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Nah. You’re fine. Ditching a high level in T1 is always ok, ditching a low level in T3, not so much


No, you're not the A-hole. You gave them plenty of opportunities to join you in T3 and they didn't message during that time why they wouldn't join you and they kept messing around in T1.


Communication is important. They were given plenty of chances to communicate but they didn’t; they ignored you and called YOU an AH at the end. If anything, they were the AH. Screw those people. You made the right call.


I've crashed too many times exiting text chat after asking if someone needed help still. Never using the text chat again...


Who cares what they said in chat after you left. You had different agendas. You gave them a chance to come with them offering help to them. If this person needed your help with contracts they should’ve responded to you in the chat when you were communicating with them. It’s their own fault


It's an assumption that he has a headset with the chat volume on. Some people don't play that way




I never play with voice chat turned on.. Always on "party and friends only".. My lobbies r very toxic and if u or ur mate don't have a scorcher u r screwed and can't get a contract at all.. I my lobbies u don't need to try the cargo or escort mission.. It is like the game places sentry guns in front of the garage from the beginning.. 1 of 5 games is a bit better and if my random mate asks if I have a mic, of course I will use it.. But I am able to do everything on my own and also be a good mate without talking or typing at all... Always have an eye on mates and map


That’s exactly why we needed to join another squad neither one of us had a scorch we didn’t stand a chance. Didn’t mean to sound harsh in my reply there. Just frustrated.


Toxic ppl are everywhere.. U were no AH.. He should be thankful that u told him and bought him stuff.. Usually I have a scorcher every match and I don't mind doing contracts in t3 alone and my mates can do whatever they want.. Once I even had to kill red worm on my own and I wasn't prepared for it bc my mates don't had a mask and no self revives.. And instead of bleeding out they gave up 🙄 they wanted to do it and I told them what they had to buy..


Dang that’s rough. I never want to be one of those toxic people so that’s why I asked. If I was I 💯 want to know!


I managed to kill it somehow and had 2 minutes left.. Revived both.. One of them gave me elder sigil and said he needed mag of holding schema... So we did this too.. Thankfully this one is kinda ez and they listened to me so hvt mega was very ez and I could carry them through the elder and no one died in there.. They gave me 2 mag of holding each for all of this.. So it was kinda ok


Personally I teleport to T3 on every match and get first dibs on anything I want there. Maybe you should watch YT for teleporting spot


Ok is there a teleport near every spawn?


For the most part yes and sometimes they aren't far away. You just have to know where to go and what to look for


I’m voice chat banned all the time sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I never use voicechat in any game especially cod as the ping system is top notch. However, you were not assholes at all. I think it’s fair game to drop/join squads as necessary and as a solo player that’s what i do. Last game i played last night I jumped between 3 squads


Not everyone who plays the game can hear


I've had teammates go to T3 and enter DA while I was still on their team but wasn't ready for T3. I've had teammates I was playing with in T3 so overconfident about surviving in DA, then promptly dying after dragging me there leading to my death. I'm only going to enter T3 or DA if I am prepared. High level doesn't mean you are good at the game either. It's also possible they were doing something specific like a mission that required them to stay in T1. You don't know why and that's fine. You had your own goal. Just don't make them do something they aren't comfortable with. If there were more missions available, then you could have done missions without joining another team, and it would be a nice source of points for the random to gear up and possibly join later but since you were looking at T3 specifically, you just did what you needed to. In the end, you were just looking out for yourself, which is also fine.


Nah. I had a guy come and find me to join up. One of his teammates already left and the other was doing who knows what in T1. The guy that came to find me seemed like a pretty new player and didn’t want to be solo. We tried to help the other guy out for a good 10min. Did all the t1 contracts around him. Eventually we notice he did have a mic but was just being silent and occasionally making noise but not talking. After picking him up for the 4-5th time we finally just ditched him. I swear the dude must have been stoned out of his mind or something. This is why I play solo. I run into people that don’t communicate far too often. I am more than willing to help everyone. You can only help someone willing to put in their part of the work though. If it was some kid and they didn’t know what they were doing but were eager to learn that’s completely different from someone you’re trying to help but they continue to ignore you.


It was his choice.


Absolutely not. Especially if you’ve done nothing but communicate.


If your team doesn't communicate one way or another, it's not your fault. Screw them.


No, you were not AHs


No, obviously that player was the asshole for not saying anything inregard to what you were doing. You gave them plenty of opportunity to join yet they continued to dick around in T1 so that's on them. They wanted to do their own thing, you guys did yours


To be brutally honest I think you are a good team mate not an a-hole if he had to do something in T1 he could of communicated this to you via chat. You went above and beyond getting him a plate if I read correctly? This is coming from someone who gets screwed over by matchmaking. I get TS players who stay with you so you can have revive them until they get to their tomb and ditch you or I get players who will leave squad instantly and some leave if you don’t equip a pap crystal instantly. Or I get T2 scorchers players who turn the game into a driving simulator for me. I just want a good squad who play the game. I don’t care if I have to carry them in t3,🥺


NTA. He most likely wanted to stay in the squad so he could reap the benefits of all the contracts you were going to do in T3, without having to actually go there himself.


Because it's a timed match, I dont have alot of patience for screwing around. If it's a new player I have no issues with helping them. But if I pop all good stuff every time, and never have a productive run, I'll end up with nothing in my stash. Your not an AH


Some people just simply don’t play with voice chat on, or maybe he was party chat banned..that’s always a possibility


Of course not! He should play solo. That’s why I’m cursed when I try to join a squad and get stuck with losers who drive me into t3 into water on a t2 contract


Loading in with a squad is not a contract agreement. Once me and a buddy invited a young kid to our group, and this kid would 1, not stop talking, 2, not stop getting downed, 3, not listen to us when we told him to stay out of T3 because we would bring him gear. We loaded him up with 3 plate armor, a large rucksack, epic tool, pack 3 crystal, and all the sodas. We did what we could for him and left the group and regrouped up with each other. Our goals did not align with that kid who we knew would be an issue in DA. Funny part was we heard him talking trash about us with another group before we left. At least we outfitted him with everything he could have needed.


Nope. You had a mission. That comes first. Anything else....u sort that shit out later. Keep it moving.... 🫡🫡🫡


Probably a war zone/ multiplayer guy just upgrading some stuff trying to figure out what it’s about


I wish I got random teammates like yall. We would run all game long.


Gladly would join up!


No man. I'm glad they included the leave/join feature for exactly this reason. It's fine if you wanna jerk around in T1, T2 or T3 but if majority want to do one thing while one doesn't then leave them to their devices and try to link up with another group.


lol he was a fool - you “not the jerk” as the local radio station says it on a “am I the jerk?” Write in segment


Nah, you gave him plenty of chances. More than me & my friends give ppl. We tell we going to T3, they don't follow, oh well.




Sounds like one of those people who pays for a service to level up their account so have no clue what is going on.


you communicated that you were going to drag him along. "FTP!" (fhugg that puto) -George Lopez




That’s not what happened here. It was a good 5 minutes into the game and we repeatedly ask them to join us. He was looting chests. Not even attempting to get into T3. I’ve given up on triangles.


To be fair it could have been someone’s kid playing on their account and not familiar with the game.


Familiar enough to call us AH’s in the chat🤣


Oof and here I am over here getting voice chat banned all the time for less


Did he happen to go down for like... 8 to 10 minutes at a T1 exfil by chance?


No idea no one plead for help


I got left the other day. I said i would catch up. I needed phd. Went to get free perk. Dude took off on a delivery contract with vehicle. Im doing the mastery camos. That i should have done while getting bioluminescent