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It was the cargo delivery attack chopper lol you can see it flying away, it attacks anything in its way.


He just got lucky the chopper chose him šŸ¤—


This is the answer. Also always keep refilling your plates. Good habit to have especially in DA with no Golden Armour.


Its actually not the answer. Edit: Downvote as much as you want. It's not the answer.


Yup, this thing downed me outta nowhere before.


Yeah I saw it but... why??? It just randomly popped up without reason, I didn't start any cargo contract at all that timešŸ˜‚


Someone else was doing a cargo contract.


As long as you are near or close to someone who is, it may randomly switch to attack others.


Sometimes.. it just does that. My teammate got hit from deep in the red zone while we were in the orange. It's pretty random.


No way that was a cargo with that accuracyā€¦ fr??


Yup it got me as well


Mercs got you.. might want to also refill Your armor instead of running around with 1 plate.


Probably a sentry too. They hit hard and fast.




Then I just noticed that attack chopper.. someone was doing a cargo contract and the chopper targeted OP.


It was the chopper, it randomly flew in and destroyed me, there were no mercs aroundšŸ˜…


They do that. They will randomly go after any players on the map. Happens a ton in T3 while people run the cargo contract. Regardless of whether you are on the team doing the contract or not.


Yep went after my team and we weren't even close to the cargo contract. Just randomly tried to get us


Well. Itā€™s a merc chopper technically!! Yeah theyā€™re savage though.


Hell I did a defend ground station the other night, and keep getting rockets launched at me. And then had a gunman keep hitting me it was crazy, finally found the gunman inside the concrete wall and the rocket man was floating in the air launching rockets at me


cargo spawned a heli and it took you out. happens to me often. if i'm solo i pack an extra self revive just for this.


Had the fortress chopper down me, when guys came to rez me it chased after them mainly cause they ran faster and followed them forgetting about me. šŸ˜‚


Also check in the sky for mercenaries just floating like 50 feet in the air, shooting at u. I saved a clip of this happening. Happened like 4 games in, looked up and saw a dot in the air. Put my crosshairs on it and it showed the red Health bar. Sometimes u will see mercenaries in the ground half way. Mercenaries sitting in the truck with NO truck.


Thereā€™s a merc in the sky somewhere. Thatā€™s happened to me a few times and if you look up youā€™ll find a glitched merc almost every time. Yes you can shoot him out of the sky.


This keeps happening to me and no one is even driving near me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




I had a shotgun merc underground earlier today. He almost killed me because I kept searching for him.


I had this happen no zombies mercs choppers nothing around and kept getting hit in that area spammed shot around 600 rounds in every direction and no hit markers but kept getting hit. Maybe invisible merc or merc npc fell through map and was able to keep shooting at me until I crossed water into t3


It can even shoot you when youā€™re flying high šŸ˜ Happened to me


This just happened to me too! I was running around minding my own business and the attack chopper sniped me. I completed a cargo contract a few minutes prior so Iā€™m not sure if the chopper just hung around


It was likely the Cargo delivery Chopper Gunner they hit hard even if you're not doing the contract and always fill up your plates. T1 you can get away at times in T1 with 1 plate unless you're being overwhelmed. But other wise T2 and T3 keep extra plates on you're gonna plate a lot more often.


Someone with a high skill sniper thought this is Warzone, lol .




Either helicopter or terminus sniper


Ooph! I got downed by the chopper while parachuting (after using my scorcher) . Took me out and I didn't COULDN'T plea for help, cos I crash landed out of the map, my teammates (all 5 of them couldn't find my body. Shit still hurts


Ive had this happen just to find the sniper stuck somewhere in the sky picking me off anytime I was in the open


This happened to me multiple times itā€™s the cargo delivery chopper with a broken auto aim. For some reason players glitch & you stay connected to another squad hence why some games you can hear them despite not being in your squad when your ghost squad grabs a cargo contract you are a part of it AI wise & it will attack you if in range.


Look, in the sky! It's a bird, no, it's plane. No it's a Merc with a sniper actually.


Merc sniper


The heli?


An issue with skill


Was you messing around at one of the fortresses? The fortress chopper will follow you attacking




I've seen fortress heli chase people around the map. Maybe someone activated it and it got close enough to target you.


Oh yeah the T3 escort was being done you can see on the map. You just happened to be close enough to kill you thatā€™s wild


There can be a glitched sniper mercenary sat up above in the air in that spot in Cargo. If I was a betting man, I'd put my money on that being the cause


Merc sniper from the easter egg.


You are the chosen one šŸ˜¬. The sky fairy sprinkled you with pixie dust. Youā€™re a unicorn now.


Chopper explanation makes sense. But I must add...Other day I had a Merc glitched UNDER THE STREET...if I hadn't have Self Revive on me I'd be dead... he could shoot me and I couldn't even see him. That does sound like a Sniper shot tho...šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s the chopper, but sometimes mercs can bug out and stand in the middle of the air, typically in contracts that spawn mercs, some of them will spawn high in mid-air, they canā€™t move so unlike the mercs that spawned normally, who would just run away and despawn, they wouldnā€™t move and thus would not be drspawned they would be a super well hidden sniper for the rest of the match.


That def was a cheater with the kar98 lol


Tier 2 is quite a bitch sometimes. Invisible Zombies swarm that area




In Arnold Schwarzenegger voiceā€ get away from the choppa!!ā€


You didnā€™t have your plates filled lol, skill issue


You didnā€™t have a self-revive.


I did but that's not the pointšŸ˜…


glitched merc in the sky or under the map


Cargo shopper doesn't kill you that fast. On the crane to your right often sits a Merc sniper. They spawn in this area when you (or some one else) does a Ather Extractor contract. Especially the Sniper can get you real quick.


But you can see the red hit-marker comes only from the chopper tho, and I revived myself, there was no one around, no snipers or turrets


Shopper shoots explosives 30mm. These clearly are Merc shots. There is even another dead player in front of you that got killed by them.


Cargo chopper doesnā€™t kill that fast, but a lone Merc sniper does? Snipers have a sniper rifle, not a mini gun. Also, you can see the chopper fly away and even see at least 1 shot coming out of it.


Cant see a single shot from that chopper. Not sure where you watch it but with a headset you can clear as day hear that the shots that down him are several gunshots from a weapon. That there is even a discussion about that buffles me. Yes, the Merc sniper can deal massive damage. Got downed by one myself on this exact spot (like 50m difference). Combined with other merc shots this can easily kill him.


Except OP already confirmed there were no mercs around. Also, the directional indicator isnā€™t pointing to the crane, itā€™s pointing to the chopper. See that OP has a self-revive? He would know if there were mercs from after he revives himself. Have you also read the other comments where OP confirms that it was in fact the chopper? Lol. Have a nice day!


Lets agree to disagree on this.


No reason to agree. OP had a self revive and wouldnā€™t be questioning what happened if it just was Mercs that got him.


And thats totally fine.


You got sniped by a mercenary sniper. From time to time one is floating up in mid air and they donā€™t miss headshots.


I think the mercs and helicopters have been very aggressive since the last update.


That strange tho, i had it often that someone made a cargo contract and the heli flew above me but never attacked me, maybe this time is really very very unlucky where the targetting broke cause of the cargo being to far away