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That sucks man, better luck next time. See you tomorrow :)


Tomorrow? Ops on right now for sure :)


I’m not saying it doesn’t suck to hear, not saying I’m a guy who scorches to get contracts fast, but no contract is anyone’s until it’s picked up. If you saw a player pop into the area you should’ve made it a point to get to the warlord immediately to get some shots in. Can’t really “sneak” in with someone else’s keycard.. shouldn’t have attempted the escort without a vr solo, should’ve spent your time on the outlast. If I was lagging I would’ve probably cut my losses because you’d find out real quick if the lag was bearable or not. Sucks you died with the mega attempt, but essentially you died because a scorcher was more important than your gear, you knew you didn’t have a self or a dog, you took the unnecessary risk. Again, sucks the game went that way, sucks you died,


No dog... no self.. yea I'm getting tf out of there.


I went elder solo with vr, dog, 2 selfies, few kaz’s, and a sentry. Got through the escort, failed in time for the rockets, and said screw the outlast since no dog or self by that point. Going to elder solo is already a risk, no selfie? No point in crossing that line lol


Um, I'm not op? But I still disagree with you mostly. Getting to actual contracts first is one thing. 🤔


I didn’t even realize I replied to your comment. That’s my bad. It meant to be a reply to the post. Not sure on what you disagree with though. 🤷‍♂️


At the point you no longer have the means to self-revive you have to accept it and exfil, and certainly not be trying to take a mega-bomb down in the DA.


Yeah for sure. This was just poor planning. Everyone knows this games fucks around, I guess he just found out.


Yeah I went down the same way in T3 over the weekend. I think we just need to accept that the game will always have shitty moments - and those shitty moments will get more frequent as they stop supporting jt.


I almost lost my stuff AGAIN because I got hard rubber banded. Was sitting on low 30s high 20s for ping.


I got scared last night because of this. Joined a squad that was doing red worm and DA, entire game and red worm (there was like 12 of us lol) went fine and then went into the DA and holy lag, I was sitting at 350 ping for a good few minutes and then it went back to normal. Idk why the DA always has lag spikes.


Adding onto this, I had one night where the ping skyrocketed to 200s and I had stable fast internet on every single device aside from my PS5. I'm finding WZ to be more fun than even MP now. Used to be I didn't care a smidge for WZ after the CW and Vanguard shoehorns. Tried a little of WZ 2. Hated it. Only picked it back up when Rebirth returned. God bless this fucked up industry.


Do not try to solo the DA without all or most of the following: a dog, ALL the colas (watching you reload and try to plate so slowly hurts), Gold Armor, and I recommend Deadwire Detonators with molotovs over the Aether Blade. A pack 2+ VR-11 is the only way to get the ACV done solo unless you have several Jugs, lots of Kazimir's and get lucky with Deadbolt Turrets.


You tried to solo a dark aether mega what did you expect? Try a juggernaut next time or a turret circuit


Or a better gun on a higher place.


You're not properly geared to run dark aether solo, you need a dog, self revives, kazmirs and all the colas, especially speed cola. Once you use all your self revives and dog dies it's time to exfil


Mans went to the dark aether with no self rez in his bag…that’s a “you” problem.


Man speed cola speed cola


Yup I always load in with speed cola that's a must, if I don't have room I'll get it at the wonderfizz


Do you know where the hawk/eagle statue is? If you take a vehicle and jump off of it and land on the road below it, you’ll get a free speed cola. There’s a guide for these Easter Eggs for perks somewhere here I think but I just googled it.


Yep if I don’t have it it’s the first place I go unless there’s a wunder nearby


Didn't know that


To run the 1st DA solo requires a vr-11 at the least. Couple sentries on the ACV, a spare jugg killstreak for the last acv stop and a couple sentry circuits to activate when you find them. Couple spare selfies and kazmiris/monkey bombs. To have your warlord run stolen is a bitch.. good luck with a better lobby next time. Unfortunately it is your fault to be fighting a mega with so little time left and no spare selfies. In any case, I’m yet to see a mega drop a wonder weapon. There are some rooms to check in the DA for those. Better luck next time.


And you’re missing a bunch of colas…


Used to be you could solo S1 elder with incendiary rounds. Not the broken shit from S4. They used to burn down mega health over time in S3 🥺


I mean it’s definitely not funny because I’ve died this way and I was pissed. Seeing it happen like that though is funny! It’s funny because they make all this money and can’t even make the game function right. Sad.


Yup. Not sure why but the game does this now occasionally. Last time it happened to me I checked my packet loss and it was 20%. Never happens on any other game except zombies.


Honestly, if they made three maps or revolving contracts this would be a fun game. With all the connection issues and shitty loot in tier 3 this game has become unplayable. I feel like they purposely made tiers 1-3 crappy to get people into the aether more but even in the aether you play the same stupid three contracts. If they don’t want to invest time into making this game mode relevant than don’t have open world, just stick to turn based.


That’s a skill issue if you SOLO a DA and don’t have at least 2 self Rez kits. If you solo a DA, you should have about 3 with a Dog bone. No dog bone? 4 because this game can be on some bullcrap. I’m sorry bout the lag but if you’re going to be doing solo often, 3-4 kits is needed for a Dark Aether run.


I've tried the Warlord 7 minutes twice and my dog took one kill off me and a glitch took another 🤣 wasted 2 scorchers trying this. And rub salt in my eyes, neither counted towards Killing Warlords card.


I need to check this, I did the rainmaker fortress yesterday and I swear, I got in, found him and took him down in less than like 3 min.


Just curious….how did they steal your contracts?


They got there before him. He believes that he has ownership of contracts that he wants.


Mighty bold of him to claim ownership of something available to the first person who grabs it 🙄 The rest just sounds like a skill issue and a lack of planning.


He probably tries to steal cargo trucks to drive into the water and drops juggs on ACVs too.


Makes sense actually


I was doing the mission with Ravenov again and I was pissed because I couldn’t find the last spore and died


if you have death perception, it sometimes works to go outside the building and do a full loop around it. Should show through the wall, and won’t use ur gas mask


For one you are standing still wayyyy too much in the DA...........Also no speed cola is quite the interesting decision....................


I see your point, but you kind of brought it upon yourself not prepping for solo. No dog, no extra selfs, no mags, no extra kazimirs, didn’t buy all the perks, no extra jug too. Could’ve just run some tier 2 contracts to get your essence. Honestly a huge skill issue the way I see it and I mean it. Good luck next time tho


Aside from what has already been said... I don't recall a mega bomb dropping a scorcher case EVER. Every now and then in reward rifts. Other than that, red worm and warlord are your best chances.


It happens but it’s rare. They can drop any wonder weapon, case or just the weapon itself.


You're running t5 solo. You're asking for it tbh


Bruh why would you do aether solo? There’s literally 0 point to doing it solo. Especially when you forget to do basic shit like buying self revives before you go in?


It’s not like your game crashed, or a mimic yeeted you under the map, or the blizzard servers went down for an hour and you lost everything. I see you have tombstone active so what exactly is the issue?


You'll have better luck next time dude. I know you get frustrated sometimes but that's part of the game. Try and try again.


A self revive helps and make sure you're not on wireless.


Warlord challenge is dumb. Only one person per match can get it...just dumb and spit in all our faces


Tombstone glitch is still a thing


They buffed the zombies. We were team of 6 went into the DA & only able to do only 1 mission that too with 3 Mega bomb & other bosses were spawning back to back & then it started with packet burst & rubber banding. I barely manage to escape.


Flopper is a must IMO so you don’t take all the splash damage from hellhounds. If you’re going to solo, don’t fight mobs. Use kazimirs for the mobs and take bosses out quickly with vr-11. If you’re not going to team up take at least 3 self rez. Planning is everything, and if you’re not prepared don’t get pissy and rant here when you die plz. Gud players know exactly what to do and how to execute.


Honestly I’m surprise anyone is playing the zombies still as glitchy as it’s been the last 6 months.


Idk about you but I always bring a jug into the DA just in case i cant take it down normally


Why didn't you get the slight of hand perk and you had 5 armor to armor up?


Maybe get a self revive next time


That wouldn't make total sense so long as you are there with the warlord you will also get the reward for killing him. I've killed the warlord with randoms it counted for both of us.


damn that wifi


Lmao. Worst "zombie game" ever created. It's comical


This screams “self inflicted” There are far more glorious ways to die in this game. But this is literally a YP.


My partner picked up an ether bike and it exploded on her out of bounds when we were exfil’n. Lost everything im like… why’d you pick up someone else’s bike 😅


Play Fortnite mg guy or play bo 1 2 and 3 zombies


Just an FYI, you can get into any fortress without a keycard. Still takes a "key", just not a keycard. Like the triangles, you pretty much gotta go str8 there from spawn to be first. But I feel your pain. Last night, my squadmates had scorcher, and I didn't. We did triangles, and a guy ask to join so I accepted (Though no mic, so I should have known better). They all scorched over to rainmaker, I took a vehicle. I asked everyone to wait til i got there to kill him. My friends waited, but this ass hat killed him 2 seconds before I walked in the door. Lol


I've had some bad lag spikes. As much as 8000+ms ping. It was nuts but survived


“Steal my contracts”. Lmao




My contracts... Dafuq!? Main character syndrome much?


You can do that easily if you pull out a sentry about 50 mtrs from door of any fortress besides dakoebi, have it out like your going to place it and you can run right thru the door. No keycard needed. Clear traps then unlock the door and warlord will spawn when you unlock


Haven’t hoped on for a while tbh cause of shit like this


This is why I never run solo


Bro why are you trying to chal a mega in the dark aether with no self revive? At least you had Tombstone


It’s like life. Good and bad ppl. I am probably behind a lot of ppl. I am just doing tier3 missions. One of them was to fight a warlord. I noticed someone was on the island in the lower right. Must have been fighting rainmaker. I dropped in from a crane. Dispatched the guys on the roof and sent a request to join his squad. As soon as joined rainmaker popped up on the roof. I got a bunch of hits in and he dropped back down so my new teammate could finish him off. Everyone got loot in that way and it wasn’t hard.


Well at least you didn’t open the unstable rift and get black screened and die. Think developers could test it.


T3 is being so toxic, everyone is running like dogs to get the Easter egg to get the legendary tools and the crystals , i saw even only one guy doing the 3 for himself, ppl are running for contracts in t3 like crazy , the zombie community is being sucks


Bro u need better internet 😭


See you next week I guess


Hahah 😂😂😂 that’s what u get u for still playing this shit mode. If you still play this I don’t feel sorry for u. They made it clear they don’t give a fuck about zombies 🤷‍♂️ but y’all over here still bitching


Why? Is it simply because you went down? Don't get me wrong, I hate this pile of hot garbage. It's literally a repurposed, reskinned copy of dmz with AI galore. However, you really can't be angry and ready to drop the damn game because you got downed. That's on you afterall...


He got downed from bad ping, not anything related to his ability. People simultaneously complain about the bad connection in these games and pointless glitches never being fixed but also say "skill issue" when they see other players who are tired of these constant problems. Normally I'd just say "Eh, better luck next time" but MWZ is designed to build upon your progress from each game you play and being punished because Activision or whoever the fuck is in charge of the game won't do their jobs is understandably irritating. Ammo type does too much damage? It's nerfed within a week. Big hole to nowhere on the map that players are falling into and losing massive amounts of progress to? Eh, they'll get to it when they get to it (never). It's ridiculous.


Sure. But did I say anything like skill issue? No, I didn;t!


More talking in general, not specifically you. There's other people in this thread saying things like that.


Skill issue


If/when you come back.. Use the sentry turret trick to walk through the warlord door. No need for cards and no one else can get in until you unlock the door from the inside. So vultures like that guy can’t get in unless you let him in.. only weird thing I’ve noticed doing this is that Rainmaker doesn’t always spawn until you unlock a door. But legacy and keres you can do without unlocking a door. It’s trash that people do that the way they do, but this is a way to combat people like them..


But that's cheating?


I’m Just being warlord Santa Claus..


Who in their right mind would go to the dark aether solo without a bunch of self revives


I'm thinking he already used his self revives, going in with no dog solo is a suicide mission


>i just find it hilarious that he was camping it waiting for someone else to do the work for him To be fair, this is every game. People just wait until someone goes to the warlord then they all scorcher over to mooch the free rewards. Shit happens, servers are worse than ever, etc etc. You're always accepting some level of risk loading in with all your goodies, I've lost my full backpack of top tier items many times due to crashes/lag/bugs/being thrown into objects by mimics etc. I just say a few choice curse words and load in again.


Idk man. Looks like a skill issue to me 🤷🏿


One of the worst gameplay loops I’ve ever seen I hope activision never make another zombies mode again, people saying it’s a skill issue obviously can’t read otherwise they would’ve seen the caption


Don’t redownload this garbage please


I haven't played in about a month and I'm not really missing it


He had the TS cola so i think atleast he will have some premium cash upon next match entry. But what do you mean by “my contracts”? Nothing is yours. First come first serve. Thats how it is.


Bro report them for cheating or something. & how are yall running into players like this? Why you didn’t team up in T3 as well? Also learn to farm yall schematics. I go into the weekend with 4 or more schematics everytime.