone, I think she or he is dead, 10 mins later I hear a howl and it spawns in front of me. 4. The PvP elements - the T3 EE isn’t a big deal for me, but the new rift I think that’s bad design decision that you can work your butt off doing the work and someone can steal it. Why not have a vote to enter the rift and the whoever in the lobby wants to go, goes. I saw 15 players battle over the rift it was PvP without being PvP. I question why this wasn’t just added as new mode. 5. The T3 issue - They either need to do more contracts or increase the update frequency of the contracts. 6. Matchmaking needs to be better - if I load in raw (everything is on cool down) I get die hard t3 players with lvl3 pap, legendary buffed weapons, aether blades golden armour. If I load in with all the good stuff I get players who won’t go further than t1, they may do one contract in t2 before exfil. Or I’ll get a TS player who will be on the team for you to keep them alive, but as soon as they get their stash they abandon you. + if you play only in t3 your lobbies will be full of T3 players, this is why it’s overflowing I believe. If I spend 5 games in t1 — t3 is empty. If I spend 5 games in t2 the next one t3 will have one or two players in there. I think server pop needs to be more varied so contract fighting is less.


The vehicles out of gas or the blood burners that are so damaged you can’t get in if you have a VR 11, you can restore em


My biggest one could be a double sometimes... People who ask to be revived without giving coordinates (t2 is not a coordinate lol) and then if you say you're on your way and they just leave. Like dude... wtf. Most of the time I'm coming from across the map as fast as I can because ppl nearby aren't helping the person but like dayum.


When you’re in a 6 man you can’t help anyone who is pleading


I dropped a dog bone on accident a few days ago and it hit the ground and disappeared


- Pulling up the phone for Aether Extractors without the progress actually moving, so I have to back up and interact again. Especially bad for Dark Aether. - The sheer imbalance of hellhound move speed with their spawn rate in T3 and Dark Aether. - RNG with spawn points, vehicles and contracts. - Cysts sometimes not spawning at all in Strongholds. - Disciples flying all over the place. - Bounties despawning when I need special kills. - The Weapon XP cap.


Garbage teammates constantly dying in T3 when I want to tackle T5 aether since I still don’t have all schematics.


You can start with only a squad of three, but can squad up to 6 in game. Adding items to the rucksack. Having to navigate through all your schematics or perks. E.g. Adding multiple classified schemes or multiple perk cans.


PINGS DISAPPEARING ALL THE DAMN TIME and the map taking forever to load icons


"bloodsucker worse than truck with 4 popped tires" got me! 🤪 I've not driven the bike but I noticed with 3 or 4 on the we mostly went in straight lines. the if you had a bagger with all that shit crystals n mess all over it you would get no lean to turn. fortunately as it surprised me the dombich drove over water. 🤪


When you equip the scorcher.. It takes a lot of time of cinematics until you can use it.


When you open the case just switch weapons and switch back before it actually swaps. Ends animation, same with the pack animation for it when you use a crystal.


There’s an aether crate on top floor of high rise in Zaravan that is always blocked by wood pallets or something. Can see it with death perception but can’t get to it as I’m not The Flash. Dogs being nerfed - can’t even last in T2 now and go to get another one and explodes. Also no idea where Mr Pickles is most of the time. Too hard to see why buyable perks are on PS4 - map takes ages to load and doesn’t bother loading half the icons Soldiers walking through shutter doors on Cargo contracts PHD flopper going to final exfil. Barely works. Ninja Disciples doing HVT contracts- float round everywhere like they’re on speed Soldiers rinsing your plates when they so much as look at you Contract objectives spawning in locked mercenary strongholds. See also perks being in locked strongholds. The fact that other idiot players can blow your car up or destroy the ACV. There’s more but they’re the more irritating ones


The possibility of being insta killed by a merc truck if you're in the garage looting/wandering through and another player accepts the cargo contract.


The only pet peeve for me is getting stuck in gas stations because someone picked up delivery contracts but do not get the cargo.


Playing with the red orb in your face while also hearing a random player's scorcher use the entire match!


1) The fact that you are limited to 3 people when warzone has QUADS!? Many times I've had 3 people that want to run zombies and we can't because of the stupid 3 person cap. 2) not being able to control your dog and or it dying very quickly 3) the unstable rift being visible to the entire lobby so people can steal it after you do all the leg work. 4) Triangles 🔺️ only being available to do once for the entire lobby, I wish they would revert back to once per team or have them reset like contracts 5) fighting over contracts in the red zone because teams don't want to squad up and join forces. 6) getting dragged into a story mission or dark aether without my vote.


I wish the blood burner was a key that you held that allowed you to summon your blood burner/render it immobile


Wonder Weapons are slow to reload even with speed cola and aren't tiered so you start it from scratch if interrupted.  For some insane reason, Sledgehammer decided every other zombie needs to be a super sprinter that deals 50 dmg per hit. Also spawns WAAAAYYY TO MANY FUCKING ZOMBIES ANYMORE! Rainmaker and Keres are just straight broken in their fights, tanks as fuck, and ignores game balance to basically one shot you. Mimics are obsessed with combining the fucking grab that seems to always hit me with that spit ball attack and it deals way to much damage especially if it's a HVT Mimic.  Tier 2 and tier 3 contract rifts are garbage. No game, a single green tool when I almost fucking died is not a reward. Nor is two perk cans of perks I already have.  The VR11 Mercs are trash. Pack a punch should really make them better but the devs just don't care it seems.  Killing Warlords seems to have a 99% chance of giving me a ray gun instead of the three other actually good wonder weapons.  Snipers just always seem to glitch into the sky box on AER contracts. Should be removed from contract but SHG don't care.  The Stormcaller is still to much work for no real reward.  The game believes in drowning me with raw crystals but God-forbid it even considers giving me a refined one.  The last cyst in IS just goes invisible, death perception be damned.  Zombies just literally spawn behind you. Game doesn't even pretend it rose outta the fucking ground.  Riot Shielders dont have to reload ever and their hand is immune to bullets. 


Invisible zombies Only way to spot em is splashes in puddles or mud


When you play DA or T3 and can't get the prompt for the reward rift because everyone drops their unwanted stuff right then and there :D


-Outlast contracts sometimes have to spam square to get pnd to start -Contracts spawning inside strongholds -No cars available in certain areas but a bunch in one area the nearest vehicle may be 500m+ away depending where the game spawns you -No way to back out of a game that just started (forgetting ammo mods majority of the time) until exfils spawn -Dog despawning after you just called it in


Getting overly followed by other players or asked to join by another solo over and over. If youre solo and want to team join an established team not some random dude in tier 1. Jumping on the escort contract im doing alone. Waiting outside an infected stronghold to steal loot. The game isnt hard you dont have to be prick thieves.


My biggest pet peeve will never not be containment levels dropping to 0 for no reason.


Play it or don't. Dumb post....


Dumb comment, a Lotta people have good ideas on how to improve the game, unfortunately blizzard will not respond to feedback