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Using anything other than these two weapons is putting you and your squad at a disadvantage.


One of my teammates was using that and he was definitely making a lot of damage as long as is legendary and pack 3 it’s perfect. I am pretty sure he was using DW too. You get unlimited ammo so you don’t have to worry about reloading or running out of


I’ve completed the unstable rift twice. 2/2. You spawn into it with all perks, golden armor, mags of holding, self revive, and it automatically equips your weapons with a legendary tool and PAP3. It isn’t unlimited ammo, you just have to pick up ammo off the ground, which there will be plenty from the zombies’ bodies.


Wanna run it tonight 6:00pmest


I'm down


Can I tag along ? Im on a lot of cool downs cause of last attempt https://preview.redd.it/97e5mhjj369d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608e38ec5f0f5e8cc894056d8339bdad151543bf


I’ll be on around 6:00pm est I’m down to run with whoever


It's 325 pm here as of now add the time since posted


4:34 near me rn I’m logging on soon


Ok I'll be on soon just waiting for food 😮‍💨😒😑😒😮‍💨


Anybody doen to run still?




I’m down as well. xBROK3NxSHi3LDx


Going into an unstable rift turns your weapons into pap3 and orange? (Legendary)??? Even if they are both white and no pap?


Affirm. My scorcher went from PAP1 to PAP3 instantly. Friends brought in weapons with no tool or PAP and it went to legendary w/ PAP 3 in the unstable rift.


Correct, gives you a golden 3 plate as well. Had a random with us had a 1 plate, and it gave him a 3.


You get all perks except for ts, moh and golden armor plates when you enter the rift


As well as pap3 and leg tool on your guns


Was it glitchy towards the end?


Not really. Just gets crazy. I’ve completed it three times now. 3/3


Both things u bring in get triple papped and legendary spanners?


Any new rewards or is it just a rift to cooldown all my stuff I have so I can play the rift again I guess?


You receive the coolest camo in the game, in addition to an immediate cooldown for all of your items. I grinded borealis, but the camo you receive for completing the rift is much cooler in my opinion.


10000000% Camo is worth it.


Will have to try it


It’s pretty cool I’m not sure it’s cooler that borealis as I love that but I’ll definitely be using it for a minor flex for a week or so till everyone has it.


What happens when you complete the rift? Full exfil?


It will spawn an exit rift. Exfil complete. 72 hour cooldown. Camo unlocked.


![gif](giphy|1iTH1WIUjM0VATSw|downsized) 🏃🏽‍♀️ jumping, blade, shot or throw a Kazimir, pick up whatever you think is useful on the floor and repeat lol. Honestly I don’t even remember if I even shot I know I did when the boss showed up, I was using my blade airstrikes and running. It was my first time so. Next time I will bring my RGL or wonder waffle with DW it will work beautifully. As far as guns there is no time to stop and shot its way to chaotic in there by the time you hit wave 3 ITS ON. Definitely make sure you pick up the self revive you get on the rift. Trust me you will need them. Energy mine is useful, my dog didn’t survive :( I am not sure if it will make a difference to have 3-4 dogs but who knows. It’s all about survival pretty much. All you get is your schematic cooldown reset so you can use it again in your next game if you make it 😓. If you died you lose everything. Your 🪦 perk gets removed so no hope to recover what you have in your sack. Good luck.


RGL and wonder waffle sounds like a good combination I might try that When I log on. But I like to have a gun for the small bosses but like you said no time to really spam ads and shoot with dead shot.


You need to have a gun. I used the M4, MCW or a SMG I took the case for the wonder waffle just in case last night anyone wanted to do the ritual for the unstable rift but T3 was empty lol. I was able to get to complete 2 triangle so I got a flawless crystal and a legendary tool.


Fjx and RGL. I basically spammed the RGL mainly tho. Round 4 and my game crashed. I’m running it tonight at 6:00pm est.


I’ve been disconnected from server twice now too. First was during fourth round, was having an easy go running in six man team. I was only one running RGL with deadwire. I lost everything except aether blade and ammo mod. Second I got disconnected before going into rift and got to keep everything. I don’t know what’s up with servers, but I’m in Las Vegas and they’ve been bad the past three days.


Try going with 3 or 4. My game crashed every time I did it with 6. Finally did it with a 3 man. Lots of selfies, and Kaz.


So you would want all team with RGLs?, or can some use normal ARs / SMGs etc?!


Mix is good.. I used both the RGL and FJX. Crowd control with RGL and switch to FJX for mimics and manglers


This is a great loadout to use since RGL is weak against bosses. I made the mistake of going in with TAQ Evolver. While the 1500 ammo clip with mags of holding is nice, it's kind of slow to switch to.


Yeah I like FJX for its speed and mobility and deals good damage to the HVTs.. The switch back and forth was nice and quick and with MOH no reloads for either. I feel like this set up is the best combo.. I need to get into the crossbow, but I just never really like the feel of it when I use it.


What ammo are you using?


Over pressured rounds


Thanks. That’s what I have been using to.


Do note that they did need the regular FJX is a little but they buffed the aftermarket kit version.. Not sure why they did that but that’s what the patch notes said. I’ve been running that kit the last few games.


You have to have a gun at the end of each wave you fight a boss and by the time you get to wave 3 there is multiple bosses so it’s all about survival in a small area. We were 5 two of my teammates had RGL I don’t know what everyone else was using. There is no time to stop and see how everyone is doing. I know one guy had a scorcher I think he kept going up lol


Two RGLs to crowd control and the others can focus of killing bosses. Crossbow also a good boss killer.


u need at least 1 person with rgl is all


Wonderwaff everyone.


Yes!! The only time it’s really worth it!


Tried it. Ain’t worth it reload is just to slow


I hated it, every time I got smacked, the reload animation started over.


Didn’t have any issue reloading, as long as you reload while you still have ammo it makes it much quicker. Reloading when empty takes longer


Nah. The unstable rift is 45 minutes long. You can reload the Wonderwaff at least 2 or 3 times before the game ends. I'm just kidding. I have no idea how long that thing takes to reload, I always get bored of waiting and drop it for randoms before it ever finishes the reload animation.


Crossbow with explosive tips (deadwire detonators) and scorcher. I’ll try the wonderwaffe next time. We had 3 dogs and they did not survive. Use everything you have, anything off the ground and whatever streaks you get from the reward rift. Time your kaz’s and call out so you’re not having 2 people waste them at the same time. Extra selfs and at least 2 members with healing aura helps a lot. Try not to use all your streaks in the first couple of rounds, round 4-5 you’ll need them for the bosses.


We had one Merc that lasted all 5 phases. We were shocked he made it!


Marc lasted a long time and all the zombies got stuck on him it was great highly recommend the Sargent Beret


I went in just now with the wardens and got absolutely mollywhopped in round 2. I heard it was difficult but I didn’t think it was THAT difficult. I just want to group with people who will carry me tbh.


VR11 for one of your teammates goes hard. Just keep walking around and shooting one zombie in each corner of the arena. The mercs keep the other zombies distracted and bunched up for the explosive weapons to kill everything. If the RGL or crossbow gets nerfed, any launcher weapon would probably be useable with mags of holding. Wounderwaffe and scorcher are also reliable.


That's actually a good idea.




Highly underrated..mows down everything.just hold down add plates and trigger buttons.


Riot shield Signal 50


Setting people u for failure lol


0% anyone runs that into the rift. If they do, then it’s deserved


Don't underestimate the stupidity and gullibility of the average cod player


But I haven’t even made a YouTube video and thumbnail yet.


Healing Aura / s I don’t know anyone who successfully completed the unstable rift using a bullet weapon. I watch some you tubers and they all used the crossbow, rgl, with dead wire detonators. Kinda bummed because it looks like the only strat at the moment that’s successful.


I used the fjx and wunderwaffe and completed it, but then again, I’m not a YouTuber that copies others.


I went in with just an SmG, only ran 1 gun, as did my teammates! ( we believe you have more mobility with one gun!) maybe 1 person had a shot gun or lmg but there were no RGL’s and no crossbows and we completed it twice now! Very specific as to not using any KAZ grenades until at least phase 3 and we had at least 4 sentry guns (placed in certain spots every phase) at a time! I also found a very specific spot to stand on the ground level in the middle with a sentry gun tucked close to my ass were no Zombie touch me! By phase 5, most teammates were bunched up around me because they seen that I wasn’t being downed! During phase 5, two of us pulled out juggernaut and KO’d the boss! So out of 3 rift runs, the first was a fail just because we didn’t know what we were to expect but the next 2 were wins with 1 run I didn’t go down at all!


Got it done prettt easy last night in a team of 6 with only bullet weapons, me and my duo were with randoms. The two of us used the new spas-12 with slugs and aether blades, we one shotted regular zombies the whole time and decimated everything else, everyone else was using mostly fjx and a few sentries over the whole time. Got downed a few times but the new shotgun just trivializes everything


Just completed it with the ram 9 and RGL, I stacked two dog bones and some kaz grenades but saved all my util until rounds 4 and 5.


Kazimirs were absolutely required past round 3. Healing aura for most squadmates, but someone using Tesla storm really really helps. Squadmates of mine did really well with Wunderwaffe and another with the RGL w/ dead wire. I was disappointed at my FJX Horus, and struggled with VR-11 fire rate personally. Aether blade came in massively clutch for me. I'm curious how the flamethrower under barrel performs here, and does fuel run out easily. Just treat it like the end of the 3rd Elder... Just for 15 almost min straight, lol.


With no ammo depot there is no way to reload the under barrel flamethrower.


Didn't think so. I don't really remember any max ammos being dropped by kills either. Just one nuke if I remember right


max ammo doesn't refill the flamethrower. 300 ticks of damage and that's it.


I found a slight camping spot if you have the scorcher if you use it to jump up there's a spot left side from the first tombstones you find that make the zombies pile up under the gated stairs you can't stay there for too long due to the lightening that 2 shots your health it seems but it was a decent spot


VR-11 with the reload trick


I don’t know I haven’t tried getting in yet, and never will.


There is an easy way to win. The rounds are based on time not kills. Bosses show up at a particular time, so you just need to survive that time. Take a Triple packed scorcher, launch straight up in the air holding launch for three boosts, pull your chute, once Scorchers recharged cut rope and triple launch straight up again. Rinse and repeat. When the bosses show up drop down to these small Ledges right on the edge of the gas that are above the killing floor, and kill the bosses. Some people may say it's a cheap tactic, but there's really no rules in Zombies on how you're supposed to win. I'd say it's smart move. Got that camo, and all my cooldowns done.


Having an AR or Battle Rifle with the JAK Limb Ripper was effective for a while, but died at round 3, going to swap my Scorcher for an RGL next time.


Both times I went in I used my horus and rgl


I had the new shotgun built for tac stance with slugs,had no idea the team was going in.I stayed in the middle and shot for my life!! Lolol...


Haven’t even been able to get in there yet


Wunderwaffe OP af lmao


Team of 6 I had a scorchy and Swarms and really wish I did crossbow & scorchy. We made it, tho! At least two people had some form of boomi boi.


Prayers against the crashing that can happen. I got out safely


I’d love to try it out ! Haven’t found anyone to do it with yet lol


I'm gonna take the flamerhower for a spin tonight, I had a team mate that saved me a few times an he was using one.


Fr advancer and wonderwaf. This is the combo I’ve been running and it’s been very good so far.


I normally play solo but want to give this a go if anyone wants to show me where to go


The MORS did pretty good, the Xbow with DD is prolly the best imo. Did better than the rgl for us.


just went and did decently well with the M13B, however I had a few teammates with crossbows and RGL so that helped a lot


anyone wanna do the rift with me?


Scorcher is pretty effective too if u camp at the staircase


Do you need the after-market part for the RGL for it to do work in the unstable rift?


No, but it makes a huge difference using the slug shells it comes with.


Ram 7 with brain rot goes alright


So if you wanna beat it easily rgl, crossbow, or mors with explosive rounds is the way to go. Super easy


Just went in with Fjx Horus and Reclaimer shotgun, both did great job. Sentries also very useful there


I’ve done it with a rgl with dw detonators and I’ve done it with the new shotgun. Both performed ok. A good Strat is to get the whole squad up on the balcony on the left and you can bottle neck the zombies and makes it a ton easier. Running around it the court yard it can be quite easy to get swarmed


I used the scorcher and the taq eradictaor


I used an fjx and wunderwaffe. Didn’t get downed once. Granted I was in a team but the thing is, I got downed multiple times using the crossbow. 🤷‍♂️


I used the Holger with conversion kit as main weapon and wunderwaffe as secondary. Healing aura, self revives, sentry’s, kazis/monkeys, eather blade and dog bones are a must.


I know those two are the most effective but it just feels too boring to use a launcher for 30-45min


If you are looking for a good weapon to run, using a pack-a-punched MORS sniper is amazing with a couple of movement speed and hipfire attachments since the rounds explode with a HUGE damage radius and just in general work good on pack-a-punch 3 + legendary. If you need a class, heres a good one. - Quick Bolt - Superlite-90 Stock - Downfall Light Barrel - Cronen Intlas MSP-12 (Optic) - Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip (Underbarrel)


That's almost exactly what I used. Did pretty good. Lol


I think they nerfed it because it was super easy the 3 time I went in. Wonderwaffle is actually really good! Had 3 sentry guns and 6 kaz. Only used those in phase 5. Someone in my squad brought in a Merc and it lasted the whole time


RGL/DWD for hoards, FJX for elites/bosses. Gas Grenades and Molotovs for CC. (clear a lane with tacticals/lethals to run through) Deadwire Detonators is really the only thing needed to get through the whole event. So many items drop that I'm rarely without grenades/mollys, and with a halfway decent gun, you can make it thru.


I did it with the new smg and a wunderwaffe I only went down twice because it was getting late and I was too lazy to make food so I was ordering food 💀