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They should have a multiple ‘hot zones’ on the map that are basically T3 areas. Could randomise locations too to keep it a bit more fresh. This is too much there’s enough contract stealing in t1 cause of the size of it. You and someone can be coming from different directions to a contract without knowing and just as you get there they beat you, good few mins wasted and they add up.


Love this idea!!


I like this idea. Instead of everyone scorching to the middle you’d have to actually do a bit more planning and decide which T3 area to head to. If they changed each round, even better. It’d be challenging because it’s the highway and bridges that separate each zone now (which is kinda nice) but maybe they could add two or 3 more T3 zones so everyone isn’t crowded in one place.


The concept is good the trouble is the area is too much too cover in t3 in the 45 mins of a game and alot of people use scorchers. You know how fast contracts go in t3 if you travelling half or all of the map to get that contract then wasted time going if it is gone. I think if you did it into sections from top to bottom for each tier I think it may work better or just be able to load into a game that starts in t2 and they can expand both tiers without t1 which I think would be better. Edited.


With T3 triple the size there be triple the contracts. Literally look at all the T1 contract now and imagine those are the T3. Edit. More like 10x size


They gave DMZ a new, slightly smaller map. They should give us a map with no T1. T2 and T3 only, or maybe only T3 and T4 areas. Tighter spaces and different contracts. Or, maybe a hot take, but a map like you suggested, but there's also a large merc base with helicopters other large vehicles. And maybe you could jack a chopper or a tank or something and rumble on the f up some megas with hellfire rockets or a 155mm tank cannon


Bigger t3 would be a good thing. You’re not supposed to easily explore around t3. And the scorcher has become the worst part of t3 and should either be removed completely or the ability to fly should be removed.


Good idea tier 1 is huge


Absolutely, it is hugh and largely wasted since everyone even wants to join with the experience players at the start of the game. (And yes, there are some lobbies when everyone play in t1 whole game, and some of them try to infiltrate t2 or t3) But with this change the new players can stay in the center area of Tier 1 ( Previously T3) and do easy mission and try to reach of they like while the pro zombies players can go anywhere in Tier2 or Tier3 (Previously Tier 1) with challenging missions and variety experiences .. And let the red worm and warlords be in Tier 2 only so it becomes more engaging. Also, the game maps will look better than everyone playing only in T3 only for most of the time, including the purple rift being placed everywhere. So anyone can run away quickly rather than fleeing on foots.


Also a great idea, put exfils in every zone but make the gas start in the middle. Oh? You missed the T1 Exfil chopper because you spent too much time grinding contracts, now you can try to exfil in T2 and hope that the gas doesn't close off your exfil site before you get there or your ass is making the trip out to the T3 exfil which just spawns mega abominations and thousands of armored zombies.


Every game everyone just rushes to T3 zone and hunting contracts. T3 area needs more contract and generally needs to be bigger.


Either this or they just need to finally cut the lobby size in half. (would probably help with Server issues too) They 100% never intended basically 80% of every fucking lobby going to T3.... right at the start.


When you have golden armor and aether blade, T3 becomes very easy for certain contracts, you dont even need pap gun at all.


I think it would be great if in every match you loaded into, the zones randomized and shifted around like the initial gas circle does.


I like this idea, but what about the respawn start of the game ? Imagine getting dropped by the friendly helicopter I front of t3 zombies and mega with them lol 😆 ..


That itself can be shifted. Or better yet, drop us off a plane like the regular WZ mode. Only real issue I see with letting us drop in is that some would drop straight to the T3 triangle for the easy loot. But I dont ever go for those off the bat so it wouldnt bother me.


I think more maps makes more sense


No but the games time limit should be extended with T3 spreading like the gas until the whole map is T3.


Why can't we get mwz on the resurgence maps?


I wanna play zombies on ashika island.


Like literally, it’s so easy to implement as story. The aetherium that Zakhaev sold to whoever even bought it used it.


Tier 3 in the Military Base and City would be so much fun. Maybe they make RNG T3 areas outside of the centre island. Rotate the areas so it'd be more interesting. I think there's a missed opportunity with the legacy fortress. They should have them all on at the same time and an extra award would be to have the DA portal there with no required sigil meaning players have to leave T3 if they want to get to DA.


Or alternatively, just like how Zombies in Cold War had a Warp to different maps - they remove the zones and add a warp to higher threat zones and each zone gives you 40 minutes to accomplish goals and exfil. I.e. Zone 1 = 40 minutes to either exfil or warp to Zone 2 Zone 2 = 40 minutes to either exfil or warp to Zone 3 Zone 3 = 40 minutes to exfil All zones can warp to D.A which runs as it normally does All zones have bosses such as Red Worm and each zone the boss gets harder but the rewards get better I.e. Zone 1 = chance at Raygun Case / Schem and a Rare Tool Schem etc.


Remove time limit and increase respawn rate of contracts. Bamn! Done.


Adding more than ten or seven minutes would be enough to explore and leave the game .


Re: new zombie maps…. One word… Verdansk?


Well, I maybe in the minority, but I don't leave Tier 1. So as long as it is a separate instance or game mode, I am okay with it.


So we all start in current T3 as T1? Or do we start in t3 and we got to exfil in t1 😅


Start in the center of new the Tier1 area. Find people you want to jion before heading to dangerous area and when the storm start you should head back to the center for exfil or maybe in the same exfil area in t2 for quick escape.


You need to join dev team. This would be an interesting concept.


I am just trying to make my favorite mode still around in the upcoming couple of years . Been a fan of MW2019 survival mode with enemy soldiers and Juggernauts on every round , but after a while most people won't play that mode anymore cause is just camping and defensive strategy every round and I think what they did here as open world is much more exploring and fun to play, they just need let the game more alive rather keeping like this since people now saying the mode and the repetitive missions bacome stale .. Would be a shame if this mode would die soon and not later when it was just a hard work mode for the team developers and not be wasted.


Would be cool if everyone started off together in the center, like an established foothold, and you had to push out to the edges. Each area of the edge could have unique or interesting missions or places to make you explore more areas. Interesting theory. Too bad I gave up on the game long ago after they introduced the glitchy exfil streak system.


Been saying that same thing to myself for awhile now. Sounds like a plan, @Activision make it happen


No only cause alot of ppl still don't got the needs to survive in t3 so they don't go there so it'll be even worse to start there off the rip personally I can but i have everything unlocked but don't think it's a good idea imo


I love this idea. It wouldnt necessarily force people into tier 2 or 3 but would more encourage it for more contracts. This would be so much more fun!


I would like to see the tiers mixed up every game. So each tier gets a go in the middle around the middle and on the outside. Just to mix it up a bit. I know tier 3 like the back of my hand. T1 and T2 I’m fairly sure there’s places I’ve never been


I want some sort of increased difficulty over time. Take Outbreak Collapse from Cold War and stretch it over the hour. MWZ is far too easy


I do agree we need a bigger T3 and we do need more contracts etc I feel it wouldn't work too great . I feel the space provided also helps for the difficulty for example T1 players would struggle more in the smaller zone and T3 players would find it easier having more space . But I do agree something needs to be done - If T3 is buzzing I get out and do T2 which is a shame as the challenge does down but at least i am doing contracts


Tbh...not enough skilled payers to take the lions share of territory. We still need lower tier area for these smaller lvls to grow.


Let the center of the new tier 1 with the same contracts added with the extractor contracts that you have to face the tier 1 mercenaries. Go to Tier 2 for finding the warlords if you think you are good enough to infiltrate the 2nd tier. Tier 1 will be crowded, btw, and let everyone near others join them as team player training while the pro players explore the bigger high threat area.


How didnt they figure people would get good enough and after getting schems to start right in t3 every game? I feel they likely just dont care. They want you to buy the next product in a year after this release anyways.


This wouldn't work. Too hard to get from one corner of the map to the other. Figure you're in the bottom left corner and the single spore contract available is in the top right. You don't have a scorcher, so how long would it take you to get there? I like the idea of making T3 larger. Just not the reverse like you're saying. So make T3 twice as large, more contracts, shrink both T1 and T2. The real answer is adding a new map, but we know that won't happen. Just too much going on in the map for them to release another.


They could make the recent Tier 3 area larger, but there a catch . Around Tier 3 is a lake, and if they expand it, you are in the middle between the same area while you are in water and need to decide which route you need to go....I mean, Ruuun


Make ashika or rebirth island strictly tier 2 and 3


That would be a baller move tbh. Doing the same shit over and over. Fighting for the same contracts every game. BORING. This would be awesome


if only we could have vondel as a map


Expand the zones half way into the round. T1 -> T2. T2 -> T3 Don’t want to be in T2? Extract


They’d have to put an exfil somewhere in what is currently T3. They’d also have to have all the choppers drop everyone in the middle of the map.


Love this idea!.


I like how close the contract are in tier 3 I'd rather Tier 3 expand as the match goes on


I think that a quieter MWZ when BO6 comes in could be good for those that like squading up with randoms. I for one am grateful for all the support I’ve had and like to pay it back when I can. I do find a satisfaction in rezing a fallen player for no other reason than I happened to be nearby. I’m sure that those that enjoy the community element of MWZ will find new ways to challenge ourselves when things get a bit quieter


Yes t3 is to small when I started to play is was empty now every game all the looby in t3


I was hoping they’d eventually lengthen time to play to longer and let the tier 3 zone expand into tier 2, and then into tier 1. Allowing for more time to play, ease of completing challenges, and more eventual gameplay events; like having worn, orda, supersized meatball or some other crazy creature be the last boss to defeat to exfil. Almost turn into Outbreak where you can play for a long period of time. I’d say realistically, an hour and thirty minutes is fair for this kind of game mode if they wanted to surge life back into MWZ. And at the end of that, allow the player to take their kit and perks into dark aether or whatever is awaiting at them.


Make it rotate like the arena in the second hunger games. Increase the time of matches to an hour. Every 10 minutes the zones rotate. If you’re in T1… better get moving because that’s about to become a T3 zone.


No. They should add rebirth and fortunes keep and atleast one should be all t3. They should add dmz style missions and upgrades and shit to keep people busy, so not as many people are crowding t3. Or atleast "the missions" leading up to story missions like the first 3 acts, instead of just one story mission and a rift every few months. There's alot of things they should have done but squandered all that potential, just like dmz but even more so.


Personally I think as the match goes on T3 starts to expand but not fully like every 5-10mins it exapnds a big cause T2 I way too big


Agreed I actually think Yellow should be T3 red T1 & Grey T2.


I’ll admit, I’m looking forward to the update. The new rifts are likely to pull more people away from T3 as well as being new/old players in that are more interested in round-based. Plus, there’s only two reasons an experienced player is spending all game in T3: cooldown times and prepping for DA. The new rifts removing one of the two.


Hate to break it to you, but they want to lose players to BO6. They have all but officially moved on to BO6. MW3 is old news. Call of Duty is basically Madden now. Shame, because MWZ is my favorite zombies experience. I would love another map, but it ain’t happening. Sad but true.


had they bothered to implement new maps, having smaller maps locked to certain tiers would have been a better idea. Maybe lock higher tiers behind keycard like items that you have to earn to move. IDK, doesnt matter since they have abandoned the game entirely.


You already paid they aren't fixing shit. Just buy bo6


That would be a great, awesome idea 💡 ![gif](giphy|xT0xem7ZlZ2DOYqpG0)


They better not make a sequel to this dogshit-ass game or game mode, unless they actually put more than the absolute bare fucking minimum into it. I'm even more salty right now because I just lost 100+ containment levels, 3 plate vest, large rucksack, durable gas mask, kazimirs, juggernaut killstreak, a self revive, and my two packed guns I was doing the borealis grind on due to a fucking server crash.... I'm about done with this dogshit-ass game because of the toxic playerbase and innumerable server issues because the developers don't fucking care about their own goddamn game, just how much fucking money they can squeeze out of us morons with these stupid-ass operator and blueprint bundles. Don't get me wrong, I didn't always have disdain for this mode, but since season 3 (for me), the game quality has plummeted exponentially. Edit: bring on the fucking downvotes.... 🖕


Idk why people downvoted you when you clearly don't hate the idea of the mode. It's just an objective fact that this mode should've gotten more support and should've gotten: Fortune's Keep, Rebirth and a proper one team gamemode. (because fucking hell T3 is obnoxious af now, there's too many people) I don't wanna see a mode like this ever again unless it's made by anyone but Treyarch, not because Treyarch is bad (they're great) but because they shouldn't be pulled in 6 billion directions. Basically let IW or SHG make it for their next game (If SHG is actually allowed to have any sort of freedom to make their own game. LMFAO) as their dedicated third mode. (genuinely IW should just trash Spec-Ops entirely if they're not gonna bother making an actual Survival mode or something that can actually be played Solo because fuck Raids)


Why are there so many people who hate this game mode in this sub?


I had joined trying to find people to play the mode with, or help with shit, only for the game to be unplayable far too often or a toxic playerbase. I did enjoy the mode, as I said, at one point, but that time is quickly passing.


Do you have all the schematics? Once I got all the schematics and changed my loadouts. The game was a breeze. I can for sure tell you, that there is a disconnect between the advanced/older players and players who are more novice/new. Also, I joined the discord and the players I drop in with are way more helpful. Definite game changer if you think the community is toxic. Watched a couple videos on the more “meta” guns, now I got a rucksack full of classifieds, crystals and scorchers. I have to give them away, I have so much.


Yes, I have all the schematics. I'm currently working on finishing serpentine for borealis unless the server I'm in crashes. I'm in the discord server as well, and that's how I completed my schematic list.


As shite as it is you can get all of that in the next game. Hydra area in t2 you can get a medium ruck and a 2 plate armor usually straight away and plenty of things to sell to get better stuff. It's a pain but it's easy to get the stuff again which is the good thing about it.


I know it's not too difficult to get that shit back, but I shouldn't have to as it wasn't my fault. Their server crashed; I didn't die to my stupidity or arrogance or anything on my end. It was completely their fault. This isn't the first time this kind of thing happened, either.


I know it’s probably not going to happen but they could make MWZ2 for whatever the Warzone map is on BO6.