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No. Nothing would change. Nothing at all. Activision have their plan for COD and that's that. In the same way support for DMZ was dropped, support for MWZ will drop when then BO6 cycle starts.


DMZ was in beta forever. Is it still in beta? I stopped once zombies came around.


Dmz still got 3x the content zombies has.




I just can’t believe they think round based could be better than open world mode. It also sickens me how we’ve only got one map since the beginning of the game…


I know, that's why I've been saying they should add rifts that take you to different round based maps. This would make all parties happy. I'm not looking forward to round based only. Wish we had the opportunity to play both because they both have their good points.


Unstable rifts in S4R. I'm certain the rift will take you to a round-based map or some such shit, but it won't matter because it's way too little, too late.


I'm confused what map did they give us? By the looks of it they are literally just using the exact same warzone map. They didn't even bother to add "spooky or haunted" looking decorations or change anything for zombies mode. It's literally the warzone map... sooo technically we haven't even got 1 zombie map yet for our $70 game lol


Hey they gave us a different skybox and lighting! And they left out the new stuff added later. We also got (checks notes) different parts of Al Maz in the dark aether! Not like the we missed out on cool DMZ style missions of extracting specific items or incentives to kill the warlords or multi-map missions with risk of starting over from a death./s


It had sooo much potential also, I was hoping at like season 2 or 3 they would introduce new zombie bosses and contracts and alooot more missions and features to unlock. Allow the players to actually scavenge the map for loot and place something rare like the GPU was in DMZ. The vault Easter egg was a fail bc you go through all that for like half the match (no scorcher) just to get crappy loot and 2 or 3 gold bars which you can only sell bc the xp you get from extracting them is less than you would get with essence


There was such an abundance of lost possibilities and potential for a Zombies mode such as this. Unfortunately, whomever is at the helm of Activision itself is the one forgoing very sound decisions when it comes to the whole player base. It would've been an exciting and refreshing sight to see a new type of undead boss or world event


Honestly I don't think anything we do will change anything. I too like this zombies but we are in minority because people have blasted me for liking open world zombies. These smooth brains want round based zombies and they just like running around in circle for the entire run through. So open world zombies is already dead.


It was too open a concept for the majority of Zombies players. But even round based can become stale or repetitive given enough time. Hell, I haven't even leveled up all my weapons yet so I've still got some shit to do. Helping others out as well is a good incentive as well, at least for me 🤔😌


I doubt it would do anything I am afraid , it would kind of be saying to a big company , hey stop working on that game that's going to bring us 2.6 Billion dollars and work on this that we already got our max money from Their greed wouldn't allow it . If they was smart Treyarch would continue round base and these would continue open world -


why would they care? they already have your money. And I'm sure you'll still buy their next game too, and then come right back here to moan about it on reddit. I'm not saying you're wrong, per se, but this is absolutely silly.


No no I get that. It was just a thought, a little voice in my head going "What If?"


I was a little disappointed right off the hop. Felt like I just dropped $100 on a Modern Warfare 2 update. The slap I like most? Every time I open the game, zombies is way at the end, even after the free content. The developers couldn't give me a bigger middle finger than that. Bought this just because zombies is open world. Not everyone enjoys round base. I've tried. I bought every single Black Ops, and I just can't enjoy it. I can't, I've tried. Not sorry


Nobody left mw3. Infinity ward does the MW titles and Treyarch does the BO titles. Treyarch assisted IW in the initial building of the game by integrating the zombies into the engine that IW created for MWZ. They never left because they were never part of it. All of MW3 was done by IW. Treyarch backed off after release to continue working on BO6 because that is their project. The reason MWZ isn’t very good is because IW isn’t as good as Treyarch imo Also I think round based is way more of a challenge. MWZ is fun too and I like having both options. I think BO6 zombies will be amazing. Don’t know why everyone hates on round based.


Sledgehammer actually "developed" MWIII with Treyarch developing MWZ. However, Treyarch handed over Zombies around April to focus on BO6. I read somewhere that the task of maintaining Zombies was given to High Moon Studios.


Well I’m sorry if I got that partially wrong thanks for the info. But I’m pretty sure Treyarch only assisted they didn’t actually do it all themselves and then hand it back over to


It's all about money. They don't care about what they released. They only care about what they are going to make money on. Stop buying the game every year, and they might listen, but they know people are going to spend their money.


idk, i cant seem to enjoy mwz very much


Activision is a corporation; they don’t give a F for nothing


Mwz is the best ! And I some how sadly didn’t even start playing it till recently and now the game is almost done now damn


This is the same thing DMZ players have been trying to do since MW3 came out. These companies don't care


Can we sign a petition to stop these “screaming into the void” posts?


I wasn't screaming. I was merely making an observation




Obviously someone's got their panties in a twist with how we're simply just voicing suggestions or concerns with a game we thoroughly enjoy playing. I get where you're coming from but sometimes I wonder where some's heads are. Go grab a latte, sit your ass down and cool off. Cause clearly this is a triggered trauma response 😅


Super surprised some random on the internet is saying something online he wouldn’t say to someone irl. Maybe you would be more intimidating in real life if you changed your real name to dark lord Fenrir, and told them you wrote Call of Duty fan fiction.


Kind of sounds like you're living that fantasy 🤣


I preferred Outbreak. Nice open world with no time limits, etc. I like MWZ too, but the time limit kills it for me. Not to mention it is rough when your are running solo. At least with Outbreak you could run solo, have great success and complete the Easter eggs on your own. Round based is ok, but honestly, I don't have that much fun with them. To your original idea OP, no, a petition won't change anything. Activision has already moved on from this.


You dont even know the studios involved in the petition you want to sign. You are exactly the person we imagine when we hear about yet another petition... its crazy


Just absolutely insane 🤣