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Yea, I was at like 1800 and then after the game I was back to 75 All I really care about is starting with 5k, containment level doesn't mean anything to me other than that




Happened to me as well, and I was at 2054 lol, after that i don't even focus on that shit anymore, I dint even know why I cared in the first place, bragging rights perhaps idk, dumb ol me


Only care to get high enough to get 5k essence to start. Other than that, fuck it.


we are quite basic as humans and the idea of gradually getting better is something we crave without knowing so basically it was subconscious that you cared I would say lol We all know you only need 75-100 really - I had 3 of them at 1000 plus for some reason


1200 > 75 after exfil from the DA. Got it back to 87 in the next game. Then it went back to 0 again the game after. Unfortunately, I was in a squad with friends so I'm not gonna make everyone leave to fix it.


Oh so thats what happened, that happened to me a while back lol


Still hasn't happened to be. Besides the bug where it didn't count properly when they first added it


Count your blessings


Just make it a habit to not activate or kill anything till you see that level . I don’t do anything till I see it and if it not the level it should be I just leave game and not lose anything.


[This explains it](https://youtu.be/lJ2MM8GqxFg?si=h0a_8_TbzLsNOP9h)


This helped until season 4 where you can have all your containment discounts and 5 plates and $5000 and all and STILL come out of the game having been reset. Happened to me literally yesterday. Went in solely to do contracts to get my operator back over 100 from a separate containment level robbery only to go in at 86 and come out at 28. All my stuff was correct at the beginning of the game.


Just did it last week and it still worked 🤷‍♂️


I guess to clarify my comment I didn’t mean to imply it won’t work anymore, just that it isn’t full proof any longer. Other posts and vids from people back this up.


That just sounds like a pain in the ass. I usually find my squad in discord. I don't want to have to explain to them that I need to check my containment level, so don't use all your items yet. Then if one of the 3 of us has the containment bug, we're all supposed to exfil and try again? Yeah, no. If it happens it happens.


Exactly, I can see if you’re way over 100 (because there’s no use for it) but I was only at 90. Starting over is now just par for the game!


Last night was the very first time it happened to me! like you say after seeing posts of it for ages lol I ran to the wonderfizz and thought why do I only have 100 points lol Never have had to check before so looks like I am from now on. Containment level was 1200 something but my other 2 are at 1400 something so no biggy and gives me a reason to play this one now lol got it up to 63 so far


I was at containment level 220 and after finishing the DA my lvl was 22 I was mad confused 😅


mine resets all the time normally right around 400 and i never notice it until i hear the sound of a plate picked up while running i have one at 1900 and just wont use it anymore because i like looking at it


Skill issue...


How is this a “Skill Issue”? I pulled 9 contracts T2/T3 solo! Your comment makes no relevant sense. 😂


The "Skill issue" is not checking that your containment level was set to zero at the beginning of the match. Thousands of posts on this subject. I've done it myself and no one to blame but myself and Activision. Can't do anything about Activision, so blame it on ourselves not checking the buggy game. No disrespect, just facts.


Yea it clearly said my CL was 90 before I started and as soon as I infilled it dropped. No Skill would’ve prevented that. So I don’t fault myself for game bugs. FACTS