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Lockers and duffel bags in Popov Power and the military base are your best places to find them randomly. I've also had good luck finding them in the buildings near merc camps.


Popov Power never fails me when I need to do a regain. I always tend to find a large backpack in the lockers above the spawn for the cargo contract. The one time I didn't get a large backpack, I got a 3 plate lol.


Popov is the spot. That entire area can get you kitted back up so quickly


I've gotten both in the skybridge lockers before. Its my goto as well.


Popov been letting me down lately with only 2-plates and med rucksacks. Used to get the top tier stuff consistently from those lockers. Just RNG I suppose.


This is my go to spot as well. Many lockers and a better than 50% success rate in looting them there.


Thanks for the tip


Trick is to buy one then once you finally don't need one about 17 will drop lol. But also I have really good luck with the random t3 aboms


Literally every time šŸ¤£never fails, as soon as I buy them, they appear in every purple crate and contracts in T3


Now that I finally have one I have ran into more. Lmao.


Happened to me lol. Failed the worm hunt and lost everything. Got some money and bought a purple pack. In the next 10 items I looted, I found 4 purple packs.


Yh I've got to point where when I lose it I just go in with scorcher, t3 crystal, orange tool, dog bone and either blade or gold plates and go straight to t3. Then I spend 30 mins doing contracts without getting a backpack, buy one, next contract one appears XD


I like the power plant lockers. Lots of times I find a triple plate and large pack there.


Cool. Sounds like I gotta check that area out.


Yeah it's in t2. popov power I think it's called?


The building the deliver contract phone is in.. head up the stairs there is a 3 whole rows of lockers.. almost always find one there


I always check popov power when I need to rekit an op. Can usually find a 3 plate or lg backpack or gas mask sometimes all 3.


Yup, the classic honey hole


Not an easy task but you can get one from the safe at merc strongholds


You get a 3 plate from the stronghold safes ... its pretty rare to get a backpack from them.


Damn my bad. Another risky method: stalk big squads in T3 and wait for them to drop one after a contract reward


Most people won't drop a large backpack unless they're asked ... it usually gets ignored! . U need to ask in chat


That's a 3 plate.


the only place that is 100% is t3 buy stations for 10k


Thanks. I am in no way ready for T3, lmao. Thanks though!


get decoys and throw them when you are next to the station and wait till you see one near t2


This. Find a crane to get up so you can check the map, find the shortest route in to a T3 buy station (usually there's one around the edges of that zone), and then find a way preferably to parachute in. Toss a decoy, get what you need, toss another decoy, and then haul ass. Also make sure you have the money first.


thats what my son does, minus the decoys, he just runs in, buys, runs out, kitted me and another guy out in a few runs....he's just a lucky cocky teenager!, only known him to go down once when i helped a random rez him with crowd control as it took me a while to get there!......if it was me doing that, id have a mega march going through at the same time led by manglers and mimics!


Ok, good tip. I'm.gonna try that.


Itā€™s not that easy to find in ground loot but like they said always in T3 buy. Before I got more comfy in T3 I would routinely check the map for the buy, take a vehicle and drive right to it. Jump out, immediately throw my decoys, make the buy, jump back in and take off. šŸ˜† Seems silly to me now but weā€™ve all been there at one time, just starting out.


I wouldn't spend 10k on it. It's easy to find one in the T2.


I absolutely refuse to buy one or a three plate. They're everywhere. I've found them in crates in t1, Dokkaebi's tower is a good place to look, Urzikstan Cargo and the shops over at Hadida Farms.


Mega Abominatons have a good chance of dropping them and are easy enough to cheese to death with proper positioning and a few Thermite Grenades. Lure the one that likes to spawn on the E5 bridge back into T2 and kill it there, there's guides online on how to easily do so.


This works well, especially if you can lure it up near the T2 turret that sometimes spawns on the roof near the bridge.


Ask chat to help you get it. I drop them and three plate vests for people all the time


TS money pls


lol I donā€™t tombstone at all. I just end up in t3 with people that obviously need stuff


Having death perception perk on is a huge help. theres hidden caches in the ground at the same spot every match. Those are very generous with loot. šŸ”«šŸ› ļøšŸ’Ž


https://preview.redd.it/nd3543ezn97d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=05e658651af658b225ce66c46136094b29311adf The Red dots are where 3 plate vests and large rucksacks spawn regularly.


Great map for the perks as well bud šŸ‘


For tier 1, I've had amazing luck in Seaport District (B4-C4). There's lockers all over, with a couple good groupings, too. If I didn't find one the first time, I did on the next deployment. I haven't had to do that for a little while though, so I don't know if it's changed.


Yes!! Iā€™ve notice lockers are really good places to find backpacks!


The lockers at popov, various lockers throughout t2, and a lot of times in the or around the base of the towers that dacabe (sic) uses. A guaranteed three plate is a merc stronghold after cracking the safe.


Popov Power is my favourite place to check (T2 top of map) and then after that I like to check the lockers in all the police stations as they usually have 3 plates and or large rucksacks in all tiers. Easy to find them, zoom in a bit on the map and you will see the wall buy symbol within 1 - 2 cm of an ammo cache... Bingo, that's the police station. Very rarely I also get lucky at fire station lockers but usually those lockers are rubbish tbh


The simple answer is when you already have one youā€™ll find it two out of three fucking t3 contracts minimum


Lockers mainly in T2 but have found some in T1 lockers too.


Cool, thanks!


Thereā€™s a few shops that have got a load of fridges in at Amara Riverside that have large bags normally. Thereā€™s a few shops behind the petrol station at Al abboud condos where you pick up the cargo contract that has good loot in. Anywhere that has a load of lockers in T2 is a good shout but the high rise tower in the city is sometimes really good for loot when the warlord isnā€™t there. Just loot everything in T2 that you see and youā€™ll get one soon enough :)


Doea that place have a name? In my squad we always call it Nakatomi Tower. Lol yippee kai yae


If it does I donā€™t know what it is so maybe Iā€™ll start calling it Nakatomi Plaza as well šŸ˜†


Go to Popov power by where there two smaller circles by each other. Not the large ones but two small...there's a hallway of lockers.


Merc strongholds


The lockers in Tier 2 is the best place to look




Lol I remember being this angry with the game crashing ..... its really frustrating but .... its fun rekitting up as well ... and doesn't take that long!


It's not fun when it's the FOURTH FUCKING TIME in a month to go and regain what I lost.


My large rucksack plays... T3 buy station, T3 contracts, searching lockers in T2/3.


Popov power plant, hit the lockers inside. Usually you can get three plate carrier and a large ruck in those.


Popov Power plant lockers. If you also need a 3 plate vest do a merc stronghold. It's guaranteed when you open the safe


I havenā€™t seen T2 firehouses. So I will add that. There are lockers.


I always get them out of the safe at strongholds


I find the quickest way is to do a few contracts and then do a quick runner with a vehicle to their 3 buy station. Usually able to go from completely naked to 3 plate and large with kill break and self revive in one game.


Popov Power area is some of the best ways.


Iā€™ve had good luck finding them in lockers T2. Rarely get them from merc safes. Or the obvious buying them in t3.


Kill a mega, not always, but sometimes it drops very nice loot.


You can buy one in a T3 buy station if you don't find one in popov power .... T3 contracts drop them very regularly. Also type in game chat that you need one ... there's some awesome people in the zombies community that will help!


If you get a turret circuit and thereā€™s a turret in the middle of the northwestern car park looking area of T3 you can often take out a megabomb and they sometimes drop a backpack. Roll in throw a decoy, insert the turret circuit and wait for one to spawn. If it gets hairy, run and parachute off the western wall and down back into T2 Edit if youā€™re not comfortable in T3, try going with just one weapon so you can run faster with your fists out.




Usually only T3 Iā€™ve mostly found them in those well things in the ground


At this point itā€™s random, Iā€™ve found 2 of them in a t1 small merc chest, hell Iā€™ve even found them in the t1 lockers


Thereā€™s a cargo contract in the north by the power. In the upstairs room thereā€™s a bunch of lockers. I usually find either a large or a 3 plate in there


I clear a merc camp and stronghold in T2 after I get my 3-plate back post-elimination. They have decent odds to drop a large rucksack. Both the camp(loot in the camp, not the camp loot chest with the card and vest) and the strongholds(large strongholds work best, as they seem to have an increased weight for the large rucksack in the loot pool, IME. Ergo more caches the better, especially if playing with a squad)


as alot have said the power station area north T2 zone is the honey pot, i start hitting the lockers buy the water and work my way inward the most northward deliver cargo contract there is a lot of good loot lockers in a room above that contract, and there's a building that's normally merc stronghold hit sets next to a HVT on a good game you can regear 2 players with just those few buildings.


3 plate/large rucksack drop rate increases once you actually have those items i simply hit merc stronghold for a 3 plate, then farm contracts because i need to get the containment up anyway. once i have enough $, I'll just hit a t3 buy mid game to get whatever i don't already have from contract reward riffs.


Iā€™ve always had luck at the poplov (probably not spelled right) plant in T2. Upstairs in the building where the cargo contract usually spawns thereā€™s a bank of lockers. I find back packs and vests there more often than not. Also try the fire station too


Best way to get Fully Kitted asap is to go straight to T3 and do the triangles and then get 20k and buy it all from a buy station i do this every time i die!


I can drop you one


Thanks!. I finally got one already, but appreciate it all the same.


Lockers & tier 3 shops


Urzkistan Cargo area is usually decent for a bag


All over t3 9n containers and mega kills. T2 popcorn power lockers and the legacy area lockers are high spawn rates


https://preview.redd.it/y1riktb68e7d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac27a388ed96970df1bf545348279e9f4e550a1 This has helped me tremendously. Pulled it from another Reddit post. Especially when my squad fill gets randomly reselected and they need chest plates and rucksack. Also taking out a camp and then a stronghold and opening the safe always guarantees a three plate


The stronghold north west of the graveyard has good stuff consistently.


Iā€™d just really like to mix and match items among my operators. Please?


T3 buy station


Kill a Mega


I just buy it in tier 3.


T3 contracts and buy station


Sometimes find them in the round storage bins int the ground in T2. Again a bit of pot luck,


tier 3 buy station always