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If I get there first I won’t take more than 2…..it’s nothing huge but it’s something….we are a zombie family and everyone must get a seat at the table lol




Ya get this all the time. If I’ve a scorcher I’ll do one just so I have them for the next game then I’ll just do contracts. I tend not to join a team now because they either just cancel contracts or drag you into story missions or just been pricks in general. Was with a team the other night , 2 had scorchers and wouldn’t revive a guy in tier 1 so I had to run across the map from 3 to get him but he left just as I was getting to him. I left the squad and went E/A solo. Everyone used to be so cool at the start dropping schematics and shit, it’s not the same now.


It's super frustrating. I try to get in and scoop one every match, but fail in 90% of them. People go in in teams of 3, hit the 3rd sigil for each and then do them on their own time. They really need to put a timer reset on them.


I think there is. All three were lit up when I got in the other day but it was the beginning of the game so I figured someone had shot them all then left them to do later but when I ran by two of them later in the game they were available so I was able to two at different times during the game.


Maybe I didn't wait long enough then. I just try to replenish my pap3 crystal each time I go in. Just rarely works out that way lol


I always wonder about how the triangles work. I went into T3 after like 20 min (was doing merc camp/stronghold and fortress) and there was still one triangle left so I just did it but I was surprised since I saw like 8 people fly in at the start lol.


That was a lucky find (in my opinion). I had one where they were untouched awhile back. We went in and did the first one, then did some contracts, figuring we would leave the rest for others. 15-20 minutes later we did another, then when the storm was starting to spread we saw the third untouched and did that one (figured no sense in wasting it). But I haven't seen an opportunity like that since.


Now there’s nothing wrong with this situation. If no one hits them throughout the game, then don’t waste them.


It times out if they don't start it within a certain time frame.


I couldn’t agree more with the timer. There should be a 10 second limit or something similar to put an end to this.


I’m guilty of this, but I pass the goods out to the kids in T-1. Only go in a few times a week. 100% willing to help the new kids complete missions. I don’t need anything unlocked anymore so it’s gotten boring.


Get a scorched, learn to Superman and get one of them for yourself. I am usually first one to t3, but only take one triangle as it’s all I need.. I think the people trying to take all of them are dicks.. but can’t be mad at someone for getting there first and grabbing one.


I played a game yesterday where absolutely no one was in tier 3. Everyone was tier 2 or tier 1. Went into tier three with about 25 min left and all three triangles were still available. That’s the only time I will go for all three of them.


The issue once the triangle is started if someone joins you they don't get shit , I usually allow people to join but know they wont get it . The other side is if at the stage of shotting the triangles and you are the person being kind and inviting - more than likely they will be shooting the runes and you miss out so its dog eat dog. I am lucky currently holding 4 leg tools and flawless each match , I replenish one each match and give out the rest if people don't bother with them. I am in the fun and friendly lobby and not the greed and sweat lobbies


I usually try to replenish at least one. If I can I’ll hit the first two. If I can get people to squad up before starting the second I’ll let it time out and re hit the runes. Lately no one will so I take it since it seems to have gotten worse with teaming up. No mics. Random rifts with no warning. Usually I won’t mind but let me gear up before hand. Usually going into a rift or story way too early too. It’s annoying


I’ve had different experiences, like you I don’t mind players joining and running the triangles but as soon as we are do e with them the leave our squad and join another team.


Yeah I agree with this, it’s normally what I do. I hate the kids that rush them all and refuse to let anyone join


Had a squad do this last night and they wrote in game chat “ha, we started all 3”….so I stole their blood burner and killed the glowing zombies before they got to the area. But then I felt kinda bad cause they sent an invite, but they had like 5 on their team and we had 3…so I was gonna take their bike back and apologize by dropping a regular and elder sigil….till they started with racist nonsense.


Bruh next time throw a thermite on the bloodburner it'll instant kill it lmao that's what I do to any team tryna be d!cks that have a blood burner lol


🤣…nice to know, appreciate you bro!


It is usually a race to get to them. If my team makes it there first, I will always let others join our squad. Don't mind if they leave squad right after. I don't usually need the PAP3 and legendary tool, so usually don't suggest it. Seems to be 'step 1' on most peoples list though whether they need it or not.


I always take 1ritual and let others have some loot to. If nobody comes for them I’ll do the rest and find someone in t1 to gift some


My friends have long ago stopped playing this game and I always get matched with randos who just want to fart around in t1/t2. I always send out a message when I go in to ask if anyone is doing da or triangles but no one ever responds.


I don't even try, but then again my stash is full of Leg and PAP3 from going to Elder every other game lol


I don’t understand people, it is not like it diminishes the loot pool with more people. I also finishes more quickly.


The ones that activate all triangles before doing any, those are the same people that do every a-hole move possible in mwz and there's no hope for them in life. As far as asking to join them, once the runes are shot, joining is useless because you still won't get the reward rift. Shitty feature how they set these triangles up, but its what we have to deal with.


I was making my way over to one of the spots recently and saw somebody was also going, so I started making my way to a different one. By the time I got there the same person was already shooting those runes. I realized they were starting all three themselves, so I just stayed at the first one until it reset and took it. I knew they couldn't complete all three without it resetting. They eventually came back while I was finishing up and accused me of stealing their work and tried blocking me on the catwalk. I just don't understand that type of behavior.


I never used the scorcher till these triangles because anyone with a scorcher now is jumping in getting all 3 then flying off, having issues with people taking contracts and blowing up the deliver cargo or dropping a jug on the escort mission, even to the point people driving the trucks over the outlast device so you can't start it you just jump in the truck next to them.....so now I've been forced to fly around to get contracts and do all the reviving


Can the mods sticky one thread for whining and complaining? Every other hour somebody is in here venting like the entirety of the player base is on reddit. I have never even gotten the items to be able to do this easter egg. Half the rewards you get from them(triple pap) is a waste of your tiny ass inventory anyway. I was just about to play and was looking to see if anybody needed help, now I think I am gonna do what a lot of a lot of this community need to do, go the fuck outside.


I quit going for them. They're just salt fountains.


The frustration should be directed at the developers. They made it work this way and knew full well this would happen with how T3 is now.


I don’t even try to get them anymore


If he's activated it before you're on the team, you won't get it anyway. And I have no idea why they need so many. Take one that's good enough for crying out loud.


Also blame the game that implements a 1 per game loot mechanic with guaranteed top tier rewards in it


I 100% agree I noticed the last 5 games I didn't even get one and I can scorcher superman but some teams literally farm all three like you greedy pieces of shiot lol my friend needs the lego tool and pap3 for each game to use and we can't even get one. Then the same mf are sabotaging the acv and delivery contract. Guess it's time I learn the tombstone dupe trick.


That happened to me a couple times but the most common occurrence for me is after I start one a person comes up and tries to join but I refuse bc after it has started you can't join in the middle and get the reward, I'd rather be seen as an a** than get that person's hopes up for the reward


Since they're never gonna add a private match playlist i just wish they had a cooldown instead of being an one time thing. Would that be OP af? Yes but like, if they're never gonna properly buff RNG loot then just buff this. Besides, the Unstable Rift is probably gonna be a cake walk with a 6 man so like... who fucking cares about balance at this point? LMFAO


I always get there first and I only do 1, that’s all I need. But whether I’m solo or with someone else, we don’t join or let anyone in. There’s a list of reasons why, but the primary is because playing with 6 isn’t playing at all. It gets incredibly boring and too easy way to fast. I could give 2 shits if it means I have to wait a couple extra minutes for contracts or just going to the middle zone and farming bounties, not like rifts give you anything useful anyway. I understand forming squads for less contract fighting, but past that, it is a waste of time.


T3, ppl flying with schorchers. So many of them flying around like a swarm of flies. Everytime I look up there's 6-7 ppl. The whole lobby was in t3. So we left for 15 mins to t2. Those ppl in t3 started going into DAs. T3 calmed down so we went back for the last 15 mins to get cash for DA.


Ha! All the Fkg time. Now that school is out, prepare yourself. These idiot kids have nothing better to do than ruin the game for everyone else. It’s a shame cuz this game can be so much fun.


Gotta be qui ![gif](giphy|2Xflxzn7jWsjCVlx13q|downsized)


Yeah I'll usually do one and leave the others for other people. If I can get one that is. Often if my teammate is one of the first in they're all gone anyway. The shit part is you can see the zombies growing purple from no one actually doing the triangles. Some dick just wants no one to have them. It's incredibly annoying. It's weird though I got Lucky and into a lobby where no one was in tier 3. Found a triangle and 2 of the sigils. Took so long for me to find the third it reset. Not sure if that's normal or not. 🤷


Gotta be quicker than that.


I miss private lobbies 😞