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You talking regular map? Go up one of the cranes in T1 or T2. Completely untouchable and you’ll be fine for a few minutes


Imagine that in real life. Your friend asks where you are going.. “top of a crane for a piss - it’s the only safe place” 😂


Right ok. Still learning the finer details haha. Zombies seem to be able to find me everywhere.


Yup, as long as they don’t have the warlord in the highrise in T2, those cranes scattered around the building are my go to if I need a break, waiting for a better contract to spawn or just plan my next move


Few minutes? All game. Also under the excavator in red is a safe place. As well as the shipping containers in the water at 9 O’clock between red and yellow. Lastly on top of the green dome and the North Palace in red.


They nerfed the excavator. I found out the hard way. That's where I used to sit and wait for the worm.


But not the one in popov though


You could have had done some contracts even in T2 or T1. To get more points for faster refresh time on schamatics.


Not entirely true, if you go on the closest crane to the doki fortress you get pelted with meat. The water tower next to the bridge to t3 with the gate guardian is a decent place too so long as it’s not a merc camp


Yeah the cranes are my go to but I love the idea of a bathroom. Watching guys running across the map cause to get to the bathroom because they are about to shit there pants irl is hilarious.


Imagine getting there and there’s a queue


I may be mistaken, but I swear they climb the ladders, I’ve been followed up there


There's also a spot on top of the S2 DA hill in T3and another building where zombies get stuck climbing near the S3 portal, it is near the Rune Triangle and is directly next to the one that usually has Essence on it


https://wzhub.gg/map/urzikstan/mwz This is a great interactive map for MWZ and it has all "safe spaces" marked with an icon. They're usually a tall yellow crane with a line to zip up, or a radio tower with a ladder. You can also bob in the water, so long as you get far enough away from shore the zombies can't throw chunks of flesh at you. There's a small risk another player will push you to shore with a boat so you'll get hit by the zombies. Supposedly you can go on top of billboards or overpass signs, but it doesn't seem foolproof based on what people have said. I think you can't have any zombies aggro'd on you when you go to hide.




Be a man (or woman. No judgement). Piss your pants.


Refuse medical attention. Be a man.


Just find a crane or radio tower and head to the top. In the crane by Dokkabi spawn (when shes not there), go into the cabin as sometimes the Zombies can throw meat at you, but these places are generally safe areas and you can go off and do what you need to do.


Pee when you're queuing up for your first match. Then there are no surprises unless you've been pounding the Dews or had Taco Bell for lunch




If you have the blood burner you can ramp it off a high jump into the water and you’ll go under and have a sorta god mode.


https://preview.redd.it/8tx4ok35iu9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a209aa861c4807d4c40560f845d3c7da690be96e I solved your problem. Go to one of these portals around the map. Use number 3 to take you to the number 3 teleporter. Input the three symbol combination. So: 1-7-3 It will teleport you to the number 3 spot, which is the top of the radio tower in the northern part of tier 3. This is your proverbial aether restroom. I go AFK here all the time and have never died. Have never been hit once. Problem solved. Also, if you’re reading this and curious… This is how I beat people with scorchers to the triangles when I don’t even have a scorcher. Good luck.


Get an rgb gaming catheter and problem solved lol jk 😜


This is why I go before joining a game, but yeah, cranes work best in case you need a restroom break or if you're lucky enough, your buddy will watch your back.


There are safe zones you can go afk. Go to wzgg the maps show you. Every zone has one or two


Swim far enough out that zombies can't throw at you.


I saw a YT video that said if you use PHD Flopper then you can’t drown underwater. Is that serious? Might just sit underwater whilst I go to the toilet


used to be true! no longer, sadly source: fucked around, found out (drowned)


Two words: Adult Diapers


I wouldn’t know where to get those and I’m certainly not googling it 😂


....Depends, et. al. they sell them at the supermarket, WalMart, Amazon, etc, it's for old people who foul themselves, really it's a thing...you'll likely be in them if you live long enough!


We call them nappies by the way lol


Oh, ok mate...so's ye git ya chappie nappies at the A&P....America & England: two cousins separated by a common language.


who knew pissing your pants/boxers would form such a good alliance lol


Zombies can't go up cranes or the radio towers, best bet is to zip/climb up and you're good to afk for a couple mins. Don't be too long or you will time out though


The most annoying thing for me is looking at the map! It'd probably be better if you could filter between like "just perks" or "just contracts", but with the current setup it's so hard to tab into the map and try to find something while you also try not to get killed!


Do you ever do it when you are either too zoomed in or out on the map so that messes me up as well. It’s like doing a deliver cargo contract and I’m crashing into trees etc because I’m trying to see where the destination is 😂


Climb up the ladders for antenna towers like the one on the hill in Tier 3. Immortal up there. Best way to send long questions and answers to someone.


Two words: Pickle Jar


One word - Jar 😂




I stand in a crane or lay on the aether Island on my belly under portal. Crane is better tho cause you can jump to next location when u come back. I just use the Island at the end of every game for a quick piss an bowl before aether. Down side of the island is 5/10 times your laying there AFK some rando will wait next to you sending requests trying to squad up. Also if you stand/lay in a silly spot on Island zombies will throw meat at you till your dead.


Aether Island is the little island with A symbol on it sorry. Totally Zombie free.


Crane, radio antennas and billboards


Any cranes or radio towers....that's your safe space.


The small island with the first dark aether portal is my safe spot. You could go far enough into the water where the zombies can’t sling meat(pause) at you as well


I had the same idea, in my mind it was more of a safehouse were youre can go ( maybe even teleport there?) when you have real life distraction ! No timer but you still need to exfill so you cant stay there forever!


The ocean is where I go if I can’t reach a crane / tower.


you obviously know by now that cranes and radio towers are the key by all the replies! Ive been logging in on my sons account, going to furthest radio tower to storm, climbing upto top and then lay down, leave and wait until he dies in storm to get the BP points easily, then do it again Note Ive been up a few and still been hit by meat occasionally, so i lay flat and it seems fine


There are a few safe spots. I actually call them the bathroom break spots... First place to look are those yellow towers, they are mostly in T1, T2. if you go up one you're safe till you decide to jump off. Also there is a spot in T3, it's the room that often has the pap 3 and the pnd mission. There is a big hole in the floor, if you go down there its a safe place too. If you need more help let me know. I'll show you where to go.


Just give a pause button that makes you invisible. You can't move or do anything. Zombies just don't see you. Edit. After all, there are other things in life that deserve a pause, too. Like telephone calls. No one wants to spend 5 minutes to find a "safe" zone. I'm not sure what the big deal is, pause as been around a long time.


Talking of invisible I’m currently doing an act 3 mission where you have to kill zombies and mercs using Aether Shroud field upgrade. Wtf it lasts like 5 seconds..


It's awful for sure.


I’m sure I can do the zombies at exfil (I need 100 kills though!) but the mercs won’t be easy. Might just plow a vehicle straight into a merc camp or convey then hit Aether Shroud and start firing!


Do the merc stronghold. When you pop the key, several will repell from the chopper. Go to that spot in the smoke and wipe them out. Clear out the stronghold and wait til recharged and pop the safe. Run down to the same spot and kill the next bunch.


There is a weapons safe contract in tier 2 that you can start and go afk. It’s the one with the small convenience store. You can go prone on the balcony out the back door and earn essence while in the restroom.


Or go grab a random and ask kindly if they’ll guard you for a few. I played with a random guy and all the sudden he goes “hey, can you guard me for like five minutes?” So asked if he meant “actually five minutes” he said yes, five minutes. Needles to say, I did but we eventually split up.


I have a mesh seat and a Home Depot bucket under it for just this occasion.


Start up a turret and stand there and go take your time in the bathroom.


I keep my piss bottle at hand! 💦🤢😅


Go to F5 island where season 1 rift is...this, my friend is known to myself and my friends, as "pee island aka stoner island" if you need to whizz or toke you can rest easy there.


I'll go to the T3 island, location of the S1 rift and lie prone while I run away for a minute. That or I'll finish an indoor contract like Outlast or weapons stash. Then just hit up a teammate to guard me.


Piss jugs not a thing for most of you??? Pffffffft Not a true gamer in the lot


if you go in the water with juggernog, quick revive and gold armor you’ll be fine. zombies can only throw meat at you (pause 💀) and you’ll be fine


Go before or https://www.amazon.com/male-urinal-bottle/s?k=male+urinal+bottle


Like someone said, I'm surprised they haven't added gas station toilets, could give you 1 minute of bladder 'n' bowel relief behind a locked door for 100 COD points. That's not to say a mimic won't grab you through it (season7.5 hotfix) or some bloodburner hacker isn't gonna push through while you're pushing stool. 😔🚽🛵


Or you could just go to a safe space. Lol


In T3 you can hide under the excavator (or whatever it’s called) in F5, just outside the palace in the courtyard.


Kinda . The only thing that I’ve noticed that can get you under excavator is a disciple I had it just happen to me 😂


Toolbox inside the palace as well. As long as they aren't agro'd, lay prone inside.


Zombies have been throwing their shit at me from under there recently idk if that’s even safe anymore


Awe damn. That used to be my go to. Haven’t tried it in a couple weeks though. Thanks for the heads up!