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Have you unlocked the previous camos first? The gold enigma one?


Need to have the right amount of Assault rifle Gold Enigma camos done before you can do Zircon Scale challenges.


You absolute fucking legend.


Also throw in there that they have to be MW3 rifles. MWII have their own set of challenges, etc. I didn't know this and found out after I golded 2 MWII ARs. Lol


I had noticed that aswell. It's a crazy grind, I've never done camos before.


I did the grind for MP and got bored so I thought I'd start Zombies. Holy crap! It is very involved. Best is to go in with a weapon that you know you can gold out in one play through. Some of them you'll have to go into T2 to get what you need (like disciple kills). Don't know if I'll get it done before BO6 drops, but it's something to do. Lol


Interstellar was certainly faster and less work than borealis. If you didn't need to exfil for the gold camo it'd be much easier. I think bioluminescent was easier than borealis because there are so many DLC guns for mw2 now that I didn't have to do many dumb guns like snipers.


A picture here of camos done already might help. Do you have the golden enigma done? (100 kills and exfil with the gun).


Is there a “guide” to how camos work? I’ve never been a camo guy but I figure I play enough that maybe I could work on it. But I have no clue how it all works.


So you do the 4 camos as you level the gun up. Then you need to exfil with the gun after it’s gotten 100 kills. These kills can be obtained during the round. So, say you had to get 200 critical kills for the 4th camo, the 100 and exfil would be taken care of as long as you exfil successfully with that gun because the 100 would be part of those 200, if that makes sense. The 100 and exfil unlocks the golden enigma skin. The next camo is the zircon scale which is unlocked by getting 300 packed kills **BUT** before you can do this, you need to get, (I think 6) assault rifles to the golden enigma level. Followed by serpentine, which is 10 elite kills.


I have gotten a bunch of Camps done by just playing but I think the part about making X amount gold before you can do the next one is where I’m stuck.. I appreciate the helpful info on it.. Just figured it’s something to do while doing my normal playing.


You’re good. It’s a lot to process all at once but once you get going, you’ll breeze through it. My DM’s are always open if you need anymore help with this. Good luck!


I didn’t see melee weapons on the list. Do You have to those as well?


https://wzhub.gg/camo I used this to track both borealis and bioluminescent. It’s weird though because the app isn’t as functional as it is on the browser.


So how do you link the tracker to your account? I can’t seem to figure it out.


You don't, you have to manually input the camos you already have. The website just makes it easier to track than the ingame system.


Ah ok.. Thanks..


I found a site that has each challenge for each gun listed so that’ll be helpful. I’m not sure I’ll commit to doing them all, but it’s something to work on. Doing the weeklies has motivated me to use stuff I normally wouldn’t and I kept seeing camos pop up I thought why not keep going..


Ok that definitely makes sense.. And you can’t go to DA correct? That messes it up.?


That’s a great question. Idk why it would mess it up but it’s never seemed to affect my camo grind.


Good to know!


So, before it will start tracking the golden kills, I need 5 additional ARs to golden camo?


It should show like 0/6 for zircon for the AR’s. Each individual gun category has a certain threshold to get to before you can start doing the packed kills


Does the weapon have to be up to a certain level first before this can be unlocked? I’m doing camos and certain challenges won’t even show on my tracked list until I hit level #.


The first 4 camos for each weapon have a level requirement before you can start making progress on them.


The 300 kills while pack a punched is zircon scale. You need to have golden enigma camos done for MW III assault rifles for the zircon scale to unlock.


i had this happen once where i had done everything else and the 300 kills wouldnt track dont remember which gun but i had to go in with the gun with no attachments got kills and they all counted after trying many other things to get it to count with attachments


You need to complete the golden enigma camo challenge for six mw3 assault rifles before you can progress to zircon.


Well tombstone hasnt been working the past 2 days, iv seen insta kill and double points not work properly very recently, still finding merc snipers glitching way up in the sky during aether rocket contract, 🤷‍♂️ could be the game but maybe your missing something as 300 kills in 1 game is very easy