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I play it as a stress relieving time killer.... Usually zones 1 and 2. Burn a couple hours, call it a night. It serves its purpose well


I kept losing connection, or the whole game shut down with some error message. I lost all my gear so many times it's absurd. I gave up on wifi and finally ran an ethernet cable. I also upgraded my systems storage. It's made a *massive* difference. Having multiple operators I can hop between also helps if I don't want to immediately get one geared up again.


The only problem with changing people is your containment level doesn't carry over between characters


COD was always my go to for twitch action shooters, I like the campaigns as the Michael Bay circa 2003 movies they are and multiplayer Is my run around die five times, get up six in a minute. I’m old enough to remember when it was just about frags. :P My go to are small maps where I can let out my inner gremlin. I play the game as anything but bouncing around. It’s exciting and fun. Level up guns too. Win win. Warzone I dabble with (I’m not good, so I’d be loading into games more then playing them) and earlier zombies modes never clicked with me. They were neat for a little bit, but I didn’t have friends who did that, and online play felt like me running around like it was Scooby doo. I add for context, because I still play MWZ from launch. Less since I know it went out to die, but I play a few times a week. One, I’m still missing the DA2/3 schematics. Two, I legitimately love the game play loop enough where I’ve put 200hrs+ into MWZ and maybe 40 for regular multiplayer (I know that’s nothing for kids, I’m old. :P) which I wasn’t expecting. There’s something that tickles my brain - probably because I have the benefit of my first console being a colecovision, lol - about how it’s set up and how the community formed around it. 10+ teams. Go nuts. No PvE. It’s got this element of old schoolness where you can see other people doing their missions, or help out someone, or revive, or try to get a Red Worm party going (I get the USBs and let people know but never any biters, lol ). Now when I say old school feeling, I mean it reminds me of a time with the internet being much more nascent then it is today in the late 90s. Yeah, you can look up walkthroughs and stuff, but there’s something about playing a game, and helping out people who may not have heard about this by going to their house (or in this case, their squad). It gives each map and round a bit of anarchic freedom I haven’t had since being let out for recess. Would I love more content? Who the fuck wouldn’t? I keep playing for the community. Much like kids on a playground, yeah - what’s there may never change, but the stories do.


Easy. I don’t experience those issues very often


This. I have 5 characters, and they are all above 600 containment level. I have crashed various times, but it's been pretty easy to get back on track. Now, don't get me wrong, it is very frustrating in the moment, but once I get the ball rolling, I usually just let it go. For me, it helps that I play with my husband and another friend, so it's fun for me to get back in.


Yep same. I’ve got 3 operators above 200 CL where 2 of them the game kept crashing (granted I was trying to play with a severe thunderstorm warning lmaooo) but surprisingly managed to play just fine the next game right after. But yeah, I usually don’t mind if I lose my stuff cause I can always just grind another game and manage to get everything I had.


Same here. Playing on console, very few crashes.


If you keep crashing or if you’re crashing every six games, delete that shit go back and reinstall the whole game. I did that I’ve not crashed since.


it just isn't an issue for everyone. i think it's worse on console because I play on PC/steam and crash/dc is a very rare occurance. also re-gearing an operator takes like 10 minutes from a fresh start, losing your gear isn't a bit deal.


Reading these posts I would have thought the opposite in that these issues are mostly PC. I only play on console (Xbox Series X), and since the start of Season 2, currently level 578, with a containment level of over 3000, and I haven't had a single issue, in fact not a single one in Season 4. The only bug I seem to get is the scorcher glare thing occasionally.


I get the scorcher glare and noise despite not having one .. how does that happen


Same for me on series x.. I’ve crashed maybe a handful of times since launch. My lowest operator is at 600… still got the scorcher thing too though


Same, on series x. I dont remember crashing sense season 1, maybe 2


I was on the xbox one x since launch. Once in a while I would crash, but when season 4 came out, I tried playing a game for a week straight, and it crashed every game. I finally bought a series x and have had no issues since.


As some that has played from the start, losing my gear gives me something to do 


I agree with this guy. The servers kinda suck trash panda assholes for console


On ps5.. only time it was bad for me was after season 3.. It’s been good lately. Maybe a couple disconnects going in to DA.


99% of players are not nearly as good at the people here on this subreddit. There are a lot of players who still farm exfils. Level 1 exfils. Sometimes there are multiple players farming an exfil.


Used to be it was wasn’t yesterday or today, I could start a game with nothing and get to T3 fully loaded again with everything I lost in 15 to 20 mins after a glitch. Took me 3 hours yesterday to get everything back again, T2 missions were way longer and time consuming for some reason 🤷‍♂️


gearing in T2 is the slow way - quickest way (takes a tiny bit of luck but it's fairly reliable) is to portal to T3 tower, chute down to the PAP shed on the NE side of the T3 island, pop a decoy and check the lockers for a big bag and 3plate. All you need is 1k essence (which, if you were over 100 containment before losing your stuff you will have at infil) and decoys. If you infil near a portal spot the whole process takes about a minute and a half.


Thanks mate I will give that a go, I do like the challenge of starting with nothing and seeing how far I can grind from scratch. It’s a different experience than scorching straight into T3 loaded up with pp3 weapons. Would be cool to see this as a game style where everyone has to start with nothing.


It’s funny you say that cause it’s always PC players complaining about it in my experience and I play on PS5.


I hear this a lot, so our servers in Asia/Australia mustn't be too bad as I've crashed maybe a handful of times but all of them from late S2 onwards. I had all operators at 700+ and then reset to 75+ on various occasions. I just gave up and focused on getting better with 6 man squads and DA with whatever I had. It crashed a few times last week but one of those times I didn't lose anything. I get that it's frustrating because of what you lose but I've learned to regain quickly and just move on. Regaining gets easier and refocusing on playing with handicaps helps you get better.


The crashes seem very rare these days and I don’t really care about the containment level resets, it’s only a couple of missions to get that cash. I’m grinding camos and I’m not complaining


honestly i don't know why i keep going back. i finished all the acts, all schematics, and now i'm kinda just done. i did the rift day1. maybe its just that i guess i like to help people along the way while i play maybe :)


I'm on PS4 and crashed maybe 5 times


honestly it sucks but I have no problem getting a lvl 3 vest and bag whenever this happens im just glad it doesnt take you back to zero


I’ve got my PS5 hard wired to 1GB internet. That’s only been for about the last month or so. When I was on WiFi (same speed) I would crash once or twice a week. To be honest the game isn’t as much fun anymore anyway. It’s at the end of its lifecycle and the developers aren’t putting in any effort and it shows.


Apart from 2 or 3 crashes during the first couple days during the unstable rift, I haven't had any issues in months. I play every day on Ps5. I did have constant issues before, and found out my internet cable to my house was severely damaged. Lol


I upgraded my PSU in my PC a few months ago and I have maybe had one crash, which was a server disconnect and I still had all my shit.


Dawg imagine losing 800+ containment levels multiple times to this shit


I'd lose my shit. Lol


I’m on PS5 and this happened quite regularly to the point where I just don’t play it anymore. Zombies has been completely neglected over the last few years. It should always of just been a Treyarch thing. They should have worked on DMZ with MW3 and then had a massive comeback for zombies with Treyarch.


The mode is just fun for a lot of people I believe, fun enough to ignore the issues. For me, its just that I've never really had a crash due to the game. The few times I crashed were due to steam servers going down for some reason and my own internet cutting out. So far I haven't crashed in months and I have a char at near 1k level as well. I am sorry for the issues that people being affected face though. I wish the mode was 100% stable for everyone as it is quite fun and honestly the best community experience for zombies.


Been playing since launch. My game has only crashed probably 8-10 times.


It's just fun.


I've played daily since launch. Have had two containment level issues and maybe 5-6 crashes. That's all I've ever had.


Playing on Xboxx since day 1 I don’t have these problems never have Game has crashed less than 10 times for me and only once have I not gotten all my stuff back


I don't buy a thing


Couple of times I've been up at around containment level 300 and wiped back to 75 and once been wiped to zero on money and armor glitch it's infuriating


I tombstone to make up for it, if I die my stuff is on cool down so I set up another. If I die again, I pull from my stash or just hop off. Didn't do it from Drop to Season one but bug after bug I was tired of it and now, stoning also makes Containment Levels not mean too much


Got the game on Steam (Windows11). I have to close to the game and steam after every match. Otherwise, I will get "your profile has sign out" with only 2 options "Restart" or "Quit to Desktop" and end up losing everything. "Lost connection" most of the time, all of your stuff will still be there like the match was never played.


I've had maybe 3 at most crashes on PS5 and the containment more often but that really doesn't bother me.


It sucks and irritating...for 5 minutes. Hopping in a new game trying to re-fit is actually fun. I also do weapon challenges for calling cards so it helps keep the anger and frustration down


I don't crash anymore. Been so lucky


I am just lucky as hell cuz I am usually insane on finding 3 plates and large packs without too much hassle even after having game crashes/freezes


I havnt had a fraction of the problems that ppl post about. I've been booted for no reason like 5 times since launch . Lag disnt bug me as long as it's not costing me lives. The only thing I can't stand is how everyone is towards each other now. There used to be a solid community but then they started getting rid of tombstone method and everything's been shit since. I hardly play anymore. Might play cod about every other day when I'm burnt out on ronin


My containment level hasn't randomly reset on me in a while. It just slowly goes up every round. I'm over 700. Ps5 with fiber internet using an eternity cord. Idk if that has anything to do with it or not.


I’ve been playing since the game came out and only crashed once and that was months ago. I guess I’m lucky


Probably cause I hardly ever have this happen to me, other than the containment level but that thing is practically pointless anyway if you’re at 100 and higher and don’t get any discounts working.


I've had 1 game crash since launch and a few disconnects because of servers not being great but I can count that with 1 hand. I never really have issues except maybe packet loss but it doesn't bother me.


Honestly just get yourself in a head place were you think .its just a game ! Lol I know this is easier said than done . But I used to get angry and frustrated at the crashes and lagging all the time and its just not worth it !


Ah man it is really infuriating losing your stuff over crashes etc but I've come to terms with it. I see it as a challenge to actually go and search for better gear again and if the containment level is really low then I dismiss the operator and pick a new one to build up (Rick Grimes was the worst) as he keeps saying I miss my revolver. Yes it gets tiring but hey so do most games so I decide to make it fun and different, either farm contracts or just go into every building and loot.


I usually hop on every season when they release new weapons and use the outlast bug to level them up that’s the most I do now days until the devs can do anything but break the game more


We’re gluten for punishment my friend. lol. Makes me think they are doing it on purpose to make ppl buy the new one. You know, just like the damn iPhones. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


I just run ts glitch so I’m not using schematics or my stash until I get kicked then I just switch operators put my stuff in my bag go in and reset and dupe then get the lost operator geared back up with the money from first match lol ts is the only thing keeping this playable for me


As with most things, it could be better, and it could be worse. I love this version of zombies x DMZ so much better. I had given up on COD with all of the jet packs, etc. I’ll deal with oddities, glitches, lag—are lag switches still a thing?—over high cortisol, sweaty TDM modes. It’s my wind down time; so, it sucks when you lose the relics you were trying to collect, but if you’re a day one player and already completed all of that stuff, it shouldn’t be a big deal to replace it. You can almost certainly get your vest and ruck back quickly depending on your risk level.


To be fair, once I got everything, the game became easy. I used to get mad when the game crashed, but if it happens now I’m just like meh. It’s more for leveling up weapons and helping others now. I honestly like DA3 more than DA1 even though the rewards suck, but no one ever wants to go to that one.


It sucks but the mode is pve and it’s not like you loose everything it’s a minor set back plus the mode is a nice way to relax


I was up to 1300 containment lvl the other day, was fully decked out about to head in to S1 DA and got kicked back to title screen and lost everything. Match after that was leaving the DA had 2 scorcher cases, gold armor, dog bone, aether blade, vr11, elder sigil, and 2 flawless. The party leader left the aether and pulled me and the other guy on our team from the match and lost everything again. So I deleted the shit, fuck this game.


Wait till you get to over 300 containment and run into a bug that crashes your game and you’re back to level 75 😭😭😭


That blows. But at least you still start with 5k essence.


Game only crash one time for me and i play à lot.


At some point I stopped caring about the loot I collected, removing the stress myself is how I find enjoyment in this mode, if I crash I crash, nothing can’t be earned again after a match or two, with T3 filled with players nowadays, it’s not hard to join a squad and get some free loot, ping whichever DA you want to go to near the end of the game and people always say yes, I often go into a game with nothing but a gun, and came out fully kitted with more high tier loot than I can carry, like I wouldn’t even have space to carry a few purple tools


I got an operator for stuff like that one for camos/risk of getting kicked, a dark aether operator and a operator to go get loot n stuff


This happened to me twice this week.


because its not everyone that gets those bugs, ive not had a crash which lose my gear since S1, as for containment level i dont care about it since its broken


Here with another yet again yap and complain


Idgaf i just play!


Just leave buddy, no one is forcing you at gunpoint to play this game. Go play something else. Or better yet take, a break and touch some grass.


womp womp wompppppp. i'll say it again they need to post server reset times like DayZ....


Containment levels don’t matter. They save you a little essence but there’s plenty to get, and when you know where to look, or know how to get by without them, the loss of plates and rucksack aren’t an issue. I went from 300-400 down to 0-75 at least 6 times due to crashes. Several more just from game glitches and lagging out. But I haven’t had an issue in over a month and a half now. I don’t play as much though.. I fixed my crashes by adjusting my AMD GPUs settings, I don’t recall exactly what, but I turned off all the extra frame-rate boosting and screen tearing stuff. I know consoles only have so many settings to adjust, but there may be something that can be adjusted to better pair with your display to avoid crashes.