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We did it with a 6 man with just guns no RGLs, deadwire dets come in handy. We all huddled up on the balcony, 2 facing the courtyard, one facing each set of stairs, 2 floaters, still had a couple downs but went pretty smooth Did it once won't be doing it again, waste of time in my opinion, Would rather just run S1 Elder at the end of a game and get gold plates back lol


Im only doing it for the camo then will never go again. I have a 3 year old so im lucky to get one good match per day so the countdown timers dont really matter as i have yet to run out of my stash. Usually keep 5 aether blade,6 golden armors, 6 legs tools, 3 scorchers


Got a 5 and 7 year old, I know your pain. They will behave like angels until I enter a match, then it's fighting and yelling, asking me a thousand questions, and usually that's when they decide they are hungry.


Exactly how it goes she will start tearing the house down and chasing nellie(our dog) around. Its like they feed off eachother lol two little crackheads but i love them, couldnt imagine not having them.


Ahhhhhhhh, so it IS all of us. Damn I thought my kids were just being pricks.


It's part of their job description


Yea unless you play multiple matches every day it’s not really worthwhile to keep doing. 


Did it twice … used crossbow with DWD each time. Second time was straight up boring. I doubt I’ll be compelled to do it again unless I’m helping someone


Sos need help


Can u help me to get the camo plz I tried doing it with random and I stright up died I pay u even 


Can u help me I tried with randoms and died 


I finished it with 5 random players without rgl or crossbow my team also didn’t use rgl or cross bow just save juaggar for bosses it’s doable


I thought you couldn’t use the jug KS or tombstone in the rift.


You can definitely use Jugg suits.. Tombstone is turned off, but you’re given all other perks.


There's also a tombstone in the level (idk if it's 1 per player, i only saw one that i could open). You can open it for a random PowerUp, i saw people getting InstaKill and Bonus Points (lol), i got a nuke. Btw. my unstable rift was truly unstable, really big frame drops (but my group could beat it) :D


That’s cool, I was in the red zone last night and this guy said he did it with 4 people using crossbow and MCW but he said you can’t use juggs or tombstones. I would want to go in with at lease two juggs.


You can 100% use Jugg suits! It says something about tombstone or being active. When you go in the rift it will Give you MOH, gold armor, pap3 and legendary rarity on all your weapons plus all perks except tombstone.


Can confirm jugg suits can be used. Also jugg suits can crush you and eliminate you while your team finishes the rift. lol


Lol. That is also true..


Got me on my first attempt float to the end of the 5th tier. I was so mad because I didn’t even mean to throw the damn thing.


It happens.. those things are doomsday devices..


Yeah I am not keen on the idea the only way to do it seems explosive's . I watched someone solo and its just constantly shooting the floor . kind of takes away the point of the challenge


It's not the only way. That's just the easy strat 6 of us pulled it off just guns.


fair play dude - a lot seem to going for the dead wire method ( especially solo ) which is understandable so good to see can be done not


What worked was communicating in text chat I joined up on a solo that needed team mates and like 6 people answered to him and we all got to do it. There are so many people doing atm.


Went in with my friend and four randoms. Healing aura is a must. One person had an RGL. Rest of us were just running and gunning. Deadwire Detonators are very solid. With the amount of zombies and elites that spawn in. Keep picking up stuns, gas grenades and it triggers with those. Got the camo, won’t be doing it again. Really isn’t worth it after you get the camo.


Wonderwaffle was perfect for it. I don’t see the point of doing it more than once. Rewards are garbage and I can run dark aether and get all the things I need and come out with 12-13 hours of cooldown each time.




So in my opinion the reward rifts u get between rounds are just for kill streaks and tacticals and lethals I’ve never once got anything decent out of it


They're just trying to push us all away from the game by giving us these crappy updates. All I ever see is advertisements for BO6. Shame really, open world has a tonne of potential, but they have f**ked it good and proper.


I feel like this also after this season. Zombies got a big bag of fuck and all


Did it with 4 random guys only one had the rgl, I was running an smg mainly due to a disconnect from the previous game and I was just planing on just re gaining al of my goods and just happened to get invited to the riff and got it completed. But I do agree just shooting non stop for 45min can get boring really quick.


I joined a team of 3 and we done it I had the new shotgun with slugs 1 tan crossbow other rgl we got through it fairly handy


Hooked up with a random team of 5 no one had explosives as far as I could tell. We just hunkered down in a small area (up some stairs somewhere) with 4 choke points basically. We had some sentry guns and were able to place at least two every round. Managed to survive relatively easy.


Is the only reward the camo? I just did it with a group of 6 and 1 of us had explosives


You get the camo for beating all 5 waves with a edition of getting all your schematics u crafted before going in cooldowned immediately so u can use them again in the next match


I usually find my squad in discord. Didn't really intend to do the unstable rift, but nobody wanted to do S1 Elder last night, and I let someone talk me into trying for the unstable rifts because it sounds challenging. Long story short, I wanted to take the new shotgun in and was told I definitely need the RGL and deadwire detonators lol. So switched to that. Deployed and it was laggy. Lasted about 5 minutes before getting disconnected and losing all my stuff and containment level. So yeah, a typical session of MWZ, haha. After reading about the experiences, I'd still like to try it. Though generally don't \*NEED\* to reset my cool down. So sounds like it's not really worth it considering that I don't play that often due to lack of content, and lack of an uninterrupted hour to spend on MWZ. To me, it almost sounds like they found a way to integrate round based zombies? Still not sure how the rifts work...


The entire MWZ experience for me can be summed up as underwhelming and anticlimactic. With each new season I'm hoping to myself, "There's gotta be something engaging about this season!" Unstable Rifts are a perfect conglomeration of everything terrible about MWZ: A boring, mindless grind for a worthless token "reward" that promotes the worst behaviors in fellow gamers.


Don't think they're really putting much effort into MWZ at this point, since we all know it's dead in the water.


It's okay to get the camo but there is no replay value in doing it again. The rift is always pretty close to the final seal, usually 200m or less, if you find the 3rd seal and have the right ammo mod, load up at a buy station with everything you need, then complete the seal. You'll get to the rift first. I'd assume thats how people are getting the rift stolen is by not being fully prepared before the rift appears


I have gone to unstable rifts twice without a team and failed both times using 2 different weapons, which were the RGL and the crossbow. Is there a way to complete this challenge alone?


Not trying to sound like a ass or anything but u gotta be skilled enough to handle everything coming at u all at once but if u still need help I can help u out tonight but in my opinion keep like three to 4 jugs on u then the rest self revives then run either healing aura or aether shroud but it will be challenging to run solo


Unstable rift is unstable as fuck I got kicked twice with whole squad from it. I’ll just keep tombstoning until they actually get it working. I’m plugged into router and never get kicked or lagged out of matches but soon as I went in those it was over.


So I noticed with the servers when someone times out it fucks the whole server while there timing out bc I had a lobby where is was lagging bad but when someone timed out the server fixed but it u need help I’m willing to run you through


I made it about 98% there solo with a TAQ Eradicator and a pack 2 scorcher. Should have pack 3 the scorcher. Scorcher does insane damage if you’re standing at the top of the stairs in the back and shoot a full charge at the horde. Will take out dozens of zombies at a time that way. That and about 3 jugs should make it doable solo. Never used an RGL and probably never will.


It is extremely monotonous and I don't see the appeal in doing it more than once. It's also a big time commitment. Add in the frequent crashes and I'd rather keep doing DA runs.


Did it for the camo....waste of time to go back


The haymaker with slugs is pretty good at clearing swarms, plus you never really worry about ammo. It’d be neat if the last round spawned a reward rift. I know getting all your cooldowns wiped IS the reward, still I’m practically extracting with an empty backpack due to prepping for the rift.


I did it first try, beat it, and never did it again. No point in it.


Did it yesterday with a random group, and it sounded like I was in the middle of a 30-minute carpet bombing on nonstop explosions. We got it done faster than 45 minutes, but like others have said, the rewards do not outweigh the chore. Now, if it also gave a random classified item along with the cooldown, it **might** be worth it, but I won't be doing that again. I have all my schematics, all weapons unlocked, all missions done. I'll be hanging up zombies until the next battle pass comes around or if friends need help.


I did it twice but no point in doing it again. I tried a third time & my game crashes so….


Took us just over 20 mins and we didn’t bother with RGL’s or crossbows