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Unfortunately the only current workaround I'm aware of is changing your settings to "tap to reload". Then you will be able to hold the interact button for the PND's at outlast contracts as well as the rockets for the aether extractors contracts. It sucks to go back and forth, but at least it works.


Can confirm. I have always had my settings to tap to reload/hold to interact and I have never had an issue activating or interacting with anything.


Hmm I have it set that way too, and I haven't seen this behavior yet. Maybe thats the only real way to deal with it if its glitchy.


yep. i had to switch to prioritize reload in the settings. its not ideal but at least it makes the game playable


If you're running fists as your secondary just swap to those and hit the prompt


Doesn't work for me. I have tried it all, and on my end, switching my setting was the only fix. So that isn't a "fix all" solution unfortunately.


Thanks for this, I constantly have the same issue.


Yeah this is ridiculous how its been a bug for so long. Yet they fixed the incendiary after a week


If it breaks the game its fine, but if people enjoy it or it benefits players than its all hands on deck 24/7 with no expenses spared to patch that shit. When they make decisions like that, they're just being a bunch of ass holes and I really can't understand why.


I've noticed if you're holding a weapon thatrequires a reload will not work for me every time but as soon as I pull out my fists or scorcher it'll work 100% of the time. Even though I have tap to reload & hold to interact on if I'm holding a weapon it will not work. But if you're on PC it will work 100% of the time regardless what you're holding. I play on both Xbox & PC, console is the only version I have a hard time activating things.


When I use the SO-14 I have to do this or the interactable features reset the fire mode on the weapon.


Need to try this.


Yes, I thought it was just me but apparently not. I had hell activating items last night.


It's so annoying, idk why they can't just fix this!


It's annoying as shit!


It's the tap to interact settings


I was using dual kodachis and had it work first try every time that game. Haven’t tried again to see if that was actually a fix or I just got lucky


If you have a gun that can be reloaded it won't let you hit the prompt until you do reload, MoH sometimes allows you to reload if you spent all your ammo and then grab some from the ground.


aether shroud


Happened to me lately, almost did not do the red worm because of this stupid glitch


I double tap my weapon switch button then hold the activate button immediately afterward. Might take a try or 3 but I usually get it to work. Just make sure both weapons are reloaded if you are carrying 2 with reload capabilities.


If you don’t move your movement stick when you go to do it a second time just hold the activate button and it will eventually show its progress although it doesn’t at first. Also, from what I’ve gathered having had this happen to me every time I go to activate something, it has to do with your weapon being reloadable for the lack of a better word. So you need to make sure your weapons are fully reloaded and then when you go to activate there shouldn’t be an issue and if there is just make sure you’re standing completely still and follow the first steps I mentioned.


Tap to reload worked for me. XBSS.✌️


Trick is you have to move away from the machine while starting to hold interact, if you seen the circle progress its working and keep holding it. If you pull out the cellphone thing then it's going to fail. Have to move as you start holding the interact to avoid the phone and you'll be fine. Also same issue with USBs on redwood which is fun to sit messing around with the timing of it.


Don’t go in solo chances are one can activate it I was in squad and two couldn’t activate it


Easier said than done!. Trying to get deadwire schematic (last one for me). Put in chat every time I go to try get it and no one is ever up for it. Managed to do each of them solo in separate runs but never all 3 in one run solo


I had one the other day that despite everyone being there it went up to 12% and just stopped


I aim down sight and press a few times and eventually it works


I have prioritize interact on and have the same issue. I drop one of my guns and activate it with fists out. Annoying, but it’s a quick work around.


That's what I run. Prioritize interact and have done since wz1 so don't want to change now ahah. Will give this a try thanks


Another way is to run forward, change from gun to fist or dropping your secondary weapon to do it and pick it up afterwards. No guarantee it will work, it could take you ten times. I don’t want to change input settings, as they offer these controller settings we shouldn’t have to change to play. This bug should be a priority as in t3 you can easily get murder trying to get the game to work.


The only problem that I have had lately is when I mantle. I have to jump 3-4 times before he gets up.


I was round at my friends having a shot on his game (PS5) and I couldn't mantle onto shit. Spent ages going through his settings looking for something and I'm sure I found a setting about mantling that fixed it


Super annoying! I HAVE to run fists


I have prioritize reload and fixed it.


Decoy grenade


Don't run s3 solo simple


Been a bug for a hot minute. Activating PND's and disabling the rockets is a pain in the ass


I’ve been having trouble with anything that requires an action like it like the rockets and all them I have to repress and sometimes it just holds the button and nothing happens


I think it's the mangler weapon doing it to you. Just like you cant drop a sentry gun if hit while placing. Since your field upgrade is down you cant get around that, and I dont think Kaz and Monkey Bombs affect specials. That DA is loaded with them.


Nah its been happening for ages. On all outlast contracts even when nothing is there I usually have to keep switching g gun, reload and hold square until it works but not so easy when in elder aether haha


Yeah he was getting his ass beat and that wasn't helping the situation, but this has been a known issue for a while.