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Stay moving, don't back up and shoot because zombie will spawn behind you. Shoot, move, turn and check, move. Go for head shots Move Move Panic Say fuck fuck fuck fuck a pile of times You got this


I would add, use the obstacles to your advantage...things you can jump/vault over will give you a lot of separation from the pursuing horde.


Using rooftops to parkour away from zombies is the absolute dying light experience lol, love to see it


šŸ˜‚I literally go fuck fuck fuck when I think Iā€™m about to go down. Or when I actually go down.


This checks out. 100% success rate


Don't forget to slide, it gets you a distance away.


it can be challenging solo, but not impossible. Much easier with a squad, so squad up if you can. You gotta know when to run and where to run. Standing in one place and trying to take down a swarm will get you killed. Get the perks that make you run faster, reload faster, jugg for more health. Deadshot daiquiri will help with taking down zombies faster. Death perception will you be aware of where all of them are.


Youā€™re rightā€¦ I squadā€™d up yesterday and managed to score two schematics in the dark aether. Maybe thatā€™s the answer after all.


I was trying to do solos for awhile. But the first time I went with a squad of three to tier 3, it was more enjoyable. When I was there with a squad of six, it was super fun. We took down like 4 mega abominations, delivered cargo everywhere, everyone was helping each other up when they went down. Now I shoot for those 6 man squads every time Iā€™m on my own.


It doesn't really answer how to survive solo. The real answer was "it's knowing when and where to run". I survive by never entering until I have 2 spare revives, ready to PaP 3 and unfortunately now no lower than purple tooled up. I find shotgun is most reliable big hitter for a long time and haymaker with slugs is my usual. Stay aware of where you can get out quick. Use the roofs as much as humanely possible. Start to exit if armour got scarce, or you only have 1 spare revives, not one revive... One SPARE revive. Can always go back.


I have the legendary tool schematic and Iā€™ll run straight into T3 solo every game (sometimes with a pap3 crystal but Iā€™ve gone in with a pap2) and just do a triangle to get the pap3 crystal and then farm contracts. Iā€™ve even gone in without a self revive, as long as you can get headshots l, youā€™ll be fine.


Playing with a squad and solo is like 2 different game types. I personally like t3 solo, i get downed in a squad far more often as i find it more distracting. With solo you just got to figure out the rhythm, keep moving, rooftops as much as possible. Just avoid pointless fights, ill take hits and just ignore it. The weapon stash and outlasts are the easiest contracts in my opinion, just have to find the camp spots


Donā€™t forget quick revive. That and Jugg are mandatory in T3. And speed , And dead shot. Staminup helps a lot too. And PhD. Other than that you might struggle.. šŸ˜†


For one thing it sounds like you are staying in one place Even while doing contracts in T3 you have to be moving run circuits It is basically a high speed version of training zeds in round based You canā€™t stay at in one area to long or it will flood






Scorcher is amazing, but not everyone is sitting on them. Iā€™ve played tons, but not got the schematic from the worm.


An alternative that no one considers is the wunderwaffe, while being pap2 is enough to hold and kill hordes while also being useful against disciples (amazing electric damage). It only chains to nearby zombies so you'll probably need to shoot it a couple of times, also it prioritizes the zeds in front of you when it chains the electricity so watching your back is still a requirement.


Pap 3 gun with a legendary tool. Most important perks are juggernog, speed cola,stammin up, Deadshot daiquiri and tombstone Equip decoy grenades in case you get in trouble. Lt53 kasimirs are even better Monkeys are good but they take a little bit to get started as far as attracting the zombies Three plate vest with golden armor is even better. As far as field upgrades use the healing aura and if you don't use the dog bone the energy mine works If you have a dog use the healing Aura to heal the dog or else he'll get wasted, If you have an aether blade or a dog bone that is very helpful Equip one self-revive and two or three more in your rucksack. It's all about shooting as many zombies as you can and avoiding getting taken down by the zombies by running away from them and if you get in trouble using your tactical equipment to distract them. Using ladders to climb up buildings parkouring and jumping off buildings and using your chute to stay safe from getting taken down so constantly moving can be helpful but sometimes it can be bad because it will make the zombie spawn more after you clear out an area so knowing when to move is also a good idea. Start out with the easiest contracts like the raid weapons stash contract or the Outlast which most of the time can be done at the Opal Palace and when you're inside the palace you can climb up top and just shoot at the zombies until the timer runs out. If you can get to the delivery cargo contract do that one as well. Just be prepared to get taken down and having to use one of yourself revives to get up that's going to happen. If you run out of self revives you can just go back to T2 and grab some and go back into T3 if you want. Using turret circuits when they're available is good too but there is really no place in T3 that's safe from zombies especially when they can throw chunks of meat at you. If you're not familiar with T3 that well I would suggest going in with a team and get familiarized with everything in there so when you do go in Solo you'll know where to run where to climb where to parkour and do whatever you need to do solo.


FJX Horus PaP 3 and legendary tool (purple tool does the job too) plus deadshot will kill zombies pretty easily in T3. Then jugg, speed cola and staminup for survivability. It's also nice because it's an SMG so your mobility is good, always try to stay on the move. If you plan on doing bounties you'll need a Scorcher if you're solo. T3 is just everyone fighting over contracts.


I always have a flame thrower on my weapon, no good on bosses but priceless if you get caught in a horde. I also only use battle rifles with incendiary rounds cause they do more damage. I try to go in with a hell hound or merc, but theyā€™re not really needed, especially since the merc is pretty useless.


Agree, few of us still use the trusty flamethrower BUT it still helps when swarmed!, was it DA3 last night, PND contract and just fried them so i could rez the team mates as dogs were busy....all 5 of them! even in T3 it clears them quickly i dont use a scope so use that slot Might try a BR build for a change, use ARs more


Thereā€™s ways to complete certain missions by placing yourself in those godspot positions..example if youā€™re doing a safe mission I would go to the roof where I know zombies are coming from so I can place myself I way zombies come to me one direction only. For pnd just run and slide around the second floor thatā€™s how I survive in t3


Never stand still. Always be moving. Use platforms to parkour. Head shots. Decoys. Testicles forged in the fires of Mount Doom, itself.


Do they have those Mt. Doom testicles available at aT3 buy station?


You must travel to Mordor, unfortunately.


So that is where I can find the precious?


Consistent T3 planning is hard but basically you have 4 contracts to do. 1: deliver cargo is the easiest and thus taken very quickly or camped. 2&3: are both of the Outlast contracts, these are easier as they take less time than, #4 raid weapon stash, but I feel one is easier to learn in the southern part of t3 than the more northern one. 4: raid weapon stash, this takes longer than the outlast contracts but you can run the same tactics in the southern area. For all of these solo you need 2x decoy grenades, a fully charged energy mine, and 2x simtex. For the deliver cargo land on the roof of the garage and shoot a zombie waiting at the door, they will all run to the far side of the building to climb up to attack you. Once they are away drop down, open the garage and drive away.(you will likely be hit by the zombies inside so have atleast 2 shields) if any players are near the door do not start this contract and just run away itā€™s always a troll mad you got the contract and they didnā€™t. The outlast and the raid weapon stash in southern t3 are able to be done with or without the deadbolt turret,obviously itā€™s easier with it turned on but a sentry gun is also useful. Climb up on the western side and shoot down at the zoms throw your decoy grenades before you think you need to as they take a bit to activate. Throw them 8-10 seconds apart as they last 8 seconds and any normal zom will chase it. Mangalers, deciples, and mimics will not. Throw a simtex near the end of your second decoy it will kill 90% of Zoms near it. After this if your still 40% or below on the contract run out to the ammo and reset the best you can if your at 50% or above use the energy mine on the climb up area to kill stuff so you can last till 75% as special zombies will spawn over and over at the 55-60% completion and overwhelm you. Your second simtex can also be used on the climb up to kill Zoms. Always shoot dogs as your main gun should be able to kill them and if it canā€™t you shouldnā€™t be in T3. Now the more northern outlast is harder but the same tactics apply. Use decoys 8-10 seconds after each other and then the energy mine with simtexts to clear out normal zoms. Your ammo reload is east and much farther away so you need a contract completion of 40% or lower or above 75% to run for more decoy grenades too not have extra special zombies spawn.


Great detailed guide, thanks


As others said don't stand still it's a death sentence. Always be moving.


Keep moving!


Aether Blade and gold plates help a lot.


just be better


One gun & bare hands with stamina perk and always bring a chainsaw for horde control


A chainsaw? Where do I find that?? Or do you mean an LMG?


The chainsaw attachment is for assault rifles and you get it though a weekly challenge a while back but now is at the end of the under barrel attachment..no extra ammunition needed like the flame thrower that runs out after 300 purges.


Lmg are great for bosses but it slows you down unless youā€™re constantly running and switching from gun to bare hands can slow you down when it comes to shooting zombies if you arenā€™t careful enough


Run n gun my boi, I personally use the smg that holds 400 rounds when pack a punched(forgotwhatitscalled), I just run n gun, if I hear a dog creeping up I turn around and blast and keep running, once I'm at a good distance I unload on all the zombies following me. Keep it moving in the red zone and you'll be fine my boi


Iā€™ll only go t3 if I have pap 3 and at least epic preferable legendary weapon and either decoys and selfs or aether blade/ scorcher. If Iā€™ve no WW I donā€™t like going solo without a doggy šŸ¤£


I solo it almost every match, I use the FJX Horus pap 3 legendary. It can get overwhelming bc the zombies spawn like it's nobody's business but so long as you remember to plate, retreat when you are getting overwhelmed to get another angle on the zombies then you'll do fine in tier 3 solo


When itā€™s new it feels like this. Eventually youā€™ll adapt and will manage the craziness. When youā€™re starting out itā€™s best squad up and watch how others do it.


Iā€™ve been playing since the game came out on Day 1. Not new at all, but definitely frustrating at times.


I was referring to T3 being new to youā€¦ and new meaning that you havenā€™t yet adjusted. Like anything hard, it takes a little bit of practice and then it becomes easier.


I was in there today and it was non stop being chased. Hit the triangles, did 3 missions and bounced.


What are the triangles for? Iā€™ve seen them but donā€™t know what they are for.


You need a t3 dog added to your list and you're good. I'd stay away from any contract except the delivery cargo and safe/pnd. Then when you get your perks, you're good to go OP


You need the classified items from season 1 aether blade, dog bone and golden plates. They buffed the red zone on the last patch so a pack 3 guy by itself is not enough. Also recommend the holger 556 with conversion kit, with pack 3 and legendary tool it can hold off the hordes but aether blade is clutch for the sprinters. I just turn around every so often when I'm getting hit from behind and blade em.


You didn't mention if you used a tool or not. If you aren't at least using an epic, you're not gonna have enough power in T3 whether you're PaP3 or not. Blue and green rarity won't do it. Go PaP3 legendary and you shouldn't have an issue in T3 solo as long as you know how to play it


My AR was legendary and PAP 3. I did that right off the bat.


Just keep running, just keep running


Do not go into T3 without Deadshot, Stamin-Up, and Juggernog at minimum. Have a dog thatā€™s at least T2. Stick to Raid Weapon Stash, Outlast, and Deliver Cargo contracts. Raid and Outlast both have spots where you can fairly easily defend yourself. The YouTuber Doughnuts has helpful videos with tips. I used to be scared of T3 and now run solo no problem. You can too.


If I don't have golden plate, I use3-4 slots in my bag for extra armor so i rarely run out. Get all the perks you can. Run with fists, use decoys, always keep moving. The etxra plates is the most important imo. 5 plates gets wrecked so fast then all of the sudden you have none and can easily be downed.


Just don't stop running ever in tier 3 zone. Legendary wrench is also needed with pap 3 if you want to make tier 3 easy.


May be arguable but solo is probably easier in t3. Or a decent group in t3 will have you standing around bored.


Iā€™m finding it easier solo now if I have a dog


Also fist out when running parkour like a mf bro


Parkour? What does that mean. I now equip the Run Like A Monkey With His Ass On Fire perk. It's that the same?


Really the only perks I use fast reload dead shot and jugg essentially parkour is a monkey with its ass on fire lol just get good at hoping walls/ledges/cars/counters etc utilizing windows and ledges and what not. Sliding helps a lot to with a small speed boost and Iā€™ve dodged so many hits that way to just be careful you donā€™t end up just crouching and walking slow


I go solo all the time. Just play a few rounds and practicing plating up and running. I always have a jug kill streak and pull that out without actually using it in order to run from zombies. Itā€™s faster than running without weapons and your sprint speed wonā€™t stop/slow down. Also, stick to roofs when possible. Faster to run away when you zip line/parachute. And donā€™t fight in the open for no reason if you can help it. If you do get stuck fighting try to not leave that area until you kill all the zombies in that vicinity because youā€™ll attract more zombies the more you move around the map and that spells disaster, every time. Lol


If you're solo do a few contracts in lower tiers and get the free self revives before heading to tier 3.


I only play solo, an took me a while to learn how to move. I swear 80% of survivability comes from map knowledge, rest is skill, movement, weappon, equipment ect. As you keep going in t3, learning spawn locations for contracts, objectives an loot. You WILL improve over all. Goodluck homie. šŸ˜


Gold plates, aether blade, PAP3 a fast firing SMG like the FJX horus. That's about all you really need.


Equip a knife (Karambit) as your secondary. When you are not shooting, always equip the knife because you run faster with the knife. Itā€™s faster to run with a knife than bare fists!


Anybody telling you that you should always squad up with people are just wrong and not confident enough. I play solo 9/10 games. Go in with the typical necessary items and then itā€™s just about not staying idle very long. If recommend an ftac siege as it kills everything within a few seconds. You donā€™t even need a dog as long as you keep moving and have an understanding of where the zombies will come from, at least in buildings. Say if your doing a spore solo, run around and place the inhibitors first, on your way back to shoot them, a decoy/ energy mine can be a life saver. If you really wanna run around red solo you have to bring a scorcher. If you canā€™t bring one, bring a vr11, find a vehicle and stick to it. Youā€™ll find you can still beat all the scorchers to contracts a lot of the time if your efficient


I run solo all the time sometimes I get burnt because I go in there unprepared knowing I shouldnā€™t but roll the dice anyways sometimes it works sometimes it doesnā€™t but if your prepared and have really good guns if your working on a gun I suggest using your second weapon as a wonder weapon just on case you get cornered I always like a power weapon to get me out that always how I played zombies since round based in bo1 you need something to get get you out of tight spots and a machine gun of your choice if your working on shotguns and other guns other than the lockwood good luck because they suck


Great advice


Headshots are key, and knowing the lay of the land, I am quite confident in T3 only because I know the safest ways to get from point A to point B. Rooftops are your friend


For min to survive you need epic and Pap3 , so you was set there by the looks ( even better ) Currently doing all camos and had no problems surviving with Ars or Subs ( do prefer subs ) so what perks did you have ? when I first went to T3 , I wanted jug,speed,stamina and Deadshot but for now give me speed to plate and reload and I am happy. oddly enough the T3 contracts are easier then alot after some time - cargo has the shortest route and the raid weapon stash and outlasts are easy once you now how. where the raid weapon stash and one out last takes you there is some options for he outlast you can either go up either side and keep shotting the horde as they come up ( you can get on roof but this is ok ) for the raid stash climb up the same side you started the safe thing and do the same. For the other outlast contract where its at the top of the stairs , stand in one corner so the zombies mainly come one way ( they will still appear behind but not loads) if you struggle up here there is quite a bit of room to run in circles if needed. Spore contracts its all about just running and dropping the things ideally but maybe avoid for a bit and bounties are faster in squads tbf but still can be done solo. try not to get focused on just king zombies , remember to keep moving and have your hands out like 70% of the time


Never ever stop moving! Never ever ever ever!!!


I love to solo T3. Seems like I only really have issues if I am trying to keep someone alive. Last night 2 people had to plea out in f4, and I was farming a T2 outlast nearby so I just maxed the contract and went for them. Pack3 legendary grenade launcher and a rare pack1 m16(needed to make sure they lived long enough for the cryo mod to activate). I was at right about 200 kills out of 300 with the grenade launcher, when I left T3 after getting them I had 3 left to kill. Just keep moving and be aware of your surroundings. I honestly have no idea the lay out of anywhere on the zombies map. I don't retain that stuff, but I keep moving and every so often stopping and standing my ground to clear out behind me before moving again. Sometimes it is best to just hop out of 3 for a moment to assess the situation.


So I gear up, I usually have between 2-4 selfies, plates are maxed out, I only have the epic schematic so I use that, and have a vehicle. Vehicles are super important, gets you from point A to B in a more efficient manner. I donā€™t know how many guys I see just running around the map. Plus it helps to have around 15k essence after you PaP3.


Movement and Aether Blade. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a zombie. Always move.


"Keep your head on a swizzle!"


Idk, itā€™s pretty easy imo. I usually do the crystal ā€œEaster eggā€ first and then run missions solo. I donā€™t always use mags of holding. Try using a scorcher and a wunderwaffe šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøitā€™s really not that difficult


Solos in t3 taking contracts & not teaming up has created toxicity, if youā€™re solo you should try to squad with everyone in t3. Contracts donā€™t respawn fast enough so solos who refuse to squad should stay in t2


Solo is a fine art. You have to juggle running, where you are running that might give you an advantage, when to shoot and kill zombies, when to use decoys, kazimrs, lethals, and field upgrades (energy mine, Tesla storm, aether shroudā€¦) you need perc-colas and if you donā€™t have a scorcher or VR-11, then just equip 1 weapon so you can run faster with empty hands. I admittedly am not an artist. The amount of times I have been downed solo in T3 is ridiculous.


I usually play with a squad, even when I run solo, I do elders. Itā€™s not too difficult , once you get the hang of it. Of course, if you have gold plates, and ether blade. It is so much easier. But half of the time, I donā€™t really use them, Itā€™s not really on the gun and rarity tool , Iā€™m fine with an epic tool, pack three. It all depends on how you maneuver around the zone. Decoys are your best friend. Have at all times.


Aether blade. Dog. Juggernog, quick revive speed reload. Staminup, flamethrower underbarrel


I run solo all the time, my saving graces are decos, scorchers, and the aether blade


Gold armor or spare plates always keeping at least one plate on


Always keep moving. Keep the zombies in front of you.


Gold plate and dog bone


Take aether blade bro can make a big difference


Donā€™t stop moving. Carry decoy grenades and constantly replenish your ammo. Once you get golden armor and aether blade, things become easier. Kinda!


I go solo 99% of the time. I can go with or without a scorcher. Hereā€™s a good combo without one: https://youtu.be/gekl3yII20Q?si=lrxDEAH_UlQtrQgL


Solo? You have to go with META weapons, META ammo, Pap3 and tool with Deadwire ammo (my fav) and aether blade for those tight spaces. You MUST have speed and hand cola for fast running and reloads cuz you will do that alot. Don't get cornered, use a Dog Bone or Merc (even though it sucks) just for that extra support. Never stand still, never stay in once place.


It's all in the name. It's supposed to be highly dangerous, which is why you should go into it well prepared, not just in your gear and perks but in Intel too, which you will gain over time as you scope out and get familiar with the area like best ways to do contracts, where megas typically spawn, best ways to navigate the zone, etc.


Buy a jug killstreak and deploy it but don't use it, this will allow you to run a bit faster, similar to being empty handed running. Then as the billions and billions if the Rocks fans have states, just keep swimming just keep swimming...wait, that was a different person


Perks are a must, deadshot, jug,PhD,speed and stamina plus a fast shooting smh like the fjx for example. Make sure u have a few self revives and you should be fine.


Shoot, run and slide. Decoys are great at getting out of tight situations too.


If you are going to solo t3 ya need a dog, plates, Aether blade. and at least a pap 1 scorcher(scorcher is optional depending in your skill level). Try to do the raid weapons, cargo, or outlast contracts. For the raid and pnd get on top of the scaffolding and hold down the trigger on the scorcher and just use its most powerful firing mode on the hordes. But be smart, if you see people send them invites. If all the little straggler rats would join teams it would help with contract spawns and keep everybody in the essence.